# frozen_string_literal: true require "publify_core/testing_support/upload_fixtures" # Factory definitions FactoryBot.define do sequence(:name) { |n| "name_#{n}" } sequence(:body) { |n| "body #{n}" * (n + 3 % 5) } sequence(:user) { |n| "user#{n}" } sequence(:email) { |n| "user#{n}@example.com" } sequence(:guid) { |n| "deadbeef#{n}" } sequence(:label) { |n| "lab_#{n}" } sequence(:file_name) { |f| "file_name_#{f}" } sequence(:time) { |n| Time.new(2012, 3, 26, 19, 56).in_time_zone - n } factory :user do login { FactoryBot.generate(:user) } email { generate(:email) } name { "Bond" } nickname { "James Bond" } notify_via_email { false } notify_on_new_articles { false } notify_on_comments { false } password { "top-secret" } state { "active" } profile { User::CONTRIBUTOR } trait :without_twitter do twitter { nil } association :resource, nil end trait :with_a_full_profile do description { "I am a poor lonesone factory generated user" } url { "http://myblog.net" } msn { "random@mail.com" } aim { "randomaccount" } yahoo { "anotherrandomaccount" } twitter { "@random" } jabber { "random@account.com" } end trait :as_admin do profile { User::ADMIN } end trait :as_publisher do profile { User::PUBLISHER } end trait :as_contributor do profile { User::CONTRIBUTOR } end end factory :article do resource title { "A big article" } body { "A content with several data" } extended { "extended content for fun" } guid published_at { Time.zone.now } user allow_comments { true } state { :published } allow_pings { true } text_filter_name { "textile" } after :build do |article| article.blog ||= Blog.first || create(:blog) end after :stub do |article| article.blog ||= Blog.first || create(:blog) end trait :with_tags do keywords { "a tag" } end end factory :unpublished_article, parent: :article do published_at { nil } state { :draft } end factory :full_article, parent: :article do after :create do |article| article.resources << create(:resource) article.tags << create(:tag) end end factory :content do blog { Blog.first || create(:blog) } end factory :post_type do name { "foobar" } description { "Some description" } end factory :utf8article, parent: :article do title { "ルビー" } permalink { "ルビー" } end factory :second_article, parent: :article do title { "Another big article" } end factory :article_with_accent_in_html, parent: :article do title { "article with accent" } body { "écoute The future is cool!" } permalink { "article-with-accent" } end factory :blog do base_url { "http://test.host/blog" } hide_extended_on_rss { true } blog_name { "test blog" } limit_article_display { 2 } sp_url_limit { 3 } plugin_avatar { "" } blog_subtitle { "test subtitle" } limit_rss_display { 10 } geourl_location { "" } default_allow_pings { false } send_outbound_pings { false } sp_global { true } default_allow_comments { true } email_from { "scott@sigkill.org" } sp_article_auto_close { 0 } permalink_format { "/%year%/%month%/%day%/%title%" } rss_description_text { "rss description text" } lang { "en_US" } end factory :tag do |tag| tag.name { FactoryBot.generate(:name) } tag.display_name { |a| a.name } # rubocop:disable Style/SymbolProc blog { Blog.first || create(:blog) } end factory :resource do upload { PublifyCore::TestingSupport::UploadFixtures.file_upload } mime { "image/jpeg" } size { 110 } blog { Blog.first || create(:blog) } end factory :avatar, parent: :resource do upload { "avatar.jpg" } mime { "image/jpeg" } size { 600 } end factory :redirect do from_path { "foo/bar" } to_path { "/someplace/else" } blog { Blog.first || create(:blog) } end factory :comment do article text_filter_name { "textile" } author { "Bob Foo" } url { "http://fakeurl.com" } body { "Comment body" } guid state { "ham" } factory :unconfirmed_comment do state { "presumed_ham" } end factory :published_comment do state { "ham" } end factory :not_published_comment do state { "spam" } end factory :ham_comment do state { "ham" } end factory :presumed_ham_comment do state { "presumed_ham" } end factory :presumed_spam_comment do state { "presumed_spam" } end factory :spam_comment do state { "spam" } end end factory :page do name { FactoryBot.generate(:name) } title { "Page One Title" } body { FactoryBot.generate(:body) } published_at { Time.zone.now } user blog { Blog.first || create(:blog) } state { "published" } end factory :note do body { "this is a note" } published_at { Time.zone.now } user state { "published" } text_filter_name { "markdown" } guid blog { Blog.first || create(:blog) } end factory :unpublished_note, parent: :note do state { "draft" } end factory :trackback do state { "ham" } article blog_name { "Trackback Blog" } title { "Trackback Entry" } url { "http://www.example.com" } excerpt { "This is an excerpt" } guid { "dsafsadffsdsf" } end factory :sidebar do active_position { 1 } config { { "title" => "Links", "body" => "some links" } } type { "StaticSidebar" } blog { Blog.first || create(:blog) } end end