require ::File.expand_path( ::File.join(::File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. spec_helper])) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- describe 'Webby::Filters::Textile' do it 'should regsiter the textile filter handler' do Webby::Filters._handlers['textile'].should_not be_nil end if try_require('redcloth') it 'processes textile markup into HTML' do input = "p(foo). this is a paragraph of text" output = Webby::Filters._handlers['textile'].call(input) output.should == %q{

this is a paragraph of text

} end else it 'raises an error when RedCloth is used but not installed' do input = "p(foo). this is a paragraph of text" lambda {Webby::Filters._handlers['textile'].call(input)}.should raise_error(Webby::Error, "'RedCloth' must be installed to use the textile filter") end end end # EOF