/* Lesli Copyright (c) 2023, Lesli Technologies, S. A. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. Lesli · Ruby on Rails SaaS Development Framework. Made with ♥ by https://www.lesli.tech Building a better future, one line of code at a time. @contact hello@lesli.tech @website https://www.lesli.tech @license GPLv3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html // · ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ ~·~ // · */ // · import { defineStore } from "pinia" // · export const useUser = defineStore("lesli.user", { state: () => { return { options: { regions: [], locales: [], salutations: [], mfa_methods: [] }, user: { roles_id: null, email: null, alias: null, first_name: null, last_name: null, telephone: null, detail_attributes: { salutation: null, title: null, } }, roles: [], sessions: { pagination: {}, records: [] }, options: { salutations: [], locales: [] } } }, getters: { initials() { let initials = "" if (this.user?.first_name) initials += this.user?.first_name[0]; if (this.user?.last_name) initials += this.user?.last_name[0]; return initials.toUpperCase() } }, actions: { getOptions() { this.http.get(this.url.lesli("users/options")).then(result => { this.options = result }) }, getUser(id=null) { let url = this.url.guard("profile") if (id !== null) { url = this.url.guard("users/:id", id) } // get an specifick user if id is provided this.http.get(url).then(result => { this.user = result this.user.password = "" this.user.password_confirmation = "" this.language = result.locale ? result.locale.value : this.language // Backend should return the list of roles ordered by object level permission this.role_names = result.roles[0].name }).catch(error => { console.log(error) this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }).finally(() => { this.loading = false }) }, putUser() { this.http.put(this.url.guard("users/:id", this.user.id), { user: { active: this.user.active, alias: this.user.alias, first_name: this.user.first_name, last_name: this.user.last_name, telephone: this.user.telephone, detail_attributes: { title: this.user.detail_attributes.title, salutation: this.user.detail_attributes.salutation } } }).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, deleteUser() { this.dialog.confirmation({ title: "Delete user", text: "Are you sure you want to delete user?", confirmText: "Yes", cancelText: "No" }) .then(({ isConfirmed }) => { if (isConfirmed) { this.http.delete(this.url.lesli("/users/:id", this.user.id)).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) //this.url.go("/administration/users") }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) } }) }, getRoles() { this.http.get(this.url.guard("users/:id/roles", this.user.id)).then(result => { this.roles = result }).catch(error => { console.log(error) }) }, postRole(role) { this.http.post(this.url.guard('users/:id/roles', this.user.id), { user_role: { id: role.id } }).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, deleteRole(role) { this.http.delete(this.url.guard('users/:user_id/roles/:role_id', { user_id: this.user.id, role_id: role.id })).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, doRequestPassword() { this.http.post(this.url.lesli("users/:id/requestpassword", this.user.id)).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, doPasswordReset() { this.http.post(this.url.lesli("users/:id/passwordreset", this.user.id)).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, doLogout() { this.http.post(this.url.lesli("users/:id/logout", this.user.id)).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, doRevokeAccess() { this.http.post(this.url.lesli("users/:id/revokeaccess", this.user.id)).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, fetchSessions() { if (!this.sessions.length > 0) { this.getSessions() } }, getSessions() { this.http.get(this.url.guard("users/:id/sessions", this.user.id )).then(result => { this.sessions.pagination = result.pagination this.sessions.records = result.records }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }).finally(() => { this.loading = false }) }, deleteSession(user_session_id){ this.dialog.confirmation({ title: "Close session", text: 'Are you sure you want to close this session', confirmText: "Yes", cancelText: "No" }) .then(({ isConfirmed }) => { if (isConfirmed) { this.http.delete(this.url.lesli("users/:id/sessions/:session_id", { id: this.user.id, session_id: user_session_id })).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) this.fetchSessions() } }) }, postLanguage() { this.http.post(this.url.lesli('users/:id/settings', this.user.id), { user_setting: { name: 'locale', value: this.user.locale.value } }).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) // TODO: Only if current_user changed his own language // reload the page so the user can work with the new language // setTimeout(() => window.location.reload(), 1000) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, getOptions() { this.http.get(this.url.lesli("users/options")).then(result => { this.options.salutations = result.salutations this.options.locales = Object.keys(result.locales).map(key => { return {label: result.locales[key], value: key} }) }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, } }) /* updatePassword() { this.http.put("/", { user: { password: this.user.password, password_confirmation: this.user.password_confirmation } }).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) this.user.password = "" this.user.password_confirmation = "" }).catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) }, // This action is used to change the user status active or inactive putUserStatus(){ this.dialog.confirmation({ title: "Change status", text: "Are you sure you want to change the status of this user?", confirmText: "Yes", cancelText: "No" }) .then(({ isConfirmed }) => { if (isConfirmed) { this.http.patch(this.url.lesli('users/:id', this.user.id), { user: { active: this.user.active } }).then(result => { this.msg.success(I18n.t("core.users.messages_success_operation")) }) .catch(error => { this.msg.danger(I18n.t("core.shared.messages_danger_internal_error")) }) } else { this.user.active = !this.user.active } }) }, */