module Terminal class Table class Cell ## # Cell width. attr_reader :width ## # Cell value. attr_reader :value ## # Column span. attr_reader :colspan ## # Initialize with _options_. def initialize options = nil @value, options = options, {} unless Hash === options @value = options.fetch :value, value @alignment = options.fetch :alignment, nil @colspan = options.fetch :colspan, 1 @width = options.fetch :width, @value.to_s.size @index = options.fetch :index @table = options.fetch :table end def alignment? !@alignment.nil? end def alignment @alignment || :left end def alignment=(val) supported = %w(left center right) if supported.include?(val.to_s) @alignment = val else raise "Aligment must be one of: #{supported.join(' ')}" end end def lines @value.to_s.split(/\n/) end ## # Render the cell. def render(line = 0) left = " " * right = " " * "#{left}#{lines[line]}#{right}".align(alignment, width + @table.cell_padding) end alias :to_s :render ## # Returns the longest line in the cell and # removes all ANSI escape sequences (e.g. color) def value_for_column_width_recalc str = lines.sort_by { |s| s.size }.last.to_s str = str.gsub(/\x1b(\[|\(|\))[;?0-9]*[0-9A-Za-z]/, '') str = str.gsub(/\x1b(\[|\(|\))[;?0-9]*[0-9A-Za-z]/, '') str.gsub(/[\x03|\x1a]/, '') end ## # Returns the width of this cell def width padding = (colspan - 1) * @table.cell_spacing inner_width = (1..@colspan).to_a.inject(0) do |w, counter| w + @table.column_width(@index + counter - 1) end inner_width + padding end end end end