--- ## author, email, creation time, and description will be set automatically at compile time. ## Uncomment the lines below only if you want to override these fields. # title: Alternative title # author: Someone Else # email: someone.else@example.com # created_at: <%= Time.now.strftime("%d %B %Y") %> # description: Learn how to use this tool. type: Install Guide --- <% @figure_counter = 1 %> h3. Prerequsites h4. <%= name %> requires jlib. So if you haven't done so already, install jlib which you can get from "defu":http://defu.herokuapp.com/ h4. This version of <%= name %> works with Maya
versionh4. <%= name %> requires
some libraryh3. Where to get <%= name %> Get the latest version of <%= name %> for your platform from "defu":http://defu.herokuapp.com/ and move it to the place you keep your tools, for example: bc. /big/server/tools/ We'll use that path in the instructions, but be sure to substitute it with your actual location throughout this guide. h3. Install on Mac or Linux Extract the <%= name %> package using tar bc. cd /big/server/tools/ tar xvf <%= name %>-0.0.1 Now run the install script as the user who will be using the tool. You can do this from anywhere, but since you are currently in /big/server/tools/ enter the following command. bc. <%= name %>/0.0.1-darwin/bin/INSTALL_<%= name.upcase %> You should see the following output: bc. working from : /big/server/tools <%= name %> install directory is: /big/server/tools/<%= name%> os is: Darwin writing + <%= name %> 0.0.1 /big/server/tools/<%= name %>/0.0.1/maya to /Users/my_name/maya/2012-x64/modules/<%= name %> appending <%= name %> source commands to /Users/my_name/.bashrc NOW RUN THESE COMMANDS OR OPEN A NEW SHELL: export <%= name.upcase %>=/big/server/tools/<%= name%>/0.0.1 . ${<%= name.upcase %>}/bin/<%= name %>.sh h3. What just happened? The <%= name %> maya directory was registered as a maya module in a file in your $MAYA_MODULE_PATH. bc. /Users/my_name/maya/2012-x64/modules/<%= name %> That means next time you start maya the <%= name %> module will be available. h3. Install on Windows Windows will probably ask if you want to extract with WinRar. Do so into the folder /big/server/tools/ and double click the file. h4. Create the Maya modules file If its not there already, make the folder: C:\Users\my_name\Documents\maya\2012-x64\modules and create a plain text document called <%= name %>. Its important to make sure it has no extension. <%= name %>.txt for example will NOT work. Add the following line, bc. + <%= name %> 0.0.1 /big/server/tools/<%= name %>/0.0.1-win_64/maya h4. Put the <%= name %> bin directory in your PATH bc. <%= name.upcase %> = \big\server\tools\<%= name %>\0.0.1-win_64 PATH = %PATH%;%<%= name.upcase %>%\bin Maya.env can usually be found here: @C:\Users\my_name\Documents\maya\2012-x64\Maya.env@ Next time you start maya the <%= name %> module will be available. h3. Activate in Maya. You can choose to make a menu for <%= name %>. Type the following in a MEL script editor. bc. <%= name %>("FooBar"); You will see a new menu appear @FooBar@. It contains a @<%= name %>@ submenu. If you want to put it in the main menu bar, type instead: bc. <%= name %>($gMainWindow); You now have a <%= name %> menu containing the "create" menu item, a standard "About" submenu, and a "Documentation" submenu pointing to this documentation. h3. Contributing If you want to contribute, the source is available at "bitbucket":https://bitbucket.org/rmwcs/<%= name %>. You'll need "flak":http://rubygems.org/gems/flak in that case too. h3. Done Have Fun!