# frozen_string_literal: true # (c) 2018 Ribose Inc. require 'English' require 'json' require 'ffi' require 'rnp/error' require 'rnp/ffi/librnp' require 'rnp/utils' require 'rnp/key' require 'rnp/op/sign' require 'rnp/op/verify' require 'rnp/op/encrypt' # Class used for interacting with RNP. class Rnp # @api private attr_reader :ptr # Create a new interface to RNP. # # @param pubfmt [String] the public keyring format # @param secfmt [String] the secret keyring format def initialize(pubfmt = 'GPG', secfmt = 'GPG') pptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_ffi_create, pptr, pubfmt, secfmt) @ptr = FFI::AutoPointer.new(pptr.read_pointer, self.class.method(:destroy)) @key_provider = nil @password_provider = nil end # @api private def self.destroy(ptr) LibRnp.rnp_ffi_destroy(ptr) end def inspect Rnp.inspect_ptr(self) end # Set a logging destination. # # @param fd [Integer, IO] the file descriptor to log to. This will be closed # when this object is destroyed. def log=(fd) fd = fd.to_i if fd.is_a(::IO) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_ffi_set_log_fd, @ptr, fd) end # Set a key provider. # # The key provider is useful if, for example, you have a database of keys and # you do not want to load all of them, and you don't know which will be needed # for a given operation. # # The key provider will be called to request that a key be loaded, and the # key provider is responsible for loading the appropriate key (if available) # using {#load_keys}. # # The provider may be called multiple times for the same key, but with # different identifiers. For example, it may first be called with # a fingerprint, then (if the key was not loaded), it may be called with a # keyid. # # == Examples # === examples/key_provider.rb # {include:file:examples/key_provider.rb} # # @param provider [Proc, #call] a callable object def key_provider=(provider) @key_provider = provider @key_provider = KEY_PROVIDER.curry[provider] if provider Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_ffi_set_key_provider, @ptr, @key_provider, nil) end # Set a password provider. # # The password provider is used for retrieving passwords for various # operations, including: # * Signing data # * Decrypting data (public-key or symmetric) # * Adding a userid to a key # * Unlocking a key # * Unprotecting a key # # == Examples # === examples/password_provider.rb # {include:file:examples/password_provider.rb} # # @param provider [Proc, #call, String] a callable object, or a password def password_provider=(provider) @password_provider = provider @password_provider = PASS_PROVIDER.curry[provider] if provider Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_ffi_set_pass_provider, @ptr, @password_provider, nil) end # Generate a new key or pair of keys. # # @note The generated key(s) will be unprotected and unlocked. # The application should protect and lock the keys with # {Key#protect} and {Key#lock}. # # == Examples # === examples/key_generation.rb # {include:file:examples/key_generation.rb} # # @param description [String, Hash] # @return [Hash] a hash containing the generated key(s) def generate_key(description) description = JSON.generate(description) unless description.is_a?(String) pptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_generate_key_json, @ptr, description, pptr) begin presults = pptr.read_pointer return nil if presults.null? results = JSON.parse(presults.read_string) generated = {} results.each do |k, v| key = find_key(v.keys[0].to_sym => v.values[0]) generated[k.to_sym] = key end generated ensure LibRnp.rnp_buffer_destroy(presults) end end # Load keys. # # @param format [String] the format of the keys to load (GPG, KBX, G10). # @param input [Input] the input to read the keys from # @param public_keys [Boolean] whether to load public keys # @param secret_keys [Boolean] whether to load secret keys # @return [void] def load_keys(input:, format:, public_keys: true, secret_keys: true) raise ArgumentError, 'At least one of public_keys or secret_keys must be true' if !public_keys && !secret_keys flags = load_save_flags(public_keys: public_keys, secret_keys: secret_keys) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_load_keys, @ptr, format, input.ptr, flags) end # Save keys. # # @param format [String] the format to save the keys in (GPG, KBX, G10). # @param output [Output] the output to write the keys to # @param public_keys [Boolean] whether to load public keys # @param secret_keys [Boolean] whether to load secret keys # @return [void] def save_keys(output:, format:, public_keys: false, secret_keys: false) raise ArgumentError, 'At least one of public_keys or secret_keys must be true' if !public_keys && !secret_keys flags = load_save_flags(public_keys: public_keys, secret_keys: secret_keys) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_save_keys, @ptr, format, output.ptr, flags) end # Find a key. # # @param criteria [Hash] the search criteria. Some examples would be: # * !{keyid: '2FCADF05FFA501BB'} # * !{'userid': 'user0'} # * !{fingerprint: 'BE1C4AB951F4C2F6B604'} # Only *one* criteria can be specified. # @return [Key, nil] def find_key(criteria) raise Rnp::Error, 'Invalid search criteria' if !criteria.is_a?(::Hash) || criteria.size != 1 pptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_locate_key, @ptr, criteria.keys[0].to_s, criteria.values[0], pptr) pkey = pptr.read_pointer Rnp::Key.new(pkey) unless pkey.null? end # @!method userids # Get a list of all userids. # # @return [Array] # @!method each_userid(&block) # Enumerate all userids. # # @return [self, Enumerator] # @!method keyids # Get a list of all keyids. # # @return [Array] # @!method each_keyid(&block) # Enumerate all keyids. # # @return [self, Enumerator] # @!method fingerprints # Get a list of all fingerprints. # # @return [Array] # @!method each_fingerprint(&block) # Enumerate all fingerprints. # # @return [self, Enumerator] # @!method grips # Get a list of all grips. # # @return [Array] # @!method each_grip(&block) # Enumerate all grips. # # @return [self, Enumerator] %w[userid keyid fingerprint grip].each do |identifier_type| define_method("each_#{identifier_type}".to_sym) do |&block| each_identifier(identifier_type, &block) end define_method("#{identifier_type}s".to_sym) do each_identifier(identifier_type).to_a end end def public_key_count pcount = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:size_t) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_get_public_key_count, @ptr, pcount) pcount.read(:size_t) end def secret_key_count pcount = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:size_t) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_get_secret_key_count, @ptr, pcount) pcount.read(:size_t) end # Create a signature. # # @param input [Input] the input to read the data to be signed # @param output [Output] the output to write the signatures. # If nil, the result will be returned directly as a String. # @param signers [Key, Array] the keys to sign with # @param armored (see Sign#armored=) # @param compression (see Sign#compression=) # @param creation_time (see Sign#creation_time=) # @param expiration_time (see Sign#expiration_time=) # @param hash (see Sign#hash=) # @return [nil, String] def sign(input:, output: nil, signers:, armored: nil, compression: nil, creation_time: nil, expiration_time: nil, hash: nil) default_output(output) do |output_| sign = start_sign(input: input, output: output_) sign.options = { armored: armored, compression: compression, creation_time: creation_time, expiration_time: expiration_time, hash: hash } simple_sign(sign, signers) end end # Create a cleartext signature. # # @param input (see #sign) # @param output (see #sign) # @param signers [Key, Array] the keys to sign with # @param compression (see Sign#compression=) # @param creation_time (see Sign#creation_time=) # @param expiration_time (see Sign#expiration_time=) # @param hash (see Sign#hash=) # @return [nil, String] def cleartext_sign(input:, output: nil, signers:, compression: nil, creation_time: nil, expiration_time: nil, hash: nil) default_output(output) do |output_| sign = start_cleartext_sign(input: input, output: output_) sign.options = { compression: compression, creation_time: creation_time, expiration_time: expiration_time, hash: hash } simple_sign(sign, signers) end end # Create a detached signature. # # @param input (see #sign) # @param output (see #sign) # @param signers [Key, Array] the keys to sign with # @param armored (see Sign#armored=) # @param compression (see Sign#compression=) # @param creation_time (see Sign#creation_time=) # @param expiration_time (see Sign#expiration_time=) # @param hash (see Sign#hash=) # @return [nil, String] def detached_sign(input:, output: nil, signers:, armored: nil, compression: nil, creation_time: nil, expiration_time: nil, hash: nil) default_output(output) do |output_| sign = start_detached_sign(input: input, output: output_) sign.options = { armored: armored, compression: compression, creation_time: creation_time, expiration_time: expiration_time, hash: hash } simple_sign(sign, signers) end end # Verify a signature. # # @param input [Input] the input to read the signatures # @param output [Output] the output (if any) to write the verified data def verify(input:, output: nil) verify = start_verify(input: input, output: output) verify.execute end # Verify a detached signature. # # @param data [Input] the input to read the data # @param signature [Input] the input to read the signatures def detached_verify(data:, signature:) verify = start_detached_verify(data: data, signature: signature) verify.execute end # Encrypt data with a public key. # # @param input [Input] the input to read the plaintext # @param output [Output] the output to write the encrypted data. # If nil, the result will be returned directly as a String. # @param recipients [Key, Array] list of recipients keys # @param armored (see Encrypt#armored=) # @param compression (see Encrypt#compression=) # @param cipher (see Encrypt#cipher=) def encrypt(input:, output: nil, recipients:, armored: nil, compression: nil, cipher: nil) default_output(output) do |output_| enc = start_encrypt(input: input, output: output_) enc.options = { armored: armored, compression: compression, cipher: cipher } simple_encrypt(enc, recipients: recipients) end end # Encrypt and sign data with a public key. # # @param input (see #encrypt) # @param output (see #encrypt) # @param recipients (see #encrypt) # @param signers [Key, Array] list of keys to sign with # @param armored (see Encrypt#armored=) # @param compression (see Encrypt#compression=) # @param cipher (see Encrypt#cipher=) # @param hash (see Encrypt#hash=) # @param creation_time (see Encrypt#creation_time=) # @param expiration_time (see Encrypt#expiration_time=) def encrypt_and_sign(input:, output: nil, recipients:, signers:, armored: nil, compression: nil, cipher: nil, hash: nil, creation_time: nil, expiration_time: nil) default_output(output) do |output_| enc = start_encrypt(input: input, output: output_) enc.options = { armored: armored, compression: compression, cipher: cipher, hash: hash, creation_time: creation_time, expiration_time: expiration_time } simple_encrypt(enc, recipients: recipients, signers: signers) end end # Encrypt with a password only. # # @param input (see #encrypt) # @param output (see #encrypt) # @param passwords [String, Array] list of passwords to encrypt with. # Any (single) one of the passwords can be used to decrypt. # @param armored (see Encrypt#armored=) # @param compression (see Encrypt#compression=) # @param cipher (see Encrypt#cipher=) # @param s2k_hash (see Encrypt#add_password) # @param s2k_iterations (see Encrypt#add_password) # @param s2k_cipher (see Encrypt#add_password) # @return [void] def symmetric_encrypt(input:, output: nil, passwords:, armored: nil, compression: nil, cipher: nil, s2k_hash: nil, s2k_iterations: 0, s2k_cipher: nil) default_output(output) do |output_| enc = start_encrypt(input: input, output: output_) enc.options = { armored: armored, compression: compression, cipher: cipher } passwords = [passwords] if passwords.is_a?(String) passwords.each do |password| enc.add_password(password, s2k_hash: s2k_hash, s2k_iterations: s2k_iterations, s2k_cipher: s2k_cipher) end enc.execute end end # Decrypt encrypted data. # # @param input [Input] the input to read the encrypted data # @param output [Output] the output to write the decrypted data. # If nil, the result will be returned directly as a String. # @return [nil, String] def decrypt(input:, output: nil) default_output(output) do |output_| Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_decrypt, @ptr, input.ptr, output_.ptr) end end # Create a {Sign} operation. # # @param input [Input] the input to read the data to be signed # @param output [Output] the output to write the signatures def start_sign(input:, output:) _start_sign(:rnp_op_sign_create, input, output) end # Create a cleartext {Sign} operation. # # @param input (see #start_sign) # @param output (see #start_sign) def start_cleartext_sign(input:, output:) _start_sign(:rnp_op_sign_cleartext_create, input, output) end # Create a detached {Sign} operation. # # @param input (see #start_sign) # @param output (see #start_sign) def start_detached_sign(input:, output:) _start_sign(:rnp_op_sign_detached_create, input, output) end # Create a {Verify} operation. # # @param input [Input] the input to read the signatures # @param output [Output] the output (if any) to write the verified data def start_verify(input:, output: nil) output = Output.to_null unless output _start_verify(:rnp_op_verify_create, input, output) end # Create a detached {Verify} operation. # # @param data [Input] the input to read the signed data # @param signature [Input] the input to read the signatures def start_detached_verify(data:, signature:) _start_verify(:rnp_op_verify_detached_create, data, signature) end # Create an {Encrypt} operation. # # @param input [Input] the input to read the plaintext # @param output [Output] the output to write the encrypted data def start_encrypt(input:, output:) pptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer) Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_op_encrypt_create, pptr, @ptr, input.ptr, output.ptr) pencrypt = pptr.read_pointer Encrypt.new(pencrypt) unless pencrypt.null? end private KEY_PROVIDER = lambda do |provider, _rnp, _ctx, identifier_type, identifier, secret| provider.call(identifier_type, identifier, secret) end PASS_PROVIDER = lambda do |provider, _rnp, _ctx, pkey, reason, buf, buf_len| begin if provider.is_a?(String) # we were provided a a literal password password = provider else key = Key.new(pkey, false) unless pkey.null? password = provider.call(key, reason) end return false unless password && password.size < buf_len buf.write_string(password) return true rescue puts $ERROR_INFO return false end end def simple_sign(sign, signers) signers = [signers] if signers.is_a?(Key) signers.each do |signer| sign.add_signer(signer) end sign.execute end def _start_sign(func, input, output) pptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer) Rnp.call_ffi(func, pptr, @ptr, input.ptr, output.ptr) psign = pptr.read_pointer Rnp::Sign.new(psign) unless psign.null? end def _start_verify(func, io1, io2) pptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer) Rnp.call_ffi(func, pptr, @ptr, io1.ptr, io2.ptr) pverify = pptr.read_pointer Verify.new(pverify) unless pverify.null? end def simple_encrypt(enc, recipients: nil, signers: nil) recipients = [recipients] if recipients.is_a?(Key) recipients&.each do |recipient| enc.add_recipient(recipient) end signers = [signers] if signers.is_a?(Key) signers&.each do |signer| enc.add_signer(signer) end enc.execute end def each_identifier(type, &block) block or return enum_for(:identifier_iterator, type) identifier_iterator(type, &block) self end def identifier_iterator(identifier_type) pptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.new(:pointer) piterator = nil Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_identifier_iterator_create, @ptr, pptr, identifier_type) piterator = pptr.read_pointer loop do Rnp.call_ffi(:rnp_identifier_iterator_next, piterator, pptr) pidentifier = pptr.read_pointer break if pidentifier.null? yield pidentifier.read_string end ensure LibRnp.rnp_identifier_iterator_destroy(piterator) if piterator end def load_save_flags(public_keys:, secret_keys:) flags = 0 flags |= LibRnp::RNP_LOAD_SAVE_PUBLIC_KEYS if public_keys flags |= LibRnp::RNP_LOAD_SAVE_SECRET_KEYS if secret_keys flags end def default_output(output) to_str = output.nil? output = Output.to_string if to_str yield output output.string if to_str end end # class