set :stage, :production set :branch, "master" # This is used in the Nginx VirtualHost to specify which domains # the app should appear on. If you don't yet have DNS setup, you'll # need to create entries in your local Hosts file for testing. set :nginx_server_name, '<%= @production_hostname %>' # used in case we're deploying multiple versions of the same # app side by side. Also provides quick sanity checks when looking # at filepaths set :full_app_name, "#{fetch(:application)}_#{fetch(:stage)}" <% if @generate_sidekiq %> # Name sidekiq systemd service after the app and stage name so that # multiple apps and stages can co-exist on the same machine if needed set :sidekiq_service_unit_name, "#{fetch(:full_app_name)}_sidekiq" <% end %> server '<%= @production_server_address %>', user: 'deploy', roles: %w{web app db}, primary: true set :deploy_to, "/home/#{fetch(:deploy_user)}/apps/#{fetch(:full_app_name)}" # dont try and infer something as important as environment from # stage name. set :rails_env, :production # whether we're using ssl or not, used for building nginx # config file set :enable_ssl, false