/* * jQuery Reveal Plugin 1.0 * www.ZURB.com * Copyright 2010, ZURB * Free to use under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ (function ($) { $('a[data-reveal-id]').live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var modalLocation = $(this).attr('data-reveal-id'); $('#' + modalLocation).reveal($(this).data()); }); $.fn.reveal = function (options) { var defaults = { animation: 'fadeAndPop', // fade, fadeAndPop, none animationSpeed: 300, // how fast animtions are closeOnBackgroundClick: true, // if you click background will modal close? dismissModalClass: 'close-reveal-modal' // the class of a button or element that will close an open modal }; var options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); return this.each(function () { var modal = $(this), topMeasure = parseInt(modal.css('top')), topOffset = modal.height() + topMeasure, locked = false, modalBg = $('.reveal-modal-bg'); if (modalBg.length == 0) { modalBg = $('
').insertAfter(modal); modalBg.fadeTo('fast', 0.8); } function openAnimation() { modalBg.unbind('click.modalEvent'); $('.' + options.dismissModalClass).unbind('click.modalEvent'); if (!locked) { lockModal(); if (options.animation == "fadeAndPop") { modal.css({'top': $(document).scrollTop() - topOffset, 'opacity': 0, 'visibility': 'visible'}); modalBg.fadeIn(options.animationSpeed / 2); modal.delay(options.animationSpeed / 2).animate({ "top": $(document).scrollTop() + topMeasure + 'px', "opacity": 1 }, options.animationSpeed, unlockModal); } if (options.animation == "fade") { modal.css({'opacity': 0, 'visibility': 'visible', 'top': $(document).scrollTop() + topMeasure}); modalBg.fadeIn(options.animationSpeed / 2); modal.delay(options.animationSpeed / 2).animate({ "opacity": 1 }, options.animationSpeed, unlockModal); } if (options.animation == "none") { modal.css({'visibility': 'visible', 'top': $(document).scrollTop() + topMeasure}); modalBg.css({"display": "block"}); unlockModal(); } } modal.unbind('reveal:open', openAnimation); } modal.bind('reveal:open', openAnimation); function closeAnimation() { if (!locked) { lockModal(); if (options.animation == "fadeAndPop") { modalBg.delay(options.animationSpeed).fadeOut(options.animationSpeed); modal.animate({ "top": $(document).scrollTop() - topOffset + 'px', "opacity": 0 }, options.animationSpeed / 2, function () { modal.css({'top': topMeasure, 'opacity': 1, 'visibility': 'hidden'}); unlockModal(); }); } if (options.animation == "fade") { modalBg.delay(options.animationSpeed).fadeOut(options.animationSpeed); modal.animate({ "opacity" : 0 }, options.animationSpeed, function () { modal.css({'opacity': 1, 'visibility': 'hidden', 'top': topMeasure}); unlockModal(); }); } if (options.animation == "none") { modal.css({'visibility': 'hidden', 'top': topMeasure}); modalBg.css({'display': 'none'}); } } modal.unbind('reveal:close', closeAnimation); } modal.bind('reveal:close', closeAnimation); modal.trigger('reveal:open'); var closeButton = $('.' + options.dismissModalClass).bind('click.modalEvent', function () { modal.trigger('reveal:close'); }); if (options.closeOnBackgroundClick) { modalBg.css({"cursor": "pointer"}); modalBg.bind('click.modalEvent', function () { modal.trigger('reveal:close'); }); } $('body').keyup(function (event) { if (event.which === 27) { // 27 is the keycode for the Escape key modal.trigger('reveal:close'); } }); function unlockModal() { locked = false; } function lockModal() { locked = true; } }); }; })(jQuery); /* * jQuery Orbit Plugin 1.3.0 * www.ZURB.com/playground * Copyright 2010, ZURB * Free to use under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ (function($) { var ORBIT = { defaults: { animation: 'horizontal-push', // fade, horizontal-slide, vertical-slide, horizontal-push, vertical-push animationSpeed: 600, // how fast animtions are timer: true, // true or false to have the timer advanceSpeed: 4000, // if timer is enabled, time between transitions pauseOnHover: false, // if you hover pauses the slider startClockOnMouseOut: false, // if clock should start on MouseOut startClockOnMouseOutAfter: 1000, // how long after MouseOut should the timer start again directionalNav: true, // manual advancing directional navs captions: true, // do you want captions? captionAnimation: 'fade', // fade, slideOpen, none captionAnimationSpeed: 600, // if so how quickly should they animate in bullets: false, // true or false to activate the bullet navigation bulletThumbs: false, // thumbnails for the bullets bulletThumbLocation: '', // location from this file where thumbs will be afterSlideChange: $.noop, // empty function fluid: true, centerBullets: true // center bullet nav with js, turn this off if you want to position the bullet nav manually }, activeSlide: 0, numberSlides: 0, orbitWidth: null, orbitHeight: null, locked: null, timerRunning: null, degrees: 0, wrapperHTML: '
', timerHTML: '
', captionHTML: '
', directionalNavHTML: '
', bulletHTML: '', init: function (element, options) { var $imageSlides, imagesLoadedCount = 0, self = this; // Bind functions to correct context this.clickTimer = $.proxy(this.clickTimer, this); this.addBullet = $.proxy(this.addBullet, this); this.resetAndUnlock = $.proxy(this.resetAndUnlock, this); this.stopClock = $.proxy(this.stopClock, this); this.startTimerAfterMouseLeave = $.proxy(this.startTimerAfterMouseLeave, this); this.clearClockMouseLeaveTimer = $.proxy(this.clearClockMouseLeaveTimer, this); this.rotateTimer = $.proxy(this.rotateTimer, this); this.options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options); if (this.options.timer === 'false') this.options.timer = false; if (this.options.captions === 'false') this.options.captions = false; if (this.options.directionalNav === 'false') this.options.directionalNav = false; this.$element = $(element); this.$wrapper = this.$element.wrap(this.wrapperHTML).parent(); this.$slides = this.$element.children('img, a, div'); this.$element.bind('orbit.next', function () { self.shift('next'); }); this.$element.bind('orbit.prev', function () { self.shift('prev'); }); this.$element.bind('orbit.goto', function (event, index) { self.shift(index); }); this.$element.bind('orbit.start', function (event, index) { self.startClock(); }); this.$element.bind('orbit.stop', function (event, index) { self.stopClock(); }); $imageSlides = this.$slides.filter('img'); if ($imageSlides.length === 0) { this.loaded(); } else { $imageSlides.bind('imageready', function () { imagesLoadedCount += 1; if (imagesLoadedCount === $imageSlides.length) { self.loaded(); } }); } }, loaded: function () { this.$element .addClass('orbit') .css({width: '1px', height: '1px'}); this.setDimentionsFromLargestSlide(); this.updateOptionsIfOnlyOneSlide(); this.setupFirstSlide(); if (this.options.timer) { this.setupTimer(); this.startClock(); } if (this.options.captions) { this.setupCaptions(); } if (this.options.directionalNav) { this.setupDirectionalNav(); } if (this.options.bullets) { this.setupBulletNav(); this.setActiveBullet(); } }, currentSlide: function () { return this.$slides.eq(this.activeSlide); }, setDimentionsFromLargestSlide: function () { //Collect all slides and set slider size of largest image var self = this, $fluidPlaceholder; self.$element.add(self.$wrapper).width(this.$slides.first().width()); self.$element.add(self.$wrapper).height(this.$slides.first().height()); self.orbitWidth = this.$slides.first().width(); self.orbitHeight = this.$slides.first().height(); $fluidPlaceholder = this.$slides.first().clone(); this.$slides.each(function () { var slide = $(this), slideWidth = slide.width(), slideHeight = slide.height(); if (slideWidth > self.$element.width()) { self.$element.add(self.$wrapper).width(slideWidth); self.orbitWidth = self.$element.width(); } if (slideHeight > self.$element.height()) { self.$element.add(self.$wrapper).height(slideHeight); self.orbitHeight = self.$element.height(); $fluidPlaceholder = $(this).clone(); } self.numberSlides += 1; }); if (this.options.fluid) { if (typeof this.options.fluid === "string") { $fluidPlaceholder = $('') } self.$element.prepend($fluidPlaceholder); $fluidPlaceholder.addClass('fluid-placeholder'); self.$element.add(self.$wrapper).css({width: 'inherit'}); self.$element.add(self.$wrapper).css({height: 'inherit'}); $(window).bind('resize', function () { self.orbitWidth = self.$element.width(); self.orbitHeight = self.$element.height(); }); } }, //Animation locking functions lock: function () { this.locked = true; }, unlock: function () { this.locked = false; }, updateOptionsIfOnlyOneSlide: function () { if(this.$slides.length === 1) { this.options.directionalNav = false; this.options.timer = false; this.options.bullets = false; } }, setupFirstSlide: function () { //Set initial front photo z-index and fades it in var self = this; this.$slides.first() .css({"z-index" : 3}) .fadeIn(function() { //brings in all other slides IF css declares a display: none self.$slides.css({"display":"block"}) }); }, startClock: function () { var self = this; if(!this.options.timer) { return false; } if (this.$timer.is(':hidden')) { this.clock = setInterval(function () { this.$element.trigger('orbit.next'); }, this.options.advanceSpeed); } else { this.timerRunning = true; this.$pause.removeClass('active') this.clock = setInterval(this.rotateTimer, this.options.advanceSpeed / 180); } }, rotateTimer: function () { var degreeCSS = "rotate(" + this.degrees + "deg)" this.degrees += 2; this.$rotator.css({ "-webkit-transform": degreeCSS, "-moz-transform": degreeCSS, "-o-transform": degreeCSS }); if(this.degrees > 180) { this.$rotator.addClass('move'); this.$mask.addClass('move'); } if(this.degrees > 360) { this.$rotator.removeClass('move'); this.$mask.removeClass('move'); this.degrees = 0; this.$element.trigger('orbit.next'); } }, stopClock: function () { if (!this.options.timer) { return false; } else { this.timerRunning = false; clearInterval(this.clock); this.$pause.addClass('active'); } }, setupTimer: function () { this.$timer = $(this.timerHTML); this.$wrapper.append(this.$timer); this.$rotator = this.$timer.find('.rotator'); this.$mask = this.$timer.find('.mask'); this.$pause = this.$timer.find('.pause'); this.$timer.click(this.clickTimer); if (this.options.startClockOnMouseOut) { this.$wrapper.mouseleave(this.startTimerAfterMouseLeave); this.$wrapper.mouseenter(this.clearClockMouseLeaveTimer); } if (this.options.pauseOnHover) { this.$wrapper.mouseenter(this.stopClock); } }, startTimerAfterMouseLeave: function () { var self = this; this.outTimer = setTimeout(function() { if(!self.timerRunning){ self.startClock(); } }, this.options.startClockOnMouseOutAfter) }, clearClockMouseLeaveTimer: function () { clearTimeout(this.outTimer); }, clickTimer: function () { if(!this.timerRunning) { this.startClock(); } else { this.stopClock(); } }, setupCaptions: function () { this.$caption = $(this.captionHTML); this.$wrapper.append(this.$caption); this.setCaption(); }, setCaption: function () { var captionLocation = this.currentSlide().attr('data-caption'), captionHTML; if (!this.options.captions) { return false; } //Set HTML for the caption if it exists if (captionLocation) { captionHTML = $(captionLocation).html(); //get HTML from the matching HTML entity this.$caption .attr('id', captionLocation) // Add ID caption TODO why is the id being set? .html(captionHTML); // Change HTML in Caption //Animations for Caption entrances switch (this.options.captionAnimation) { case 'none': this.$caption.show(); break; case 'fade': this.$caption.fadeIn(this.options.captionAnimationSpeed); break; case 'slideOpen': this.$caption.slideDown(this.options.captionAnimationSpeed); break; } } else { //Animations for Caption exits switch (this.options.captionAnimation) { case 'none': this.$caption.hide(); break; case 'fade': this.$caption.fadeOut(this.options.captionAnimationSpeed); break; case 'slideOpen': this.$caption.slideUp(this.options.captionAnimationSpeed); break; } } }, setupDirectionalNav: function () { var self = this; this.$wrapper.append(this.directionalNavHTML); this.$wrapper.find('.left').click(function () { self.stopClock(); self.$element.trigger('orbit.prev'); }); this.$wrapper.find('.right').click(function () { self.stopClock(); self.$element.trigger('orbit.next'); }); }, setupBulletNav: function () { this.$bullets = $(this.bulletHTML); this.$wrapper.append(this.$bullets); this.$slides.each(this.addBullet); this.$element.addClass('with-bullets'); if (this.options.centerBullets) this.$bullets.css('margin-left', -this.$bullets.width() / 2); }, addBullet: function (index, slide) { var position = index + 1, $li = $('
  • ' + (position) + '
  • '), thumbName, self = this; if (this.options.bulletThumbs) { thumbName = $(slide).attr('data-thumb'); if (thumbName) { $li .addClass('has-thumb') .css({background: "url(" + this.options.bulletThumbLocation + thumbName + ") no-repeat"});; } } this.$bullets.append($li); $li.data('index', index); $li.click(function () { self.stopClock(); self.$element.trigger('orbit.goto', [$li.data('index')]) }); }, setActiveBullet: function () { if(!this.options.bullets) { return false; } else { this.$bullets.find('li') .removeClass('active') .eq(this.activeSlide) .addClass('active'); } }, resetAndUnlock: function () { this.$slides .eq(this.prevActiveSlide) .css({"z-index" : 1}); this.unlock(); this.options.afterSlideChange.call(this, this.$slides.eq(this.prevActiveSlide), this.$slides.eq(this.activeSlide)); }, shift: function (direction) { var slideDirection = direction; //remember previous activeSlide this.prevActiveSlide = this.activeSlide; //exit function if bullet clicked is same as the current image if (this.prevActiveSlide == slideDirection) { return false; } if (this.$slides.length == "1") { return false; } if (!this.locked) { this.lock(); //deduce the proper activeImage if (direction == "next") { this.activeSlide++; if (this.activeSlide == this.numberSlides) { this.activeSlide = 0; } } else if (direction == "prev") { this.activeSlide-- if (this.activeSlide < 0) { this.activeSlide = this.numberSlides - 1; } } else { this.activeSlide = direction; if (this.prevActiveSlide < this.activeSlide) { slideDirection = "next"; } else if (this.prevActiveSlide > this.activeSlide) { slideDirection = "prev" } } //set to correct bullet this.setActiveBullet(); //set previous slide z-index to one below what new activeSlide will be this.$slides .eq(this.prevActiveSlide) .css({"z-index" : 2}); //fade if (this.options.animation == "fade") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({"opacity" : 0, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({"opacity" : 1}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); } //horizontal-slide if (this.options.animation == "horizontal-slide") { if (slideDirection == "next") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({"left": this.orbitWidth, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({"left" : 0}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); } if (slideDirection == "prev") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({"left": -this.orbitWidth, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({"left" : 0}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); } } //vertical-slide if (this.options.animation == "vertical-slide") { if (slideDirection == "prev") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({"top": this.orbitHeight, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({"top" : 0}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); } if (slideDirection == "next") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({"top": -this.orbitHeight, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({"top" : 0}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); } } //horizontal-push if (this.options.animation == "horizontal-push") { if (slideDirection == "next") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({"left": this.orbitWidth, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({"left" : 0}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); this.$slides .eq(this.prevActiveSlide) .animate({"left" : -this.orbitWidth}, this.options.animationSpeed); } if (slideDirection == "prev") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({"left": -this.orbitWidth, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({"left" : 0}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); this.$slides .eq(this.prevActiveSlide) .animate({"left" : this.orbitWidth}, this.options.animationSpeed); } } //vertical-push if (this.options.animation == "vertical-push") { if (slideDirection == "next") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({top: -this.orbitHeight, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({top : 0}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); this.$slides .eq(this.prevActiveSlide) .animate({top : this.orbitHeight}, this.options.animationSpeed); } if (slideDirection == "prev") { this.$slides .eq(this.activeSlide) .css({top: this.orbitHeight, "z-index" : 3}) .animate({top : 0}, this.options.animationSpeed, this.resetAndUnlock); this.$slides .eq(this.prevActiveSlide) .animate({top : -this.orbitHeight}, this.options.animationSpeed); } } this.setCaption(); } } }; $.fn.orbit = function (options) { return this.each(function () { var orbit = $.extend({}, ORBIT); orbit.init(this, options); }); }; })(jQuery); /*! * jQuery imageready Plugin * http://www.zurb.com/playground/ * * Copyright 2011, ZURB * Released under the MIT License */ (function ($) { var options = {}; $.event.special.imageready = { setup: function (data, namespaces, eventHandle) { options = data || options; }, add: function (handleObj) { var $this = $(this), src; if ( this.nodeType === 1 && this.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img' && this.src !== '' ) { if (options.forceLoad) { src = $this.attr('src'); $this.attr('src', ''); bindToLoad(this, handleObj.handler); $this.attr('src', src); } else if ( this.complete || this.readyState === 4 ) { handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments); } else { bindToLoad(this, handleObj.handler); } } }, teardown: function (namespaces) { $(this).unbind('.imageready'); } }; function bindToLoad(element, callback) { var $this = $(element); $this.bind('load.imageready', function () { callback.apply(element, arguments); $this.unbind('load.imageready'); }); } }(jQuery)); /** * jQuery.placeholder - Placeholder plugin for input fields * Written by Blair Mitchelmore (blair DOT mitchelmore AT gmail DOT com) * Licensed under the WTFPL (http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/). * Date: 2008/10/14 * * @author Blair Mitchelmore * @version 1.0.1 * **/ new function($) { $.fn.placeholder = function(settings) { settings = settings || {}; var key = settings.dataKey || "placeholderValue"; var attr = settings.attr || "placeholder"; var className = settings.className || "placeholder"; var values = settings.values || []; var block = settings.blockSubmit || false; var blank = settings.blankSubmit || false; var submit = settings.onSubmit || false; var value = settings.value || ""; var position = settings.cursor_position || 0; return this.filter(":input").each(function(index) { $.data(this, key, values[index] || $(this).attr(attr)); }).each(function() { if ($.trim($(this).val()) === "") $(this).addClass(className).val($.data(this, key)); }).focus(function() { if ($.trim($(this).val()) === $.data(this, key)) $(this).removeClass(className).val(value) if ($.fn.setCursorPosition) { $(this).setCursorPosition(position); } }).blur(function() { if ($.trim($(this).val()) === value) $(this).addClass(className).val($.data(this, key)); }).each(function(index, elem) { if (block) new function(e) { $(e.form).submit(function() { return $.trim($(e).val()) != $.data(e, key) }); }(elem); else if (blank) new function(e) { $(e.form).submit(function() { if ($.trim($(e).val()) == $.data(e, key)) $(e).removeClass(className).val(""); return true; }); }(elem); else if (submit) new function(e) { $(e.form).submit(submit); }(elem); }); }; }(jQuery); /* * jQuery Custom Forms Plugin 1.0 * www.ZURB.com * Copyright 2010, ZURB * Free to use under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php */ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { function appendCustomMarkup(type) { $('form.custom input:' + type).each(function () { var $span = $(''); if ($(this).next('span.custom.' + type).length === 0) { if (this.checked) { $span.addClass('checked'); } $(this) .hide() .after($span); } }); } appendCustomMarkup('checkbox'); appendCustomMarkup('radio'); $('form.custom select').each(function () { var $this = $(this), $customSelect = $this.next('div.custom.dropdown'), $options = $this.find('option'), maxWidth = 0, $li; if ($customSelect.length === 0) { $customSelect = $('"'); $options.each(function () { $li = $('
  • ' + $(this).html() + '
  • '); $customSelect.find('ul').append($li); }); $customSelect.prepend('' + $options.first().html() + ''); $this.after($customSelect); $this.hide(); } $options.each(function (index) { if (this.selected) { $customSelect.find('li').eq(index).addClass('selected'); $customSelect.find('.current').html($(this).html()); } }); $customSelect.find('li').each(function () { $customSelect.addClass('open'); if ($(this).outerWidth() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = $(this).outerWidth(); } $customSelect.removeClass('open'); }); $customSelect.css('width', maxWidth + 18 + 'px'); $customSelect.find('ul').css('width', maxWidth + 16 + 'px'); }); }); (function ($) { function toggleCheckbox($element) { var $input = $element.prev(), input = $input[0]; input.checked = ((input.checked) ? false : true); $element.toggleClass('checked'); $input.trigger('change'); } function toggleRadio($element) { var $input = $element.prev(), input = $input[0]; $('input:radio[name=' + $input.attr('name') + ']').each(function () { $(this).next().removeClass('checked'); }); input.checked = ((input.checked) ? false : true); $element.toggleClass('checked'); $input.trigger('change'); } $('form.custom span.custom.checkbox').live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); toggleCheckbox($(this)); }); $('form.custom span.custom.radio').live('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); toggleRadio($(this)); }); $('form.custom label').live('click', function (event) { var $associatedElement = $('#' + $(this).attr('for')), $customCheckbox, $customRadio; if ($associatedElement.length !== 0) { if ($associatedElement.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { event.preventDefault(); $customCheckbox = $(this).find('span.custom.checkbox'); toggleCheckbox($customCheckbox); } else if ($associatedElement.attr('type') === 'radio') { event.preventDefault(); $customRadio = $(this).find('span.custom.radio'); toggleRadio($customRadio); } } }); $('form.custom div.custom.dropdown a.current, form.custom div.custom.dropdown a.selector').live('click', function (event) { var $this = $(this), $dropdown = $this.closest('div.custom.dropdown'); event.preventDefault(); $dropdown.toggleClass('open'); if ($dropdown.hasClass('open')) { $(document).bind('click.customdropdown', function (event) { $dropdown.removeClass('open'); $(document).unbind('.customdropdown'); }); } else { $(document).unbind('.customdropdown'); } }); $('form.custom div.custom.dropdown li').live('click', function (event) { var $this = $(this), $customDropdown = $this.closest('div.custom.dropdown'), $select = $customDropdown.prev(), selectedIndex = 0; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $this .closest('ul') .find('li') .removeClass('selected'); $this.addClass('selected'); $customDropdown .removeClass('open') .find('a.current') .html($this.html()); $this.closest('ul').find('li').each(function (index) { if ($this[0] == this) { selectedIndex = index; } }); $select[0].selectedIndex = selectedIndex; $select.trigger('change'); }); })(jQuery); /*! http://mths.be/placeholder v1.8.5 by @mathias */ (function(g,a,$){var f='placeholder' in a.createElement('input'),b='placeholder' in a.createElement('textarea');if(f&&b){$.fn.placeholder=function(){return this};$.fn.placeholder.input=$.fn.placeholder.textarea=true}else{$.fn.placeholder=function(){return this.filter((f?'textarea':':input')+'[placeholder]').bind('focus.placeholder',c).bind('blur.placeholder',e).trigger('blur.placeholder').end()};$.fn.placeholder.input=f;$.fn.placeholder.textarea=b;$(function(){$('form').bind('submit.placeholder',function(){var h=$('.placeholder',this).each(c);setTimeout(function(){h.each(e)},10)})});$(g).bind('unload.placeholder',function(){$('.placeholder').val('')})}function d(i){var h={},j=/^jQuery\d+$/;$.each(i.attributes,function(l,k){if(k.specified&&!j.test(k.name)){h[k.name]=k.value}});return h}function c(){var h=$(this);if(h.val()===h.attr('placeholder')&&h.hasClass('placeholder')){if(h.data('placeholder-password')){h.hide().next().show().focus().attr('id',h.removeAttr('id').data('placeholder-id'))}else{h.val('').removeClass('placeholder')}}}function e(){var l,k=$(this),h=k,j=this.id;if(k.val()===''){if(k.is(':password')){if(!k.data('placeholder-textinput')){try{l=k.clone().attr({type:'text'})}catch(i){l=$('').attr($.extend(d(this),{type:'text'}))}l.removeAttr('name').data('placeholder-password',true).data('placeholder-id',j).bind('focus.placeholder',c);k.data('placeholder-textinput',l).data('placeholder-id',j).before(l)}k=k.removeAttr('id').hide().prev().attr('id',j).show()}k.addClass('placeholder').val(k.attr('placeholder'))}else{k.removeClass('placeholder')}}}(this,document,jQuery)); $(document).ready(function() { /* Use this js doc for all application specific JS */ /* TABS --------------------------------- */ /* Remove if you don't need :) */ var tabs = $('dl.tabs'); tabsContent = $('ul.tabs-content') tabs.each(function(i) { //Get all tabs var tab = $(this).children('dd').children('a'); tab.click(function(e) { //Get Location of tab's content var contentLocation = $(this).attr("href") contentLocation = contentLocation + "Tab"; //Let go if not a hashed one if(contentLocation.charAt(0)=="#") { e.preventDefault(); //Make Tab Active tab.removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); //Show Tab Content $(contentLocation).parent('.tabs-content').children('li').css({"display":"none"}); $(contentLocation).css({"display":"block"}); } }); }); /* PLACEHOLDER FOR FORMS ------------- */ /* Remove this and jquery.placeholder.min.js if you don't need :) */ $('input, textarea').placeholder(); /* DISABLED BUTTONS ------------- */ /* Gives elements with a class of 'disabled' a return: false; */ });