bottle_rocket ========= Work in progress! Adds a countdown to your views. Countdown is updated via JavaScript. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'countdown' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install countdown ### Rails 3.1 or greater (with asset pipeline *enabled*) Add the countdown javascript file to `app/assets/javascripts/application.js`: ```js //= require countdown ``` ### Rails 3.0 (or greater with asset pipeline *disabled*) Run the generator: ```sh rails generate countdown:install ``` Running the generator will copy 'countdown.js' over to the `public\javascripts` directory. Be sure to add `countdown.js` to your layout file: ```ruby <%= javascript_include_tag 'countdown' %> ``` ## Usage ```ruby <%= countdown from: + 28.hours %> ``` results in a countdown like this:
1d03h59m59sor to count down from another time than now: ```ruby <%= countdown to: - 2.months, from: Time.parse '2012-09-27 01:07:00' %> ``` The countdown is updated every second and the generated html looks like this: ```html
:milliseconds, :seconds, :minutes, :hours, :daysDefaults to the smallest unit value specified. ####:units Define which time units should be displayed and how they should be ordered. Available keys are:
:millenniums, :centuries, :decades, :years, :months, :weeks, :days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds, :milliseconds, :microseconds, :nanosecondsDefault is ```ruby [:days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds] ``` ####:separators Define how different time units are separated from each other. Available keys are:
:millenniums, :centuries, :decades, :years, :months, :weeks, :days, :hours, :minutes, :seconds, :milliseconds, :microseconds, :nanosecondsDefault is ```ruby { millenniums: {value: 'MN'}, centuries: {value: 'C'}, decades: {value: 'D'}, years: {value: 'Y'}, months: {value: 'M'}, weeks: {value: 'w'}, days: {value: 'd'}, hours: {value: 'h'}, minutes: {value: 'm'}, seconds: {value: 's'}, milliseconds: {value: 'ms'}, microseconds: {value: 'µs'}, nanoseconds: {value: 'ns'} } ``` You can singularize separators by supplying a hash e.g ```ruby days: {value: 'days', singular: 'day'} ``` By default separators are displayed after the corresponding time unit. To display them before to the units use this option: ```ruby seconds: {value: 'seconds:', align: :before} ``` results in this:
seconds:1####:leading_zeroes Set to false to remove leading zeroes (e.g 08:00:00 => 8:00:00) Defaults to
true. ## Countup For a reverse countdown starting at 00:00:00 use the countup method using the same options: ```ruby <%= countup from: to: + 1.hour %> ``` ## TODO: - Everything - Note to me: How to define a callback, which happens after a complete countdown/-up? ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request