module RelatonBib class HashConverter class << self def hash_to_bib(args, nested = false) return nil unless args.is_a?(Hash) ret = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(symbolize(args))) # deep copy timestamp_hash(ret) unless nested title_hash_to_bib(ret) link_hash_to_bib(ret) language_hash_to_bib(ret) script_hash_to_bib(ret) dates_hash_to_bib(ret) docid_hash_to_bib(ret) version_hash_to_bib(ret) biblionote_hash_to_bib(ret) abstract_hash_to_bib(ret) formattedref_hash_to_bib(ret) docstatus_hash_to_bib(ret) contributors_hash_to_bib(ret) relations_hash_to_bib(ret) series_hash_to_bib(ret) medium_hash_to_bib(ret) place_hash_to_bib(ret) extent_hash_to_bib(ret) accesslocation_hash_to_bib(ret) classification_hash_to_bib(ret) validity_hash_to_bib(ret) ret end def timestamp_hash(ret) ret[:fetched] ||= end def extent_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:extent] ret[:extent] = array(ret[:extent]) ret[:extent]&.each_with_index do |e, i| ret[:extent][i] =[:type], e[:reference_from], e[:reference_to]) end end def title_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:title] ret[:title] = array(ret[:title]) ret[:title] = ret[:title].map do |t| t.is_a?(Hash) ? t : { content: t, language: "en", script: "Latn", format: "text/plain", type: "main" } end end def language_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:language] ret[:language] = array(ret[:language]) end def script_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:script] ret[:script] = array(ret[:script]) end def abstract_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:abstract] ret[:abstract] = array(ret[:abstract]) end def link_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:link] ret[:link] = array(ret[:link]) end def place_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:place] ret[:place] = array(ret[:place]) end def accesslocation_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:accesslocation] ret[:accesslocation] = array(ret[:accesslocation]) end def dates_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:date] ret[:date] = array(ret[:date]) ret[:date].each_with_index do |d, i| # value is synonym of on: it is reserved word in YAML if d[:value] ret[:date][i][:on] ||= d[:value] ret[:date][i].delete(:value) end end end def docid_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:docid] ret[:docid] = array(ret[:docid]) ret[:docid]&.each_with_index do |id, i| ret[:docid][i] = id[:id], type: id[:type]) end end def version_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:version] ret[:version][:draft] = array(ret[:version][:draft]) ret[:version] and ret[:version] = ret[:version][:revision_date], ret[:version][:draft]) end def biblionote_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:biblionote] ret[:biblionote] = array(ret[:biblionote]) (ret[:biblionote])&.each_with_index do |n, i| ret[:biblionote][i] = n[:content], type: n[:type], language: n[:language], script: n[:script], format: n[:format]) end end def formattedref_hash_to_bib(ret) ret[:formattedref] and ret[:formattedref] = formattedref(ret[:formattedref]) end def docstatus_hash_to_bib(ret) ret[:docstatus] and ret[:docstatus] = ret[:docstatus][:stage], substage: ret[:docstatus][:substage], iteration: ret[:docstatus][:iteration]) end def contributors_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:contributor] ret[:contributor] = array(ret[:contributor]) ret[:contributor]&.each_with_index do |c, i| roles = array(ret[:contributor][i][:role]).map do |r| if r.is_a? Hash { type: r[:type], description: array(r[:description]) } elsif r.is_a? Array { type: r[0], description: r.fetch(1) } else { type: r } end end ret[:contributor][i][:role] = roles ret[:contributor][i][:entity] = c[:person] ? person_hash_to_bib(c[:person]) : org_hash_to_bib(c[:organization]) ret[:contributor][i].delete(:person) ret[:contributor][i].delete(:organization) end end def org_hash_to_bib(c) return nil if c.nil? c[:identifier] = array(c[:identifier])&.map do |a|[:type], a[:id]) end c end def person_hash_to_bib(c) name: fullname_hash_to_bib(c), affiliation: affiliation_hash_to_bib(c), contact: contacts_hash_to_bib(c), identifier: person_identifiers_hash_to_bib(c), ) end def fullname_hash_to_bib(c) n = c[:name] forename: array(n[:forename])&.map { |f| localname(f, c) }, initial: array(n[:initial])&.map { |f| localname(f, c) }, addition: array(n[:addition])&.map { |f| localname(f, c) }, prefix: array(n[:prefix])&.map { |f| localname(f, c) }, surname: localname(n[:surname], c), completename: localname(n[:completename], c), ) end def person_identifiers_hash_to_bib(c) array(c[:identifier])&.map do |a|[:type], a[:id]) end end def affiliation_hash_to_bib(c) return [] unless c[:affiliation] array(c[:affiliation]).map do |a| a[:description] = array(a[:description])&.map do |d| d.is_a?(Hash) ? { content: d[:content], language: d[:language], script: d[:script], format: d[:format] } : { content: d }) end organization:[:organization])), description: a[:description] ) end end def contacts_hash_to_bib(c) return [] unless c[:contact] array(c[:contact]).map do |a| (a[:city] || a[:country]) ? street: Array(a[:street]), city: a[:city], postcode: a[:postcode], country: a[:country], state: a[:state]) : a[:type], value: a[:value]) end end def relations_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:relation] ret[:relation] = array(ret[:relation]) ret[:relation]&.each_with_index do |r, i| relation_bibitem_hash_to_bib(ret, r, i) relation_biblocality_hash_to_bib(ret, r, i) end end # @param ret [Hash] # @param r [Hash] relation # @param i [Integr] index of relation def relation_bibitem_hash_to_bib(ret, r, i) if r[:bibitem] ret[:relation][i][:bibitem] = bib_item(hash_to_bib(r[:bibitem], true)) else warn "bibitem missing: #{r}" ret[:relation][i][:bibitem] = nil end end # @param item [Hash] # @retirn [RelatonBib::BibliographicItem] def bib_item(item) end def relation_biblocality_hash_to_bib(ret, r, i) ret[:relation][i][:bib_locality] = array(r[:bib_locality])&.map do |bl|[:type], bl[:reference_from], bl[:reference_to]) end end def series_hash_to_bib(ret) array(ret[:series])&.each_with_index do |s, i| s[:formattedref] and s[:formattedref] = formattedref(s[:formattedref]) if s[:title] s[:title] = { content: s[:title] } unless s.is_a?(Hash) s[:title] = typed_title_strig(s[:title]) end s[:abbreviation] and s[:abbreviation] = localizedstring(s[:abbreviation]) ret[:series][i] = end end # @param title [Hash] # @return [RelatonBib::TypedTitleString] def typed_title_strig(title) title end def medium_hash_to_bib(ret) ret[:medium] and ret[:medium] =[:medium]) end def classification_hash_to_bib(ret) # ret[:classification] = [ret[:classification]] unless ret[:classification].is_a?(Array) # ret[:classification]&.each_with_index do |c, i| # ret[:classification][i] = # end ret[:classification] and ret[:classification] =[:classification]) end def validity_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:validity] ret[:validity][:begins] and b = Time.parse(ret[:validity][:begins]) ret[:validity][:ends] and e = Time.parse(ret[:validity][:ends]) ret[:validity][:revision] and r = Time.parse(ret[:validity][:revision]) ret[:validity] = b, ends: e, revision: r) end def symbolize(obj) obj.is_a? Hash and return obj.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = symbolize(v); memo} obj.is_a? Array and return obj.inject([]){|memo,v | memo << symbolize(v); memo} return obj end def array(a) return [] unless a return [a] unless a.is_a?(Array) a end def localname(f, c) return nil if f.nil? f.is_a?(Hash) and lang = f[:language] lang ||= c[:name][:language] f.is_a?(Hash) and script = f[:script] script ||= c[:name][:script] f.is_a?(Hash) ?[:content], lang, script) :, lang, script) end def localizedstring(f) f.is_a?(Hash) ?[:content], f[:language], f[:script]) : end def formattedref(f) f.is_a?(Hash) ? : f) end end end end