# -*- ruby -*- require "rubygems" require "hoe" require './lib/bmp/version.rb' Hoe.plugin :gemspec Hoe.plugin :minitest Hoe.plugin :yard Hoe.plugin :bundler Hoe.plugin :git Hoe.plugin :ignore Hoe.spec "bmp" do developer("So Awesome Man", "callme@1800aweso.me") license "MIT" # this matches the license in the README self.email = 'support@bordee.com' self.name = 'bmp-ruby' self.version = BMP::VERSION self.summary = 'Bitmap generator (bitmap as in BMP image, not bitmap bitset)' self.description = self.summary self.urls = ['https://github.com/bordeeinc/bmp-ruby'] self.testlib = :minitest self.readme_file = 'README.md' self.history_file = 'History.txt' # third-party self.yard_title = self.name self.yard_markup = 'markdown' self.extra_deps += [ ['chunky_png', '1.3.8'], ['bit-struct', '0.15.0'] ] self.extra_dev_deps += [ ["hoe-yard", "~> 0.1"], ["hoe-ignore", "~> 1.0"], ["hoe-bundler", "~> 1.2"], ["hoe-gemspec", "~> 1.0"], ["hoe-git", "~> 1.6"], ["minitest", "~> 5.9"], ["yard", "~> 0.8"], ["redcarpet", "~> 3.3"] # yard/markdown ] self.clean_globs += [ '.yardoc', 'vendor', 'Gemfile.lock', '.bundle', ] self.spec_extras = { :required_ruby_version => '>= 1.9.2' } end # require rake tasks current_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) Dir.glob(File.join(current_dir, 'lib/tasks/*.rake')).each {|r| import r} # vim: syntax=ruby