# rack-dev-mark [![Gem Version][gem-image]][gem-link] [![Dependency Status][deps-image]][deps-link] [![Build Status][build-image]][build-link] [![Coverage Status][cov-image]][cov-link] [![Code Climate][gpa-image]][gpa-link] Differentiate development environment from production. You can choose [themes](THEME.md) to differentiate the page. ## Screenshot ![screenshot development](misc/screenshot.gif) ### On Development Env ![screenshot development](misc/screenshot-development.png) ### On Production Env ![screenshot production](misc/screenshot-production.png) ## Installation Add the rack-dev-mark gem to your Gemfile. ```ruby gem "rack-dev-mark" ``` And run `bundle install`. ### For Rack App ```ruby require 'rack/dev-mark' use Rack::DevMark::Middleware run MyApp ``` ### For Rails App In `config/environments/development.rb` ```ruby MyApp::Application.configure do config.rack_dev_mark.enable = true end ``` Or In `config/application.rb` ```ruby module MyApp class Application < Rails::Application config.rack_dev_mark.enable = !Rails.env.production? end end ``` Or Alternatively, use generator ```bash bundle exec rails g rack:dev-mark:install ``` The middleware sets [title](lib/rack/dev-mark/theme/title.rb) and [github_fork_ribbon](lib/rack/dev-mark/theme/github_fork_ribbon.rb) themes as default. #### Exclude Multiple Environments in Rails Show the dev mark except env1, env2, env3. In `config/application.rb` ```ruby module MyApp class Application < Rails::Application config.rack_dev_mark.enable = !%w(env1 env2 env3).include?(Rails.env) end end ``` #### Heroku Since Heroku [uses production env for staging](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/multiple-environments). You can use this settings instead. ```ruby module MyApp class Application < Rails::Application Rack::DevMark.env = ENV['RACK_DEV_MARK'] config.rack_dev_mark.enable = !Rails.env.production? || ENV['RACK_DEV_MARK'] end end ``` And set the environment variable. ```bash heroku config:set RACK_DEV_MARK=staging ``` ## Custom Theme Although the default themes are `title` and `github_fork_ribbon`, you can create your own themes inheriting `Rack::DevMark::Theme::Base`. ```ruby require 'rack/dev-mark/theme/base' class NewTheme < Rack::DevMark::Theme::Base def insert_into(html) # Do something for your theme html end end class AnotherTheme < Rack::DevMark::Theme::Base def insert_into(html) # Do something for your theme html end end ``` Then, insert them in your app. ### For Rack App ```ruby use Rack::DevMark::Middleware, [NewTheme.new, AnotherTheme.new] ``` ### For Rails App In `config/application.rb` ```ruby module MyApp class Application < Rails::Application config.rack_dev_mark.theme = [NewTheme.new, AnotherTheme.new] end end ``` You can add any combination of themes. See more about [themes](THEME.md). ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new [Pull Request](../../pull/new/master) ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Daisuke Taniwaki. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details. [gem-image]: https://badge.fury.io/rb/rack-dev-mark.svg [gem-link]: http://badge.fury.io/rb/rack-dev-mark [build-image]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark.png [build-link]: http://travis-ci.org/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark [deps-image]: https://gemnasium.com/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark.svg [deps-link]: https://gemnasium.com/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark [cov-image]: https://coveralls.io/repos/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark/badge.png [cov-link]: https://coveralls.io/r/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark [gpa-image]: https://codeclimate.com/github/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark.png [gpa-link]: https://codeclimate.com/github/dtaniwaki/rack-dev-mark