#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'abiquo-etk' def create_schemas(user = 'root', password = '') log = AETK::Log.instance cmd = '' if password.strip.chomp.empty? cmd = "mysql -u #{user} " else cmd = "mysql -u #{user} -p#{password} " end if `#{cmd} -e 'show databases'|grep kinton`.strip.chomp.empty? out = `mysql -u root < /usr/share/doc/abiquo-server/database/kinton-schema.sql` if $?.exitstatus == 0 log.info 'kinton-schema imported succesfully.' else log.error "Error importing kinton-schema: #{out}" end out = `mysql -u root < /usr/share/doc/abiquo-server/database/kinton-premium-schema.sql` if $?.exitstatus == 0 log.info 'kinton-premium-schema imported succesfully.' else log.error "Error importing kinton-premium-schema: #{out}" end else log.warn 'kinton schema found. Skipping schema creation.' end end def init_server_install config_file ='/etc/sysconfig/abiquo-server' log = AETK::Log.instance begin if File.exist? config_file @settings = abiquo_server_settings else log.error "Config file #{config_file} does not exist. Exit." exit end log.info "Setting EventSink URL" `abicli set event-sink-url http://#{@settings['abiquo_server_ip']}/server/EventSink` log.info "Setting DB Properties" `abicli set database-host #{@settings['abiquo_db_host']}` `abicli set database-user root` `abicli set database-password #{@settings['abiquo_db_password']}` `abicli set mail-server` log.info "Creating database schemas..." create_schemas rescue Exception => e log.error "Unhandled exception: #{e.message}" log.error "Unhandled exception: #{e.backtrace}" end end def init_remote_services_install config_file ='/etc/sysconfig/abiquo-rs' log = AETK::Log.instance begin @settings = {} if File.exist? config_file @settings = abiquo_rs_settings else log.error "Config file #{config_file} does not exist. Exit." exit end repo = @settings['abiquo_nfs_repository'] if repo =~ /localhost| if File.exist? '/etc/sysconfig/abiquo-server' log.info "NFS Repository points to localhost, fixing..." s = abiquo_server_settings repo = s['abiquo_server_ip'] + ':/opt/vm_repository' end end log.info "Setting nfs-repository to #{repo}" `abicli set nfs-repository #{repo}` log.info "Setting cifs-repository to #{repo}" `abicli set cifs-repository //your-cifs-server-ip-here/opt/vm_repository` rescue Exception => e log.error "Unhandled exception: #{e.message}" log.error "Unhandled exception: #{e.backtrace}" end end def init_v2v_install config_file ='/etc/sysconfig/abiquo-server' log = AETK::Log.instance end def init_rs_plus_v2v_install init_remote_services_install init_v2v_install end log = AETK::Log.instance log.info "Running abiquo-initenv..." case AETK::System.detect_install_type when :monolithic log.info "Monolithic install detected. Setting up the environment." init_server_install init_remote_services_install init_v2v_install when :server log.info "Server install detected. Setting up the environment." init_server_install when :remote_services log.info "Remote Services install detected. Setting up the environment." init_remote_services_install when :v2v log.info "V2V install detected. Setting up the environment." init_v2v_install when :rs_plus_v2v log.info "Remote Services + V2V install detected. Setting up the environment." init_rs_plus_v2v_install else AETK::Log.instance.error "Couldn't detect install type. Skipping first setup." end # # Try to apply netapp ontap connector settings # if File.exist?('/opt/abiquo/ontap/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/config.xml') AETK::Log.info "Abiquo ONTAP connector found." if File.exist?('/etc/sysconfig/abiquo-rs') buf = File.read '/etc/sysconfig/abiquo-rs' buf.each_line do |l| if l =~ /ontap_user/ user = l.split('=').last.strip.chomp rescue '' AETK::Log.info "ONTAP: Configure ontap-user" `abicli set ontap-user #{user}` end end buf.each_line do |l| if l =~ /ontap_password/ password = l.split('=').last.strip.chomp rescue '' AETK::Log.info "ONTAP: Configure ontap-password" `abicli set ontap-password #{password}` end end buf.each_line do |l| if l =~ /ontap_server_ip/ server = l.split('=').last.strip.chomp rescue '' AETK::Log.info "ONTAP: Configure ontap-server-ip" `abicli set ontap-server-ip #{server}` end end else AETK::Log.warn "/etc/sysconfig/abiquo-rs config file not found. Skipping ONTAP configuration." end else AETK::Log.info "Abiquo ONTAP connector NOT found." end