require 'gorillib/numeric/clamp' Numeric.class_eval do def to_radians() self.to_f * Math::PI / 180.0 ; end def to_degrees() self.to_f * 180.0 / Math::PI ; end end module Wukong # # reference: [Bing Maps Tile System]( # module Geolocated module_function # call methods as eg Wukong::Geolocated.tile_xy_to_quadkey or, if included in class, on self as private methods # field :longitude, type: Float, description: "Longitude (X) of a point, in decimal degrees" # field :latitude, type: Float, description: "Latitude (Y) of a point, in decimal degrees" # field :zoom_level, type: Integer, description: "Zoom level of tile to fetch. An integer between 0 (world) and 16 or so" # field :quadkey, type: String, description: "Quadkey of tile, eg 002313012" # field :tile_x, type: Integer, description: "Tile X index, an integer between 0 and 2^zoom_level - 1" # field :tile_y, type: Integer, description: "Tile Y index, an integer between 0 and 2^zoom_level - 1" module ByCoordinates extend Gorillib::Concern # The quadkey is a string of 2-bit tile selectors for a quadtile # # @example # infochimps_hq = Geo::Place.receive("Infochimps HQ", -97.759003, 30.273884) # infochimps_hq.quadkey(8) # => "02313012" # # Interesting quadkey properties: # # * The quadkey length is its zoom level # # * To zoom out (lower zoom level, larger quadtile), just truncate the # quadkey: austin at ZL=8 has quadkey "02313012"; at ZL=3, "023" # # * Nearby points typically have "nearby" quadkeys: up to the smallest # tile that contains both, their quadkeys will have a common prefix. # If you sort your records by quadkey, # - Nearby points are nearby-ish on disk. (hello, HBase/Cassandra # database owners!) This allows efficient lookup and caching of # "popular" regions or repeated queries in an area. # - the tiles covering a region can be covered by a limited, enumerable # set of range scans. For map-reduce programmers, this leads to very # efficient reducers # # * The quadkey is the bit-interleaved combination of its tile ids: # # tile_x 58 binary 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 # tile_y 105 binary 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 # interleaved binary 00 10 11 01 11 00 01 10 # quadkey 0 2 3 1 3 0 1 2 # "02313012" # def quadkey(zl) ; Wukong::Geolocated.tile_xy_zl_to_quadkey( tile_x(zl), tile_y(zl), zl) ; end # the packed quadkey is the integer formed by interleaving the bits of tile_x with tile_y: # # tile_x 58 binary 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 # tile_y 105 binary 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 # interleaved binary 00 10 11 01 11 00 01 10 # quadkey 0 2 3 1 3 0 1 2 # "02313012" # # (see `quadkey` for more.) # # At zoom level 15, the packed quadkey is a 30-bit unsigned integer -- # meaning you can store it in a pig `int`; for languages with an `unsigned # int` type, you can go to zoom level 16 before you have to use a # less-efficient type. Zoom level 15 has a resolution of about one tile # per kilometer (about 1.25 km/tile near the equator; 0.75 km/tile at # London's latitude). It takes 1 billion tiles to tile the world at that # scale. Ruby's integer type goes up to 60 bits, enough for any practical # zoom level. # def packed_qk ; Wukong::Geolocated.tile_xy_zl_to_packed_qk(tile_x(zl), tile_y(zl), zl) ; end # @return [Float] x index of the tile this object lies on at given zoom level def tile_xf(zl) ; Wukong::Geolocated.lng_zl_to_tile_xf(longitude, zl) ; end # @return [Float] y index of the tile this object lies on at given zoom level def tile_yf(zl) ; Wukong::Geolocated.lat_zl_to_tile_yf(latitude, zl) ; end # @return [Integer] x index of the tile this object lies on at given zoom level def tile_x(zl) ; tile_xf(zl).floor ; end # @return [Integer] y index of the tile this object lies on at given zoom level def tile_y(zl) ; tile_yf(zl).floor ; end # @return [Float] tile coordinates `(x,y)` for this object at given zoom level def tile_xy(zl) ; [tile_x(xl), tile_y(zl)] ; end # @returns [Array] a `[longitude, latitude]` pair representing object as a point. def lng_lat ; [longitude, latitude] ; end # @returns [left, btm, right, top] def bbox_for_radius(radius) ; Wukong::Geolocated.lng_lat_rad_to_bbox(longitude, latitude, radius) ; end end EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000 # meters MIN_LONGITUDE = -180 MAX_LONGITUDE = 180 MIN_LATITUDE = -85.05112878 MAX_LATITUDE = 85.05112878 ALLOWED_LONGITUDE = (MIN_LONGITUDE..MAX_LONGITUDE) ALLOWED_LATITUDE = (MIN_LATITUDE..MAX_LATITUDE) TILE_PIXEL_SIZE = 256 # Width or height in number of tiles def map_tile_size(zl) 1 << zl end # # Tile coordinates # # Convert longitude in degrees to _floating-point_ tile x,y coordinates at given zoom level def lng_zl_to_tile_xf(longitude, zl) raise ArgumentError, "longitude must be within bounds ((#{longitude}) vs #{ALLOWED_LONGITUDE})" unless (ALLOWED_LONGITUDE.include?(longitude)) xx = (longitude.to_f + 180.0) / 360.0 (map_tile_size(zl) * xx) end # Convert latitude in degrees to _floating-point_ tile x,y coordinates at given zoom level def lat_zl_to_tile_yf(latitude, zl) raise ArgumentError, "latitude must be within bounds ((#{latitude}) vs #{ALLOWED_LATITUDE})" unless (ALLOWED_LATITUDE.include?(latitude)) sin_lat = Math.sin(latitude.to_radians) yy = Math.log((1 + sin_lat) / (1 - sin_lat)) / (4 * Math::PI) (map_tile_size(zl) * (0.5 - yy)) end # Convert latitude in degrees to integer tile x,y coordinates at given zoom level def lng_lat_zl_to_tile_xy(longitude, latitude, zl) [lng_zl_to_tile_xf(longitude, zl).floor, lat_zl_to_tile_yf(latitude, zl).floor] end # Convert from tile_x, tile_y, zoom level to longitude and latitude in # degrees (slight loss of precision). # # Tile coordinates may be floats or integer; they must lie within map range. def tile_xy_zl_to_lng_lat(tile_x, tile_y, zl) tile_size = map_tile_size(zl) raise ArgumentError, "tile index must be within bounds ((#{tile_x},#{tile_y}) vs #{tile_size})" unless ((0..(tile_size-1)).include?(tile_x)) && ((0..(tile_size-1)).include?(tile_x)) xx = (tile_x.to_f / tile_size) yy = 0.5 - (tile_y.to_f / tile_size) lng = 360.0 * xx - 180.0 lat = 90 - 360 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-yy * 2 * Math::PI)) / Math::PI [lng, lat] end # # Quadkey coordinates # # converts from even/odd state of tile x and tile y to quadkey. NOTE: bit order means y, x BIT_TO_QUADKEY = { [false, false] => "0", [false, true] => "1", [true, false] => "2", [true, true] => "3", } # converts from quadkey char to bits. NOTE: bit order means y, x QUADKEY_TO_BIT = { "0" => [0,0], "1" => [0,1], "2" => [1,0], "3" => [1,1]} # Convert from tile x,y into a quadkey at a specified zoom level def tile_xy_zl_to_quadkey(tile_x, tile_y, zl) quadkey_chars = [] tx = tile_x.to_i ty = tile_y.to_i zl.times do quadkey_chars.push BIT_TO_QUADKEY[[ty.odd?, tx.odd?]] # bit order y,x tx >>= 1 ; ty >>= 1 end quadkey_chars.join.reverse end # Convert a quadkey into tile x,y coordinates and level def quadkey_to_tile_xy_zl(quadkey) raise ArgumentError, "Quadkey must contain only the characters 0, 1, 2 or 3: #{quadkey}!" unless quadkey =~ /\A[0-3]*\z/ zl = quadkey.to_s.length tx = 0 ; ty = 0 quadkey.chars.each do |char| ybit, xbit = QUADKEY_TO_BIT[char] # bit order y, x tx = (tx << 1) + xbit ty = (ty << 1) + ybit end [tx, ty, zl] end # Convert from tile x,y into a packed quadkey at a specified zoom level def tile_xy_zl_to_packed_qk(tile_x, tile_y, zl) # don't optimize unless you're sure your way is faster; string ops are # faster than you think and loops are slower than you think quadkey_str = tile_xy_zl_to_quadkey(tile_x, tile_y, zl) quadkey_str.to_i(4) end # Convert a packed quadkey (integer) into tile x,y coordinates and level def packed_qk_zl_to_tile_xy(packed_qk, zl=16) # don't "optimize" this without testing... string operations are faster than you think in ruby raise ArgumentError, "Quadkey must be an integer in range of the zoom level: #{packed_qk}, #{zl}" unless packed_qk.is_a?(Fixnum) && (packed_qk < 2 ** (zl*2)) quadkey_rhs = packed_qk.to_s(4) quadkey = ("0" * (zl - quadkey_rhs.length)) << quadkey_rhs quadkey_to_tile_xy_zl(quadkey) end # Convert a lat/lng and zoom level into a quadkey def lng_lat_zl_to_quadkey(longitude, latitude, zl) tile_x, tile_y = lng_lat_zl_to_tile_xy(longitude, latitude, zl) tile_xy_zl_to_quadkey(tile_x, tile_y, zl) end # # Bounding box coordinates # # Convert a quadkey into a bounding box using adjacent tile def quadkey_to_bbox(quadkey) tile_x, tile_y, zl = quadkey_to_tile_xy_zl(quadkey) # bottom right of me is top left of my southeast neighbor left, top = tile_xy_zl_to_lng_lat(tile_x, tile_y, zl) right, btm = tile_xy_zl_to_lng_lat(tile_x + 1, tile_y + 1, zl) [left, btm, right, top] end # Retuns the smallest quadkey containing both of corners of the given bounding box def quadkey_containing_bbox(left, btm, right, top) qk_tl = lng_lat_zl_to_quadkey(left, top, 23) qk_2 = lng_lat_zl_to_quadkey(right, btm, 23) # the containing qk is the longest one that both agree on containing_key = "" do |char_tl, char_2| break if char_tl != char_2 containing_key << char_tl end containing_key end # Returns a bounding box containing the circle created by the lat/lng and radius def lng_lat_rad_to_bbox(longitude, latitude, radius) left, _ = point_east( longitude, latitude, -radius) _, btm = point_north(longitude, latitude, -radius) right, _ = point_east( longitude, latitude, radius) _, top = point_north(longitude, latitude, radius) [left, btm, right, top] end # Returns the centroid of a bounding box # # @param [Array] left_btm Longitude, Latitude of SW point # @param [Array] right_top Longitude, Latitude of NE point # # @return [Array] Longitude, Latitude of centroid def bbox_centroid(left_btm, right_top) haversine_midpoint(*left_btm, *right_top) end # Return the haversine distance in meters between two points def haversine_distance(left, btm, right, top) delta_lng = (right - left).abs.to_radians delta_lat = (top - btm ).abs.to_radians btm_rad = btm.to_radians top_rad = top.to_radians aa = (Math.sin(delta_lat / 2.0))**2 + Math.cos(top_rad) * Math.cos(btm_rad) * (Math.sin(delta_lng / 2.0))**2 cc = 2.0 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(aa), Math.sqrt(1.0 - aa)) cc * EARTH_RADIUS end # Return the haversine midpoint in meters between two points def haversine_midpoint(left, btm, right, top) cos_btm = Math.cos(btm.to_radians) cos_top = Math.cos(top.to_radians) bearing_x = cos_btm * Math.cos((right - left).to_radians) bearing_y = cos_btm * Math.sin((right - left).to_radians) mid_lat = Math.atan2( (Math.sin(top.to_radians) + Math.sin(btm.to_radians)), (Math.sqrt((cos_top + bearing_x)**2 + bearing_y**2))) mid_lng = left.to_radians + Math.atan2(bearing_y, (cos_top + bearing_x)) [mid_lng.to_degrees, mid_lat.to_degrees] end # From a given point, calculate the point directly north a specified distance def point_north(longitude, latitude, distance) north_lat = (latitude.to_radians + (distance.to_f / EARTH_RADIUS)).to_degrees [longitude, north_lat] end # From a given point, calculate the change in degrees directly east a given distance def point_east(longitude, latitude, distance) radius = EARTH_RADIUS * Math.sin(((Math::PI / 2.0) - latitude.to_radians.abs)) east_lng = (longitude.to_radians + (distance.to_f / radius)).to_degrees [east_lng, latitude] end # # Pixel coordinates # # Use with a standard (256x256 pixel) grid-based tileserver # # Width or height of grid bitmap in pixels at given zoom level def map_pixel_size(zl) TILE_PIXEL_SIZE * map_tile_size(zl) end # Return pixel resolution in meters per pixel at a specified latitude and zoom level def pixel_resolution(latitude, zl) lat = latitude.clamp(MIN_LATITUDE, MAX_LATITUDE) Math.cos(lat.to_radians) * 2 * Math::PI * EARTH_RADIUS / map_pixel_size(zl).to_f end # Map scale at a specified latitude, zoom level, & screen resolution in dpi def map_scale_for_dpi(latitude, zl, screen_dpi) pixel_resolution(latitude, zl) * screen_dpi / 0.0254 end # Convert from x,y pixel pair into tile x,y coordinates def pixel_xy_to_tile_xy(pixel_x, pixel_y) [pixel_x / TILE_PIXEL_SIZE, pixel_y / TILE_PIXEL_SIZE] end # Convert from x,y tile pair into pixel x,y coordinates (top left corner) def tile_xy_to_pixel_xy(tile_x, tile_y) [tile_x * TILE_PIXEL_SIZE, tile_y * TILE_PIXEL_SIZE] end def pixel_xy_zl_to_lng_lat(pixel_x, pixel_y, zl) tile_xy_zl_to_lng_lat(pixel_x.to_f / TILE_PIXEL_SIZE, pixel_y.to_f / TILE_PIXEL_SIZE, zl) end def lng_lat_zl_to_pixel_xy(lng, lat, zl) pixel_x = lng_zl_to_tile_xf(lng, zl) pixel_y = lat_zl_to_tile_yf(lat, zl) [(pixel_x * TILE_PIXEL_SIZE + 0.5).floor, (pixel_y * TILE_PIXEL_SIZE + 0.5).floor] end end end