# frozen_string_literal: true describe BlacklightUrlHelper do let(:blacklight_config) do Blacklight::Configuration.new.configure do |config| config.index.title_field = 'title_display' config.index.display_type_field = 'format' end end let(:parameter_class) { ActionController::Parameters } before do allow(helper).to receive(:search_action_path) do |*args| search_catalog_url *args end allow(helper).to receive_messages(blacklight_config: blacklight_config) allow(helper).to receive_messages(current_search_session: nil) allow(helper).to receive(:search_session).and_return({}) end describe "url_for_document" do let(:controller_class) { ::CatalogController.new } let(:doc) { SolrDocument.new } before do allow(helper).to receive_messages(controller: controller_class) allow(helper).to receive_messages(controller_name: controller_class.controller_name) allow(helper).to receive_messages(params: parameter_class.new) end it "is a polymorphic routing-ready object" do expect(helper.url_for_document(doc)).to eq doc end it "allows for custom show routes" do helper.blacklight_config.show.route = { controller: 'catalog' } expect(helper.url_for_document(doc)).to eq({controller: 'catalog', action: :show, id: doc}) end context "within bookmarks" do let(:controller_class) { ::BookmarksController.new } it "uses polymorphic routing" do expect(helper.url_for_document(doc)).to eq doc end end context "within an alternative catalog controller" do let(:controller_class) { ::AlternateController.new } before do helper.blacklight_config.show.route = { controller: :current } allow(helper).to receive(:params).and_return(parameter_class.new controller: 'alternate') end it "supports the :current controller configuration" do expect(helper.url_for_document(doc)).to eq(controller: 'alternate', action: :show, id: doc) end end it "is a polymorphic route if the solr document responds to #to_model with a non-SolrDocument" do some_model = double doc = SolrDocument.new allow(doc).to receive_messages(to_model: some_model) expect(helper.url_for_document(doc)).to eq doc end end describe "link_back_to_catalog" do let(:query_params) {{:q => "query", :f => "facets", :controller=>'catalog'}} let(:bookmarks_query_params) {{ :controller=>'bookmarks'}} it "builds a link tag to catalog using session[:search] for query params" do allow(helper).to receive(:current_search_session).and_return double(:query_params => query_params) tag = helper.link_back_to_catalog expect(tag).to match /q=query/ expect(tag).to match /f=facets/ expect(tag).to_not match /page=/ expect(tag).to_not match /per_page=/ end it "builds a link tag to bookmarks using session[:search] for query params" do allow(helper).to receive(:current_search_session).and_return double(:query_params => bookmarks_query_params) tag = helper.link_back_to_catalog expect(tag).to match /Back to Bookmarks/ expect(tag).to match /\/bookmarks/ end context "with a search context" do it "uses the current search session counter and per page information to construct the appropriate pagination context" do allow(helper).to receive_messages(current_search_session: double(query_params: query_params)) allow(helper).to receive_messages(search_session: { 'per_page' => 15, 'counter' => 31 }) tag = helper.link_back_to_catalog expect(tag).to match /page=3/ expect(tag).to match /per_page=15/ end it "omits per_page if the value is the same as the default" do allow(helper).to receive_messages(current_search_session: double(query_params: query_params)) allow(helper).to receive_messages(search_session: { 'per_page' => 10, 'counter' => 31 }) tag = helper.link_back_to_catalog expect(tag).to match /page=4/ expect(tag).to_not match /per_page=/ end end context "without current search context" do before do if Rails.version >= '5.0.0' controller.request.assign_parameters(Rails.application.routes, 'catalog', 'show', { id: '123' }, '/catalog/123', [:controller, :action, :id]) else controller.request.assign_parameters(Rails.application.routes, 'catalog', 'show', id: '123') end allow(helper).to receive_messages(current_search_session: nil) end subject { helper.link_back_to_catalog } it "links to the catalog" do expect(subject).to eq 'Back to Search' end end context "when an alternate scope is passed in" do let(:my_engine) { double("Engine") } subject(:tag) { helper.link_back_to_catalog(route_set: my_engine) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_search_session).and_return double(:query_params => query_params) end it "calls url_for on the engine scope" do expect(my_engine).to receive(:url_for) .with(q:"query", f: "facets", controller: "catalog") .and_return('link-url') expect(tag).to match /Back to Search/ expect(tag).to match /link-url/ end end end describe "link_to_previous_document" do context "when the argument is nil" do subject { helper.link_to_previous_document(nil) } it { is_expected.to eq '« Previous' } end end describe "link_to_query" do it "builds a link tag to catalog using query string (no other params)" do query = "brilliant" allow(helper).to receive_messages(params: parameter_class.new) tag = helper.link_to_query(query) expect(tag).to match /q=#{query}/ expect(tag).to match />#{query}<\/a>/ end it "builds a link tag to catalog using query string and other existing params" do query = "wonderful" allow(helper).to receive_messages(params: parameter_class.new(qt: "title_search", per_page: "50")) tag = helper.link_to_query(query) expect(tag).to match /qt=title_search/ expect(tag).to match /per_page=50/ end it "ignores existing :page param" do query = "yes" allow(helper).to receive_messages(params: parameter_class.new(page: "2", qt: "author_search")) tag = helper.link_to_query(query) expect(tag).to match /qt=author_search/ expect(tag).to_not match /page/ end it "is html_safe" do query = "brilliant" allow(helper).to receive_messages(params: parameter_class.new(page: "2", qt: "author_search")) tag = helper.link_to_query(query) expect(tag).to be_html_safe end end describe "start_over_path" do it 'is the catalog path with the current view type' do allow(blacklight_config).to receive(:view) { { list: nil, abc: nil} } allow(helper).to receive_messages(:blacklight_config => blacklight_config) expect(helper.start_over_path(:view => 'abc')).to eq search_catalog_url(:view => 'abc') end it 'does not include the current view type if it is the default' do allow(blacklight_config).to receive(:view) { { list: nil, asdf: nil} } allow(helper).to receive_messages(:blacklight_config => blacklight_config) expect(helper.start_over_path(:view => 'list')).to eq search_catalog_url end end describe "link_to_document" do let(:title_display) { '654321' } let(:id) { '123456' } let(:data) { { 'id' => id, 'title_display' => [title_display] } } let(:document) { SolrDocument.new(data) } before do allow(controller).to receive(:action_name).and_return('index') end it "consists of the document title wrapped in a " do expect(helper.link_to_document(document, :title_display)).to have_selector("a", :text => '654321', :count => 1) end it "accepts and returns a string label" do expect(helper.link_to_document(document, String.new('title_display'))).to have_selector("a", :text => 'title_display', :count => 1) end it "accepts and returns a Proc" do expect(helper.link_to_document(document, Proc.new { |doc, opts| doc[:id] + ": " + doc.first(:title_display) })).to have_selector("a", :text => '123456: 654321', :count => 1) end context 'when label is missing' do let(:data) { { 'id' => id } } it "returns id" do expect(helper.link_to_document(document, :title_display)).to have_selector("a", :text => '123456', :count => 1) end it "is html safe" do expect(helper.link_to_document(document, :title_display)).to be_html_safe end it "passes on the title attribute to the link_to_with_data method" do expect(helper.link_to_document(document, "Some crazy long label...", title: "Some crazy longer label")).to match(/title=\"Some crazy longer label\"/) end it "doesn't add an erroneous title attribute if one isn't provided" do expect(helper.link_to_document(document, "Some crazy long label...")).to_not match(/title=/) end context "with an integer id" do let(:id) { 123456 } it "works" do expect(helper.link_to_document(document)).to have_selector("a") end end end it "converts the counter parameter into a data- attribute" do allow(helper).to receive(:track_test_path).with(hash_including(id: have_attributes(id: '123456'), counter: 5)).and_return('tracking url') expect(helper.link_to_document(document, :title_display, counter: 5)).to include 'data-context-href="tracking url"' end it "includes the data- attributes from the options" do link = helper.link_to_document document, { data: { x: 1 } } expect(link).to have_selector '[data-x]' end it 'adds a controller-specific tracking attribute' do expect(helper).to receive(:track_test_path).and_return('/asdf') link = helper.link_to_document document, { data: { x: 1 } } expect(link).to have_selector '[data-context-href="/asdf"]' end it 'adds a global tracking attribute' do link = helper.link_to_document document, { data: { x: 1 } } expect(link).to have_selector '[data-context-href="/catalog/123456/track"]' end end describe "link_to_previous_search" do let(:params) { {} } it "links to the given search parameters" do allow(helper).to receive(:render_search_to_s).with(params).and_return "link text" expect(helper.link_to_previous_search({})).to eq helper.link_to("link text", helper.search_action_path) end end describe "#bookmarks_export_url" do it "is the bookmark url with an encrypted user token" do allow(helper).to receive_messages(encrypt_user_id: 'xyz', current_or_guest_user: double(id: 123)) url = helper.bookmarks_export_url(:html) expect(url).to eq helper.bookmarks_url(format: :html, encrypted_user_id: 'xyz') end end describe "#session_tracking_path" do let(:document) { SolrDocument.new(id: 1) } it "determines the correct route for the document class" do allow(helper).to receive(:track_test_path).with(id: have_attributes(id: 1)).and_return('x') expect(helper.session_tracking_path(document)).to eq 'x' end it "passes through tracking parameters" do allow(helper).to receive(:track_test_path).with(id: have_attributes(id: 1), x: 1).and_return('x') expect(helper.session_tracking_path(document, x: 1)).to eq 'x' end end end