# POST Simple and fast way to post a short sentence/word to App.net. `ayadn post Hello from Ayadn` `ayadn -P Hello from Ayadn` `ayadn -P @ericd Hello Eric` You have to put your text between single quotes if you're using punctuation: `ayadn -P 'Hello from Ayadn, guys!'` *But remember you can't use any quote character inside the quotes...* **So you should rather use the _write_ method for posting.** # WRITE Multi-line post to App.net. *This is the recommended way to post elaborate text to ADN:* `ayadn write` `ayadn -W` It will show you a prompt where you can type anything, including special characters and Markdown links. Hit ENTER to create line breaks. Hit ENTER, SPACE, ENTER to create paragraphs compatible with all clients. Cancel your post with CTRC-C or send it with CTRL-D. Just type a @username at the beginning of your post if you want to mention a specific user, as you would in any other App.net client. # AUTO POST Auto post every line of input. `ayadn auto` In this mode, each line you type (each time you hit ENTER!) is automatically posted to ADN. You can type anything, including special characters and Markdown links, and of course mention anyone: the only thing you can't do from this mode is _replying_ to a post in a thread. Hit CTRL+C to exit this mode at any moment. # REPLY ## CLASSIC Reply to a specific post. - You can reply by specifying the post id: `ayadn reply 23362460` `ayadn -R 23362460` Ayadn will then show you the *write* prompt. If you reply to a post containing multiple mentions, your text will be inserted between the leading mention and the other ones. ## INDEXED - You can also reply to the *index* of the post instead of its *id* _if you used the '--index' or '-i' option_ when previously viewing a stream: `ayadn -R 3` Note: since Ayadn 2.0, posts index resolution is activated by default for posts ids from 1 to 200. Add option `--force` to ignore index and retrieve the actual old post if needed. ## REDIRECT If you reply to a reposted post, Ayadn will reply to the original post, complying with the ADN guidelines. However, if needed, you can reply to the reposted post with the `--noredirect` option: `ayadn -R --noredirect 23344556` `ayadn -R -n 23344556` *Note: these two last concepts, "indexed" and "redirect" are also activated by default for all posts commands (repost, star, delete, etc).* # PM (PRIVATE MESSAGE) Send a private message to a specific user. `ayadn pm @ericd` Ayadn will then show you the *write* prompt. By default, Ayadn will mark this private messages channel as read once the message has been sent. You can pass an option to avoid this for the time of the command: `ayadn pm -z @ericd` Or even invert this behaviour permanently with `set`: `ayadn set marker messages false` # SEND Send a message to an App.net CHANNEL. `ayadn send 46217` `ayadn -C 46217` Ayadn will then show you the *write* prompt. By default, Ayadn will mark this channel as read once the message has been sent. You can pass an option to avoid this for the time of the command: `ayadn -C -z 46217` Or even invert this behaviour permanently with `set`: `ayadn set marker messages false` If you've already created an [alias](#alias) for the channel, you can post to it with: `ayadn send mychannelalias` `ayadn -C mychannelalias` # EMBED PICTURES You can embed one or several pictures in a post (with `post`, `write`, `reply` and `pm`). Just add the `-E` (or `--embed`) option **at the end** of the command line, followed by one or several file paths separated by spaces. Accepted file formats are `jpg`, `png` and `gif`. Examples: ``` ayadn -P Meet my cat -E lolcat.jpg ayadn -P "@ericd Hey, meet my pets" -E ~/lolcat.jpg ~/doge.jpeg ayadn -W -E ~/lolcat.png ayadn -R 23362460 -E "Desktop/dancing lolcat.gif" ayadn pm @ericd -E /users/dad/lol\'cat.JPG /users/mom/my\ doge.PNG ``` # EMBED VIDEOS You can embed a video hosted online in a post. Currently works with Youtube and Vimeo only. Add the `-Y` option for Youtube or `-V` for Vimeo **at the end** of the command line, followed by the video URL. Examples: ``` ayadn -P wave function -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY ayadn -P Elixir -V http://vimeo.com/103927232 ayadn -W -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY ayadn -R 23362460 -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY ayadn pm @ericd -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY ``` Unfortunately, very few App.net clients treat video embedding properly. So I would advise to include the video URL in the text body anyway, for better compatibility. # EMBED MOVIE POSTER You can embed a movie poster in a normal post with option `-M`. This is compatible with other options, eg embedding other images. *Warning: contrary to the `movie` command, this option doesn't check with the user if the movie is valid. The poster is retrieved from IMDb and is automatically embedded in the post.* Examples: ``` ayadn -P "I'll be back" -M terminator ayadn -W -M truman show -E ~/Pics/my_face.jpg ayadn -R 23362460 -M the dark knight ```