--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification name: rogerio-augusto-highrise version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version hash: 7 prerelease: false segments: - 2 - 0 - 4 version: 2.0.4 platform: ruby authors: - "Marcos Tapaj\xC3\xB3s" - Ken Mayer autorequire: bindir: bin cert_chain: [] date: 2010-10-06 00:00:00 -03:00 default_executable: dependencies: - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency name: activeresource prerelease: false requirement: &id001 !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version hash: 1 segments: - 2 - 1 version: "2.1" type: :runtime version_requirements: *id001 - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency name: activesupport prerelease: false requirement: &id002 !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version hash: 1 segments: - 2 - 1 version: "2.1" type: :runtime version_requirements: *id002 description: "\n\ Based on the original API module from DHH, http://developer.37signals.com/highrise/, this\n\ gem is a cleaned up, tested version of the same. Contributors have added support for tags \n\ which are not supported by the API directly\n\n\ Configure by adding the following:\n\n\ require 'highrise'\n\ Highrise::Base.site = 'http://your_site.highrisehq.com/'\n\ Highrise::Base.user = 'your_api_auth_token'\n " email: - marcos@tapajos.me - kmayer@bitwrangler.com executables: [] extensions: [] extra_rdoc_files: - README.mkdn files: - .gitignore - CHANGELOG - MIT-LICENSE - README.mkdn - Rakefile - VERSION.yml - autotest/discover.rb - examples/config_initializers_highrise.rb - examples/extending.rb - examples/sample.rb - highrise.gemspec - install.rb - lib/cachable.rb - lib/highrise.rb - lib/highrise/account.rb - lib/highrise/base.rb - lib/highrise/comment.rb - lib/highrise/company.rb - lib/highrise/deal.rb - lib/highrise/deal_category.rb - lib/highrise/email.rb - lib/highrise/group.rb - lib/highrise/kase.rb - lib/highrise/membership.rb - lib/highrise/note.rb - lib/highrise/pagination.rb - lib/highrise/person.rb - lib/highrise/subject.rb - lib/highrise/tag.rb - lib/highrise/taggable.rb - lib/highrise/task.rb - lib/highrise/user.rb - rogerio-augusto-highrise.gemspec - spec/cachable_spec.rb - spec/highrise/account_spec.rb - spec/highrise/base_spec.rb - spec/highrise/comment_spec.rb - spec/highrise/company_spec.rb - spec/highrise/deal_category_spec.rb - spec/highrise/deal_spec.rb - spec/highrise/email_spec.rb - spec/highrise/group_spec.rb - spec/highrise/kase_spec.rb - spec/highrise/membership_spec.rb - spec/highrise/note_spec.rb - spec/highrise/pagination_spec.rb - spec/highrise/person_spec.rb - spec/highrise/subject_spec.rb - spec/highrise/tag_spec.rb - spec/highrise/task_spec.rb - spec/highrise/user_spec.rb - spec/spec.opts - spec/spec_helper.rb - uninstall.rb has_rdoc: true homepage: http://github.com/tapajos/highrise licenses: [] post_install_message: rdoc_options: - --charset=UTF-8 require_paths: - lib required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version hash: 3 segments: - 0 version: "0" required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version hash: 3 segments: - 0 version: "0" requirements: [] rubyforge_project: rubygems_version: 1.3.7 signing_key: specification_version: 3 summary: Ruby wrapper around Highrise API test_files: - spec/cachable_spec.rb - spec/highrise/account_spec.rb - spec/highrise/base_spec.rb - spec/highrise/comment_spec.rb - spec/highrise/company_spec.rb - spec/highrise/deal_category_spec.rb - spec/highrise/deal_spec.rb - spec/highrise/email_spec.rb - spec/highrise/group_spec.rb - spec/highrise/kase_spec.rb - spec/highrise/membership_spec.rb - spec/highrise/note_spec.rb - spec/highrise/pagination_spec.rb - spec/highrise/person_spec.rb - spec/highrise/subject_spec.rb - spec/highrise/tag_spec.rb - spec/highrise/task_spec.rb - spec/highrise/user_spec.rb - spec/spec_helper.rb - examples/config_initializers_highrise.rb - examples/extending.rb - examples/sample.rb