# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Messaging module ConversationHelper # deprecated def conversation_name_for(users) return content_tag(:span, t("decidim.profile.deleted"), class: "label label--small label--basic") if users.first.deleted? content_tag = content_tag(:strong, users.first.name) content_tag << tag.br content_tag << content_tag(:span, "@#{users.first.nickname}", class: "muted") content_tag end def conversation_label_for(participants) return t("title", scope: "decidim.messaging.conversations.show", usernames: username_list(participants)) unless participants.count == 1 chat_with_user = if participants.first.deleted? t("decidim.profile.deleted") else "#{participants.first.name} (@#{participants.first.nickname})" end "#{t("chat_with", scope: "decidim.messaging.conversations.show")} #{chat_with_user}" end # # Generates a visualization of users for listing conversations threads # def username_list(users, shorten: false) content_tags = [] first_users = shorten ? users.first(3) : users first_users.each do |u| content_tags.push(u.deleted? ? t("decidim.profile.deleted") : u.name) end return content_tags.join(", ") unless shorten return content_tags.join(", ") unless users.count > 3 content_tags.push(" + #{users.count - 3}") content_tags.join(", ") end # # Links to the conversation between the current user and another user # def link_to_current_or_new_conversation_with(user, title = t("decidim.contact")) conversation_path = current_or_new_conversation_path_with(user) if conversation_path link_to(conversation_path, title:) do icon "mail-send-line", aria_label: title, class: "icon--small" end else content_tag :span, title: t("decidim.user_contact_disabled"), data: { tooltip: true } do icon "mail-send-line", aria_label: title, class: "icon--small muted" end end end # # Same as #link_to_current_or_new_conversation_with, but with a text body instead of an icon # # Links to the conversation between the current user and another user # # deprecated ? def text_link_to_current_or_new_conversation_with(user, body = t("decidim.profiles.show.send_private_message")) conversation_path = current_or_new_conversation_path_with(user) link_to body, conversation_path, title: body if conversation_path end # # Finds the right path to the conversation the current user and another # user (the interlocutor). # # * If there is no current user, it returns to the login form path. # # * If there is a prior existing conversation between the users it returns # the path to the existing conversation. # # * If there is no prior conversation between the users, it checks if the # the interlocutor accepts the current user to new conversation. # If affirmative, it returns the new conversation form path. # # * Otherwise returns nil, meaning that no conversation can be established # with the interlocutor # # @param user [Decidim::User] The user to link to a conversation with # # @return [String] The resulting route # def current_or_new_conversation_path_with(user) return decidim_routes.new_user_session_path unless user_signed_in? conversation = conversation_between(current_user, user) if conversation decidim_routes.conversation_path(conversation) elsif user.accepts_conversation?(current_user) decidim_routes.new_conversation_path(recipient_id: user.id) end end # # Finds the conversation between the given participants # # @param participants [Array] The participants to find a # conversation between. # # @return [Decidim::Messaging::Conversation] def conversation_between(*participants) return if participants.to_set.length <= 1 UserConversations.for(participants.first).find do |conversation| conversation.participants.to_set == participants.to_set end end # # Links to the conversation between the current user and another users group # def current_or_new_conversation_path_with_multiple(users, opts = {}) return decidim_routes.new_user_session_path unless user_signed_in? active_participant = opts[:nickname].present? ? Decidim::UserBaseEntity.find_by(nickname: opts[:nickname]) : current_user participants = users.to_a.prepend(active_participant) conversation = conversation_between_multiple(participants) if opts[:nickname].present? current_or_new_profile_conversation_path(opts[:nickname], users, conversation) else current_or_new_user_conversation_path(users, conversation) end end # # Finds the conversation between the given participants # # @param participants [Array] The participants to find a # conversation between. # # @return [Decidim::Messaging::Conversation] def conversation_between_multiple(participants) return if participants.to_set.length <= 1 UserConversations.for(participants.first).find do |conversation| conversation.participants.to_set == participants.to_set end end def current_or_new_profile_conversation_path(nickname, users, conversation = nil) return decidim_routes.profile_conversation_path(conversation, nickname:) if conversation.present? decidim_routes.new_profile_conversation_path(nickname:, recipient_id: users.pluck(:id)) end def current_or_new_user_conversation_path(users, conversation = nil) return decidim_routes.conversation_path(conversation) if conversation.present? decidim_routes.new_conversation_path(recipient_id: users.pluck(:id)) end private def decidim_routes @decidim_routes ||= Decidim::Core::Engine.routes.url_helpers end end end end