module ElasticsearchRecord module Relation module CoreMethods def instantiate_records(rows, &block) # slurp the total value from the rows (rows = ElasticsearchRecord::Result) @total = rows.is_a?(::ElasticsearchRecord::Result) ? : rows.length super end # transforms the current relation into arel, compiles it to query and executes the query. # returns the result object. # # PLEASE NOTE: This makes the query +immutable+ and raises a +ActiveRecord::ImmutableRelation+ # if you try to change it's values. # # PLEASE NOTE: resolving records _(instantiate)_ is never possible after calling this method! # # @return [ElasticsearchRecord::Result] # @param [String] name - custom instrumentation name (default: 'Load') def resolve(name = 'Load') # this acts the same like +#_query_by_sql+ but we can customize the instrumentation name and # do not store the records. klass.connection.select_all(arel, "#{} #{name}") end # returns the query hash for the current relation # @return [Hash] def to_query to_sql.query_arguments end # Allows to execute several search operations in one request. # executes the elasticsearch +msearch+ on the related class-index. # # A optionally array of items will be each yielded with a spawn(of the current relation) and item. # Each yield-return will resolve its +arel+ which will then transform to multiple queries and send in a single request. # # Responses can be refined by providing a +resolve+ option, to resolve specific results from each +ElasticsearchRecord::Result+ # (e.g. used to resolve 'aggregations, buckets, ...') # # As a default the method returns an array of (resolved) responses in the order of the provided +values+-array. # This can be transformed into a hash of keys (provided items) and values (responses) by providing the +transpose+ flag. # # WARNING: if the current relation is a +NullRelation+ (**#none** was assigned), the method directly returns nil! # # @example # # msearch on the current relation # msearch # # > [ElasticsearchRecord::Result] # # @example # # msearch with provided items # msearch([2020, 2019, 2018]).each{ |query, year| query.where!(year: year) } # # > [ElasticsearchRecord::Result, ElasticsearchRecord::Result, ElasticsearchRecord::Result] # # @example # # msearch with refining options # msearch([2020, 2019, 2018], resolve: :aggregations, transpose: true).each{ |query, year| query.where!(year: year).aggregate!(:total, { sum: { field: :count }}) } # # > {2020 => {...aggs...}, 2019 => {...aggs...}, 2018 => {...aggs...}} # # @example # # msearch with none (NullRelation) # scope = spawn.none # scope.msearch([2020, 2019, 2018]).each{ |query, year| ... } # # > nil # # @param [nil, Array] items - items to be yielded and used to provide individual queries (yields: |spawn, value| ) # @param [Hash] opts - additional options to refine the results # @option opts[Symbol] :resolve - optionally resolve specific results from each result (:took, :total , :hits , :aggregations , :length , :results, :each) # @option opts[Boolean] :transpose - transposes the provided values & results as Hash (default: false) # @option opts[Boolean] :keep_null_relation - by provided true-value, a NullRelation will not be ignored - so items will be yielded & query will be executed (default: false) # @return [Array, Hash, nil] def msearch(items = nil, opts = {}) # prevent query on +NullRelation+! return nil if null_relation? && !opts[:keep_null_relation] # check if values are provided, if not we use the arel from the current relation-scope arels = if items.nil? [arel] else # spawn a new relation to the block and maps each arel-object { |value| yield(spawn, value).arel } end # check provided resolve method responses = if opts[:resolve] klass._query_by_msearch(arels).map(&opts[:resolve].to_sym) else klass._query_by_msearch(arels) end if opts[:transpose] [items, responses].transpose.to_h else responses end end # overwrite original methods to provide a elasticsearch version: # checks against the +#access_id_fielddata?+ to ensure the Elasticsearch Cluster allows access on the +_id+ field. def ordered_relation # order values already exist return self unless order_values.empty? # resolve valid primary_key # - either it is NOT the '_id' column # OR # - it is the '_id'-column, but +access_id_fielddata?+ is also enabled! valid_primary_key = if primary_key != '_id' || klass.connection.access_id_fielddata? primary_key else nil end # slightly changed original methods content if implicit_order_column || valid_primary_key # order by +implicit_order_column+ AND +primary_key+ if implicit_order_column && valid_primary_key && implicit_order_column != valid_primary_key order(table[implicit_order_column].asc, table[valid_primary_key].asc) else order(table[implicit_order_column || valid_primary_key].asc) end else # order is not possible due restricted settings self end end end end end