require "calabash-cucumber/version" require 'rexml/rexml' require "rexml/document" def detect_accessibility_support dirs = Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path("~/Library"),"Application Support","iPhone Simulator","*.*","Library","Preferences")) dirs.each do |sim_pref_dir| fp = File.expand_path("#{sim_pref_dir}/") out = `defaults read "#{fp}" ApplicationAccessibilityEnabled` if not(File.exists?(fp)) || out.split("\n")[0] == "0" msg("Warn") do puts "Accessibility is not enabled for simulator: #{sim_pref_dir}" puts "Enabled accessibility as described here:" puts "" puts "Alternatively run command:" puts "calabash-ios sim acc" end end end end def calabash_setup(args) puts "Checking if Xcode is running..." res = `ps x -o pid,command | grep -v grep | grep Contents/MacOS/Xcode` if res=="" puts "Xcode not running." project_name, project_path, xpath = find_project_files(args) setup_project(project_name, project_path, xpath) detect_accessibility_support msg("Setup done") do puts "Please validate by running the -cal target" puts "from Xcode." puts "When starting the iOS Simulator using the" puts "new -cal target, you should see:\n\n" puts ' "Started LPHTTP server on port 37265"' puts "\nin the application log in Xcode." puts "\n\n" puts "After validating, you can generate a features folder:" puts "Go to your project (the dir containing the .xcodeproj file)." puts "Then run calabash-ios gen" puts "(if you don't already have a features folder)." end else puts "Xcode is running. We'll be changing the project file so we'd better stop it." puts "Please stop XCode and run setup again" exit(0) end end def find_project_files(args) dir_to_search, project_files = ensure_correct_path(args) xc_project_file = project_files[0] project_name = xc_project_file.split(".xcodeproj")[0] puts "Found Project: #{project_name}" pbx_dir = "#{dir_to_search}/#{xc_project_file}" pbx_files = Dir.foreach(pbx_dir).find_all { |x| /\.pbxproj$/.match(x) } if pbx_files.empty? puts "Found no *.pbxproj files in dir #{xc_project_file}." puts "Please setup calabash manually." exit 1 elsif pbx_files.count > 1 puts "Found several *.pbxproj files in dir #{xc_project_file}." puts "Found: #{pbx_files.join("\n")}" puts "We don't yet support this. Please setup calabash manually." exit 1 end return project_name, dir_to_search, File.expand_path("#{dir_to_search}/#{xc_project_file}") end def calabash_download(args) download_calabash(File.expand_path(".")) end def has_proxy? ENV['http_proxy'] ? true : false end def proxy url_parts = URI.split(ENV['http_proxy']) [url_parts[2], url_parts[3]] end def download_calabash(project_path) file = 'calabash.framework' ##Download calabash.framework if not, file)) msg("Info") do zip_file = File.join(@framework_dir,"") if File.exist?(zip_file) if not system("unzip -C -K -o -q -d #{project_path} #{zip_file} -x __MACOSX/* calabash.framework/.DS_Store") msg("Error") do puts "Unable to unzip file: #{zip_file}" puts "You must install manually." end exit 1 end else puts "Inconsistent gem state: Cannot find framework: #{zip_file}" exit 0 end end else msg("Info") do puts "Found calabash.framework in #{File.expand_path(project_path)}." puts "Shall I delete it and download the latest matching version?" puts "Please answer yes (y) or no (n)" answer = STDIN.gets.chomp if (answer == 'yes' or answer == 'y') FileUtils.rm_r File.join(project_path, file) return download_calabash(project_path) else puts "Not downloading..." end end end file end def setup_project(project_name, project_path, path) ##Ensure exists and parse proj_file = "#{path}/project.pbxproj" if not File.exists?(proj_file) msg("Error") do puts "Directory #{path} doesn't contain #{proj_file}" end exit 1 end project_path do ##Backup if File.exists? "#{proj_file}.bak" msg("Error") do puts "Backup file already exists. #{proj_file}.bak" puts "For safety, I won't overwrite this file." puts "You must manually move this file, if you want to" puts "Run calabash-ios setup again." end exit 1 end end download_calabash(project_path) msg("Info") do puts "Setting up project file for calabash-ios." end ##Backup msg("Info") do puts "Making backup of project file: #{proj_file}" FileUtils.cp(proj_file, "#{proj_file}.bak") puts "Saved as #{proj_file}.bak" end path_to_setup = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'CalabashSetup') setup_cmd = %Q[#{path_to_setup} "#{path}" "#{project_name}"] system(setup_cmd) end require 'calabash-cucumber/launch/simulator_helper' def validate_setup(args) if args.length > 0 if args[0].end_with?(".ipa") validate_ipa(args[0]) elsif args[0].end_with?(".app") validate_app(args[0]) else msg("Error") do puts "File should end with .app or .ipa" end exit 1 end else dd_dir = Calabash::Cucumber::SimulatorHelper.derived_data_dir_for_project if not dd_dir puts "Unable to find iOS XCode project." puts "You should run this command from an XCode project directory." exit 1 end app_bundles = Dir.glob(File.join(dd_dir, "Build", "Products", "*", "*.app")) sim_dirs = Dir.glob(File.join(dd_dir, "Build", "Products", "Debug-iphonesimulator", "*.app")) sim_dirs = sim_dirs.concat(Dir.glob(File.join(dd_dir, "Build", "Products", "Calabash-iphonesimulator", "*.app"))) if sim_dirs.empty? msg = ["Have you built your app for simulator?"] msg << "You should build the -cal target and your normal target" msg << "(with configuration Debug)." msg << "Searched dir: #{dd_dir}/Build/Products" msg("Error") do puts msg.join("\n") end exit 1 elsif sim_dirs.count != 2 msg = ["Have you built your app for simulator?"] msg << "You should build the -cal target and your normal target" msg << "(with configuration Debug)." msg << "Searched dir: #{dd_dir}/Build/Products" msg("Error") do puts msg.join("\n") end exit 1 end out_debug = `otool "#{sim_dirs[0]}"/* -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer` out_cal = `otool "#{sim_dirs[1]}"/* -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer 2> /dev/null` ok = (not /CalabashServer/.match(out_debug)) and /CalabashServer/.match(out_cal) if ok msg("OK") do puts "Your configuration seems ok." puts "app in directory:" puts sim_dirs[0] puts "does not have calabash.framework linked in." puts "directory:" puts sim_dirs[1] puts "does." end else msg("Fail") do puts "Your configuration looks bad." if (not /CalabashServer/.match(out_debug)) puts "WARNING: You Debug build seems to be linking with Calabash." puts "You should restore your xcodeproject file from backup." else puts "app in directory" puts sim_dirs[1] puts "does not have calabash.framework linked in." end end end end end def validate_ipa(ipa) require 'tmpdir' fail = false Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| if not system("unzip -C -K -o -q -d #{dir} #{ipa}") msg("Error") do puts "Unable to unzip ipa: #{ipa}" end Dir fail = true end app_dir = Dir.foreach("#{dir}/Payload").find {|d| /\.app$/.match(d)} app = app_dir.split(".")[0] res = `otool "#{File.expand_path(dir)}/Payload/#{app_dir}/#{app}" -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer` msg("Info") do if /CalabashServer/.match(res) puts "Ipa: #{ipa} *contains* calabash.framework" else puts "Ipa: #{ipa} *does not contain* calabash.framework" end end end if fail exit(1) end end def validate_app(app) if not msg("Error") do puts "Path: #{app} is not a directory." end exit 1 end out = `otool "#{File.expand_path(app)}"/* -o 2> /dev/null | grep CalabashServer` msg("Info") do if /CalabashServer/.match(out) puts "App: #{app} *contains* calabash.framework" else puts "App: #{app} *does not contain* calabash.framework" end end end def update(args) if args.length > 0 target = args[0] unless UPDATE_TARGETS.include?(target) msg('Error') do puts "Invalid target #{target}. Must be one of: #{UPDATE_TARGETS.join(' ')}" end exit 1 end target_file = 'features/support/launch.rb' msg('Question') do puts "I'm about to update the #{target_file} file." puts "Please hit return to confirm that's what you want." end exit 2 unless STDIN.gets.chomp == '' unless File.exist?(target_file) msg('Error') do puts "Unable to find file #{target_file}" puts "Please change directory so that #{target_file} exists." end exit 1 end new_launch_script = File.join(@script_dir, 'launch.rb') FileUtils.cp(new_launch_script, 'features/support/01_launch.rb', :verbose => true) FileUtils.rm(target_file, :force => true, :verbose => true) hooks_file = 'features/support/hooks.rb' if File.exist?(hooks_file), 'features/support/02_pre_stop_hooks.rb', :verbose => true) end msg('Info') do puts "File copied.\n" puts 'Launch on device using environment variable DEVICE_TARGET=device.' puts 'Launch on simulator by default or using environment variable DEVICE_TARGET=simulator.' end else msg('Error') do puts "update must take one of the following targets: #{UPDATE_TARGETS.join(' ')}" end exit 1 end end