@feature Feature: Features Page As a Cucumber-In-The-YARD user I rely on the ability to view the details of each feature. Background: Given the feature file, 'features', is the feature for the scenario Scenario: Location Then I expect the feature file html to exist at 'requirements/features' Scenario: Identification Then I expect the feature title to be 'Feature: Features Page' And I expect the feature heading to be 'Feature: Features Page' Scenario: Tags Then I expect the feature to have the @feature tag Scenario: Description Then I expect the feature description to be """ As a Cucumber-In-The-YARD user I rely on the ability to view the details of each feature. """ Scenario: Background Then I expect the feature to have a background And I expect the background to have steps """ Given the feature, 'features.feature', is the feature for the scenario """ Scenario: Scenarios Then I expect the feature to have the scenarios: """ Location Identification Tags Description Background Scenarios """