# frozen_string_literal: true module RubyNext module Language module Rewriters using RubyNext using(Module.new do refine ::Parser::AST::Node do def to_ast_node self end # Useful to generate simple operation nodes # (e.g., 'a + b') def -(other) ::Parser::AST::Node.new(:send, [self, :-, other.to_ast_node]) end def +(other) ::Parser::AST::Node.new(:send, [self, :+, other.to_ast_node]) end end refine String do def to_ast_node ::Parser::AST::Node.new(:str, [self]) end end refine Symbol do def to_ast_node ::Parser::AST::Node.new(:sym, [self]) end end refine Integer do def to_ast_node ::Parser::AST::Node.new(:int, [self]) end end end) # We can memoize structural predicates to avoid double calculation. # # For example, consider the following case and the corresponding predicate chains: # # case val # in [:ok, 200] #=> [:respond_to_deconstruct, :deconstruct_type, :arr_size_is_2] # in [:created, 201] #=> [:respond_to_deconstruct, :deconstruct_type, :arr_size_is_2] # in [401 | 403] #=> [:respond_to_deconstruct, :deconstruct_type, :arr_size_is_1] # end # # We can minimize the number of predicate calls by storing the intermediate values (prefixed with `p_`) and using them # in the subsequent calls: # # case val # in [:ok, 200] #=> [:respond_to_deconstruct, :deconstruct_type, :arr_size_is_2] # in [:created, 201] #=> [:p_deconstructed, :p_arr_size_2] # in [401 | 403] #=> [:p_deconstructed, :arr_size_is_1] # end # # This way we mimic a naive decision tree algorithim. module Predicates class Processor < ::Parser::TreeRewriter attr_reader :predicates def initialize(predicates) @predicates = predicates super() end def on_lvasgn(node) lvar, val = *node.children if predicates.store[lvar] == false process(val) else node end end def on_and(node) left, right = *node.children if truthy(left) process(right) elsif truthy(right) process(left) else node.updated( :and, [ process(left), process(right) ] ) end end private def truthy(node) return false unless node.is_a?(::Parser::AST::Node) return true if node.type == :true return false if node.children.empty? node.children.all? { |child| truthy(child) } end end class Base attr_reader :store, :predicates_by_path, :count, :terminated, :current_path alias terminated? terminated def initialize # total number of predicates @count = 0 # cache of all predicates by path @predicates_by_path = {} # all predicates and their dirty state @store = {} @current_path = [] end def reset! @current_path = [] @terminated = false end def push(path) current_path << path end def pop current_path.pop end def terminate! @terminated = true end def predicate_clause(name, node) if pred?(name) read_pred(name) else write_pred(name, node) end end def pred?(name) predicates_by_path.key?(current_path + [name]) end def read_pred(name) lvar = predicates_by_path.fetch(current_path + [name]) # mark as used store[lvar] = true s(:lvar, lvar) end def write_pred(name, node) return node if terminated? @count += 1 lvar = :"__p_#{count}__" predicates_by_path[current_path + [name]] = lvar store[lvar] = false s(:lvasgn, lvar, node) end def process(ast) Processor.new(self).process(ast) end private def s(type, *children) ::Parser::AST::Node.new(type, children) end end # rubocop:disable Style/MissingRespondToMissing class Noop < Base # Return node itself, no memoization def method_missing(mid, node, *) node end end # rubocop:enable Style/MethodMissingSuper # rubocop:enable Style/MissingRespondToMissing class CaseIn < Base def const(node, const) node end def respond_to_deconstruct(node) predicate_clause(:respond_to_deconstruct, node) end def array_size(node, size) predicate_clause(:"array_size_#{size}", node) end def array_deconstructed(node) predicate_clause(:array_deconstructed, node) end def hash_deconstructed(node, keys) predicate_clause(:"hash_deconstructed_#{keys.join("_p_")}", node) end def respond_to_deconstruct_keys(node) predicate_clause(:respond_to_deconstruct_keys, node) end def hash_keys(node, keys) keys = keys.map { |key| key.is_a?(::Parser::AST::Node) ? key.children.first : key } predicate_clause(:"hash_keys_#{keys.join("_p_")}", node) end end end class PatternMatching < Base NAME = "pattern-matching" SYNTAX_PROBE = "case 0; in 0; true; else; 1; end" MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION = Gem::Version.new("2.7.0") MATCHEE = :__m__ MATCHEE_ARR = :__m_arr__ MATCHEE_HASH = :__m_hash__ ALTERNATION_MARKER = :__alt__ CURRENT_HASH_KEY = :__chk__ def on_case_match(node) context.track! self @deconstructed_keys = {} @predicates = Predicates::CaseIn.new @lvars = [] matchee_ast = s(:begin, s(:lvasgn, MATCHEE, node.children[0])) patterns = locals.with( matchee: MATCHEE, arr: MATCHEE_ARR, hash: MATCHEE_HASH ) do build_case_when(node.children[1..-1]) end case_clause = predicates.process(s(:case, *patterns)) rewrite_case_in! node, matchee_ast, case_clause node.updated( :kwbegin, [ matchee_ast, case_clause ] ) end def on_match_pattern(node) context.track! self @deconstructed_keys = {} @predicates = Predicates::Noop.new @lvars = [] matchee = s(:begin, s(:lvasgn, MATCHEE, node.children[0])) pattern = locals.with( matchee: MATCHEE, arr: MATCHEE_ARR, hash: MATCHEE_HASH ) do with_declared_locals do send( :"#{node.children[1].type}_clause", node.children[1] ) end.then do |node| s(:begin, s(:or, node, no_matching_pattern)) end end node.updated( :and, [ matchee, pattern ] ).tap do |new_node| replace(node.loc.expression, inline_blocks(unparse(new_node))) end end alias on_in_match on_match_pattern def on_match_pattern_p(node) context.track! self @deconstructed_keys = {} @predicates = Predicates::Noop.new @lvars = [] matchee = s(:begin, s(:lvasgn, MATCHEE, node.children[0])) pattern = locals.with( matchee: MATCHEE, arr: MATCHEE_ARR, hash: MATCHEE_HASH ) do with_declared_locals do send( :"#{node.children[1].type}_clause", node.children[1] ) end end node.updated( :and, [ matchee, pattern ] ).tap do |new_node| replace(node.loc.expression, inline_blocks(unparse(new_node))) end end private def rewrite_case_in!(node, matchee, new_node) replace(node.loc.keyword, "case; when (#{unparse(matchee)}) && false") remove(node.children[0].loc.expression) node.children[1..-1].each.with_index do |clause, i| if clause&.type == :in_pattern # handle multiline clauses differently if clause.loc.last_line > clause.children[0].loc.last_line + 1 height = clause.loc.last_line - clause.children[0].loc.last_line padding = "\n" * height body_indent = " " * clause.children[2].loc.column replace( clause.loc.expression, "when #{inline_blocks(unparse(new_node.children[i].children[0]))}" \ "#{padding}" \ "#{body_indent}#{clause.children[2].loc.expression.source}" ) else replace( clause.loc.keyword.end.join(clause.children[0].loc.expression.end), inline_blocks(unparse(new_node.children[i].children[0])) ) remove(clause.children[1].loc.expression) if clause.children[1] replace(clause.loc.keyword, "when ") end elsif clause.nil? insert_after(node.children[-2].loc.expression, "; else; #{unparse(new_node.children.last)}") end end end def build_case_when(nodes) else_clause = nil clauses = [] nodes.each do |clause| if clause&.type == :in_pattern clauses << build_when_clause(clause) else else_clause = process(clause) end end else_clause = (else_clause || no_matching_pattern).then do |node| next node unless node.type == :empty_else nil end clauses << else_clause clauses end def build_when_clause(clause) predicates.reset! [ with_declared_locals do with_guard( send( :"#{clause.children[0].type}_clause", clause.children[0] ), clause.children[1] # guard ) end, process(clause.children[2] || s(:nil)) # expression ].then do |children| s(:when, *children) end end def const_pattern_clause(node, right = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) const, pattern = *node.children predicates.const(case_eq_clause(const, right), const).then do |node| next node if pattern.nil? s(:begin, s(:and, node, send(:"#{pattern.type}_clause", pattern, right))) end end def match_alt_clause(node, matchee = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) children = locals.with(ALTERNATION_MARKER => true) do node.children.map.with_index do |child, i| predicates.terminate! if i == 1 send :"#{child.type}_clause", child, matchee end end s(:begin, s(:or, *children)) end def match_as_clause(node, right = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) s(:begin, s(:and, send(:"#{node.children[0].type}_clause", node.children[0], right), match_var_clause(node.children[1], right))) end def match_var_clause(node, left = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) var = node.children[0] return s(:true) if var == :_ check_match_var_alternation!(var) s(:begin, s(:or, s(:begin, build_var_assignment(var, left)), s(:true))) end def pin_clause(node, right = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) predicates.terminate! case_eq_clause node.children[0], right end def case_eq_clause(node, right = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) predicates.terminate! s(:begin, s(:send, process(node), :===, right)) end #=========== ARRAY PATTERN (START) =============== def array_pattern_clause(node, matchee = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) deconstruct_node(matchee).then do |dnode| size_check = nil # if there is no rest or tail, match the size first unless node.type == :array_pattern_with_tail || node.children.any? { |n| n.type == :match_rest } size_check = predicates.array_size( s(:begin, s(:send, node.children.size.to_ast_node, :==, s(:send, s(:lvar, locals[:arr]), :size))), node.children.size ) end right = if node.children.empty? case_eq_clause(s(:array), s(:lvar, locals[:arr])) elsif node.children.size > 1 && node.children.first.type == :match_rest && node.children.last.type == :match_rest array_find(*node.children) else array_element(0, *node.children) end right = s(:and, size_check, right) if size_check s(:begin, s(:and, dnode, right)) end end alias array_pattern_with_tail_clause array_pattern_clause alias find_pattern_clause array_pattern_clause def deconstruct_node(matchee) context.use_ruby_next! # we do not memoize respond_to_check for arrays, 'cause # we can memoize is together with #deconstruct result respond_check = respond_to_check(matchee, :deconstruct) right = s(:send, matchee, :deconstruct) predicates.array_deconstructed( s(:and, respond_check, s(:begin, s(:and, s(:begin, s(:or, s(:begin, s(:lvasgn, locals[:arr], right)), s(:true))), s(:begin, s(:or, s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Array), :===, s(:lvar, locals[:arr])), raise_error(:TypeError, "#deconstruct must return Array")))))) ) end def array_element(index, head, *tail) return array_match_rest(index, head, *tail) if head.type == :match_rest send("#{head.type}_array_element", head, index).then do |node| next node if tail.empty? s(:begin, s(:and, node, array_element(index + 1, *tail))) end end # [*a, 1, 2, *] -> arr.find.with_index { |_, i| (a = arr.take(i)) && arr[i] == 1 && arr[i + 1] == 2 } def array_find(head, *nodes, tail) index = s(:lvar, :__i__) head_match = unless head.children.empty? # we only need to call this to track the lvar usage build_var_assignment(head.children[0].children[0]) arr_take = s(:send, s(:lvar, locals[:arr]), :take, index) match_var_clause(head.children[0], arr_take) end tail_match = unless tail.children.empty? # we only need to call this to track the lvar usage build_var_assignment(tail.children[0].children[0]) match_var_clause(tail.children[0], arr_slice(index + nodes.size, -1)) end nodes.each do |node| if node.type == :match_var # we only need to call this to track the lvar usage build_var_assignment(node.children[0]) elsif node.type == :match_as # we only need to call this to track the lvar usage build_var_assignment(node.children[1].children[0]) end end pattern = array_rest_element(*nodes, index).then do |needle| next needle unless head_match s(:begin, s(:and, needle, head_match)) end.then do |headed_needle| next headed_needle unless tail_match s(:begin, s(:and, headed_needle, tail_match)) end s(:block, s(:send, s(:send, s(:lvar, locals[:arr]), :find), :with_index), s(:args, s(:arg, :_), s(:arg, :__i__)), pattern) end def array_match_rest(index, node, *tail) size = tail.size + 1 child = node.children[0] rest = arr_slice(index, -size).then do |r| next r unless child match_var_clause( child, r ) end return rest if tail.empty? s(:begin, s(:and, rest, array_rest_element(*tail, -(size - 1)))) end def array_rest_element(head, *tail, index) send("#{head.type}_array_element", head, index).then do |node| next node if tail.empty? s(:begin, s(:and, node, array_rest_element(*tail, index + 1))) end end def array_pattern_array_element(node, index) element = arr_item_at(index) locals.with(arr: locals[:arr, index]) do predicates.push :"i#{index}" array_pattern_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def find_pattern_array_element(node, index) element = arr_item_at(index) locals.with(arr: locals[:arr, index]) do predicates.push :"i#{index}" find_pattern_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def hash_pattern_array_element(node, index) element = arr_item_at(index) locals.with(hash: locals[:arr, index]) do predicates.push :"i#{index}" hash_pattern_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def const_pattern_array_element(node, index) element = arr_item_at(index) locals.with(arr: locals[:arr, index]) do predicates.push :"i#{index}" const_pattern_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def match_alt_array_element(node, index) children = node.children.map do |child, i| send :"#{child.type}_array_element", child, index end s(:begin, s(:or, *children)) end def match_var_array_element(node, index) element = arr_item_at(index) locals.with(arr: locals[:arr, index]) do predicates.push :"i#{index}" match_var_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def match_as_array_element(node, index) element = arr_item_at(index) locals.with(arr: locals[:arr, index]) do predicates.push :"i#{index}" match_as_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def pin_array_element(node, index) case_eq_array_element node.children[0], index end def case_eq_array_element(node, index) case_eq_clause(node, arr_item_at(index)) end def arr_item_at(index, arr = s(:lvar, locals[:arr])) s(:index, arr, index.to_ast_node) end def arr_slice(lindex, rindex, arr = s(:lvar, locals[:arr])) s(:index, arr, s(:irange, lindex.to_ast_node, rindex.to_ast_node)) end #=========== ARRAY PATTERN (END) =============== #=========== HASH PATTERN (START) =============== def hash_pattern_clause(node, matchee = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) # Optimization: avoid hash modifications when not needed # (we use #dup and #delete when "reading" values when **rest is present # to assign the rest of the hash copy to it) @hash_match_rest = node.children.any? { |child| child.type == :match_rest || child.type == :match_nil_pattern } keys = hash_pattern_destruction_keys(node.children) specified_key_names = hash_pattern_keys(node.children) deconstruct_keys_node(keys, matchee).then do |dnode| right = if node.children.empty? case_eq_clause(s(:hash), s(:lvar, locals[:hash])) elsif specified_key_names.empty? hash_element(*node.children) else s(:begin, s(:and, having_hash_keys(specified_key_names), hash_element(*node.children))) end predicates.pop next dnode if right.nil? s(:begin, s(:and, dnode, right)) end end def hash_pattern_keys(children) children.filter_map do |child| # Skip ** without var next if child.type == :match_rest || child.type == :match_nil_pattern send("#{child.type}_hash_key", child) end end def hash_pattern_destruction_keys(children) return s(:nil) if children.empty? children.filter_map do |child| # Skip ** without var next if child.type == :match_rest && child.children.empty? return s(:nil) if child.type == :match_rest || child.type == :match_nil_pattern send("#{child.type}_hash_key", child) end.then { |keys| s(:array, *keys) } end def pair_hash_key(node) node.children[0] end def match_var_hash_key(node) check_match_var_alternation! node.children[0] s(:sym, node.children[0]) end def deconstruct_keys_node(keys, matchee = s(:lvar, locals[:matchee])) # Use original hash returned by #deconstruct_keys if not **rest matching, # 'cause it remains immutable deconstruct_name = @hash_match_rest ? locals[:hash, :src] : locals[:hash] # Duplicate the source hash when matching **rest, 'cause we mutate it hash_dup = if @hash_match_rest s(:begin, s(:lvasgn, locals[:hash], s(:send, s(:lvar, locals[:hash, :src]), :dup))) else s(:true) end context.use_ruby_next! respond_to_checked = predicates.pred?(:respond_to_deconstruct_keys) respond_check = predicates.respond_to_deconstruct_keys(respond_to_check(matchee, :deconstruct_keys)) key_names = keys.children.map { |node| node.children.last } predicates.push locals[:hash] s(:begin, s(:lvasgn, deconstruct_name, s(:send, matchee, :deconstruct_keys, keys))).then do |dnode| next dnode if respond_to_checked s(:and, respond_check, s(:begin, s(:and, s(:begin, s(:or, dnode, s(:true))), s(:begin, s(:or, s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Hash), :===, s(:lvar, deconstruct_name)), raise_error(:TypeError, "#deconstruct_keys must return Hash")))))) end.then do |dnode| predicates.hash_deconstructed(dnode, key_names) end.then do |dnode| next dnode unless @hash_match_rest s(:begin, s(:and, dnode, hash_dup)) end end def hash_pattern_hash_element(node, key) element = hash_value_at(key) key_index = deconstructed_key(key) locals.with(hash: locals[:hash, key_index]) do predicates.push :"k#{key_index}" hash_pattern_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def array_pattern_hash_element(node, key) element = hash_value_at(key) key_index = deconstructed_key(key) locals.with(arr: locals[:hash, key_index]) do predicates.push :"k#{key_index}" array_pattern_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def find_pattern_hash_element(node, key) element = hash_value_at(key) key_index = deconstructed_key(key) locals.with(arr: locals[:hash, key_index]) do predicates.push :"k#{key_index}" find_pattern_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def const_pattern_hash_element(node, key) element = hash_value_at(key) key_index = deconstructed_key(key) locals.with(hash: locals[:hash, key_index]) do predicates.push :"k#{key_index}" const_pattern_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def hash_element(head, *tail) send("#{head.type}_hash_element", head).then do |node| next node if tail.empty? right = hash_element(*tail) next node if right.nil? s(:begin, s(:and, node, right)) end end def pair_hash_element(node, _key = nil) key, val = *node.children send("#{val.type}_hash_element", val, key) end def match_alt_hash_element(node, key) element_node = s(:begin, s(:lvasgn, locals[:hash, :el], hash_value_at(key))) children = locals.with(hash_element: locals[:hash, :el]) do node.children.map do |child, i| send :"#{child.type}_hash_element", child, key end end s(:begin, s(:and, s(:begin, s(:or, element_node, s(:true))), s(:begin, s(:or, *children)))) end def match_as_hash_element(node, key) element = hash_value_at(key) key_index = deconstructed_key(key) locals.with(hash: locals[:hash, key_index]) do predicates.push :"k#{key_index}" match_as_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def match_var_hash_element(node, key = nil) key ||= node.children[0] element = hash_value_at(key) key_index = deconstructed_key(key) locals.with(hash: locals[:hash, key_index]) do predicates.push :"k#{key_index}" match_var_clause(node, element).tap { predicates.pop } end end def match_nil_pattern_hash_element(node, _key = nil) s(:send, s(:lvar, locals[:hash]), :empty?) end def match_rest_hash_element(node, _key = nil) # case {}; in **; end return if node.children.empty? child = node.children[0] raise ArgumentError, "Unknown hash match_rest child: #{child.type}" unless child.type == :match_var match_var_clause(child, s(:lvar, locals[:hash])) end def pin_hash_element(node, index) case_eq_hash_element node.children[0], index end def case_eq_hash_element(node, key) case_eq_clause node, hash_value_at(key) end def hash_value_at(key, hash = s(:lvar, locals[:hash])) return s(:lvar, locals.fetch(:hash_element)) if locals.key?(:hash_element) if @hash_match_rest s(:send, hash, :delete, key.to_ast_node) else s(:index, hash, key.to_ast_node) end end def hash_has_key(key, hash = s(:lvar, locals[:hash])) s(:send, hash, :key?, key.to_ast_node) end def having_hash_keys(keys, hash = s(:lvar, locals[:hash])) keys.reduce(nil) do |acc, key| pnode = hash_has_key(key, hash) next pnode unless acc s(:begin, s(:and, acc, pnode)) end.then do |node| predicates.hash_keys(node, keys) end end #=========== HASH PATTERN (END) =============== def with_guard(node, guard) return node unless guard s(:begin, s(:and, node, guard.children[0])).then do |expr| next expr unless guard.type == :unless_guard s(:send, expr, :!) end end def with_declared_locals lvars.clear node = yield return node if lvars.empty? # We need to declare match lvars outside of the outer `find` block, # so we do that for that whole pattern locals_declare = s(:begin, s(:masgn, s(:mlhs, *lvars.uniq.map { s(:lvasgn, _1) }), s(:nil))) s(:begin, s(:or, locals_declare, node)) end def no_matching_pattern raise_error( :NoMatchingPatternError, s(:send, s(:lvar, locals[:matchee]), :inspect) ) end def raise_error(type, msg = "") s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Kernel), :raise, s(:const, nil, type), msg.to_ast_node) end # Add respond_to? check def respond_to_check(node, mid) s(:send, node, :respond_to?, mid.to_ast_node) end def respond_to_missing?(mid, *) return true if mid.to_s.match?(/_(clause|array_element)/) super end def method_missing(mid, *args, &block) mid = mid.to_s return case_eq_clause(*args) if mid.match?(/_clause$/) return case_eq_array_element(*args) if mid.match?(/_array_element$/) return case_eq_hash_element(*args) if mid.match?(/_hash_element$/) super end private attr_reader :deconstructed_keys, :predicates, :lvars # Raise SyntaxError if match-var is used within alternation # https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/672213ef1ca2b71312084057e27580b340438796/compile.c#L5900 def check_match_var_alternation!(name) return unless locals.key?(ALTERNATION_MARKER) if name.is_a?(::Parser::AST::Node) raise ::SyntaxError, "illegal variable in alternative pattern (#{name.children.first})" end return if name.start_with?("_") raise ::SyntaxError, "illegal variable in alternative pattern (#{name})" end def deconstructed_key(key) return deconstructed_keys[key] if deconstructed_keys.key?(key) deconstructed_keys[key] = :"k#{deconstructed_keys.size}" end # Unparser generates `do .. end` or `{ ... }` multiline blocks, we want to # have single-line blocks with `{ ... }`. def inline_blocks(source) source.gsub(/(?:do|{) \|_, __i__\|\n\s*([^\n]+)\n\s*(?:end|})/, '{ |_, __i__| \1 }') end # Value could be omitted for mass assignment def build_var_assignment(var, value = nil) unless var.is_a?(::Parser::AST::Node) lvars << var return s(:lvasgn, *[var, value].compact) end asign_type = :"#{var.type.to_s[0]}vasgn" s(asign_type, *[var.children[0], value].compact) end end end end end