describe 'WebsocketRails.WebSocketConnection:', -> beforeEach -> dispatcher = new_message: -> true dispatch: -> true state: 'connected' # Have to stub the WebSocket object due to Firefox error during jasmine:ci window.WebSocket = (url) -> @url = url @send = -> true @dispatcher = dispatcher @connection = new WebSocketRails.WebSocketConnection('localhost:3000/websocket', dispatcher) describe 'constructor', -> it 'should set the onmessage event on the WebSocket object to this.on_message', -> expect(@connection._conn.onmessage).toEqual @connection.on_message it 'should set the onclose event on the WebSocket object to this.on_close', -> expect(@connection._conn.onclose).toEqual @connection.on_close describe 'with ssl', -> it 'should not add the ws:// prefix to the URL', -> connection = new WebSocketRails.WebSocketConnection('wss://') expect(connection.url).toEqual 'wss://' describe 'without ssl', -> it 'should add the ws:// prefix to the URL', -> expect(@connection.url).toEqual 'ws://localhost:3000/websocket' describe '.trigger', -> describe 'before the connection has been fully established', -> it 'should queue up the events', -> @connection.dispatcher.state = 'connecting' event = new WebSocketRails.Event ['event','message'] mock_queue = sinon.mock @connection.message_queue mock_queue.expects('push').once().withArgs event describe 'after the connection has been fully established', -> it 'should encode the data and send it through the WebSocket object', -> @connection.dispatcher.state = 'connected' event = new WebSocketRails.Event ['event','message'] @connection._conn = send: -> true mock_connection = sinon.mock @connection._conn mock_connection.expects('send').once().withArgs event.serialize() @connection.trigger event mock_connection.verify() describe '.on_message', -> it 'should decode the message and pass it to the dispatcher', -> encoded_data = JSON.stringify ['event','message'] event = data: encoded_data mock_dispatcher = sinon.mock @connection.dispatcher mock_dispatcher.expects('new_message').once().withArgs JSON.parse encoded_data @connection.on_message event mock_dispatcher.verify() describe '.on_close', -> it 'should dispatch the connection_closed event and pass the original event', -> event = new WebSocketRails.Event ['event','message'] close_event = new WebSocketRails.Event(['connection_closed', event ]) sinon.spy @dispatcher, 'dispatch' @connection.on_close close_event dispatcher = @dispatcher.dispatch lastCall = dispatcher.lastCall.args[0] expect(dispatcher.calledOnce).toBe(true) expect( dispatcher.restore() it 'sets the connection state on the dispatcher to disconnected', -> close_event = new WebSocketRails.Event(['connection_closed', {} ]) @connection.on_close close_event expect(@dispatcher.state).toEqual('disconnected') describe '.on_error', -> it 'should dispatch the connection_error event and pass the original event', -> event = new WebSocketRails.Event ['event','message'] error_event = new WebSocketRails.Event(['connection_error', event ]) sinon.spy @dispatcher, 'dispatch' @connection.on_error event dispatcher = @dispatcher.dispatch lastCall = dispatcher.lastCall.args[0] expect(dispatcher.calledOnce).toBe(true) expect( dispatcher.restore() it 'sets the connection state on the dispatcher to disconnected', -> close_event = new WebSocketRails.Event(['connection_closed', {} ]) @connection.on_error close_event expect(@dispatcher.state).toEqual('disconnected') describe '.flush_queue', -> beforeEach -> @event = new WebSocketRails.Event ['event','message'] @connection.message_queue.push @event @connection._conn = send: -> true it 'should send out all of the messages in the queue', -> mock_connection = sinon.mock @connection._conn mock_connection.expects('send').once().withArgs @event.serialize() @connection.flush_queue() mock_connection.verify() it 'should empty the queue after sending', -> expect( @connection.message_queue.length ).toEqual 1 @connection.flush_queue() expect( @connection.message_queue.length ).toEqual 0