# TODO # # Developed this component for use with the component tester. # # The editor which compiles coffeescript code should be extracted into a separate component # and all of the buffers / specifics etc should be moved into a more specific component for # this purpose defaults = {} defaults.setup = """ # the setup tab contains code which is run every time # prior to the 'implementation' run """ defaults.component = """ # the component tab is where you handle the definition of the component # that you are trying to test. it will render its output into the # output panel of the code tester # # example definition: # # _.def('MyComponent').extends('Luca.View').with # bodyTemplate: 'sample/welcome' """ defaults.teardown = """ # the teardown tab is where you undo / cleanup any of the operations # from setup / implementation """ defaults.implementation = """ # the implementation tab is where you specify options for your component. # # NOTE: the component tester uses whatever is returned from evalulating # the code in this tab. if it responds to render(), it will append # render().el to the output panel. if it is an object, then we will attempt # to create an instance of the component you defined with the object as """ defaults.style = """ /* * customize the styles that effect this component * note, all styles here will be scoped to only effect * the output panel :) */ """ defaults.html = "" bufferNames = ["setup","implementation","component","style","html"] compiledBuffers = ["setup","implementation","component"] ComponentPicker = Luca.fields.TypeAheadField.extend name: "component_picker" label: "Choose a component to edit" initialize: ()-> @collection = new Luca.collections.Components() @collection.fetch() @_super("initialize", @, arguments) getSource: ()-> @collection.classes() change_handler: ()-> componentDefinition = @getValue() component = @collection.find (model)-> model.get("className") is componentDefinition component.fetch success: (model, response)=> if response?.source.length > 0 @trigger "component:fetched", response.source, response.className @hide() createWrapper: ()-> @make "div", class: "component-picker span4 well" style: "position: absolute; z-index:12000" show: ()-> @$el.parent().show() hide: ()-> @$el.parent().hide() toggle: ()-> @$el.parent().toggle() _.def("Luca.tools.ComponentTester").extends("Luca.core.Container").with id: "component_tester" name: "component_tester" autoEvaluateCode: true currentSize: 1 sizes:[ icon: "resize-full" value: ()-> $(window).height() * 0.3 , icon: "resize-small" value: ()-> $(window).height() * 0.6 ] components:[ ctype: 'card_view' name: "component_detail" activeCard: 0 components:[ ctype: 'panel' name: "component_tester_output" bodyTemplate: "component_tester/help" ] , ctype: "code_editor" name: "ctester_edit" className: 'font-large fixed-height' minHeight:'350px' currentBuffers: defaults compiledBuffers:["component","setup","implementation"] topToolbar: buttons:[ icon: "resize-full" align: "right" description: "change the size of the component tester editor" eventId: "toggle:size" , icon: "pause" align: "right" description: "Toggle auto-evaluation of test script on code change" eventId: "click:autoeval" , icon: "plus" description: "add a new component to test" eventId: "click:add" , icon: "folder-open" description: "open an existing component's definition" eventId: "click:open" ] bottomToolbar: buttons:[ group: true wrapper: "span4" buttons:[ label: "View Javascript" description: "Switch between compiled JS and Coffeescript" eventId: "toggle:mode" ] , group: true wrapper: "span6 offset4" buttons:[ label: "Component" eventId: "edit:component" description: "Edit the component itself" , label: "Setup" eventId: "edit:setup" description: "Edit the setup for your component test" , label: "Implementation" eventId: "edit:implementation" description: "Implement your component" , label: "Markup", eventId: "edit:markup" description: "Edit the HTML produced by the component" , label: "CSS" eventId: "edit:style" description: "Edit CSS" ] , group: true align: "right" buttons:[ icon:"question-sign" align: "right" eventId: "click:help" description: "Help" , icon: "cog" align: 'right' eventId: "click:settings" description : "component tester settings" , icon: "eye-close" align: "right" eventId: "click:hide" description: "hide the tester controls" , icon: "heart" eventId: "click:console" description: "Coffeescript Console" align: "right" ] ] ] debugMode: true componentEvents: "ctester_edit click:autoeval" : "toggleAutoeval" "ctester_edit click:refresh" : "refreshCode" "ctester_edit click:hide" : "toggleControls" "ctester_edit click:settings" : "toggleSettings" "ctester_edit click:add" : "addComponent" "ctester_edit click:open" : "openComponent" "ctester_edit click:help" : "showHelp" "ctester_edit click:console" : "toggleConsole" "ctester_edit eval:error" : "onError" "ctester_edit eval:success" : "onSuccess" "ctester_edit edit:setup" : "editSetup" "ctester_edit edit:teardown" : "editTeardown" "ctester_edit edit:component" : "editComponent" "ctester_edit edit:style" : "editStyle" "ctester_edit edit:markup" : "editMarkup" "ctester_edit edit:implementation" : "editImplementation" "ctester_edit toggle:keymap" : "toggleKeymap" "ctester_edit toggle:mode" : "toggleMode" "ctester_edit code:change:html" : "onMarkupChange" "ctester_edit code:change:style" : "onStyleChange" "ctester_edit toggle:size" : "toggleSize" initialize: ()-> Luca.core.Container::initialize.apply(@, arguments) for key, value of @componentEvents @[ value ] = _.bind(@[value], @) @defer("editComponent").until("after:render") afterRender: ()-> changeHandler = _.idleMedium ()=> if @autoEvaluateCode is true @applyTestRun() , 500 @getEditor().bind "code:change", changeHandler getEditor: ()-> Luca("ctester_edit") getDetail: ()-> Luca("component_detail") getOutput: ()-> @getDetail().findComponentByName("component_tester_output") onError: (error, bufferId)-> console.log "Error in #{ bufferId }", error, error.message, error.stack onSuccess: (result, bufferId)-> if bufferId is "component" @componentDefinition = result if bufferId is "implementation" if Luca.isBackboneView(result) object = result else if _.isObject(result) and result.ctype? object = Luca(result) else if _.isObject(result) and _.isFunction(@componentDefinition) object = ( new @componentDefinition(result) ) if Luca.isBackboneView(object) @getOutput().$html( object.render().el ) applyTestRun: ()-> @getOutput().$html('') for bufferId, code of @getTestRun() @evaluateCode(code, bufferId) toggleConsole: (button)-> @developmentConsole = Luca "coffeescript-console", ()-> new Luca.tools.DevelopmentConsole(name:"coffeescript-console") unless @consoleContainerAppended container = @make("div",{id:"devtools-console-wrapper",class:"devtools-console-container modal",style:"width:900px;height:650px;"}, @developmentConsole.el) $('body').append( container ) @consoleContainerAppended = true @developmentConsole.render() $('#devtools-console-wrapper').modal(backdrop:false,show:true) toggleAutoeval: (button)-> @autoEvaluateCode = !(@autoEvaluateCode is true) if not @started and @autoEvaluateCode is true @started = true @applyTestRun() iconHolder = button.children('i').eq(0) buttonClass = if @autoEvaluateCode then "icon-pause" else "icon-play" iconHolder.removeClass() iconHolder.addClass(buttonClass) @ showEditor: (options)-> @getEditor().$('.toolbar-container.top').toggle(options) @getEditor().$('.codemirror-wrapper').toggle(options) @trigger "controls:toggled" toggleKeymap: (button)-> newMode = if @getEditor().keyMap is "vim" then "basic" else "vim" @getEditor().setKeyMap(newMode) button.html( _.string.capitalize(newMode) ) toggleMode: (button)-> newMode = if @getEditor().mode is "coffeescript" then "javascript" else "coffeescript" @getEditor().setMode(newMode) button.html _.string.capitalize((if newMode is "coffeescript" then "View Javascript" else "View Coffeescript")) @editBuffer @currentBufferName, (newMode is "javascript") toggleSize: (button)-> index = @currentSize++ % @sizes.length newSize = @sizes[ index ].value() newIcon = @sizes[ index ].icon if button? iconHolder = button.children('i').eq(0) iconHolder.removeClass().addClass("icon-#{ newIcon }") @$('.codemirror-wrapper').css('height', "#{ parseInt(newSize) }px") @getEditor().refresh() toggleControls: (button)-> @bind "controls:toggled", ()=> iconHolder = button.children('i').eq(0) iconHolder.removeClass() buttonClass = if @getEditor().$('.toolbar-container.top').is(":visible") then "icon-eye-close" else "icon-eye-open" iconHolder.addClass(buttonClass) @showEditor() @ toggleSettings: ()-> @ setValue: (value, buffer="component")-> compiled = @getEditor().editor.getOption('mode') is "javascript" @editBuffer(buffer, compiled, false).getEditor().setValue( value ) editBuffer: (@currentBufferName, compiled=false, autoSave=true)-> @showEditor(true) @highlight(@currentBufferName) buffer = if compiled then "compiled_#{ @currentBufferName }" else @currentBufferName @getEditor().loadBuffer(buffer,autoSave) @ editMarkup: ()-> @getEditor().setMode('htmlmixed') @getEditor().setWrap(true) @editBuffer("html").setValue(@getOutput().$html(), 'html') editStyle: ()-> @getEditor().setMode('css') @editBuffer("style") editComponent: ()-> @getEditor().setMode('coffeescript') @editBuffer("component") editTeardown: ()-> @getEditor().setMode('coffeescript') @editBuffer("teardown") editSetup: ()-> @getEditor().setMode('coffeescript') @editBuffer("setup") editImplementation: ()-> @getEditor().setMode('coffeescript') @editBuffer("implementation") getTestRun: ()-> editor = @getEditor() testRun = {} for buffer in ["component","setup","implementation"] testRun[buffer] = editor.getBuffer(buffer, true) testRun getContext: ()-> Luca.util.resolve(@context||="window") evaluateCode: (code, bufferId, compile=false)-> code ||= @getEditor().getValue() compiled = if compile is true then @getEditor().compileCode(code) else code evaluator = ()-> eval( compiled ) try result = evaluator.call( @getContext() ) @onSuccess(result, bufferId, code) catch error @onError( error, bufferId, code) onMarkupChange: ()-> if @autoEvaluateCode is true @getOutput().$html @getEditor().getValue() onStyleChange: ()-> if @autoEvaluateCode is true $('#component-tester-stylesheet').remove() style = @getEditor()?.getValue() if style styleTag = @make "style", type:"text/css", id: "component-tester-stylesheet" $('head').append( styleTag ) $(styleTag).append(style) showHelp: ()-> @getOutput().$html( Luca.template("component_tester/help",@) ) addComponent: (button)-> openComponent: (button)-> @componentPicker ||= new ComponentPicker() @componentPicker.bind "component:fetched", (source, component)=> @setEditorNamespace(component).setValue( source, "component") if !@getEditor().$('.component-picker').length > 0 @getEditor().$('.codemirror-wrapper').before(@componentPicker.createWrapper()) @getEditor().$('.component-picker').html( @componentPicker.render().el ) @componentPicker.show() return @componentPicker.toggle() highlight: (section)-> @$("a.btn[data-eventid='edit:#{ section }']").siblings().css('font-weight','normal') @$("a.btn[data-eventid='edit:#{ section }']").css('font-weight','bold') setEditorNamespace: (namespace)-> @getEditor().namespace( namespace ) @getEditor().buffers.fetch() @