3.0 general_calibration_measure_percent_change 0f583ac1-fa7e-48bc-9f80-12ed17180669 a3539df8-380b-459a-a947-6fef65b5c0cb 20200325T030944Z DEC0D835 GeneralCalibrationMeasurePercentChange General Calibration Measure Percent Change This is a general purpose measure to calibrate space and space type elements with a percent change. It will be used for calibration of space and spaceType loads as well as infiltration, and outdoor air. User can choose between a SINGLE SpaceType or ALL the SpaceTypes as well as a SINGLE Space or ALL the Spaces. space_type Apply the Measure to a SINGLE SpaceType, ALL the SpaceTypes or NONE. Choice true false *All SpaceTypes* {463555c6-8c8b-4f31-97ad-bf96a74d9c75} *All SpaceTypes* 0 *None* space Apply the Measure to a SINGLE Space, ALL the Spaces or NONE. Choice true false *All Spaces* {463555c6-8c8b-4f31-97ad-bf96a74d9c75} *All Spaces* 0 *None* lights_perc_change Percent Change in the default Lights Definition. Percent Change in the default Lights Definition. Double true false 0 luminaire_perc_change Percent Change in the default Luminaire Definition. Percent Change in the default Luminaire Definition. Double true false 0 ElectricEquipment_perc_change Percent Change in the default Electric Equipment Definition. Percent Change in the default Electric Equipment Definition. Double true false 0 GasEquipment_perc_change Percent Change in the default Gas Equipment Definition. Percent Change in the default Gas Equipment Definition. Double true false 0 OtherEquipment_perc_change Percent Change in the default OtherEquipment Definition. Percent Change in the default OtherEquipment Definition. Double true false 0 people_perc_change Percent Change in the default People Definition. Percent Change in the default People Definition. Double true false 0 mass_perc_change Percent Change in the default Internal Mass Definition. Percent Change in the default Internal Mass Definition. Double true false 0 infil_perc_change Percent Change in the default Design Infiltration Outdoor Air. Percent Change in the default Design Infiltration Outdoor Air. Double true false 0 vent_perc_change Percent Change in the default Design Specification Outdoor Air. Percent Change in the default Design Specification Outdoor Air. Double true false 0 Whole Building.Space Types Intended Software Tool Analysis Spreadsheet string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string Intended Use Case Calibration string Intended Use Case Sensitivity Analysis string Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Software Tool Analysis Spreadsheet string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string Intended Use Case Calibration string Intended Use Case Sensitivity Analysis string LICENSE.md md license E0468DD6 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme EF5B5EB5 OpenStudio 2.1.0 2.1.0 measure.rb rb script 14617A6B