#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "rubygems" require "bundler/setup" require 'optparse' require 'methadone' require 'kicker' require 'stack' class App include Methadone::Main include Methadone::CLILogging main do |stack| config = Stack.load_config(options['configfile'], stack) if config.nil? exit_now!("#{stack} doesn't exist in #{options['configfile']}") end if options['show-stack'] puts stack hostnames = Stack.generate_hostnames(config) hostnames.each { |hostname| puts " #{hostname}" } end if options['show-running'] Stack.show_running(config) end if options['show-dns'] Stack.show_dns(config) end if options['show-details'] Stack.show_details(config) end if options['deploy-all'] Stack.deploy_all(config) end if options['delete-node'] info { "delete-node passed #{options['delete-node']}" } Stack.delete_node(config, options['delete-node']) end end # supplemental methods here # Declare command-line interface here description "Deploy your stack to the cloud" # # Accept flags via: # on("--flag VAL","Some flag") # on("--flag VAL","Some flag") # options[flag] will contain VAL # # Specify switches via: # on("--[no-]switch","Some switch") arg :stack options['configfile'] = 'Stackfile' on("--configfile configfile", "Specify an alternative to ./Stackfile") on("--show-stack", "Show the nodes defined in a stack") on("--show-details", "Show the nodes defined in a stack in detail") on("--show-running", "Show the running nodes") on("--show-dns", "Show the current DNS config") on("--deploy-all", "Deploy the stack, skipping existing nodes") on("--replace-node NODE", "Replace a give node") on("--delete-node NODE", "Destroy a node, including any shared CM & DNS") on("--validate", "Validate the config, check as much as possible with out creating nodes") version Kicker::VERSION use_log_level_option go! end