module Auth::Concerns::OwnerConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Auth::Concerns::ChiefModelConcern included do ## applicability of the model which implements this concern. ## every model has to be explicitly set as applicable. ## it is NOT APPLICABLE BY DEFAULT. field :applicable, type: Boolean, default: false ## doc_version ## you can use it to do find_and_update field :doc_version, type: Integer, default: 0 ## but if a resource id is present, then a resource class must be provided. field :resource_id, type: String field :resource_class, type: String ## THERE ARE BASICALLY THREE KINDS OF USERS THAT WE MAY NEED. ## ONE : The resource that is considered as the owner of the object . this uses the resource_id and resource_class. It is got by calling get_resource on the object. attr_accessor :owner_resource ## SIGNED_IN_RESOURCE : the resource that is currently signed in, and should be assigned to this model instance, in the controller. In the controller this can be got by calling the method currently_signed_in_resource, provided that the controller implements the token_concern. attr_accessor :signed_in_resource validates_presence_of :resource_class, if:{|c| !c.resource_id.nil?} ## you cannot change the resource_id or owner of the object once it is set. validate :resource_id_not_changed end module ClassMethods ## used in cart_item_controller_concern#show ## if the resource is nil, will look for a cart item, which has a resource of nil, otherwise will look for a cart item, with the provided resource id. ## def find_self(_id,resource,options={}) conditions = {:_id => _id} conditions[:resource_id] = if !resource.is_admin? #puts "conditions are:" #puts conditions.to_s all = self.where(conditions) #puts "the resultant size:" #puts all.size.to_s return all.first if all.size > 0 return nil end end ## returns the resource that was associated with the object when the object was created. ## it basically uses the resource_id and resource_class that were saved, when creating the resource. ## since resources can be created without the resource_class and resource_id being provided, it may return nil if these two are not present. def get_resource return unless (self.resource_class && self.resource_id) unless owner_resource owner_resource = self.resource_class.capitalize.constantize.find(self.resource_id) end owner_resource end ## checks if the owner of the current object is the same as the owner of the other object passed in. ## this is currently used in payment_concern, in a before_save validation def. ## this is also used in the cart_item_concern, as a before_update validation , if the parent_id is changing, where we check if the cart_item owner is the same as that of the cart. def owner_matches(other_object) return false unless other_object.respond_to? :resource_id return false if self.resource_id != other_object.resource_id end def is_applicable? ## what if this is embedded. self.applicable end private def resource_id_not_changed ##this method will give you access to be able to reset the resource_id in case the admin is modifying the resource. ##need to check if that can be done? if resource_id_changed? && resource_id_was errors.add(:resource_id, "You cannot change the ownership of this entity") end end end