# frozen_string_literal: true module Hyrax module HyraxHelperBehavior include Hyrax::CitationsBehavior include ERB::Util # provides html_escape include Hyrax::ContactFormHelper include Hyrax::TitleHelper include Hyrax::FileSetHelper include Hyrax::AbilityHelper include Hyrax::UrlHelper include Hyrax::EmbargoHelper include Hyrax::LeaseHelper include Hyrax::CollectionsHelper include Hyrax::ChartsHelper include Hyrax::DashboardHelperBehavior include Hyrax::IiifHelper include Hyrax::MembershipHelper include Hyrax::PermissionLevelsHelper include Hyrax::WorkFormHelper # Which translations are available for the user to select # @return [Hash{String => String}] locale abbreviations as keys and flags as values def available_translations { 'de' => 'Deutsch', 'en' => 'English', 'es' => 'Español', 'fr' => 'Français', 'it' => 'Italiano', 'pt-BR' => 'Português do Brasil', 'zh' => '中文' } end delegate :name, :name_full, to: :institution, prefix: :institution def banner_image Hyrax.config.banner_image end def orcid_label(style_class = '') safe_join([image_tag('orcid.png', alt: t('hyrax.user_profile.orcid.alt'), class: style_class), t('hyrax.user_profile.orcid.label')], ' ') end def zotero_label(opts = {}) html_class = opts[:html_class] || '' safe_join([image_tag('zotero.png', alt: t('hyrax.user_profile.zotero.alt'), class: html_class), t('hyrax.user_profile.zotero.label')], ' ') end def zotero_profile_url(zotero_user_id) "https://www.zotero.org/users/#{zotero_user_id}" end # @param [User] user def render_notifications(user:) mailbox = UserMailbox.new(user) unread_notifications = mailbox.unread_count link_to(hyrax.notifications_path, 'aria-label' => mailbox.label(params[:locale]), class: 'notify-number') do capture do concat tag.span('', class: 'fa fa-bell') concat "\n" concat tag.span(unread_notifications, class: count_classes_for(unread_notifications)) end end end # @param [ProxyDepositRequest] req def show_transfer_request_title(req) if req.deleted_work? || req.canceled? req.to_s else link_to(req.to_s, [main_app, req.work]) end end # @param item [Object] # @param field [String] # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link def link_to_facet(item, field) path = main_app.search_catalog_path(search_state.add_facet_params_and_redirect(field, item)) link_to(item, path) end # @param values [Array{String}] strings to display # @param solr_field [String] name of the solr field to link to, without its suffix (:facetable) # @param empty_message [String] message to display if no values are passed in # @param separator [String] value to join with # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link def link_to_facet_list(values, solr_field, empty_message = "No value entered", separator = ", ") return empty_message if values.blank? facet_field = solr_field.to_s + "_sim" safe_join(values.map { |item| link_to_facet(item, facet_field) }, separator) end # @param name [String] field name # @param value [String] field value # @param label [String] defaults to value # @param facet_hash [Hash] first argument to Blacklight::SearchState.new # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link # @see Blacklight::SearchState#initialize def link_to_field(name, value, label = nil, facet_hash = {}) label ||= value params = {} if name.present? params[:search_field] = name params[:q] = "\"#{value}\"" end state = search_state_with_facets(params, facet_hash) link_to(label, main_app.search_catalog_path(state)) end ## GROUP: helper_methods # A Blacklight helper_method # @param [Hash] options from blacklight invocation of helper_method # @see #index_field_link params # @return [Date] def human_readable_date(options) value = options[:value].first Date.parse(value).to_formatted_s(:standard) end # A Blacklight helper_method # @param options [Hash{Symbol=>Object}] Blacklight sends :document, :field, :config, :value and whatever else was in options # @option options [Array{String}] :value # @option options [Hash] :config including +{:field_name => "my_name"}+ # @option options [Hash] :document # @option options [Array{String}] :value the strings you might otherwise have passed to this method singly # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link def index_field_link(options) raise ArgumentError unless options[:config] && options[:config][:field_name] name = options[:config][:field_name] links = options[:value].map { |item| link_to_field(name, item, item) } safe_join(links, ", ") end # A Blacklight helper_method # # @example # link_to_each_facet_field({ value: "Imaging > Object Photography", config: { helper_facet: :document_types_sim }}) # ```html # Imaging > Object Photography # ``` # # @param options [Hash] from blacklight invocation of helper_method # @option options [Array<#strip>] :value # @option options [Hash>] :config Example: { separator: '>', helper_facet: :document_types_sim, output_separator: '::' } # @return the html_safe facet links separated by the given separator (default: ' > ') to indicate facet hierarchy # # @raise KeyError when the options are note properly configured def link_to_each_facet_field(options) config = options.fetch(:config) separator = config.fetch(:separator, ' > ') output_separator = config.fetch(:output_separator, separator) facet_search = config.fetch(:helper_facet) facet_fields = Array.wrap(options.fetch(:value)).first.split(separator).map(&:strip) facet_links = facet_fields.map do |type| link_to(type, main_app.search_catalog_path(f: { facet_search => [type] })) end safe_join(facet_links, output_separator) end # Uses Rails auto_link to add links to fields # # @param field [String,Hash] string to format and escape, or a hash as per helper_method # @option field [SolrDocument] :document # @option field [String] :field name of the solr field # @option field [Blacklight::Configuration::IndexField, Blacklight::Configuration::ShowField] :config # @option field [Array] :value array of values for the field # @param show_link [Boolean] # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] def iconify_auto_link(field, show_link = true) if field.is_a? Hash options = field[:config].separator_options || {} text = field[:value].to_sentence(options) else text = field end # this block is only executed when a link is inserted; # if we pass text containing no links, it just returns text. auto_link(html_escape(text)) do |value| "#{(' ' + value) if show_link}" end end # *Sometimes* a Blacklight index field helper_method # @param [String,User,Hash{Symbol=>Array}] args if a hash, the user_key must be under :value # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] the html_safe link def link_to_profile(args) user_or_key = args.is_a?(Hash) ? args[:value].first : args user = case user_or_key when User user_or_key when String ::User.find_by_user_key(user_or_key) end return user_or_key if user.nil? text = user.respond_to?(:name) ? user.name : user_or_key link_to text, Hyrax::Engine.routes.url_helpers.user_path(user) end # A Blacklight index field helper_method # @param [Hash] options from blacklight helper_method invocation. Maps license URIs to links with labels. # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] license links, html_safe def license_links(options) service = Hyrax.config.license_service_class.new to_sentence(options[:value].map { |right| link_to service.label(right), right }) end # A Blacklight index field helper_method # @param [Hash] options from blacklight helper_method invocation. Maps rights statement URIs to links with labels. # @return [ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer] rights statement links, html_safe def rights_statement_links(options) service = Hyrax.config.rights_statement_service_class.new to_sentence(options[:value].map { |right| link_to service.label(right), right }) end # A Blacklight facet field helper_method # @param [String] value from blacklight helper_method invocation. # @return [String] the decoded meaning of the boolean field def suppressed_to_status(value) case value when 'false' t('hyrax.admin.workflows.index.tabs.published') else t('hyrax.admin.workflows.index.tabs.under_review') end end def link_to_telephone(user) return unless user link_to user.telephone, "wtai://wp/mc;#{user.telephone}" if user.telephone end # Only display the current search parameters if the user is not in the dashboard. # Otherwise, search defaults to the user's works and not all of Hyrax. def current_search_parameters return if on_the_dashboard? params[:q] end # @return [String] the appropriate action url for our search form (depending on our current page) def search_form_action if on_the_dashboard? search_action_for_dashboard else main_app.search_catalog_path end end def user_display_name_and_key(user_key) user = ::User.find_by_user_key(user_key) return user_key if user.nil? user.respond_to?(:name) ? "#{user.name} (#{user_key})" : user_key end # Used by the gallery view def collection_thumbnail(_document, _image_options = {}, _url_options = {}) tag.span("", class: [Hyrax::ModelIcon.css_class_for(::Collection), "collection-icon-search"]) end def collection_title_by_id(id) solr_docs = controller.repository.find(id).docs return nil if solr_docs.empty? solr_field = solr_docs.first["title_tesim"] return nil if solr_field.nil? solr_field.first end private def user_agent request.user_agent || '' end def count_classes_for(unread_count) classes = unread_count.zero? ? 'invisible label-default' : 'label-danger' "count label #{classes}" end def search_action_for_dashboard case params[:controller] when "hyrax/my/collections" hyrax.my_collections_path when "hyrax/my/shares" hyrax.dashboard_shares_path when "hyrax/my/highlights" hyrax.dashboard_highlights_path when "hyrax/dashboard/works" hyrax.dashboard_works_path when "hyrax/dashboard/collections" hyrax.dashboard_collections_path else # hyrax/my/works controller and default cases. hyrax.my_works_path end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # @param [ActionController::Parameters] params first argument for Blacklight::SearchState.new # @param [Hash] facet(s) # @return [Hash] # # @note Assumes one facet is passed in. If a second facet is passed, then it must be the depositor # facet used by the Profile page. def search_state_with_facets(params, facet = {}) state = Blacklight::SearchState.new(params, CatalogController.blacklight_config) return state.params if facet.none? # facet should contain one or two values. If it has two values, # the second is assumed to be the depositor facet. facet_type = state.add_facet_params(facet.keys.first.to_s + "_sim", facet.values.first) return facet_type if facet.length == 1 facet_depositor = state.add_facet_params(facet.keys[1].to_s + "_ssim", facet.values[1]) facet_all = Hash.new {} facet_all["f"] = facet_type["f"].merge(facet_depositor["f"]) facet_all end def institution Institution end end end