// Copyright (c) 2012, 2017 Peter Ohler. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for license details. #include "dump.h" #include "odd.h" #include "trace.h" static const char hex_chars[17] = "0123456789abcdef"; static void dump_obj_attrs(VALUE obj, VALUE clas, slot_t id, int depth, Out out); static void dump_time(VALUE obj, Out out) { switch (out->opts->time_format) { case RubyTime: case XmlTime: oj_dump_xml_time(obj, out); break; case UnixZTime: oj_dump_time(obj, out, 1); break; case UnixTime: default: oj_dump_time(obj, out, 0); break; } } static void dump_data(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { VALUE clas = rb_obj_class(obj); if (rb_cTime == clas) { assure_size(out, 6); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "{\"^t\":", 6); dump_time(obj, out); *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } else { if (oj_bigdecimal_class == clas) { volatile VALUE rstr = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); const char * str = RSTRING_PTR(rstr); int len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(rstr); if (No != out->opts->bigdec_as_num) { oj_dump_raw(str, len, out); } else if (0 == strcasecmp("Infinity", str)) { str = oj_nan_str(obj, out->opts->dump_opts.nan_dump, out->opts->mode, true, &len); oj_dump_raw(str, len, out); } else if (0 == strcasecmp("-Infinity", str)) { str = oj_nan_str(obj, out->opts->dump_opts.nan_dump, out->opts->mode, false, &len); oj_dump_raw(str, len, out); } else { oj_dump_cstr(str, len, 0, 0, out); } } else { long id = oj_check_circular(obj, out); if (0 <= id) { dump_obj_attrs(obj, clas, id, depth, out); } } } } static void dump_obj(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { VALUE clas = rb_obj_class(obj); if (oj_bigdecimal_class == clas) { volatile VALUE rstr = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); const char * str = RSTRING_PTR(rstr); int len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(rstr); if (0 == strcasecmp("Infinity", str)) { str = oj_nan_str(obj, out->opts->dump_opts.nan_dump, out->opts->mode, true, &len); oj_dump_raw(str, len, out); } else if (0 == strcasecmp("-Infinity", str)) { str = oj_nan_str(obj, out->opts->dump_opts.nan_dump, out->opts->mode, false, &len); oj_dump_raw(str, len, out); } else { oj_dump_raw(str, len, out); } } else { long id = oj_check_circular(obj, out); if (0 <= id) { dump_obj_attrs(obj, clas, id, depth, out); } } } static void dump_class(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { const char *s = rb_class2name(obj); size_t len = strlen(s); assure_size(out, 6); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "{\"^c\":", 6); oj_dump_cstr(s, len, 0, 0, out); *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_array_class(VALUE a, VALUE clas, int depth, Out out) { size_t size; int i, cnt; int d2 = depth + 1; long id = oj_check_circular(a, out); if (id < 0) { return; } if (Qundef != clas && rb_cArray != clas && ObjectMode == out->opts->mode) { dump_obj_attrs(a, clas, 0, depth, out); return; } cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(a); *out->cur++ = '['; if (0 < id) { assure_size(out, d2 * out->indent + 16); fill_indent(out, d2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"^i", 3); dump_ulong(id, out); *out->cur++ = '"'; } size = 2; assure_size(out, 2); if (0 == cnt) { *out->cur++ = ']'; } else { if (0 < id) { *out->cur++ = ','; } if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { size = d2 * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.array_size + 1; } else { size = d2 * out->indent + 2; } assure_size(out, size * cnt); cnt--; for (i = 0; i <= cnt; i++) { if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.array_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = d2; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } else { fill_indent(out, d2); } oj_dump_obj_val(RARRAY_AREF(a, i), d2, out); if (i < cnt) { *out->cur++ = ','; } } size = depth * out->indent + 1; assure_size(out, size); if (out->opts->dump_opts.use) { // printf("*** d2: %u indent: %u '%s'\n", d2, out->opts->dump_opts->indent_size, // out->opts->dump_opts->indent); if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.array_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.array_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.array_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } else { fill_indent(out, depth); } *out->cur++ = ']'; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_array(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { dump_array_class(obj, rb_obj_class(obj), depth, out); } static void dump_str_class(VALUE obj, VALUE clas, int depth, Out out) { if (Qundef != clas && rb_cString != clas) { dump_obj_attrs(obj, clas, 0, depth, out); } else { const char *s = RSTRING_PTR(obj); size_t len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(obj); char s1 = s[1]; oj_dump_cstr(s, len, 0, (':' == *s || ('^' == *s && ('r' == s1 || 'i' == s1))), out); } } static void dump_str(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { dump_str_class(obj, rb_obj_class(obj), depth, out); } static void dump_sym(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { volatile VALUE s = rb_sym2str(obj); oj_dump_cstr(RSTRING_PTR(s), (int)RSTRING_LEN(s), 1, 0, out); } static int hash_cb(VALUE key, VALUE value, VALUE ov) { Out out = (Out)ov; int depth = out->depth; long size = depth * out->indent + 1; if (dump_ignore(out->opts, value)) { return ST_CONTINUE; } if (out->omit_nil && Qnil == value) { return ST_CONTINUE; } assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); switch (rb_type(key)) { case T_STRING: dump_str_class(key, Qundef, depth, out); *out->cur++ = ':'; oj_dump_obj_val(value, depth, out); break; case T_SYMBOL: dump_sym(key, 0, out, false); *out->cur++ = ':'; oj_dump_obj_val(value, depth, out); break; default: { int d2 = depth + 1; long s2 = size + out->indent + 1; int i; int started = 0; uint8_t b; assure_size(out, s2 + 15); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"^#", 3); out->hash_cnt++; for (i = 28; 0 <= i; i -= 4) { b = (uint8_t)((out->hash_cnt >> i) & 0x0000000F); if ('\0' != b) { started = 1; } if (started) { *out->cur++ = hex_chars[b]; } } APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\":[", 3); fill_indent(out, d2); oj_dump_obj_val(key, d2, out); assure_size(out, s2); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d2); oj_dump_obj_val(value, d2, out); assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = ']'; } } out->depth = depth; *out->cur++ = ','; return ST_CONTINUE; } static void dump_hash_class(VALUE obj, VALUE clas, int depth, Out out) { int cnt; size_t size; if (Qundef != clas && rb_cHash != clas) { dump_obj_attrs(obj, clas, 0, depth, out); return; } cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(obj); size = depth * out->indent + 2; assure_size(out, 2); if (0 == cnt) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "{}", 2); } else { long id = oj_check_circular(obj, out); if (0 > id) { return; } *out->cur++ = '{'; if (0 < id) { assure_size(out, size + 16); fill_indent(out, depth + 1); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"^i\":", 5); dump_ulong(id, out); *out->cur++ = ','; } out->depth = depth + 1; rb_hash_foreach(obj, hash_cb, (VALUE)out); if (',' == *(out->cur - 1)) { out->cur--; // backup to overwrite last comma } if (!out->opts->dump_opts.use) { assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); } else { size = depth * out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size + out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size + 1; assure_size(out, size); if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.hash_nl, out->opts->dump_opts.hash_size); } if (0 < out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size) { int i; for (i = depth; 0 < i; i--) { APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_str, out->opts->dump_opts.indent_size); } } } *out->cur++ = '}'; } *out->cur = '\0'; } #ifdef HAVE_RB_IVAR_FOREACH static int dump_attr_cb(ID key, VALUE value, VALUE ov) { Out out = (Out)ov; int depth = out->depth; size_t size = depth * out->indent + 1; const char *attr = rb_id2name(key); if (dump_ignore(out->opts, value)) { return ST_CONTINUE; } if (out->omit_nil && Qnil == value) { return ST_CONTINUE; } // Some exceptions such as NoMethodError have an invisible attribute where // the key name is NULL. Not an empty string but NULL. if (NULL == attr) { attr = ""; } else if (Yes == out->opts->ignore_under && '@' == *attr && '_' == attr[1]) { return ST_CONTINUE; } if (0 == strcmp("bt", attr) || 0 == strcmp("mesg", attr)) { return ST_CONTINUE; } assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); if ('@' == *attr) { attr++; oj_dump_cstr(attr, strlen(attr), 0, 0, out); } else { char buf[32]; *buf = '~'; strncpy(buf + 1, attr, sizeof(buf) - 2); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; oj_dump_cstr(buf, strlen(buf), 0, 0, out); } *out->cur++ = ':'; oj_dump_obj_val(value, depth, out); out->depth = depth; *out->cur++ = ','; return ST_CONTINUE; } #endif static void dump_hash(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { dump_hash_class(obj, rb_obj_class(obj), depth, out); } static void dump_odd(VALUE obj, Odd odd, VALUE clas, int depth, Out out) { ID * idp; AttrGetFunc * fp; volatile VALUE v; const char * name; size_t size; int d2 = depth + 1; assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = '{'; if (Qundef != clas) { const char *class_name = rb_class2name(clas); int clen = (int)strlen(class_name); size = d2 * out->indent + clen + 10; assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, d2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"^O\":", 5); oj_dump_cstr(class_name, clen, 0, 0, out); *out->cur++ = ','; } if (odd->raw) { v = rb_funcall(obj, *odd->attrs, 0); if (Qundef == v || T_STRING != rb_type(v)) { rb_raise(rb_eEncodingError, "Invalid type for raw JSON."); } else { const char *s = RSTRING_PTR(v); int len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(v); const char *name = rb_id2name(*odd->attrs); size_t nlen = strlen(name); size = len + d2 * out->indent + nlen + 10; assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, d2); *out->cur++ = '"'; APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, name, nlen); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\":", 2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, s, len); *out->cur = '\0'; } } else { size = d2 * out->indent + 1; for (idp = odd->attrs, fp = odd->attrFuncs; 0 != *idp; idp++, fp++) { size_t nlen; assure_size(out, size); name = rb_id2name(*idp); nlen = strlen(name); if (NULL != *fp) { v = (*fp)(obj); } else if (0 == strchr(name, '.')) { v = rb_funcall(obj, *idp, 0); } else { char nbuf[256]; char *n2 = nbuf; char *n; char *end; ID i; if (sizeof(nbuf) <= nlen) { if (NULL == (n2 = strdup(name))) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "for attribute name."); } } else { strcpy(n2, name); } n = n2; v = obj; while (0 != (end = strchr(n, '.'))) { *end = '\0'; i = rb_intern(n); v = rb_funcall(v, i, 0); n = end + 1; } i = rb_intern(n); v = rb_funcall(v, i, 0); if (nbuf != n2) { free(n2); } } fill_indent(out, d2); oj_dump_cstr(name, nlen, 0, 0, out); *out->cur++ = ':'; oj_dump_obj_val(v, d2, out); assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = ','; } out->cur--; } *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_obj_attrs(VALUE obj, VALUE clas, slot_t id, int depth, Out out) { size_t size = 0; int d2 = depth + 1; int type = rb_type(obj); Odd odd; if (0 != (odd = oj_get_odd(clas))) { dump_odd(obj, odd, clas, depth + 1, out); return; } assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = '{'; if (Qundef != clas) { const char *class_name = rb_class2name(clas); int clen = (int)strlen(class_name); assure_size(out, d2 * out->indent + clen + 10); fill_indent(out, d2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"^o\":", 5); oj_dump_cstr(class_name, clen, 0, 0, out); } if (0 < id) { assure_size(out, d2 * out->indent + 16); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"^i\":", 5); dump_ulong(id, out); } switch (type) { case T_STRING: assure_size(out, d2 * out->indent + 14); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"self\":", 7); oj_dump_cstr(RSTRING_PTR(obj), (int)RSTRING_LEN(obj), 0, 0, out); break; case T_ARRAY: assure_size(out, d2 * out->indent + 14); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"self\":", 7); dump_array_class(obj, Qundef, depth + 1, out); break; case T_HASH: assure_size(out, d2 * out->indent + 14); *out->cur++ = ','; fill_indent(out, d2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"self\":", 7); dump_hash_class(obj, Qundef, depth + 1, out); break; default: break; } { int cnt; #ifdef HAVE_RB_IVAR_COUNT cnt = (int)rb_ivar_count(obj); #else volatile VALUE vars = rb_funcall2(obj, oj_instance_variables_id, 0, 0); VALUE * np = RARRAY_PTR(vars); ID vid; const char * attr; int i; int first = 1; cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(vars); #endif if (Qundef != clas && 0 < cnt) { *out->cur++ = ','; } if (0 == cnt && Qundef == clas) { // Might be something special like an Enumerable. if (Qtrue == rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, oj_enumerable_class)) { out->cur--; oj_dump_obj_val(rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("entries"), 0), depth, out); return; } } out->depth = depth + 1; #ifdef HAVE_RB_IVAR_FOREACH rb_ivar_foreach(obj, dump_attr_cb, (VALUE)out); if (',' == *(out->cur - 1)) { out->cur--; // backup to overwrite last comma } #else size = d2 * out->indent + 1; for (i = cnt; 0 < i; i--, np++) { VALUE value; vid = rb_to_id(*np); attr = rb_id2name(vid); if (Yes == out->opts->ignore_under && '@' == *attr && '_' == attr[1]) { continue; } value = rb_ivar_get(obj, vid); if (dump_ignore(out->opts, value)) { continue; } if (out->omit_nil && Qnil == value) { continue; } if (first) { first = 0; } else { *out->cur++ = ','; } assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, d2); if ('@' == *attr) { attr++; oj_dump_cstr(attr, strlen(attr), 0, 0, out); } else { char buf[32]; *buf = '~'; strncpy(buf + 1, attr, sizeof(buf) - 2); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; oj_dump_cstr(buf, strlen(attr) + 1, 0, 0, out); } *out->cur++ = ':'; oj_dump_obj_val(value, d2, out); assure_size(out, 2); } #endif if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(obj, rb_eException)) { volatile VALUE rv; if (',' != *(out->cur - 1)) { *out->cur++ = ','; } // message assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, d2); oj_dump_cstr("~mesg", 5, 0, 0, out); *out->cur++ = ':'; rv = rb_funcall2(obj, rb_intern("message"), 0, 0); oj_dump_obj_val(rv, d2, out); assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = ','; // backtrace assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, d2); oj_dump_cstr("~bt", 3, 0, 0, out); *out->cur++ = ':'; rv = rb_funcall2(obj, rb_intern("backtrace"), 0, 0); oj_dump_obj_val(rv, d2, out); assure_size(out, 2); } out->depth = depth; } fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = '}'; *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_regexp(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { dump_obj_attrs(obj, rb_obj_class(obj), 0, depth, out); } static void dump_struct(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { VALUE clas = rb_obj_class(obj); const char *class_name = rb_class2name(clas); int i; int d2 = depth + 1; int d3 = d2 + 1; size_t len = strlen(class_name); size_t size = d2 * out->indent + d3 * out->indent + 10 + len; assure_size(out, size); *out->cur++ = '{'; fill_indent(out, d2); APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "\"^u\":[", 6); if ('#' == *class_name) { VALUE ma = rb_struct_s_members(clas); const char *name; int cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(ma); *out->cur++ = '['; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { volatile VALUE s = rb_sym2str(RARRAY_AREF(ma, i)); name = RSTRING_PTR(s); len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(s); size = len + 3; assure_size(out, size); if (0 < i) { *out->cur++ = ','; } *out->cur++ = '"'; APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, name, len); *out->cur++ = '"'; } *out->cur++ = ']'; } else { fill_indent(out, d3); *out->cur++ = '"'; APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, class_name, len); *out->cur++ = '"'; } *out->cur++ = ','; size = d3 * out->indent + 2; #ifdef RSTRUCT_LEN { VALUE v; int cnt; #if RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT cnt = (int)NUM2LONG(RSTRUCT_LEN(obj)); #else // RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT cnt = (int)RSTRUCT_LEN(obj); #endif // RSTRUCT_LEN_RETURNS_INTEGER_OBJECT for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { v = RSTRUCT_GET(obj, i); if (dump_ignore(out->opts, v)) { v = Qnil; } assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, d3); oj_dump_obj_val(v, d3, out); *out->cur++ = ','; } } #else { // This is a bit risky as a struct in C ruby is not the same as a Struct // class in interpreted Ruby so length() may not be defined. int slen = FIX2INT(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_length_id, 0, 0)); for (i = 0; i < slen; i++) { assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, d3); if (dump_ignore(out->opts, v)) { v = Qnil; } oj_dump_obj_val(rb_struct_aref(obj, INT2FIX(i)), d3, out, 0, 0, true); *out->cur++ = ','; } } #endif out->cur--; APPEND_CHARS(out->cur, "]}", 2); *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_complex(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { dump_obj_attrs(obj, rb_obj_class(obj), 0, depth, out); } static void dump_rational(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { dump_obj_attrs(obj, rb_obj_class(obj), 0, depth, out); } static DumpFunc obj_funcs[] = { NULL, // RUBY_T_NONE = 0x00, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_OBJECT = 0x01, dump_class, // RUBY_T_CLASS = 0x02, dump_class, // RUBY_T_MODULE = 0x03, oj_dump_float, // RUBY_T_FLOAT = 0x04, dump_str, // RUBY_T_STRING = 0x05, dump_regexp, // RUBY_T_REGEXP = 0x06, dump_array, // RUBY_T_ARRAY = 0x07, dump_hash, // RUBY_T_HASH = 0x08, dump_struct, // RUBY_T_STRUCT = 0x09, oj_dump_bignum, // RUBY_T_BIGNUM = 0x0a, NULL, // RUBY_T_FILE = 0x0b, dump_data, // RUBY_T_DATA = 0x0c, NULL, // RUBY_T_MATCH = 0x0d, dump_complex, // RUBY_T_COMPLEX = 0x0e, dump_rational, // RUBY_T_RATIONAL = 0x0f, NULL, // 0x10 oj_dump_nil, // RUBY_T_NIL = 0x11, oj_dump_true, // RUBY_T_TRUE = 0x12, oj_dump_false, // RUBY_T_FALSE = 0x13, dump_sym, // RUBY_T_SYMBOL = 0x14, oj_dump_fixnum, // RUBY_T_FIXNUM = 0x15, }; void oj_dump_obj_val(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { int type = rb_type(obj); if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("dump", obj, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth, TraceIn); } if (MAX_DEPTH < depth) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Too deeply nested.\n"); } if (0 < type && type <= RUBY_T_FIXNUM) { DumpFunc f = obj_funcs[type]; if (NULL != f) { f(obj, depth, out, false); if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("dump", obj, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth, TraceOut); } return; } } oj_dump_nil(Qnil, depth, out, false); if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("dump", Qnil, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth, TraceOut); } }