# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "helpers" class Config # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength attr_reader :org_comes_from_env, :app_comes_from_env, # command line options :args, :options, :required_options include Helpers CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = ".controlplane/controlplane.yml" def initialize(args, options, required_options) @args = args @options = options @required_options = required_options ensure_required_options! Shell.verbose_mode(options[:verbose]) trace_mode = options[:trace] return unless trace_mode ControlplaneApiDirect.trace = trace_mode Shell.warn("Trace mode is enabled, this will print sensitive information to the console.") end def org @org ||= load_org_from_options || load_org_from_env || load_org_from_file end def app @app ||= load_app_from_options || load_app_from_env end def location @location ||= load_location_from_options || load_location_from_env || load_location_from_file end def domain @domain ||= load_domain_from_options || load_domain_from_file end def [](key) ensure_current_config! raise "Can't find option '#{key}' for app '#{app}' in 'controlplane.yml'." unless current.key?(key) current.fetch(key) end def script_path Pathname.new(__dir__).parent.parent end def app_cpln_dir "#{app_dir}/.controlplane" end def should_app_start_with?(app_name) apps[app_name.to_sym]&.dig(:match_if_app_name_starts_with) || false end def app_dir Pathname.new(config_file_path).parent.parent.to_s end def config @config ||= begin global_config = YAML.safe_load_file(config_file_path, symbolize_names: true, aliases: true) ensure_config!(global_config) ensure_config_apps!(global_config) global_config end end def apps @apps ||= config[:apps].to_h do |app_name, app_options| ensure_config_app!(app_name, app_options) app_options_with_new_keys = app_options.to_h do |key, value| new_key = new_option_keys[key] new_key ? [new_key, value] : [key, value] end [app_name, app_options_with_new_keys] end end def current return unless app @current ||= begin app_config = find_app_config(app) ensure_config_app!(app, app_config) warn_deprecated_options(app_config) app_config end end def app_matches?(app_name1, app_name2, app_options) app_name1 && app_name2 && (app_name1.to_s == app_name2.to_s || (app_options[:match_if_app_name_starts_with] && app_name1.to_s.start_with?(app_name2.to_s)) ) end def find_app_config(app_name1) @app_configs ||= {} @app_configs[app_name1] ||= apps.find do |app_name2, app_config| app_matches?(app_name1, app_name2, app_config) end&.last end private def ensure_current_config! raise "Can't find current config, please specify an app." unless current end def ensure_config!(global_config) raise "'controlplane.yml' is empty." unless global_config end def ensure_config_apps!(global_config) raise "Can't find key 'apps' in 'controlplane.yml'." unless global_config[:apps] end def ensure_config_app!(app_name, app_options) raise "Can't find config for app '#{app_name}' in 'controlplane.yml'." unless app_options end def ensure_app! return if app raise "No app provided. " \ "The app can be provided either through the CPLN_APP env var " \ "('allow_app_override_by_env' must be set to true in 'controlplane.yml'), " \ "or the --app command option." end def ensure_org! return if org raise "No org provided. " \ "The org can be provided either through the CPLN_ORG env var " \ "('allow_org_override_by_env' must be set to true in 'controlplane.yml'), " \ "the --org command option, " \ "or the 'cpln_org' key in 'controlplane.yml'." end def ensure_required_options! # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity ensure_app! if required_options.include?(:app) ensure_org! if required_options.include?(:org) || app missing_str = required_options .reject { |option_name| %i[org app].include?(option_name) || options.key?(option_name) } .map { |option_name| "--#{option_name}" } .join(", ") raise "Required options missing: #{missing_str}" unless missing_str.empty? end def config_file_path # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength @config_file_path ||= begin path = Pathname.new(".").expand_path loop do config_file = path + CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION break config_file if File.file?(config_file) path = path.parent if path.root? raise "Can't find project config file at 'project_folder/#{CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION}', please create it." end end end end def new_option_keys { org: :cpln_org, location: :default_location, prefix: :match_if_app_name_starts_with, setup: :setup_app_templates, old_image_retention_days: :image_retention_days } end def load_app_from_env app_from_env = strip_str_and_validate(ENV.fetch("CPLN_APP", nil)) return unless app_from_env app_config = find_app_config(app_from_env) ensure_config_app!(app_from_env, app_config) key_exists = app_config.key?(:allow_app_override_by_env) allowed_locally = key_exists && app_config[:allow_app_override_by_env] allowed_globally = !key_exists && config[:allow_app_override_by_env] return unless allowed_locally || allowed_globally @app_comes_from_env = true app_from_env end def load_app_from_options app_from_options = strip_str_and_validate(options[:app]) return unless app_from_options app_config = find_app_config(app_from_options) ensure_config_app!(app_from_options, app_config) app_from_options end def load_org_from_env org_from_env = strip_str_and_validate(ENV.fetch("CPLN_ORG", nil)) return unless org_from_env key_exists = current&.key?(:allow_org_override_by_env) allowed_locally = key_exists && current[:allow_org_override_by_env] allowed_globally = !key_exists && config[:allow_org_override_by_env] return unless allowed_locally || allowed_globally @org_comes_from_env = true org_from_env end def load_org_from_options strip_str_and_validate(options[:org]) end def load_org_from_file return unless current&.key?(:cpln_org) strip_str_and_validate(current[:cpln_org]) end def load_location_from_options strip_str_and_validate(options[:location]) end def load_location_from_env strip_str_and_validate(ENV.fetch("CPLN_LOCATION", nil)) end def load_location_from_file return unless current&.key?(:default_location) strip_str_and_validate(current.fetch(:default_location)) end def load_domain_from_options strip_str_and_validate(options[:domain]) end def load_domain_from_file return unless current&.key?(:default_domain) strip_str_and_validate(current.fetch(:default_domain)) end def warn_deprecated_options(app_options) deprecated_option_keys = new_option_keys.select { |old_key| app_options.key?(old_key) } return if deprecated_option_keys.empty? deprecated_option_keys.each do |old_key, new_key| Shell.warn_deprecated("Option '#{old_key}' is deprecated, " \ "please use '#{new_key}' instead (in 'controlplane.yml').") end $stderr.puts end end