HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 16:53:56 GMT c8bec6fe-84f3-9a8e-7444-47f86c64d74b Top/Games/Card_Games/Combining Combining 8 33 Sites about card games in where winning, or scoring points, involves combining cards in various ways. Top/Games/Card_Games/Comparing Comparing 1 2 Sites devoted to card games where winning or losing depends on comparing one card or combinations of cards with another. Top/Games/Card_Games/Developers_and_Publishers Developers and Publishers 0 10 Sites devoted to developers and publishers of special deck propriety card games, as well as inventors of fifty-two card standard deck games. Top/Games/Card_Games/Guides Guides 0 30 Websites offering rules, strategies, and information for multiple card games. Top/Games/Card_Games/Shedding_and_Accumulating Shedding and Accumulating 8 26 Sites devoted to card games where the objective is either to get rid of all your cards or accumulate all the cards. Top/Games/Card_Games/Special_Decks Special Decks 138 255 Various card games which require a special pack of cards often promoted and sold by a particular manufacturer. Each game is categorized in a sub-directory, if not the site describes more than one card game. Top/Games/Card_Games/Standard_Decks Standard Decks 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/Trick_Capturing Trick Capturing 15 694 These are trick-taking games in which the aim is to capture cards or avoiding capturing cards. It may be the quantity of cards captured that is important, or it may be that some cards are more valuable than others. Top/World/Català/Jocs/De_cartes Catalan 3 9 Manuals, instruccions, programes de qualsevol joc de cartes. Top/World/Chinese_Simplified_CN/游戏/牌类游戏 Chinese Simplified 0 22 纸牌游戏,比如使用部分、整副或多副扑克牌的游戏。 Top/World/Česky/Hry/Karetní_hry Czech 0 6 Top/World/Dansk/Spil/Kortspil Danish 5 39 Spil, der spilles med spillekort, hører hjemme her. Top/World/Nederlands/Spellen/Kaartspellen Dutch 5 139 Een of ander spel met kaarten. Top/World/Suomi/Pelit/Korttipelit Finnish 0 5 Korttipeliaiheisia suomenkielisiä sivustoja. Top/World/Français/Jeux/Jeux_de_cartes French 6 527 Les jeux de cartes sont à la mode depuis l'an 1000 environ. On dénombre actuellement deux grandes classes de cartes à jouer (qui sont placées dans les catégories ODP correspondantes) : <ul> <li>Cartes à collectionner : jeux nécessitant l'acquisition d'un grand nombre de cartes pour jouer (exemple typique : Magic); <li>Cartes traditionnelles : jeux nécessitant un nombre de cartes fixes (exemple typique : le poker). </ul> Lors de votre recherche dans cette catégorie ou l'une des sous-catégories, il est possible que tous les sites web traitant des jeux de cartes ne soient pas affichés. Ces sites sont ceux qui traitent des jeux de cartes mais pas en exclusivité. Ils sont alors indexés dans une catégorie parente comme Jeux. <br> <br> Top/World/Deutsch/Spiele/Brett-_und_Tischspiele/Kartenspiele German 11 238 Kartenspiele sind alle Spiele, bei denen das primäre Spielmaterial die Spielkarten sind. Das gilt sowohl für reine Kartenspiele (beinhalten nur Spielkarten) als auch für erweiterte Kartenspiele - beinhalten weitere Spielmaterialien wie z.B Wertungsleiste etc., die allerdings spieltechnisch nur von untergeordneter Bedeutung sind. In den letzten Jahrzehnten des 20.Jh. sind zu den traditionellen und bekannten ("klassischen") Kartenspielen wie z.B. Skat und Bridge eine Fülle von "modernen" Kartenspielen wie z.B. UNO und Magic hinzugekommen. Top/World/Italiano/Giochi/Carte Italian 12 145 Siti dedicati ai giochi di carte che utilizzano i mazzi standard da 52 carte o quelli tradizionali e locali di 40. Per i giochi con carte scambiabili e collezionabili vedi: Giochi:Giochi_di_Carte_Collezionabili. Per i giochi online vedi: Giochi:Web. Top/World/Japanese/ゲーム/テーブルゲーム/カードゲーム Japanese 2 23 カードゲームに関するサイトを扱います。 Top/World/Korean/게임/카드게임 Korean 0 0 Top/World/Lietuvių/Žaidimai/Kortų_žaidimai Lietuvių 0 2 Žaidimai kortomis, jų taisyklės, strategija ir klubai. Top/World/Norsk/Spill/Kortspill Norwegian 1 58 Kortspill omfatter både spill med klassisk kortstokk, som bridge og poker, samlekortspill som Magic og Pokemon, og spill med andre typer kortstokker. Kortspill over internett dekkes av kategorien <a href="">Internett</a>. Top/World/Polski/Gry/Karciane Polish 1 13 Top/World/Română/Jocuri/Jocuri_de_cărţi Romanian 0 2 Pagini în limba română dedicate jocurilor de cărţi. <p>Este indicată o descriere în limba română a paginii propuse.</p><h4>Dacă pagina nu este în limba română această categorie nu este recomandată.</h4> Top/World/Russian/Игры/Карточные_игры Russian 1 29 Top/World/Slovensky/Hry/Kartové_hry Slovensky 0 3 Top/World/Español/Juegos/Cartas Spanish 5 59 Sitios web sobre juegos en los que intervienen las cartas como elemento de azar. Top/World/Svenska/Spel/Kortspel Swedish 1 63 Alla slags kortspel. Även kortspel med speciallekar. Sidor om spel med standardkortlekar, t ex bridge och vira, ska läggas i underkategori. Top/World/Türkçe/Oyunlar/Kart_Oyunları Turkish 1 18 Kart oyunları hakkında bilgi, strateji ve kurallar içeren siteler bu kategoride listelenir. Top/Arts/Performing_Arts/Magic/Effects/Card Card 0 4 Top/Recreation/Collecting/Toys/Games/Playing_Cards Collecting 1 15 Organizations dedicated to the hobby of collecting playing cards, including tarot cards. Top/Games/Video_Games/Recreation/Browser_Based/Cards Online 21 51 This category is restricted to card games, solitaire or multi-player, which can be played online without downloading software. Top/Games/Gambling/Equipment/Manufacturers/Playing_Cards Playing Cards 0 7 Businesses whose exclusive or predominant focus is the manufacturing of playing cards. Top/Recreation/Collecting/Toys/Games/Playing_Cards Playing Cards 1 15 Organizations dedicated to the hobby of collecting playing cards, including tarot cards. Top/Shopping/Toys_and_Games/Games/Cards Shopping 2 32 Top/Games/Trading_Card_Games Trading Cards 70 320 This category covers all collectible card games (known as CCGs) such as Magic, Mythos, Star Wars, etc. It also includes games of a similar nature, even if they aren't strictly speaking collectible - XXXenophile, the newer INWO expansions, etc. As a rule of thumb, any game that involves professionally-printed cards (i.e. not standard playing cards) should be in here. Top/Games/Video_Games/Recreation/Cards Video Games 16 142 This category and its subcategories are for downloadable or CD/DVD software card games playable on a computer. Top/Games/Card_Games/0 0 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/1 1 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/2 2 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/3 3 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/4 4 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/5 5 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/6 6 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/7 7 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/8 8 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/9 9 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/A A 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/B B 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/C C 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/D D 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/E E 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/F F 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/G G 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/H H 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/I I 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/J J 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/K K 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/L L 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/M M 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/N N 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/O O 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/P P 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/Q Q 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/R R 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/S S 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/Z Z 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/T T 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/U U 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/V V 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/W W 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/X X 0 0 Top/Games/Card_Games/Y Y 0 0 Success