# # Copyright (c) 2009 RightScale Inc # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # module RightAws class Ec2 public #----------------- # VPC #----------------- # Describe VPCs. # # Accepts a list of vpcs and/or a set of filters as the last parameter. # # Filters: cidr, dchp-options-id, state, tag-key, tag-value, tag:key, vpc-id # # ec2.describe_vpcs #=> # [{:vpc_id=>"vpc-890ce2e0", # :dhcp_options_id=>"default", # :cidr_block=>"", # :state=>"available"}] # # ec2.describe_vpcs("vpc-890ce2e0") # # ec2.describe_vpcs( :filters => {'tag:MyTag' => 'MyValue'} ) # # ec2.describe_vpcs( :filters => {'cidr' => ""} ) # # P.S. filters: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeVpcs.html # def describe_vpcs(*list_and_options) describe_resources_with_list_and_options('DescribeVpcs', 'VpcId', QEc2DescribeVpcsParser, list_and_options) end # Create VPC. # # ec2.create_vpc('') #=> # {:vpc_id=>"vpc-890ce2e0", # :dhcp_options_id=>"default", # :cidr_block=>"", # :state=>"pending"} # def create_vpc(cidr_block) link = generate_request("CreateVpc",'CidrBlock' => cidr_block ) request_info(link, QEc2DescribeVpcsParser.new(:logger => @logger)).first rescue Exception on_exception end # Delete VPC. # # ec2.delete_vpc("vpc-890ce2e0") #=> true # def delete_vpc(vpc_id) link = generate_request("DeleteVpc", 'VpcId' => vpc_id ) request_info(link, RightHttp2xxParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end #----------------- # Subnets #----------------- # Describe Subnet. # # Accepts a list of subnets and/or a set of filters as the last parameter. # # Filters: availability-zone, available-ip-address-count, cidr, state, subnet-id, tag-key, tag-value, tag:key, vpc-id # # ec2.describe_subnets #=> # [{:available_ip_address_count=>"251", # :vpc_id=>"vpc-890ce2e0", # :availability_zone=>"us-east-1a", # :subnet_id=>"subnet-770de31e", # :cidr_block=>"", # :state=>"available"}] # # ec2.describe_subnets(:filters => {'cidr' => ""}) # # P.S. filters: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeSubnets.html # def describe_subnets(*list_and_options) describe_resources_with_list_and_options('DescribeSubnets', 'SubnetId', QEc2DescribeSubnetsParser, list_and_options) end # Create Subnet. # # ec2.create_subnet("vpc-890ce2e0",'') #=> # {:available_ip_address_count=>"251", # :vpc_id=>"vpc-890ce2e0", # :availability_zone=>"us-east-1a", # :subnet_id=>"subnet-770de31e", # :cidr_block=>"", # :state=>"pending"} # def create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone = nil) request_hash = { 'VpcId' => vpc_id, 'CidrBlock' => cidr_block } request_hash['AvailabilityZone'] = availability_zone unless availability_zone.right_blank? link = generate_request("CreateSubnet", request_hash) request_info(link, QEc2DescribeSubnetsParser.new(:logger => @logger)).first rescue Exception on_exception end # Delete Subnet. # # ec2.delete_subnet("subnet-770de31e") #=> true # def delete_subnet(subnet_id) link = generate_request("DeleteSubnet", 'SubnetId' => subnet_id ) request_info(link, RightHttp2xxParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end #----------------- # DHCP Options #----------------- # Describe DHCP options. # # Accepts a list of DHCP options and/or a set of filters as the last parameter. # # Filters: dchp-options-id, key, value, tag-key, tag-value, tag:key # # ec2.describe_dhcp_options #=> # [{:dhcp_options_id=>"dopt-cb0de3a2", # :dhcp_configuration_set=> # {"netbios-node-type"=>["1"], "domain-name"=>["my.awesomesite.ru"]}}] # # ec2.describe_dhcp_options(:filters => {'tag:MyTag' => 'MyValue'}) # # P.S. filters: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeDhcpOptions.html # def describe_dhcp_options(*list_and_options) describe_resources_with_list_and_options('DescribeDhcpOptions', 'DhcpOptionsId', QEc2DescribeDhcpOptionsParser, list_and_options) end # Create DHCP options. # # ec2.create_dhcp_options('domain-name' => 'my.awesomesite.ru', # 'netbios-node-type' => 1) #=> # {:dhcp_options_id=>"dopt-cb0de3a2", # :dhcp_configuration_set=> # {"netbios-node-type"=>["1"], "domain-name"=>["my.awesomesite.ru"]}} # def create_dhcp_options(dhcp_configuration) dhcp_configuration.each{ |key, values| dhcp_configuration[key] = Array(values) } request_hash = amazonize_list(['DhcpConfiguration.?.Key','DhcpConfiguration.?.Value.?'], dhcp_configuration) link = generate_request("CreateDhcpOptions", request_hash) request_info(link, QEc2DescribeDhcpOptionsParser.new(:logger => @logger)).first rescue Exception on_exception end # Associate DHCP options # # ec2.associate_dhcp_options("dopt-cb0de3a2", "vpc-890ce2e0" ) #=> true # ec2.describe_vpcs #=> # [{:vpc_id=>"vpc-890ce2e0", # :dhcp_options_id=>"dopt-cb0de3a2", # :cidr_block=>"", # :state=>"available"}] # def associate_dhcp_options(dhcp_options_id, vpc_id) link = generate_request("AssociateDhcpOptions", 'DhcpOptionsId' => dhcp_options_id, 'VpcId' => vpc_id) request_info(link, RightHttp2xxParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end # Delete DHCP Options. # # ec2.delete_dhcp_options("dopt-cb0de3a2") #=> true # def delete_dhcp_options(dhcp_options_id) link = generate_request("DeleteDhcpOptions", 'DhcpOptionsId' => dhcp_options_id ) request_info(link, RightHttp2xxParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end #----------------- # Customer Gateways #----------------- # Describe customer gateways. # # Accepts a list of gateways and/or a set of filters as the last parameter. # # Filters: bgp-asn, customer-gateway-id, state, type, tag-key, tag-value, tag:key # # ec2.describe_customer_gateways #=> # [{:type=>"ipsec.1", # :ip_address=>"", # :bgp_asn=>"65534", # :state=>"available", # :customer_gateway_id=>"cgw-d5a643bc"}] # # ec2.describe_customer_gateways(:filters => {'tag:MyTag' => 'MyValue'}) # # P.S. filters: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeCustomerGateways.html # def describe_customer_gateways(*list_and_options) describe_resources_with_list_and_options('DescribeCustomerGateways', 'CustomerGatewayId', QEc2DescribeCustomerGatewaysParser, list_and_options) end # Create customer gateway. # # ec2.create_customer_gateway('ipsec.1', '', 65534) #=> # {:type=>"ipsec.1", # :bgp_asn=>"65534", # :ip_address=>"", # :state=>"pending", # :customer_gateway_id=>"cgw-d5a643bc"} # def create_customer_gateway(type, ip_address, bgp_asn) link = generate_request("CreateCustomerGateway", 'Type' => type, 'IpAddress' => ip_address, 'BgpAsn' => bgp_asn ) request_info(link, QEc2DescribeCustomerGatewaysParser.new(:logger => @logger)).first rescue Exception on_exception end # Delete customer gateway. # # ec2.delete_customer_gateway("cgw-d5a643bc") #=> true # def delete_customer_gateway(customer_gateway_id) link = generate_request("DeleteCustomerGateway", 'CustomerGatewayId' => customer_gateway_id ) request_info(link, RightHttp2xxParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end #----------------- # VPN Gateways #----------------- # Describe VPN gateways. # # Accepts a list of VPN gateways and/or a set of filters as the last parameter. # # Filters: attachment.state, attachment.vpc-id, availability-zone, state, tag-key, tag-value, tag:key, type, vpn-gateway-id # # ec2.describe_vpn_gateways #=> # [{:type=>"ipsec.1", # :availability_zone=>"us-east-1a", # :attachments=>[{:vpc_id=>"vpc-890ce2e0", :state=>"attached"}], # :vpn_gateway_id=>"vgw-dfa144b6"}] # # ec2.describe_vpn_gateways(:filters => {'tag:MyTag' => 'MyValue'}) # # P.S. filters: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeVpnGateways.html # def describe_vpn_gateways(*list_and_options) describe_resources_with_list_and_options('DescribeVpnGateways', 'VpnGatewayId', QEc2DescribeVpnGatewaysParser, list_and_options) end # Create VPN gateway. # # ec2.create_vpn_gateway('ipsec.1') #=> # {:type=>"ipsec.1", # :availability_zone=>"us-east-1a", # :attachments=>[nil], # :vpn_gateway_id=>"vgw-dfa144b6"} # def create_vpn_gateway(type, availability_zone=nil) request_hash = { 'Type' => type } request_hash['AvailabilityZone'] = availability_zone unless availability_zone.right_blank? link = generate_request("CreateVpnGateway", request_hash ) request_info(link, QEc2DescribeVpnGatewaysParser.new(:logger => @logger)).first rescue Exception on_exception end # Attach VPN gateway. # # ec2.attach_vpn_gateway('vgw-dfa144b6','vpc-890ce2e0') #=> # {:vpc_id=>"vpc-890ce2e0", :state=>"attaching"} # def attach_vpn_gateway(vpn_gateway_id, vpc_id) link = generate_request("AttachVpnGateway", 'VpnGatewayId' => vpn_gateway_id, 'VpcId' => vpc_id ) request_info(link, QEc2AttachVpnGatewayParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end # Detach VPN gateway. # # ec2.detach_vpn_gateway('vgw-dfa144b6','vpc-890ce2e0') #=> true # def detach_vpn_gateway(vpn_gateway_id, vpc_id) link = generate_request("DetachVpnGateway", 'VpnGatewayId' => vpn_gateway_id, 'VpcId' => vpc_id ) request_info(link, RightHttp2xxParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end # Delete vpn gateway. # # ec2.delete_vpn_gateway("vgw-dfa144b6") #=> true # def delete_vpn_gateway(vpn_gateway_id) link = generate_request("DeleteVpnGateway", 'VpnGatewayId' => vpn_gateway_id ) request_info(link, RightHttp2xxParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end #----------------- # VPN Connections #----------------- # Describe VPN connections. # # Accepts a list of VPN gateways and/or a set of filters as the last parameter. # # Filters: customer-gateway-configuration, customer-gateway-id, state, tag-key, tag-value, tag:key, # type, vpn-connection-id, vpn-gateway-id # # ec2.describe_vpn_connections #=> # [{:type=>"ipsec.1", # :vpn_connection_id=>"vpn-a9a643c0", # :customer_gateway_configuration=> # "\n\n...\n", # :state=>"available", # :vpn_gateway_id=>"vgw-dfa144b6", # :customer_gateway_id=>"cgw-81a643e8"}] # # ec2.describe_vpn_gateways(:filters => {'tag:MyTag' => 'MyValue'}) # # P.S. filters: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonVPC/latest/APIReference/index.html?ApiReference-query-DescribeVpnConnections.html # def describe_vpn_connections(*list_and_options) describe_resources_with_list_and_options('DescribeVpnConnections', 'VpnConnectionId', QEc2DescribeVpnConnectionsParser, list_and_options) end # Create VPN connection. # # ec2.create_vpn_connection('ipsec.1', 'cgw-81a643e8' ,'vgw-dfa144b6') # {:customer_gateway_id=>"cgw-81a643e8", # :vpn_connection_id=>"vpn-a9a643c0", # :customer_gateway_configuration=> # "\n\n...\n", # :state=>"pending", # :vpn_gateway_id=>"vgw-dfa144b6"} # def create_vpn_connection(type, customer_gateway_id, vpn_gateway_id) link = generate_request("CreateVpnConnection", 'Type' => type, 'CustomerGatewayId' => customer_gateway_id, 'VpnGatewayId' => vpn_gateway_id ) request_info(link, QEc2DescribeVpnConnectionsParser.new(:logger => @logger)).first rescue Exception on_exception end # Delete VPN connection. # # ec2.delete_vpn_connection("vpn-a9a643c0") #=> true # def delete_vpn_connection(vpn_connection_id) link = generate_request("DeleteVpnConnection", 'VpnConnectionId' => vpn_connection_id ) request_info(link, RightHttp2xxParser.new(:logger => @logger)) rescue Exception on_exception end #----------------- # Parsers #----------------- class QEc2DescribeVpcsParser < RightAWSParser #:nodoc: def tagstart(name, attributes) case full_tag_name when %r{/(vpcSet/item|vpc)$} then @item = { :tags => {} } when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @aws_tag = {} end end def tagend(name) case name when 'vpcId' then @item[:vpc_id] = @text when 'state' then @item[:state] = @text when 'dhcpOptionsId' then @item[:dhcp_options_id] = @text when 'cidrBlock' then @item[:cidr_block] = @text else case full_tag_name when %r{/tagSet/item/key$} then @aws_tag[:key] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item/value$} then @aws_tag[:value] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @item[:tags][@aws_tag[:key]] = @aws_tag[:value] when %r{(vpcSet/item|vpc)$} then @result << @item end end end def reset @result = [] end end class QEc2DescribeSubnetsParser < RightAWSParser #:nodoc: def tagstart(name, attributes) case full_tag_name when %r{/(subnetSet/item|subnet)$} then @item = { :tags => {} } when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @aws_tag = {} end end def tagend(name) case name when 'subnetId' then @item[:subnet_id] = @text when 'state' then @item[:state] = @text when 'vpcId' then @item[:vpc_id] = @text when 'cidrBlock' then @item[:cidr_block] = @text when 'availabilityZone' then @item[:availability_zone] = @text when 'availableIpAddressCount' then @item[:available_ip_address_count] = @text else case full_tag_name when %r{/tagSet/item/key$} then @aws_tag[:key] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item/value$} then @aws_tag[:value] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @item[:tags][@aws_tag[:key]] = @aws_tag[:value] when %r{/(subnetSet/item|subnet)$} then @result << @item end end end def reset @result = [] end end class QEc2DescribeDhcpOptionsParser < RightAWSParser #:nodoc: def tagstart(name, attributes) case full_tag_name when %r{/(dhcpOptionsSet/item|dhcpOptions)$} then @item = { :tags => {}, :dhcp_configuration_set => {} } when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @aws_tag = {} end end def tagend(name) case full_tag_name when %r{/tagSet/item/key$} then @aws_tag[:key] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item/value$} then @aws_tag[:value] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @item[:tags][@aws_tag[:key]] = @aws_tag[:value] when %r{/dhcpOptionsId$} then @item[:dhcp_options_id] = @text when %r{/dhcpConfigurationSet/item/key$} then @conf_item_key = @text when %r{/dhcpConfigurationSet/item/valueSet/item/value$} then (@item[:dhcp_configuration_set][@conf_item_key] ||= []) << @text when %r{/(dhcpOptionsSet/item|dhcpOptions)$} then @result << @item end end def reset @result = [] end end class QEc2DescribeCustomerGatewaysParser < RightAWSParser #:nodoc: def tagstart(name, attributes) case full_tag_name when %r{/(customerGatewaySet/item|customerGateway)$} then @item = { :tags => {} } when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @aws_tag = {} end end def tagend(name) case name when 'customerGatewayId' then @item[:customer_gateway_id] = @text when 'state' then @item[:state] = @text when 'type' then @item[:type] = @text when 'ipAddress' then @item[:ip_address] = @text when 'bgpAsn' then @item[:bgp_asn] = @text else case full_tag_name when %r{/tagSet/item/key$} then @aws_tag[:key] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item/value$} then @aws_tag[:value] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @item[:tags][@aws_tag[:key]] = @aws_tag[:value] when %r{/(customerGatewaySet/item|customerGateway)$} then @result << @item end end end def reset @result = [] end end class QEc2DescribeVpnGatewaysParser < RightAWSParser #:nodoc: def tagstart(name, attributes) case full_tag_name when %r{/(vpnGatewaySet/item|vpnGateway)$} then @item = { :tags => {}, :attachments => [] } when %r{/attachments/item$} then @attachment = {} when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @aws_tag = {} end end def tagend(name) case name when 'vpnGatewayId' then @item[:vpn_gateway_id] = @text when 'availabilityZone' then @item[:availability_zone] = @text when 'type' then @item[:type] = @text when 'vpcId' then @attachment[:vpc_id] = @text else case full_tag_name when %r{/vpnGatewaySet/item/state$} then @item[:state] = @text when %r{/attachments/item/state$} then @attachment[:state] = @text when %r{/attachments/item$} then @item[:attachments] << @attachment unless @attachment.right_blank? when %r{/tagSet/item/key$} then @aws_tag[:key] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item/value$} then @aws_tag[:value] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @item[:tags][@aws_tag[:key]] = @aws_tag[:value] when %r{/(vpnGatewaySet/item|vpnGateway)$} then @result << @item end end end def reset @result = [] end end class QEc2AttachVpnGatewayParser < RightAWSParser #:nodoc: def tagend(name) case name when 'vpcId' then @result[:vpc_id] = @text when 'state' then @result[:state] = @text end end def reset @result = {} end end class QEc2DescribeVpnConnectionsParser < RightAWSParser #:nodoc: def tagstart(name, attributes) case full_tag_name when %r{/(vpnConnectionSet/item|vpnConnection)$} then @item = { :tags => {} } when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @aws_tag = {} end end def tagend(name) case name when 'vpnConnectionId' then @item[:vpn_connection_id] = @text when 'state' then @item[:state] = @text when 'type' then @item[:type] = @text when 'vpnGatewayId' then @item[:vpn_gateway_id] = @text when 'customerGatewayId' then @item[:customer_gateway_id] = @text when 'customerGatewayConfiguration' then @item[:customer_gateway_configuration] = @text else case full_tag_name when %r{/tagSet/item/key$} then @aws_tag[:key] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item/value$} then @aws_tag[:value] = @text when %r{/tagSet/item$} then @item[:tags][@aws_tag[:key]] = @aws_tag[:value] when %r{/(vpnConnectionSet/item|vpnConnection)$} then @result << @item end end end def reset @result = [] end end end end