module Trestle module Turbo module FrameHelper # Renders a container for an instance/resource view. A resource # turbo frame sets its DOM id from the given instance and has a default target of # "_top" (except for modal requests). # # attributes - Additional HTML attributes to add to the tag # # Examples # # <%= resource_turbo_frame(article) do %> ... # # <%= resource_turbo_frame(article, id: dom_id(article, "comment")) %> ... # # Returns a HTML-safe String. def resource_turbo_frame(instance, **attributes, &block) defaults = { id: dom_id(instance), target: ("_top" unless modal_request?), data: { controller: ("deprecated--init" if modal_request? || || turbo_frame_request?) } } tag.turbo_frame(**defaults.merge(attributes), &block) end # [DEPRECATED] # # The #content turbo-frame found in app/views/trestle/application/_layout.html.erb # is now used as a common top-level hook for the 'reloadable' Stimulus controller. def index_turbo_frame(**attributes, &block) Trestle.deprecator.warn("The index_turbo_frame helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Trestle.") yield nil end end end end