require 'benchmark' require 'find' require 'slop' require 'parser' require 'parser/compatibility/slop' module Parser class Runner def self.go(options) new.execute(options) end def initialize @slop = => true) @parser_class = nil @parser = nil @files = [] @fragments = [] @source_count = 0 @source_size = 0 setup_option_parsing end def execute(options) parse_options(options) prepare_parser process_all_input end private def runner_name raise NotImplementedError, "implement #{self.class}##{__callee__}" end def setup_option_parsing @slop.banner "Usage: #{runner_name} [options] FILE|DIRECTORY..." @slop.on 'h', 'help', 'Display this help message and exit', :tail => true do puts puts <<-HELP If you specify a DIRECTORY, then all *.rb files are fetched from it recursively and appended to the file list. The default parsing mode is for current Ruby (#{RUBY_VERSION}). HELP exit end @slop.on 'V', 'version', 'Output version information and exit', :tail => true do puts "#{runner_name} based on parser version #{Parser::VERSION}" exit end @slop.on '18', 'Parse as Ruby 1.8.7 would' do require 'parser/ruby18' @parser_class = Parser::Ruby18 end @slop.on '19', 'Parse as Ruby 1.9.3 would' do require 'parser/ruby19' @parser_class = Parser::Ruby19 end @slop.on '20', 'Parse as Ruby 2.0.0 would' do require 'parser/ruby20' @parser_class = Parser::Ruby20 end @slop.on '21', 'Parse as Ruby trunk would (use with caution)' do require 'parser/ruby21' @parser_class = Parser::Ruby21 end @slop.on 'w', 'warnings', 'Enable warnings' @slop.on 'B', 'benchmark', 'Benchmark the processor' @slop.on 'e=', 'Process a fragment of Ruby code' do |fragment| @fragments << fragment end end def parse_options(options) @slop.parse!(options) # Slop has just removed recognized options from `options`. options.each do |file_or_dir| if Find.find(file_or_dir) do |path| @files << path if path.end_with? '.rb' end else @files << file_or_dir end end if @files.empty? && @fragments.empty? $stderr.puts 'Need something to parse!' exit 1 end if @parser_class.nil? require 'parser/current' @parser_class = Parser::CurrentRuby end end def prepare_parser @parser = @parser.diagnostics.all_errors_are_fatal = true @parser.diagnostics.ignore_warnings = !@slop.warnings? @parser.diagnostics.consumer = lambda do |diagnostic| puts(diagnostic.render) end end def input_size @files.size + @fragments.size end def process_all_input parsing_time = Benchmark.measure do process_fragments process_files end if @slop.benchmark? report_with_time(parsing_time) end end def process_fragments @fragments.each_with_index do |fragment, index| fragment = fragment.dup.force_encoding(@parser.default_encoding) buffer ="(fragment:#{index})") buffer.source = fragment process_buffer(buffer) end end def process_files @files.each do |filename| source = source.force_encoding(@parser.default_encoding) buffer = buffer.source = source process_buffer(buffer) end end def process_buffer(buffer) @parser.reset process(buffer) @source_count += 1 @source_size += buffer.source.size rescue Parser::SyntaxError # skip rescue StandardError $stderr.puts("Failed on: #{}") raise end def process(buffer) raise NotImplementedError, "implement #{self.class}##{__callee__}" end def report_with_time(parsing_time) cpu_time = parsing_time.utime speed = '%.3f' % (@source_size / cpu_time / 1000) puts "Parsed #{@source_count} files (#{@source_size} characters)" \ " in #{'%.2f' % cpu_time} seconds (#{speed} kchars/s)." if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) engine = RUBY_ENGINE else engine = 'ruby' end puts "Running on #{engine} #{RUBY_VERSION}." end end end