require 'ass_maintainer/info_base/version' require 'ass_launcher' module AssMaintainer # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength # Class for manipulate with 1C:Enterprise application instance aka # +information base+ or +infobase+ # # Instances of this class have dinamicly generated interfaece # # 1C:Enterprise application may be deployed as file (aka file infobase) or # on a 1C:Enterprise server (aka server infobase). In the {#initialize} # instance of this class will be extended suitable module: # - server infobase instance will be extend module {ServerIb} # - file infobase instance will be exten module {FileIb} # # Both instance type inherits methods from {Interfaces::InfoBaseWrapper} # # All instances get methods wrappers for access to {#options} see # {.build_options_wrapper} class InfoBase extend AssLauncher::Api require 'ass_maintainer/info_base/config' require 'ass_maintainer/info_base/interfaces' require 'ass_maintainer/info_base/file_ib' require 'ass_maintainer/info_base/server_ib' require 'ass_maintainer/info_base/cfg' require 'ass_maintainer/info_base/default_maker' # :nodoc: class MethodDenied < StandardError def initialize(m) super "Infobase is read only. Method #{m} denied!" end end # Deafult port for connect to 1C:Enterprise serever agent DEFAULT_SAGENT_PORT = '1540' # Hooks before and after make and remove infobase. Hooks may be passed as # options or seted later see {#add_hook} HOOKS = { before_make: ->(ib) {}, after_make: ->(ib) {}, before_rm: ->(ib) {}, after_rm: ->(ib) {} } # On default for make and remove infobase uses {DefaultMaker} and # {FileIb::FileBaseDestroyer} or {ServerIb::ServerBaseDestroyer} # but we can pass custom maker and destroyer as {#options}. # Maker and destroyer must implements {Interfaces::IbMaker} and # {Interfaces::IbDestroyer} WORKERS = { maker: nil, destroyer: nil } # - +:latform_require+ Required 1C:Enterprise version # - +:agent_host+ Host name of 1C:Enterprise server agent # - +:agent_port+ TCP port of 1C:Enterprise server agent on # default {DEFAULT_SAGENT_PORT} # - +:agent_usr+ Admin for 1C:Enterprise server agent # - +:agent_pwd+ Admin password for 1C:Enterprise server agent # - +:laster_usr+ Admin for 1C:Enterprise claster. # See {ServerIb#claster_usr} # - +:laster_pwd+ Pasword Admin for 1C:Enterprise claster. # See {ServerIb#claster_pwd} # - +:nlock_code+ Code for connect to locked infobase aka "/UC" parameter ARGUMENTS = { platform_require: nil, sagent_host: nil, sagent_port: nil, sagent_usr: nil, sagent_pwd: nil, claster_usr: nil, claster_pwd: nil, unlock_code: nil } OPTIONS = (ARGUMENTS.merge HOOKS).merge WORKERS # Dinamicaly builds of options wrappers def self.build_options_wrapper OPTIONS.each_key do |key| next if WORKERS.keys.include? key define_method key do options[key] end next if HOOKS.keys.include? key define_method "#{key}=".to_sym do |arg| options[key] = arg end end end build_options_wrapper # see {#initialize} +name+ attr_reader :name # see {#initialize} +connection_string+ attr_reader :connection_string # see {#initialize} +options+ attr_reader :options # InfoBase is read only # destructive methods will be fail with {MethodDenied} error attr_reader :read_only alias_method :read_only?, :read_only # @param name [String] name of infobase # @param connection_string [String AssLauncher::Support::ConnectionString] # @param read_only [true false] infobse is read only or not # @param options [Hash] see {OPTIONS} def initialize(name, connection_string, read_only = true, **options) @name = name @connection_string = self.class.cs(connection_string.to_s) @read_only = read_only @options = OPTIONS.merge(options) case when :file then extend FileIb when :server then extend ServerIb else fail ArgumentError end yield self if block_given? end # Add hook. In all hook whill be passed +self+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if invalid hook name or not block given # @param hook [Symbol] hook name def add_hook(hook, &block) fail ArgumentError, "Invalid hook `#{hook}'" unless\ HOOKS.keys.include? hook fail ArgumentError, 'Block require' unless block_given? options[hook] = block end # Requrement 1C version # @return [String] def platform_require options[:platform_require] || self.class.config.platform_require end # Rebuild infobse first call {#rm!} second call {#make} # @raise (see #rm!) def rebuild!(sure = :no) rm! sure make end # (see #make_infobase!) def make make_infobase! unless exists? self end # Make new empty infobase # wrpped in +before_make+ and +after_make+ hooks # @raise [MethodDenied] if infobase {#read_only?} def make_infobase! fail MethodDenied, :make_infobase! if read_only? maker.execute(self) self end private :make_infobase! # (see #rm_infobase!) def rm!(sure = :no) fail 'If you are sure pass :yes value' unless sure == :yes return unless exists? rm_infobase! nil end # Remove infobase # wrpped in +before_rm+ and +after_rm+ hooks # @raise [MethodDenied] if infobase {#read_only?} def rm_infobase! fail MethodDenied, :rm_infobase! if read_only? destroyer.execute(self) end private :rm_infobase! # Returns type of infobase # @return [Symbol] +:file+ or +:server+ def is end # Check type of infobase # @param type [Symbol] +:file+ or +:server+ def is?(type) end # Set user name def usr=(user_name) connection_string.usr = user_name end # User name # @return [String] def usr connection_string.usr end # Set locale # @param l [String] locale code +en+, +ru+ etc def locale=(l) connection_string.locale = l end # Get locale # @return [String] def locale connection_string.locale end # Set user password def pwd=(password) connection_string.pwd = password end # User password # @return [String] def pwd connection_string.pwd end # @return [AssLauncher::Enterprise::BinaryWrapper::ThickClient] def thick self.class.thicks(platform_require).last || fail("Platform 1C #{platform_require} not found") end # @return [AssLauncher::Enterprise::BinaryWrapper::ThinClient] def thin self.class.thins(platform_require).last || fail("Platform 1C #{platform_require} not found") end # Get ole connector specified in +type+ parameter # @param type [Symbol] see +AssLauncher::Api#ole+ def ole(type) self.class.ole(type, ole_requirement) end def ole_requirement "= #{thick.version}" end private :ole_requirement def fail_if_not_exists fail 'Infobase not exists' unless exists? end private :fail_if_not_exists # Build command for run designer # block will be passed to arguments builder # @return [AssLauncher::Support::Shell::Command] def designer(&block) command(:thick, :designer, &block) end # Build command for run enterprise # block will be passed to arguments builder # @param client [Symbol] +:thin+ or +thick+ client # @return [AssLauncher::Support::Shell::Command] def enterprise(client, &block) command(client, :enterprise, &block) end def command(client, mode, &block) fail_if_not_exists case client when :thin then thin.command(connection_string.to_args + common_args, &block) when :thick then thick.command(mode, connection_string.to_args + common_args, &block) else fail ArgumentError, "Invalid client #{client}" end end private :command # Common arguments for all commands def common_args r = [] r += ['/L', locale] if locale r += ['/UC', unlock_code] if unlock_code r end # Dump infobase to +.dt+ file def dump(path) designer do dumpIB path! path end # Restore infobase from +.dt+ file # @raise [MethodDenied] if {#read_only?} def restore!(path) fail MethodDenied, :restore! if read_only? designer do restoreIB path! path end # Returns instance for manipuate with # InfoBase database. If infobase not # exists returns nil # @return [Dbase nil] def db_cfg @db_cfg ||= if exists? end # Returns instance for manipuate with # databse configuration. If infobase not # exists returns nil # @return [Cfg nil] def cfg @cfg ||= if exists? end extend Forwardable def_delegators :infobase_wrapper, *Interfaces::InfoBaseWrapper.instance_methods end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end