== 0.3.0 / 2009-08-29 * Major enhancements * "flow" abstraction for threading (use it to create threads and optionally pass it a variable to be bound output, or override it to modify need_later for other threading strategies such as thread pools) * Dataflow::FutureQueue * Nested binding through variables possible * Minor enhancements * Better #inspect and UnificationError debugging output * "barrier" abstraction for manually preventing execution until variable arguments have been bound * Use mixin methods as class/module methods optionally e.g. Dataflow.local {|v| v } == 0.2.1 / 2009-07-29 * Minor enhancements * Leave __send__ and __id__ alone when acting as a proxy == 0.2.0 / 2009-07-09 * Major enhancements * Made equality between objects and dataflow variables more transparent (load equality changes with: require 'dataflow/equality') * Minor enhancements * Made #inspect work with unbound variables to not crash deubggers/repls/etc * Made relationship between lazy and dataflow behavior more strict == 0.1.1 / 2009-06-13 * Minor enhancements * Got the "require_path" set correctly so rubygems can be used =) == 0.1.0 / 2009-06-13 * 1 major enhancement * Birthday!