var expect = require('expect.js'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var Logger = require('../'); describe('Logger', function () { var logger; beforeEach(function () { logger = new Logger(); }); describe('.constructor', function () { it('should provide an instance of Logger', function () { expect(logger instanceof Logger); }); it('should provide an instance of EventEmitter', function () { expect(logger instanceof EventEmitter); }); it('should have prototype methods', function () { var methods = [ 'intercept', 'pipe', 'geminate', 'log' ]; methods.forEach(function (method) { expect(logger); }); }); }); describe('events', function () { var logData = { foo: 'bar', baz: 'string' }; it('should pass through {}', function (next) { logger.on('log', function (log) { expect({}); next(); });; }); it('should pass through logData', function (next) { logger.on('log', function (log) { expect(; next(); });'foo', 'message', logData); }); it('should emit error event', function (next) { logger.on('log', function (log) { expect(log.level).to.eql('error'); expect('foo'); expect(log.message).to.eql('error message'); expect({}); next(); }); logger.error('foo', 'error message'); }); it('should emit conflict event', function (next) { logger.on('log', function (log) { expect(log.level).to.eql('conflict'); expect('foo'); expect(log.message).to.eql('conflict message'); expect({}); next(); }); logger.conflict('foo', 'conflict message'); }); it('should emit warn event', function (next) { logger.on('log', function (log) { expect(log.level).to.eql('warn'); expect('foo'); expect(log.message).to.eql('warn message'); expect({}); next(); }); logger.warn('foo', 'warn message'); }); it('should emit action event', function (next) { logger.on('log', function (log) { expect(log.level).to.eql('action'); expect('foo'); expect(log.message).to.eql('action message'); expect({}); next(); }); logger.action('foo', 'action message'); }); it('should emit info event', function (next) { logger.on('log', function (log) { expect(log.level).to.eql('info'); expect('foo'); expect(log.message).to.eql('info message'); expect({}); next(); });'foo', 'info message'); }); it('should emit debug event', function (next) { logger.on('log', function (log) { expect(log.level).to.eql('debug'); expect('foo'); expect(log.message).to.eql('debug message'); expect({}); next(); }); logger.debug('foo', 'debug message'); }); }); describe('.intercept', function () { it('should add the function and call it when a log occurs', function (next) { var called; var data = { 'some': 'thing' }; logger.intercept(function (log) { called = true; expect(log).to.eql({ level: 'warn', id: 'foo', message: 'bar', data: data }); expect(; }); logger.log('warn', 'foo', 'bar', data); expect(called); next(); }); it('should call the interceptors by order before emitting the event', function (next) { var called = []; logger.intercept(function () { called.push(1); }); logger.intercept(function () { called.push(2); }); logger.log('warn', 'foo', 'bar'); expect(called).to.eql([1, 2]); next(); }); it('should call the interceptors along the chain', function (next) { var called = []; var childLogger = logger.geminate(); childLogger.intercept(function () { called.push(1); }); logger.intercept(function () { called.push(3); }); childLogger.on('log', function () { called.push(2); }); logger.on('log', function () { called.push(4); }); childLogger.log('warn', 'foo', 'bar'); expect(called).to.eql([1, 2, 3, 4]); next(); }); }); describe('.pipe', function () { it('should return the passed emitter', function () { var otherEmitter = new EventEmitter(); expect(logger.pipe(otherEmitter)).to.equal(otherEmitter); }); it('should pipe log events to another emitter', function (next) { var otherEmitter = new EventEmitter(); var data = { 'some': 'thing' }; var piped; logger.pipe(otherEmitter); otherEmitter.on('log', function (log) { piped = true; expect(log).to.eql({ level: 'warn', id: 'foo', message: 'bar', data: data }); }); logger.log('warn', 'foo', 'bar', data); expect(piped); next(); }); }); describe('.geminate', function () { it('should return a new logger instance', function () { var newLogger = logger.geminate(); expect(newLogger); expect(newLogger); expect(newLogger); }); it('should pipe the new logger events to the original logger', function (next) { var piped = []; var childLogger = logger.geminate(); var data = { 'some': 'thing' }; childLogger.on('log', function (log) { piped.push(1); expect(log).to.eql({ level: 'warn', id: 'foo', message: 'bar', data: data }); expect(; }); logger.on('log', function (log) { piped.push(2); expect(log).to.eql({ level: 'warn', id: 'foo', message: 'bar', data: data }); expect(; }); childLogger.log('warn', 'foo', 'bar', data); expect(piped).to.eql([1, 2]); next(); }); }); describe('.prompt', function () { it('should only allow calling the callback once', function () { var calls = 0; logger .once('prompt', function (prompts, callback) { callback({ prompt: 'bar' }); callback({ prompt: 'foo' }); }) .prompt({ type: 'input', message: 'foo' }, function () { calls += 1; }); expect(calls).to.equal(1); }); it('should accept a prompt', function (next) { logger .once('prompt', function (prompts, callback) { callback({ prompt: 'bar' }); }) .prompt({ type: 'input', message: 'foo' }, function (err, answer) { expect(err); expect(answer).to.equal('bar'); next(); }); }); it('should accept several prompts', function (next) { logger .once('prompt', function (prompts, callback) { callback({ foo: 'bar', foz: 'baz' }); }) .prompt([ { name: 'foo', type: 'input', message: 'foo' }, { name: 'foz', type: 'confirm', message: 'foz' } ], function (err, answer) { expect(err); expect('bar'); expect(answer.foz).to.equal('baz'); logger .once('prompt', function (prompts, callback) { callback({ foo: 'bar' }); }) .prompt([ { name: 'foo', type: 'input', message: 'foo' } ], function (err, answer) { expect(err); expect('bar'); next(); }); }); }); it('should error on invalid prompt type', function (next) { logger.prompt({ type: 'xxx', message: 'foo' }, function (err) { expect(err); expect(err.code)'ENOTSUP'); next(); }); }); it('should trim the answers', function (next) { logger .once('prompt', function (prompts, callback) { callback({ prompt: ' bar ' }); }) .prompt({ type: 'input', message: 'foo' }, function (err, answer) { expect(err); expect(answer).to.equal('bar'); next(); }); }); it('should trim multiple response answers', function (next) { logger .once('prompt', function (prompts, callback) { callback({ prompt: [' bar ', ' foo', 'baz '] }); }) .prompt({ type: 'checkbox', message: 'foo' }, function (err, answer) { expect(err); expect(answer).to.eql(['bar', 'foo', 'baz']); next(); }); }); }); });