Description =========== Autocomplete a group of files and directories simply by listing their globbable paths in a config file. Generate completions from your config, source them into your shell and you're ready to rock. So instead of carpal-typing bash> vim /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb you type or complete bash> rvim irb.rb Uneasy about what lightning will execute? Test it out with a -test flag bash> rvim -test irb.rb rvim '/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb' As you can see, you only need to autocomplete the basenames of paths and lightning will resolve their full paths. rvim is a lightning command configured to autocomplete a certain group of paths for vim. In this case, rvim is configured to complete my ruby core and standard library files. Install ======= For newcomers to github, install this gem with: `gem install cldwalker-lightning -s` To make your own commands, you'll need to: 1. Create ~/.lightning.yml or a lightning.yml in the current directory. Use the Configuration section below and the provided lightning.yml.example as guides. 2. Execute `lightning-install` to generate ~/.lightning\_completions from your config. There is a config option for changing the location of the generated file. See Configuration below. See lightning\_completions.example for what would be generated for the enclosed example config. 3. Source the generated file in your bashrc ie `source ~/.lightning_completions`. Globbable paths =============== Since the globbable paths are interpreted by ruby's Dir.glob(), you can: 1. Autocomplete files and directories that don't start with specific letters. Dir.glob("[^ls]*") -> Matches anything not starting with l or s 2. Autocomplete files ending with specific file extensions for a given directory. Dir.glob("/painfully/long/path/*.{rb,erb}") -> Matches files ending with .rb or .erb 3. Autocomplete all directories however many levels deep under the current directory. Dir.glob("**/") `ri Dir.glob` for more examples. Configuration ===================== It helps to look at lightning.yml.example while reading this. Configuration options are: * generated\_file: Location of shell script file generated from config. Defaults to ~/.lightning\_completions. * ignore\_paths: List of paths to globally ignore when listing completions. * shell: Specifies shell script generator used for generating completions. Defaults to bash. * commands: A list of lightning commands. A lightning command is just a shell function which executes a specified shell function with a defined set of paths to autocomplete on. A command consists of the following options/keys: * name (required): Name of the lightning command you'll be typing. * map\_to (required): Shell command which the lightning command passes arguments to. * description: Description which is placed as a comment in the generated shell script. * paths (required): A list of globbable paths, whose basenames are autocompleted. You can also pass this a path name that has been defined in the paths option. * paths: This takes a hash (pairs) of path names and globbable paths. This should be used when you have a group of paths that are used in multiple commands. When doing that, you would specify the path name defined here in the command's paths key. Note: path names should only be alphanumeric * post\_path: Text to add immediately after a resolved path. lightning.yml.example contains an example used for opening gem documentation in your browser. Duplicate Basenames =================== So what happens when their are multiple matches for the same basename? Lightning appends a '/' + the full directory to each of the basenames. For example, if I autocomplete button.rb for my ruby standard libraries I get: bash> rvim button.rb button.rb//System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/tk button.rb//System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/tkextlib/bwidget button.rb//System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/tkextlib/blt/tile This isn't the prettiest completion but it resolves duplicates, displays the path differences between each and easily autocompletes. I'm open to suggestions on this syntax. Limitations =========== * The generated shell scripts default to bash but could easily be extended for other shell languages. Patches welcome. * All arguments passed to a lightning command are considered part of the basename to resolve. So it's not yet possible to resolve some arguments and not others. Motivation ========== I've seen dotfiles on github and on blogs which accomplish this kind of autocompletion for gem documentation. There's even a gem just for gem editing: But once I saw how easy it was to manipulate completion through ruby,\_scripts/project\_completion, I had to do something. Todo/Ideas ========== * Aliases for common autocompletions. * Allow lightning commands to only path-resolve one of multiple arguments given. * Command interface to easily add/remove current directory or globs from a command