# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'test_helper' require 'tempfile' require 'stringio' require 'hexapdf/type/file_specification' require 'hexapdf/document' describe HexaPDF::Type::FileSpecification do before do @doc = HexaPDF::Document.new @obj = HexaPDF::Type::FileSpecification.new({}, document: @doc) end it "can be asked whether it is a URL or a file" do refute(@obj.url?) @obj[:FS] = :URL assert(@obj.url?) end describe "path" do it "returns the first useable file spec string" do @obj[:DOS] = 'hälo'.b assert_equal('hälo'.b, @obj.path) @obj[:UF] = 'hälo' assert_equal('hälo', @obj.path) end it "unescapes the path string according to the PDF spec" do @obj[:F] = "dir/in\\/out\\too" assert_equal('dir/in/out/too', @obj.path) end end describe "path=" do it "only sets /UF and /F, deleting /Mac, /Unix, /DOS entries if they exist" do @obj[:Unix] = @obj[:Mac] = @obj[:DOS] = 'a' @obj.path = 'file/test' refute_same(@obj.value[:UF], @obj.value[:F]) assert_equal('file/test', @obj[:UF]) assert_equal('file/test', @obj[:F]) refute(@obj.key?(:Unix)) refute(@obj.key?(:Mac)) refute(@obj.key?(:DOS)) end it 'resets the /FS value' do @obj[:FS] = :Something @obj.path = 'file' refute(@obj.key?(:FS)) end end describe "url=" do it "sets the path and the file system entry" do url = 'http://example.com/some?test=ing#done' @obj.url = url assert_equal(url, @obj.path) assert(@obj.url?) end it "fails if the provided string is not a valid URL" do assert_raises(HexaPDF::Error) { @obj.url = "a false \\ URL" } end end describe "embedded_file?" do it "checks whether the specification has an embedded file" do refute(@obj.embedded_file?) @obj[:EF] = {UF: {}} assert(@obj.embedded_file?) end end describe "embedded_file_stream" do it "returns the associated embedded file stream" do assert_nil(@obj.embedded_file_stream) @obj[:EF] = {F: 'data'} assert_equal('data', @obj.embedded_file_stream) end end describe "embed/unembed" do before do @file = Tempfile.new('file-embed-test') @file.write("embed-test") @file.close end after do @file.unlink end it "requires the name argument when given an IO object" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) { @obj.embed(StringIO.new) } end it "embeds the given file and registers it with the global name registry" do stream = @obj.embed(@file.path) assert_equal(stream, @obj[:EF][:UF]) assert_equal(stream, @obj[:EF][:F]) assert_equal(File.basename(@file.path), @obj.path) assert_equal(@obj, @doc.catalog[:Names][:EmbeddedFiles].find_entry(@obj.path)) assert_equal(:FlateDecode, stream[:Filter]) assert_equal('embed-test', stream.stream) end it "embeds the given IO object" do @file.open stream = @obj.embed(@file, name: 'test') assert_equal('embed-test', stream.stream) stream = @obj.embed(StringIO.new('test'), name: 'test') assert_equal('test', stream.stream) end it "allows overriding the name" do @obj.embed(@file.path, name: 'test') assert_equal('test', @obj.path) assert_equal(@obj, @doc.catalog[:Names][:EmbeddedFiles].find_entry('test')) end it "doesn't register the embedded file if instructed to do so" do @obj.embed(@file.path, name: 'test', register: false) assert_nil(@doc.catalog[:Names]) end it "replaces the value of an already registered name" do (@doc.catalog[:Names] ||= {})[:EmbeddedFiles] = {} @doc.catalog[:Names][:EmbeddedFiles].add_entry('test', 'data') @obj.embed(@file.path, name: 'test') assert_equal(@obj, @doc.catalog[:Names][:EmbeddedFiles].find_entry('test')) end it "unembeds an already embedded file before embedding the new one" do @obj.embed(@file.path, name: 'test1') @obj.embed(@file.path, name: 'test2') assert_equal([['test2', @obj]], @doc.catalog[:Names][:EmbeddedFiles].each_entry.to_a) end end end