require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper") require "ftools" describe Jasnode::Spec do before(:each) do template_base = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', "..", 'templates')) @name = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spectest")) File.makedirs("#{@name}") FileUtils.cp_r("#{template_base}/.", @name) end it "should find all the javascript spec files" do Jasnode::Spec.find_specs(@name).should == ["/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/server/server_spec.js", "/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/spec.js", "/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/server/spec_server.js"] end it "should find the current jasmine lib" do Jasnode::Spec.find_jasmine.should == ["/Users/cory/src/jasnode/lib/jasnode/../../jasmine/lib/jasmine-0.10.2.js"] end it "should correctly generate the text to build a jasmine runner" do Jasnode::Spec.build_jasmine_test_file(Jasnode::Spec.find_jasmine, Jasnode::Spec.find_specs(@name), true).should == "// This file is autogenerated by jasnode\n// It was inspired by node-jasmine (c) 2010 Adam Abrons and Misko Hevery\n// Copyright (c) 2010 Cory Ondrejka. All rights reserved.\n// See MIT.LICENSE for licensing details.\n\nvar fs = require('fs');\nvar sys = require('sys');\n\nvar filename = '/Users/cory/src/jasnode/lib/jasnode/../../jasmine/lib/jasmine-0.10.2.js';\nvar src = fs.readFileSync(filename);\n\n// give jasmine values to bind\nglobal.window = {\n setTimeout: setTimeout,\n clearTimeout: clearTimeout,\n setInterval: setInterval,\n clearInterval: clearInterval\n};\n\nvar jasmine = process.compile(src + '\\njasmine;', filename);\n\ndelete global.window;\n\njasmine.run_specs = function() {\n var log = [];\n var columnCounter = 0;\n var verbose = true;\n \n // process in specs collected by jasnode\n process.compile(fs.readFileSync('/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/server/server_spec.js'), '/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/server/server_spec.js');\n process.compile(fs.readFileSync('/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/spec.js'), '/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/spec.js');\n process.compile(fs.readFileSync('/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/server/spec_server.js'), '/Users/cory/src/jasnode/spec/jasnode/spectest/spec/server/spec_server.js');\n\n \n // override jasmine reporter base class\n var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();\n jasmineEnv.reporter = {\n log: function(str){\n },\n\n reportRunnerStarting: function(runner) {\n date = new Date();\n sys.puts('Starting spec run at ' + date.getHours() + \":\" + date.getMinutes() + \":\" + date.getSeconds());\n start = date.getTime();\n },\n\n reportSuiteResults: function(suite) {\n var spec_results = suite.results();\n var path = [];\n while(suite) {\n path.unshift(suite.description);\n suite = suite.parentSuite;\n }\n var description = path.join(' -> ');\n\n spec_results.items_.forEach(function(spec){\n if (spec.failedCount > 0 && spec.description) {\n log.push(description + '\\n');\n log.push(' it ' + spec.description + '\\n');\n spec.items_.forEach(function(result){\n log.push(' ' + result.trace.stack + '\\n');\n });\n }\n });\n },\n\n reportSpecResults: function(spec) {\n sys.print(spec.results().failedCount ? \"F\" : \".\");\n if (columnCounter++ < 50) return;\n columnCounter = 0;\n sys.print('\\n');\n },\n\n reportRunnerResults: function(runner) {\n elapsed = (Number(new Date) - start) / 1000;\n sys.puts('\\n');\n if (verbose)\n log.forEach(function(log){ sys.puts(log); });\n \n sys.puts('\\n');\n sys.puts('Finished in ' + elapsed + ' seconds');\n sys.puts(jasmine.results(runner));\n process.exit(runner.results().failedCount);\n }\n };\n jasmineEnv.execute();\n};\n\n// print out the results\njasmine.results = function(runner){\n var results = runner.results();\n var suites = runner.suites();\n var msg = '';\n msg += \"\\033[1m\" + results.totalCount + ' example' + ((results.totalCount === 1) ? '' : 's') + '\\033[22m, ';\n if (0 == results.failedCount)\n msg += \"\\033[32m\" + results.failedCount + ' failure' + ((results.failedCount === 1) ? '' : 's') + '\\033[39m\\n';\n else\n msg += \"\\033[31m\" + results.failedCount + ' failure' + ((results.failedCount === 1) ? '' : 's') + '\\033[39m\\n';\n return msg;\n};\n\n// create a busy wait to allow for async testing\njasmine.async_spec_wait = function() {\n var wait = jasmine.async_spec_wait;\n wait.start = new Date().getTime();\n wait.done = false;\n (function inner_wait(){\n waits(10);\n runs(function() {\n if (wait.start + wait.timeout < new Date().getTime()) {\n expect('timeout waiting for spec').toBeNull();\n } else if (wait.done) {\n wait.done = false;\n } else {\n inner_wait();\n }\n });\n })(); \n};\n\n// timeout after 10 seconds of waiting\njasmine.async_spec_wait.timeout = 10 * 1000;\n\njasmine.async_spec_done = function() {\n jasmine.async_spec_wait.done = true;\n};\n\n// make sure all the jasmine methods are available\nfor ( var key in jasmine) {\n exports[key] = jasmine[key];\n}\n" end it "should save the jasmine runner into the appropriate locations" do,"lib", "jasnode.js"), "w") {|f| f.write(Jasnode::Spec.build_jasmine_test_file(Jasnode::Spec.find_jasmine, Jasnode::Spec.find_specs(@name), true)) } File.exist?("#{@name}/lib/jasnode.js").should == true end it "should handle the command line" do Dir.chdir(@name) output = %x[../../../bin/jasnode spec] output = output.split("\n") output[-1].should == "\e[1m12 examples\e[22m, \e[32m0 failures\e[39m" Dir.chdir("..") end after(:each) do FileUtils.rm_rf(@name) end end