# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- ######################################################## ## Thoughts from reading the ISO 32000-1:2008 ## this file is part of the CombinePDF library and the code ## is subject to the same license. ######################################################## module CombinePDF #:nodoc: all module Fonts protected # the internal class for the Fonts model # # this is an internal class, used by PDFWriter and PDF. you don't normally need to use this. class Font < Hash # set/get the name of the font attr_accessor :name # set/get a character/Glyph mapping for the font (the equivilant of a CMap) # # the cmap is a Hash were each key is the unicode character code and the value is the glyph ID for the font. attr_accessor :cmap # get the metrics dictionary for the font attr_reader :metrics # set the metrics dictionary of the font, making sure the :missing value is set. def metrics= (new_metrics) @metrics = new_metrics @metrics[:missing] = @metrics.first[1] unless @metrics[:missing] end # internelized a new Font object, setting it's name, it's metrics Hash and the object Hash. # Optionally set a CMap, if the glyph ID and character codes aren't the same. def initialize(name = nil, font_metrics = {32=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}}, object = nil, c_map = nil) self.name = name self.cmap = c_map self.metrics = font_metrics self[:is_reference_only] = true self[:referenced_object] = object end # This function translate a unicode string, to a character glyph ID stream. def encode text # FixMe: embed RTL text convertion return PDFOperations._format_string_to_pdf(text) unless self.cmap coded_array = text.chars.map do |c| if self.cmap[c] self.cmap[c] else warn "CombinePDF ERROR: couldn't encode string - characters not supported by the chosen font." "" end end coded_array.unshift "<" coded_array.push ">" coded_array.join end end end end module CombinePDF #:nodoc: all # this is an internal module used to store the fonts used by PDFWriter. You dont need to use this module. # # In the future, this model will help to add unicode supports and fonts support, # so that the page numbering and textbox features could be used with international fonts and types. # # this model will be used in the future for the add_font method which will be defined in CombinePDF or PDFWriter. module Fonts module_function # gets a font from the fonts library def get_font(name = :Helvetica) initiate_library FONTS_LIBRARY[name] end # adds a correctly formatted font object to the font library. # font_name:: a Symbol with the name of the font. if the fonts exists, it will be overwritten! # font_metrics:: a Hash of ont metrics, of the format char => {wx: char_width, boundingbox: [left_x, buttom_y, right_x, top_y]} where i == character code (i.e. 32 for space). The Hash should contain a special value :missing for the metrics of missing characters. an optional :wy will be supported in the future, for up to down fonts. # font_pdf_object:: a Hash in the internal format recognized by CombinePDF, that represents the font object. # font_cmap:: a CMap dictionary Hash) which maps unicode characters to the hex CID for the font (i.e. {"a" => "61", "z" => "7a" }). def register_font(font_name, font_metrics, font_pdf_object, font_cmap = nil) new_font = Font.new new_font.name = font_name new_font.metrics = font_metrics new_font.cmap = font_cmap new_font[:is_reference_only] = true new_font[:referenced_object] = font_pdf_object FONTS_LIBRARY[new_font.name] = new_font new_font end # gets the dimentions (width and height) of the text, as it will be printed in the PDF. # # text:: the text to measure # fonts:: a font name or an Array of font names. Font names should be registered fonts. The 14 standard fonts are pre regitered with the font library. # size:: the size of the font (defaults to 1000 points). def dimensions_of(text, fonts, size = 1000) fonts = [fonts] unless fonts.is_a? Array merged_metrics = {} # merge the metrics last to first (so that important fonts override secondary fonts) fonts.length.downto(1).each do |i| f = get_font(fonts[i-1]) if f && f.metrics merged_metrics.update( get_font(fonts[i-1]).metrics) else warn "metrics of font not found!" end end metrics_array = [] text.each_char do |c| metrics_array << (merged_metrics[c] || {wx: 0, boundingbox: [0,0,0,0]}) end height = metrics_array.map {|m| m ? m[:boundingbox][3] : 0} .max height = height - (metrics_array.map {|m| m ? m[:boundingbox][1] : 0} ).min width = 0.0 metrics_array.each do |m| width += (m[:wx] || m[:wy]) end return [height.to_f/1000*size, width.to_f/1000*size] if metrics_array[0][:wy] [width.to_f/1000*size, height.to_f/1000*size] end # this function registers the 14 standard fonts to the library. # # it will be called when the module first requests a font from the library. # # if the 14 standard fonts are already registered, it will simply return false. def initiate_library # do nothing if the library is already initiated return false if FONTS_LIBRARY.has_key? :Helvetica # font metrics objects to be used times_metrics = {"\u0000"=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[130, -9, 238, 676]}, "\""=>{:wx=>408, :boundingbox=>[77, 431, 331, 676]}, "#"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[5, 0, 496, 662]}, "$"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[44, -87, 457, 727]}, "%"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[61, -13, 772, 676]}, "&"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[42, -13, 750, 676]}, "'"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[79, 433, 218, 676]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[48, -177, 304, 676]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[29, -177, 285, 676]}, "*"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[69, 265, 432, 676]}, "+"=>{:wx=>564, :boundingbox=>[30, 0, 534, 506]}, ","=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[56, -141, 195, 102]}, "-"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[39, 194, 285, 257]}, "."=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[70, -11, 181, 100]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-9, -14, 287, 676]}, "0"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[24, -14, 476, 676]}, "1"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[111, 0, 394, 676]}, "2"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[30, 0, 475, 676]}, "3"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[43, -14, 431, 676]}, "4"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 472, 676]}, "5"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[32, -14, 438, 688]}, "6"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 468, 684]}, "7"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[20, -8, 449, 662]}, "8"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[56, -14, 445, 676]}, "9"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[30, -22, 459, 676]}, ":"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[81, -11, 192, 459]}, ";"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[80, -141, 219, 459]}, "<"=>{:wx=>564, :boundingbox=>[28, -8, 536, 514]}, "="=>{:wx=>564, :boundingbox=>[30, 120, 534, 386]}, ">"=>{:wx=>564, :boundingbox=>[28, -8, 536, 514]}, "?"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[68, -8, 414, 676]}, "@"=>{:wx=>921, :boundingbox=>[116, -14, 809, 676]}, "A"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[15, 0, 706, 674]}, "B"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[17, 0, 593, 662]}, "C"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[28, -14, 633, 676]}, "D"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 685, 662]}, "E"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 597, 662]}, "F"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 546, 662]}, "G"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[32, -14, 709, 676]}, "H"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 702, 662]}, "I"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[18, 0, 315, 662]}, "J"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[10, -14, 370, 662]}, "K"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[34, 0, 723, 662]}, "L"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 598, 662]}, "M"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 863, 662]}, "N"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[12, -11, 707, 662]}, "O"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 688, 676]}, "P"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 542, 662]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[34, -178, 701, 676]}, "R"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[17, 0, 659, 662]}, "S"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[42, -14, 491, 676]}, "T"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[17, 0, 593, 662]}, "U"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[14, -14, 705, 662]}, "V"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[16, -11, 697, 662]}, "W"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[5, -11, 932, 662]}, "X"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[10, 0, 704, 662]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[22, 0, 703, 662]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[9, 0, 597, 662]}, "["=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[88, -156, 299, 662]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-9, -14, 287, 676]}, "]"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[34, -156, 245, 662]}, "^"=>{:wx=>469, :boundingbox=>[24, 297, 446, 662]}, "_"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, -125, 500, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[115, 433, 254, 676]}, "a"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[37, -10, 442, 460]}, "b"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[3, -10, 468, 683]}, "c"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[25, -10, 412, 460]}, "d"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[27, -10, 491, 683]}, "e"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[25, -10, 424, 460]}, "f"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 383, 683]}, "g"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[28, -218, 470, 460]}, "h"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[9, 0, 487, 683]}, "i"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 253, 683]}, "j"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-70, -218, 194, 683]}, "k"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[7, 0, 505, 683]}, "l"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 257, 683]}, "m"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 775, 460]}, "n"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 485, 460]}, "o"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[29, -10, 470, 460]}, "p"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[5, -217, 470, 460]}, "q"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[24, -217, 488, 460]}, "r"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[5, 0, 335, 460]}, "s"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[51, -10, 348, 460]}, "t"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[13, -10, 279, 579]}, "u"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[9, -10, 479, 450]}, "v"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[19, -14, 477, 450]}, "w"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[21, -14, 694, 450]}, "x"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[17, 0, 479, 450]}, "y"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[14, -218, 475, 450]}, "z"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[27, 0, 418, 450]}, "{"=>{:wx=>480, :boundingbox=>[100, -181, 350, 680]}, "|"=>{:wx=>200, :boundingbox=>[67, -218, 133, 782]}, "}"=>{:wx=>480, :boundingbox=>[130, -181, 380, 680]}, "~"=>{:wx=>541, :boundingbox=>[40, 183, 502, 323]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[97, -218, 205, 467]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[53, -138, 448, 579]}, "£"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[12, -8, 490, 676]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-168, -14, 331, 676]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-53, 0, 512, 662]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[7, -189, 490, 676]}, "§"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[70, -148, 426, 676]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-22, 58, 522, 602]}, "©"=>{:wx=>180, :boundingbox=>[48, 431, 133, 676]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[43, 433, 414, 676]}, "«"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[42, 33, 456, 416]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[63, 33, 285, 416]}, "­"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[48, 33, 270, 416]}, "®"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[31, 0, 521, 683]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[32, 0, 521, 683]}, "±"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, 201, 500, 250]}, "²"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[59, -149, 442, 676]}, "³"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[58, -153, 442, 676]}, "´"=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[70, 199, 181, 310]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>453, :boundingbox=>[-22, -154, 450, 662]}, "·"=>{:wx=>350, :boundingbox=>[40, 196, 310, 466]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[79, -141, 218, 102]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[45, -141, 416, 102]}, "º"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[30, 433, 401, 676]}, "»"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[44, 33, 458, 416]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[111, -11, 888, 100]}, "½"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[7, -19, 994, 706]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[30, -218, 376, 466]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[19, 507, 242, 678]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[93, 507, 317, 678]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[11, 507, 322, 674]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[1, 532, 331, 638]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[11, 547, 322, 601]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[26, 507, 307, 664]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[118, 581, 216, 681]}, "È"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[18, 581, 315, 681]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[67, 512, 266, 711]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[52, -215, 261, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-3, 507, 377, 678]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[62, -165, 243, 0]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[11, 507, 322, 674]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[0, 201, 1000, 250]}, "á"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 863, 662]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>276, :boundingbox=>[4, 394, 270, 676]}, "è"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 598, 662]}, "é"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[34, -80, 688, 734]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[30, -6, 885, 668]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>310, :boundingbox=>[6, 394, 304, 676]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[38, -10, 632, 460]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 253, 460]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 259, 683]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[29, -112, 470, 551]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[30, -10, 690, 460]}, "û"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[12, -9, 468, 683]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} times_bold_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[81, -13, 251, 691]}, "\""=>{:wx=>555, :boundingbox=>[83, 404, 472, 691]}, "#"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[4, 0, 496, 700]}, "$"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[29, -99, 472, 750]}, "%"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[124, -14, 877, 692]}, "&"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[62, -16, 787, 691]}, "'"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[79, 356, 263, 691]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[46, -168, 306, 694]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[27, -168, 287, 694]}, "*"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[56, 255, 447, 691]}, "+"=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[33, 0, 537, 506]}, ","=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[39, -180, 223, 155]}, "-"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[44, 171, 287, 287]}, "."=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[41, -13, 210, 156]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-24, -19, 302, 691]}, "0"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[24, -13, 476, 688]}, "1"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 442, 688]}, "2"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[17, 0, 478, 688]}, "3"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[16, -14, 468, 688]}, "4"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 475, 688]}, "5"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[22, -8, 470, 676]}, "6"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[28, -13, 475, 688]}, "7"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[17, 0, 477, 676]}, "8"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[28, -13, 472, 688]}, "9"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[26, -13, 473, 688]}, ":"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[82, -13, 251, 472]}, ";"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[82, -180, 266, 472]}, "<"=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[31, -8, 539, 514]}, "="=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[33, 107, 537, 399]}, ">"=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[31, -8, 539, 514]}, "?"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[57, -13, 445, 689]}, "@"=>{:wx=>930, :boundingbox=>[108, -19, 822, 691]}, "A"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[9, 0, 689, 690]}, "B"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 619, 676]}, "C"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[49, -19, 687, 691]}, "D"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 690, 676]}, "E"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 641, 676]}, "F"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 583, 676]}, "G"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[37, -19, 755, 691]}, "H"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[21, 0, 759, 676]}, "I"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 370, 676]}, "J"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[3, -96, 479, 676]}, "K"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[30, 0, 769, 676]}, "L"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 638, 676]}, "M"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 921, 676]}, "N"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[16, -18, 701, 676]}, "O"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[35, -19, 743, 691]}, "P"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 600, 676]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[35, -176, 743, 691]}, "R"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 715, 676]}, "S"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[35, -19, 513, 692]}, "T"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[31, 0, 636, 676]}, "U"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[16, -19, 701, 676]}, "V"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[16, -18, 701, 676]}, "W"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[19, -15, 981, 676]}, "X"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 699, 676]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[15, 0, 699, 676]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[28, 0, 634, 676]}, "["=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[67, -149, 301, 678]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-25, -19, 303, 691]}, "]"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[32, -149, 266, 678]}, "^"=>{:wx=>581, :boundingbox=>[73, 311, 509, 676]}, "_"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, -125, 500, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[70, 356, 254, 691]}, "a"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[25, -14, 488, 473]}, "b"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[17, -14, 521, 676]}, "c"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[25, -14, 430, 473]}, "d"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[25, -14, 534, 676]}, "e"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[25, -14, 426, 473]}, "f"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 389, 691]}, "g"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[28, -206, 483, 473]}, "h"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 534, 676]}, "i"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 255, 691]}, "j"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-57, -203, 263, 691]}, "k"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[22, 0, 543, 676]}, "l"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 255, 676]}, "m"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 814, 473]}, "n"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[21, 0, 539, 473]}, "o"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[25, -14, 476, 473]}, "p"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[19, -205, 524, 473]}, "q"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[34, -205, 536, 473]}, "r"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[29, 0, 434, 473]}, "s"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[25, -14, 361, 473]}, "t"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[20, -12, 332, 630]}, "u"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[16, -14, 537, 461]}, "v"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[21, -14, 485, 461]}, "w"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[23, -14, 707, 461]}, "x"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 484, 461]}, "y"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[16, -205, 480, 461]}, "z"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[21, 0, 420, 461]}, "{"=>{:wx=>394, :boundingbox=>[22, -175, 340, 698]}, "|"=>{:wx=>220, :boundingbox=>[66, -218, 154, 782]}, "}"=>{:wx=>394, :boundingbox=>[54, -175, 372, 698]}, "~"=>{:wx=>520, :boundingbox=>[29, 173, 491, 333]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[82, -203, 252, 501]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[53, -140, 458, 588]}, "£"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[21, -14, 477, 684]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-168, -12, 329, 688]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-64, 0, 547, 676]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, -155, 498, 706]}, "§"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[57, -132, 443, 691]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-26, 61, 526, 613]}, "©"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[75, 404, 204, 691]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[32, 356, 486, 691]}, "«"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[23, 36, 473, 415]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[51, 36, 305, 415]}, "­"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[28, 36, 282, 415]}, "®"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 536, 691]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 536, 691]}, "±"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, 181, 500, 271]}, "²"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[47, -134, 453, 691]}, "³"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[45, -132, 456, 691]}, "´"=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[41, 248, 210, 417]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>540, :boundingbox=>[0, -186, 519, 676]}, "·"=>{:wx=>350, :boundingbox=>[35, 198, 315, 478]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[79, -180, 263, 155]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[14, -180, 468, 155]}, "º"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[14, 356, 468, 691]}, "»"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[27, 36, 477, 415]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[82, -13, 917, 156]}, "½"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[7, -29, 995, 706]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[55, -201, 443, 501]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[8, 528, 246, 713]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[86, 528, 324, 713]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-2, 528, 335, 704]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-16, 547, 349, 674]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[1, 565, 331, 637]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[15, 528, 318, 691]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[103, 536, 258, 691]}, "È"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-2, 537, 335, 667]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[60, 527, 273, 740]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[68, -218, 294, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-13, 528, 425, 713]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[90, -193, 319, 24]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-2, 528, 335, 704]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[0, 181, 1000, 271]}, "á"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[4, 0, 951, 676]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>300, :boundingbox=>[-1, 397, 301, 688]}, "è"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 638, 676]}, "é"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[35, -74, 743, 737]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[22, -5, 981, 684]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>330, :boundingbox=>[18, 397, 312, 688]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[33, -14, 693, 473]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 255, 461]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-22, 0, 303, 676]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[25, -92, 476, 549]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[22, -14, 696, 473]}, "û"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[19, -12, 517, 691]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} times_italic_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[39, -11, 302, 667]}, "\""=>{:wx=>420, :boundingbox=>[144, 421, 432, 666]}, "#"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[2, 0, 540, 676]}, "$"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[31, -89, 497, 731]}, "%"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[79, -13, 790, 676]}, "&"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[76, -18, 723, 666]}, "'"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[151, 436, 290, 666]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[42, -181, 315, 669]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[16, -180, 289, 669]}, "*"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[128, 255, 492, 666]}, "+"=>{:wx=>675, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 590, 506]}, ","=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[-4, -129, 135, 101]}, "-"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[49, 192, 282, 255]}, "."=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[27, -11, 138, 100]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-65, -18, 386, 666]}, "0"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[32, -7, 497, 676]}, "1"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[49, 0, 409, 676]}, "2"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 452, 676]}, "3"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[15, -7, 465, 676]}, "4"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[1, 0, 479, 676]}, "5"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[15, -7, 491, 666]}, "6"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[30, -7, 521, 686]}, "7"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[75, -8, 537, 666]}, "8"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[30, -7, 493, 676]}, "9"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[23, -17, 492, 676]}, ":"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[50, -11, 261, 441]}, ";"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[27, -129, 261, 441]}, "<"=>{:wx=>675, :boundingbox=>[84, -8, 592, 514]}, "="=>{:wx=>675, :boundingbox=>[86, 120, 590, 386]}, ">"=>{:wx=>675, :boundingbox=>[84, -8, 592, 514]}, "?"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[132, -12, 472, 664]}, "@"=>{:wx=>920, :boundingbox=>[118, -18, 806, 666]}, "A"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-51, 0, 564, 668]}, "B"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-8, 0, 588, 653]}, "C"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[66, -18, 689, 666]}, "D"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[-8, 0, 700, 653]}, "E"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-1, 0, 634, 653]}, "F"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[8, 0, 645, 653]}, "G"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[52, -18, 722, 666]}, "H"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[-8, 0, 767, 653]}, "I"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-8, 0, 384, 653]}, "J"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[-6, -18, 491, 653]}, "K"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[7, 0, 722, 653]}, "L"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-8, 0, 559, 653]}, "M"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[-18, 0, 873, 653]}, "N"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[-20, -15, 727, 653]}, "O"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[60, -18, 699, 666]}, "P"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 605, 653]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[59, -182, 699, 666]}, "R"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-13, 0, 588, 653]}, "S"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[17, -18, 508, 667]}, "T"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[59, 0, 633, 653]}, "U"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[102, -18, 765, 653]}, "V"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[76, -18, 688, 653]}, "W"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[71, -18, 906, 653]}, "X"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-29, 0, 655, 653]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[78, 0, 633, 653]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-6, 0, 606, 653]}, "["=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[21, -153, 391, 663]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-41, -18, 319, 666]}, "]"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[12, -153, 382, 663]}, "^"=>{:wx=>422, :boundingbox=>[0, 301, 422, 666]}, "_"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, -125, 500, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[171, 436, 310, 666]}, "a"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[17, -11, 476, 441]}, "b"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[23, -11, 473, 683]}, "c"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[30, -11, 425, 441]}, "d"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[15, -13, 527, 683]}, "e"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[31, -11, 412, 441]}, "f"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-147, -207, 424, 678]}, "g"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[8, -206, 472, 441]}, "h"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[19, -9, 478, 683]}, "i"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[49, -11, 264, 654]}, "j"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-124, -207, 276, 654]}, "k"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[14, -11, 461, 683]}, "l"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[41, -11, 279, 683]}, "m"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[12, -9, 704, 441]}, "n"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[14, -9, 474, 441]}, "o"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[27, -11, 468, 441]}, "p"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-75, -205, 469, 441]}, "q"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[25, -209, 483, 441]}, "r"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[45, 0, 412, 441]}, "s"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[16, -13, 366, 442]}, "t"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[37, -11, 296, 546]}, "u"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[42, -11, 475, 441]}, "v"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[21, -18, 426, 441]}, "w"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[16, -18, 648, 441]}, "x"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[-27, -11, 447, 441]}, "y"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[-24, -206, 426, 441]}, "z"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[-2, -81, 380, 428]}, "{"=>{:wx=>400, :boundingbox=>[51, -177, 407, 687]}, "|"=>{:wx=>275, :boundingbox=>[105, -217, 171, 783]}, "}"=>{:wx=>400, :boundingbox=>[-7, -177, 349, 687]}, "~"=>{:wx=>541, :boundingbox=>[40, 183, 502, 323]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[59, -205, 322, 473]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[77, -143, 472, 560]}, "£"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[10, -6, 517, 670]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-169, -10, 337, 676]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[27, 0, 603, 653]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[25, -182, 507, 682]}, "§"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[53, -162, 461, 666]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-22, 53, 522, 597]}, "©"=>{:wx=>214, :boundingbox=>[132, 421, 241, 666]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[166, 436, 514, 666]}, "«"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[53, 37, 445, 403]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[51, 37, 281, 403]}, "­"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[52, 37, 282, 403]}, "®"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-141, -207, 481, 681]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-141, -204, 518, 682]}, "±"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-6, 197, 505, 243]}, "²"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[101, -159, 488, 666]}, "³"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[22, -143, 491, 666]}, "´"=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[70, 199, 181, 310]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>523, :boundingbox=>[55, -123, 616, 653]}, "·"=>{:wx=>350, :boundingbox=>[40, 191, 310, 461]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[44, -129, 183, 101]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[57, -129, 405, 101]}, "º"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[151, 436, 499, 666]}, "»"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[55, 37, 447, 403]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[57, -11, 762, 100]}, "½"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[25, -19, 1010, 706]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[28, -205, 368, 471]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[121, 492, 311, 664]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[180, 494, 403, 664]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[91, 492, 385, 661]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[100, 517, 427, 624]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[99, 532, 411, 583]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[117, 492, 418, 650]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[207, 548, 305, 646]}, "È"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[107, 548, 405, 646]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[155, 492, 355, 691]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-30, -217, 182, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[93, 494, 486, 664]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[20, -169, 203, 40]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[121, 492, 426, 661]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[-6, 197, 894, 243]}, "á"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[-27, 0, 911, 653]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>276, :boundingbox=>[42, 406, 352, 676]}, "è"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-8, 0, 559, 653]}, "é"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[60, -105, 699, 722]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[49, -8, 964, 666]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>310, :boundingbox=>[67, 406, 362, 676]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[23, -11, 640, 441]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[49, -11, 235, 441]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[41, -11, 312, 683]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[28, -135, 469, 554]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[20, -12, 646, 441]}, "û"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-168, -207, 493, 679]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} times_bolditalic_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[67, -13, 370, 684]}, "\""=>{:wx=>555, :boundingbox=>[136, 398, 536, 685]}, "#"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-33, 0, 533, 700]}, "$"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-20, -100, 497, 733]}, "%"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[39, -10, 793, 692]}, "&"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[5, -19, 699, 682]}, "'"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[98, 369, 302, 685]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[28, -179, 344, 685]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-44, -179, 271, 685]}, "*"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[65, 249, 456, 685]}, "+"=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[33, 0, 537, 506]}, ","=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[-60, -182, 144, 134]}, "-"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[2, 166, 271, 282]}, "."=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[-9, -13, 139, 135]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-64, -18, 342, 685]}, "0"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[17, -14, 477, 683]}, "1"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[5, 0, 419, 683]}, "2"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-27, 0, 446, 683]}, "3"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-15, -13, 450, 683]}, "4"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-15, 0, 503, 683]}, "5"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-11, -13, 487, 669]}, "6"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[23, -15, 509, 679]}, "7"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[52, 0, 525, 669]}, "8"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[3, -13, 476, 683]}, "9"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-12, -10, 475, 683]}, ":"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[23, -13, 264, 459]}, ";"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-25, -183, 264, 459]}, "<"=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[31, -8, 539, 514]}, "="=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[33, 107, 537, 399]}, ">"=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[31, -8, 539, 514]}, "?"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[79, -13, 470, 684]}, "@"=>{:wx=>832, :boundingbox=>[63, -18, 770, 685]}, "A"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[-67, 0, 593, 683]}, "B"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[-24, 0, 624, 669]}, "C"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[32, -18, 677, 685]}, "D"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[-46, 0, 685, 669]}, "E"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[-27, 0, 653, 669]}, "F"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[-13, 0, 660, 669]}, "G"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[21, -18, 706, 685]}, "H"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[-24, 0, 799, 669]}, "I"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[-32, 0, 406, 669]}, "J"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-46, -99, 524, 669]}, "K"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[-21, 0, 702, 669]}, "L"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-22, 0, 590, 669]}, "M"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[-29, -12, 917, 669]}, "N"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[-27, -15, 748, 669]}, "O"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[27, -18, 691, 685]}, "P"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-27, 0, 613, 669]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[27, -208, 691, 685]}, "R"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[-29, 0, 623, 669]}, "S"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[2, -18, 526, 685]}, "T"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[50, 0, 650, 669]}, "U"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[67, -18, 744, 669]}, "V"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[65, -18, 715, 669]}, "W"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[65, -18, 940, 669]}, "X"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[-24, 0, 694, 669]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[73, 0, 659, 669]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-11, 0, 590, 669]}, "["=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-37, -159, 362, 674]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-1, -18, 279, 685]}, "]"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-56, -157, 343, 674]}, "^"=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[67, 304, 503, 669]}, "_"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, -125, 500, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[128, 369, 332, 685]}, "a"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-21, -14, 455, 462]}, "b"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-14, -13, 444, 699]}, "c"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[-5, -13, 392, 462]}, "d"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-21, -13, 517, 699]}, "e"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[5, -13, 398, 462]}, "f"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-169, -205, 446, 698]}, "g"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-52, -203, 478, 462]}, "h"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-13, -9, 498, 699]}, "i"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[2, -9, 263, 684]}, "j"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-189, -207, 279, 684]}, "k"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-23, -8, 483, 699]}, "l"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[2, -9, 290, 699]}, "m"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[-14, -9, 722, 462]}, "n"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-6, -9, 493, 462]}, "o"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-3, -13, 441, 462]}, "p"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-120, -205, 446, 462]}, "q"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[1, -205, 471, 462]}, "r"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[-21, 0, 389, 462]}, "s"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[-19, -13, 333, 462]}, "t"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-11, -9, 281, 594]}, "u"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[15, -9, 492, 462]}, "v"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[16, -13, 401, 462]}, "w"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[16, -13, 614, 462]}, "x"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-46, -13, 469, 462]}, "y"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[-94, -205, 392, 462]}, "z"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[-43, -78, 368, 449]}, "{"=>{:wx=>348, :boundingbox=>[5, -187, 436, 686]}, "|"=>{:wx=>220, :boundingbox=>[66, -218, 154, 782]}, "}"=>{:wx=>348, :boundingbox=>[-129, -187, 302, 686]}, "~"=>{:wx=>570, :boundingbox=>[54, 173, 516, 333]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[19, -205, 322, 492]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[42, -143, 439, 576]}, "£"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-32, -12, 510, 683]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-169, -14, 324, 683]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[33, 0, 628, 669]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-87, -156, 537, 707]}, "§"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[36, -143, 459, 685]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-26, 34, 526, 586]}, "©"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[128, 398, 268, 685]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[53, 369, 513, 685]}, "«"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[12, 32, 468, 415]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[32, 32, 303, 415]}, "­"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[10, 32, 281, 415]}, "®"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-188, -205, 514, 703]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-186, -205, 553, 704]}, "±"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-40, 178, 477, 269]}, "²"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[91, -145, 494, 685]}, "³"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[10, -139, 493, 685]}, "´"=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[51, 257, 199, 405]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-57, -193, 562, 669]}, "·"=>{:wx=>350, :boundingbox=>[0, 175, 350, 525]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-5, -182, 199, 134]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-57, -182, 403, 134]}, "º"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[53, 369, 513, 685]}, "»"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[12, 32, 468, 415]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[40, -13, 852, 135]}, "½"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[7, -29, 996, 706]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[30, -205, 421, 492]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[85, 516, 297, 697]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[139, 516, 379, 697]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[40, 516, 367, 690]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[48, 536, 407, 655]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[51, 553, 393, 623]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[71, 516, 387, 678]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[163, 550, 298, 684]}, "È"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[55, 550, 402, 684]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[127, 516, 340, 729]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-80, -218, 156, 5]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[69, 516, 498, 697]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[15, -183, 244, 34]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[79, 516, 411, 690]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[-40, 178, 977, 269]}, "á"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[-64, 0, 918, 669]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>266, :boundingbox=>[16, 399, 330, 685]}, "è"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-22, 0, 590, 669]}, "é"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[27, -125, 691, 764]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[23, -8, 946, 677]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>300, :boundingbox=>[56, 400, 347, 685]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[-5, -13, 673, 462]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[2, -9, 238, 462]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-7, -9, 307, 699]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-3, -119, 441, 560]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[6, -13, 674, 462]}, "û"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-200, -200, 473, 705]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} helvetica_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[90, 0, 187, 718]}, "\""=>{:wx=>355, :boundingbox=>[70, 463, 285, 718]}, "#"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[28, 0, 529, 688]}, "$"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[32, -115, 520, 775]}, "%"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[39, -19, 850, 703]}, "&"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[44, -15, 645, 718]}, "'"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[53, 463, 157, 718]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[68, -207, 299, 733]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[34, -207, 265, 733]}, "*"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[39, 431, 349, 718]}, "+"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[39, 0, 545, 505]}, ","=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[87, -147, 191, 106]}, "-"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[44, 232, 289, 322]}, "."=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[87, 0, 191, 106]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-17, -19, 295, 737]}, "0"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[37, -19, 519, 703]}, "1"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[101, 0, 359, 703]}, "2"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 507, 703]}, "3"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[34, -19, 522, 703]}, "4"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[25, 0, 523, 703]}, "5"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[32, -19, 514, 688]}, "6"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[38, -19, 518, 703]}, "7"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[37, 0, 523, 688]}, "8"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[38, -19, 517, 703]}, "9"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[42, -19, 514, 703]}, ":"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[87, 0, 191, 516]}, ";"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[87, -147, 191, 516]}, "<"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[48, 11, 536, 495]}, "="=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[39, 115, 545, 390]}, ">"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[48, 11, 536, 495]}, "?"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[56, 0, 492, 727]}, "@"=>{:wx=>1015, :boundingbox=>[147, -19, 868, 737]}, "A"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 654, 718]}, "B"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[74, 0, 627, 718]}, "C"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[44, -19, 681, 737]}, "D"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 674, 718]}, "E"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 616, 718]}, "F"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 583, 718]}, "G"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[48, -19, 704, 737]}, "H"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 646, 718]}, "I"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[91, 0, 188, 718]}, "J"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[17, -19, 428, 718]}, "K"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 663, 718]}, "L"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 537, 718]}, "M"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[73, 0, 761, 718]}, "N"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 646, 718]}, "O"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[39, -19, 739, 737]}, "P"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 622, 718]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[39, -56, 739, 737]}, "R"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[88, 0, 684, 718]}, "S"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[49, -19, 620, 737]}, "T"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 597, 718]}, "U"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[79, -19, 644, 718]}, "V"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 647, 718]}, "W"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 928, 718]}, "X"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 648, 718]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 653, 718]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[23, 0, 588, 718]}, "["=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[63, -196, 250, 722]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-17, -19, 295, 737]}, "]"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[28, -196, 215, 722]}, "^"=>{:wx=>469, :boundingbox=>[-14, 264, 483, 688]}, "_"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[0, -125, 556, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[65, 470, 169, 725]}, "a"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[36, -15, 530, 538]}, "b"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[58, -15, 517, 718]}, "c"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[30, -15, 477, 538]}, "d"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[35, -15, 499, 718]}, "e"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[40, -15, 516, 538]}, "f"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 262, 728]}, "g"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[40, -220, 499, 538]}, "h"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 491, 718]}, "i"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 155, 718]}, "j"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[-16, -210, 155, 718]}, "k"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 501, 718]}, "l"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 155, 718]}, "m"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 769, 538]}, "n"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 491, 538]}, "o"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 521, 538]}, "p"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[58, -207, 517, 538]}, "q"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[35, -207, 494, 538]}, "r"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 332, 538]}, "s"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[32, -15, 464, 538]}, "t"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[14, -7, 257, 669]}, "u"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[68, -15, 489, 523]}, "v"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[8, 0, 492, 523]}, "w"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 709, 523]}, "x"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[11, 0, 490, 523]}, "y"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[11, -214, 489, 523]}, "z"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[31, 0, 469, 523]}, "{"=>{:wx=>334, :boundingbox=>[42, -196, 292, 722]}, "|"=>{:wx=>260, :boundingbox=>[94, -225, 167, 775]}, "}"=>{:wx=>334, :boundingbox=>[42, -196, 292, 722]}, "~"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[61, 180, 523, 326]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[118, -195, 215, 523]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[51, -115, 513, 623]}, "£"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[33, -16, 539, 718]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-166, -19, 333, 703]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 553, 688]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-11, -207, 501, 737]}, "§"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[43, -191, 512, 737]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[28, 99, 528, 603]}, "©"=>{:wx=>191, :boundingbox=>[59, 463, 132, 718]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[38, 470, 307, 725]}, "«"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[97, 108, 459, 446]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[88, 108, 245, 446]}, "­"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[88, 108, 245, 446]}, "®"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 434, 728]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 432, 728]}, "±"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[0, 240, 556, 313]}, "²"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[43, -159, 514, 718]}, "³"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[43, -159, 514, 718]}, "´"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[77, 190, 202, 315]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>537, :boundingbox=>[18, -173, 497, 718]}, "·"=>{:wx=>350, :boundingbox=>[18, 202, 333, 517]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[53, -149, 157, 106]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[26, -149, 295, 106]}, "º"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[26, 463, 295, 718]}, "»"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[97, 108, 459, 446]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[115, 0, 885, 106]}, "½"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[7, -19, 994, 703]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[91, -201, 527, 525]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[14, 593, 211, 734]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[122, 593, 319, 734]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[21, 593, 312, 734]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-4, 606, 337, 722]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[10, 627, 323, 684]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[13, 595, 321, 731]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[121, 604, 212, 706]}, "È"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[40, 604, 293, 706]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[75, 572, 259, 756]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[45, -225, 259, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[31, 593, 409, 734]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[73, -225, 287, 0]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[21, 593, 312, 734]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[0, 240, 1000, 313]}, "á"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[8, 0, 951, 718]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>370, :boundingbox=>[24, 405, 346, 737]}, "è"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-20, 0, 537, 718]}, "é"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[39, -19, 740, 737]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[36, -19, 965, 737]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>365, :boundingbox=>[25, 405, 341, 737]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[36, -15, 847, 538]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 183, 523]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[-20, 0, 242, 718]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[28, -22, 537, 545]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[35, -15, 902, 538]}, "û"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[67, -15, 571, 728]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} helvetica_bold_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[90, 0, 244, 718]}, "\""=>{:wx=>474, :boundingbox=>[98, 447, 376, 718]}, "#"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[18, 0, 538, 698]}, "$"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[30, -115, 523, 775]}, "%"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[28, -19, 861, 710]}, "&"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[54, -19, 701, 718]}, "'"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[69, 445, 209, 718]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[35, -208, 314, 734]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[19, -208, 298, 734]}, "*"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[27, 387, 362, 718]}, "+"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[40, 0, 544, 506]}, ","=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[64, -168, 214, 146]}, "-"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[27, 215, 306, 345]}, "."=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[64, 0, 214, 146]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-33, -19, 311, 737]}, "0"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[32, -19, 524, 710]}, "1"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[69, 0, 378, 710]}, "2"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 511, 710]}, "3"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[27, -19, 516, 710]}, "4"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[27, 0, 526, 710]}, "5"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[27, -19, 516, 698]}, "6"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[31, -19, 520, 710]}, "7"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[25, 0, 528, 698]}, "8"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[32, -19, 524, 710]}, "9"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[30, -19, 522, 710]}, ":"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[92, 0, 242, 512]}, ";"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[92, -168, 242, 512]}, "<"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[38, -8, 546, 514]}, "="=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[40, 87, 544, 419]}, ">"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[38, -8, 546, 514]}, "?"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[60, 0, 556, 727]}, "@"=>{:wx=>975, :boundingbox=>[118, -19, 856, 737]}, "A"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 702, 718]}, "B"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 669, 718]}, "C"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[44, -19, 684, 737]}, "D"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 685, 718]}, "E"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 621, 718]}, "F"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 587, 718]}, "G"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[44, -19, 713, 737]}, "H"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[71, 0, 651, 718]}, "I"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[64, 0, 214, 718]}, "J"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[22, -18, 484, 718]}, "K"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[87, 0, 722, 718]}, "L"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 583, 718]}, "M"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[69, 0, 765, 718]}, "N"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[69, 0, 654, 718]}, "O"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[44, -19, 734, 737]}, "P"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 627, 718]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[44, -52, 737, 737]}, "R"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 677, 718]}, "S"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[39, -19, 629, 737]}, "T"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 598, 718]}, "U"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[72, -19, 651, 718]}, "V"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 648, 718]}, "W"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[16, 0, 929, 718]}, "X"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 653, 718]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[15, 0, 653, 718]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[25, 0, 586, 718]}, "["=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[63, -196, 309, 722]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-33, -19, 311, 737]}, "]"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[24, -196, 270, 722]}, "^"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[62, 323, 522, 698]}, "_"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[0, -125, 556, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[69, 454, 209, 727]}, "a"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[29, -14, 527, 546]}, "b"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[61, -14, 578, 718]}, "c"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 524, 546]}, "d"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 551, 718]}, "e"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[23, -14, 528, 546]}, "f"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[10, 0, 318, 727]}, "g"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[40, -217, 553, 546]}, "h"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 546, 718]}, "i"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[69, 0, 209, 725]}, "j"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[3, -214, 209, 725]}, "k"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[69, 0, 562, 718]}, "l"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[69, 0, 209, 718]}, "m"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[64, 0, 826, 546]}, "n"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 546, 546]}, "o"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 578, 546]}, "p"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[62, -207, 578, 546]}, "q"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[34, -207, 552, 546]}, "r"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[64, 0, 373, 546]}, "s"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[30, -14, 519, 546]}, "t"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[10, -6, 309, 676]}, "u"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[66, -14, 545, 532]}, "v"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[13, 0, 543, 532]}, "w"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[10, 0, 769, 532]}, "x"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[15, 0, 541, 532]}, "y"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[10, -214, 539, 532]}, "z"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 480, 532]}, "{"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[48, -196, 365, 722]}, "|"=>{:wx=>280, :boundingbox=>[84, -225, 196, 775]}, "}"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[24, -196, 341, 722]}, "~"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[61, 163, 523, 343]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[90, -186, 244, 532]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[34, -118, 524, 628]}, "£"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[28, -16, 541, 718]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-170, -19, 336, 710]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-9, 0, 565, 698]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-10, -210, 516, 737]}, "§"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[34, -184, 522, 727]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-3, 76, 559, 636]}, "©"=>{:wx=>238, :boundingbox=>[70, 447, 168, 718]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[64, 454, 436, 727]}, "«"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[88, 76, 468, 484]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[83, 76, 250, 484]}, "­"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[83, 76, 250, 484]}, "®"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[10, 0, 542, 727]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[10, 0, 542, 727]}, "±"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[0, 227, 556, 333]}, "²"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[36, -171, 520, 718]}, "³"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[36, -171, 520, 718]}, "´"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[58, 172, 220, 334]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-8, -191, 539, 700]}, "·"=>{:wx=>350, :boundingbox=>[10, 194, 340, 524]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[69, -146, 209, 127]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[64, -146, 436, 127]}, "º"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[64, 445, 436, 718]}, "»"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[88, 76, 468, 484]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[92, 0, 908, 146]}, "½"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[-3, -19, 1003, 710]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[55, -195, 551, 532]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-23, 604, 225, 750]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[108, 604, 356, 750]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-10, 604, 343, 750]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-17, 610, 350, 737]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-6, 604, 339, 678]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-2, 604, 335, 750]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[104, 614, 230, 729]}, "È"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[6, 614, 327, 729]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[59, 568, 275, 776]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[6, -228, 245, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[9, 604, 486, 750]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[71, -228, 304, 0]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-10, 604, 343, 750]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[0, 227, 1000, 333]}, "á"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[5, 0, 954, 718]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>370, :boundingbox=>[22, 401, 347, 737]}, "è"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[-20, 0, 583, 718]}, "é"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[33, -27, 744, 745]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[37, -19, 961, 737]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>365, :boundingbox=>[6, 401, 360, 737]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[29, -14, 858, 546]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[69, 0, 209, 532]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-18, 0, 296, 718]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[22, -29, 589, 560]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 912, 546]}, "û"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[69, -14, 579, 731]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} helvetica_oblique_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[90, 0, 340, 718]}, "\""=>{:wx=>355, :boundingbox=>[168, 463, 438, 718]}, "#"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[73, 0, 631, 688]}, "$"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[69, -115, 617, 775]}, "%"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[147, -19, 889, 703]}, "&"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[77, -15, 647, 718]}, "'"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[151, 463, 310, 718]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[108, -207, 454, 733]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-9, -207, 337, 733]}, "*"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[165, 431, 475, 718]}, "+"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[85, 0, 606, 505]}, ","=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[56, -147, 214, 106]}, "-"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[93, 232, 357, 322]}, "."=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[87, 0, 214, 106]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-21, -19, 452, 737]}, "0"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[93, -19, 608, 703]}, "1"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[207, 0, 508, 703]}, "2"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 617, 703]}, "3"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[75, -19, 610, 703]}, "4"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[61, 0, 576, 703]}, "5"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[68, -19, 621, 688]}, "6"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[91, -19, 615, 703]}, "7"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[137, 0, 669, 688]}, "8"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[74, -19, 607, 703]}, "9"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[82, -19, 609, 703]}, ":"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[87, 0, 301, 516]}, ";"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[56, -147, 301, 516]}, "<"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[94, 11, 641, 495]}, "="=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[63, 115, 628, 390]}, ">"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[50, 11, 597, 495]}, "?"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[161, 0, 610, 727]}, "@"=>{:wx=>1015, :boundingbox=>[215, -19, 965, 737]}, "A"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 654, 718]}, "B"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[74, 0, 712, 718]}, "C"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[108, -19, 782, 737]}, "D"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 764, 718]}, "E"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 762, 718]}, "F"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 736, 718]}, "G"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[111, -19, 799, 737]}, "H"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 799, 718]}, "I"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[91, 0, 341, 718]}, "J"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[47, -19, 581, 718]}, "K"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 808, 718]}, "L"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 555, 718]}, "M"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[73, 0, 914, 718]}, "N"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 799, 718]}, "O"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[105, -19, 826, 737]}, "P"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 737, 718]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[105, -56, 826, 737]}, "R"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[88, 0, 773, 718]}, "S"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[90, -19, 713, 737]}, "T"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[148, 0, 750, 718]}, "U"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[123, -19, 797, 718]}, "V"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[173, 0, 800, 718]}, "W"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[169, 0, 1081, 718]}, "X"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 790, 718]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[167, 0, 806, 718]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[23, 0, 741, 718]}, "["=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[21, -196, 403, 722]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[140, -19, 291, 737]}, "]"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-14, -196, 368, 722]}, "^"=>{:wx=>469, :boundingbox=>[42, 264, 539, 688]}, "_"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-27, -125, 540, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[165, 470, 323, 725]}, "a"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[61, -15, 559, 538]}, "b"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[58, -15, 584, 718]}, "c"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[74, -15, 553, 538]}, "d"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[84, -15, 652, 718]}, "e"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[84, -15, 578, 538]}, "f"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 416, 728]}, "g"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[42, -220, 610, 538]}, "h"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 573, 718]}, "i"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 308, 718]}, "j"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[-60, -210, 308, 718]}, "k"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 600, 718]}, "l"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 308, 718]}, "m"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 852, 538]}, "n"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 573, 538]}, "o"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[83, -14, 585, 538]}, "p"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[14, -207, 584, 538]}, "q"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[84, -207, 605, 538]}, "r"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 446, 538]}, "s"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[63, -15, 529, 538]}, "t"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[102, -7, 368, 669]}, "u"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[94, -15, 600, 523]}, "v"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[119, 0, 603, 523]}, "w"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[125, 0, 820, 523]}, "x"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[11, 0, 594, 523]}, "y"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[15, -214, 600, 523]}, "z"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[31, 0, 571, 523]}, "{"=>{:wx=>334, :boundingbox=>[92, -196, 445, 722]}, "|"=>{:wx=>260, :boundingbox=>[46, -225, 332, 775]}, "}"=>{:wx=>334, :boundingbox=>[0, -196, 354, 722]}, "~"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[111, 180, 580, 326]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[77, -195, 326, 523]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[95, -115, 584, 623]}, "£"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[49, -16, 634, 718]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-170, -19, 482, 703]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 699, 688]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-52, -207, 654, 737]}, "§"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[76, -191, 584, 737]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[60, 99, 646, 603]}, "©"=>{:wx=>191, :boundingbox=>[157, 463, 285, 718]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[138, 470, 461, 725]}, "«"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[146, 108, 554, 446]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[137, 108, 340, 446]}, "­"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[111, 108, 314, 446]}, "®"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 587, 728]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 585, 728]}, "±"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[51, 240, 623, 313]}, "²"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[135, -159, 622, 718]}, "³"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[52, -159, 623, 718]}, "´"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[129, 190, 257, 315]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>537, :boundingbox=>[126, -173, 650, 718]}, "·"=>{:wx=>350, :boundingbox=>[91, 202, 413, 517]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[21, -149, 180, 106]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-6, -149, 318, 106]}, "º"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[124, 463, 448, 718]}, "»"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[120, 108, 528, 446]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[115, 0, 908, 106]}, "½"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[88, -19, 1029, 703]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[85, -201, 534, 525]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[170, 593, 337, 734]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[248, 593, 475, 734]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[147, 593, 438, 734]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[125, 606, 490, 722]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[143, 627, 468, 684]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[167, 595, 476, 731]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[249, 604, 362, 706]}, "È"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[168, 604, 443, 706]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[214, 572, 402, 756]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[2, -225, 232, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[157, 593, 565, 734]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[43, -225, 249, 0]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[177, 593, 468, 734]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[51, 240, 1067, 313]}, "á"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[8, 0, 1097, 718]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>370, :boundingbox=>[127, 405, 449, 737]}, "è"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[41, 0, 555, 718]}, "é"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[43, -19, 890, 737]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[98, -19, 1116, 737]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>365, :boundingbox=>[141, 405, 468, 737]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[61, -15, 909, 538]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 294, 523]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[41, 0, 347, 718]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[29, -22, 647, 545]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[83, -15, 964, 538]}, "û"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[67, -15, 658, 728]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} helvetica_oblique_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[90, 0, 340, 718]}, "\""=>{:wx=>355, :boundingbox=>[168, 463, 438, 718]}, "#"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[73, 0, 631, 688]}, "$"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[69, -115, 617, 775]}, "%"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[147, -19, 889, 703]}, "&"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[77, -15, 647, 718]}, "'"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[151, 463, 310, 718]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[108, -207, 454, 733]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-9, -207, 337, 733]}, "*"=>{:wx=>389, :boundingbox=>[165, 431, 475, 718]}, "+"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[85, 0, 606, 505]}, ","=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[56, -147, 214, 106]}, "-"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[93, 232, 357, 322]}, "."=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[87, 0, 214, 106]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-21, -19, 452, 737]}, "0"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[93, -19, 608, 703]}, "1"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[207, 0, 508, 703]}, "2"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 617, 703]}, "3"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[75, -19, 610, 703]}, "4"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[61, 0, 576, 703]}, "5"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[68, -19, 621, 688]}, "6"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[91, -19, 615, 703]}, "7"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[137, 0, 669, 688]}, "8"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[74, -19, 607, 703]}, "9"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[82, -19, 609, 703]}, ":"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[87, 0, 301, 516]}, ";"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[56, -147, 301, 516]}, "<"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[94, 11, 641, 495]}, "="=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[63, 115, 628, 390]}, ">"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[50, 11, 597, 495]}, "?"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[161, 0, 610, 727]}, "@"=>{:wx=>1015, :boundingbox=>[215, -19, 965, 737]}, "A"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[14, 0, 654, 718]}, "B"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[74, 0, 712, 718]}, "C"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[108, -19, 782, 737]}, "D"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 764, 718]}, "E"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 762, 718]}, "F"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 736, 718]}, "G"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[111, -19, 799, 737]}, "H"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 799, 718]}, "I"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[91, 0, 341, 718]}, "J"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[47, -19, 581, 718]}, "K"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 808, 718]}, "L"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 555, 718]}, "M"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[73, 0, 914, 718]}, "N"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[76, 0, 799, 718]}, "O"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[105, -19, 826, 737]}, "P"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 737, 718]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[105, -56, 826, 737]}, "R"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[88, 0, 773, 718]}, "S"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[90, -19, 713, 737]}, "T"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[148, 0, 750, 718]}, "U"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[123, -19, 797, 718]}, "V"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[173, 0, 800, 718]}, "W"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[169, 0, 1081, 718]}, "X"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[19, 0, 790, 718]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[167, 0, 806, 718]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[23, 0, 741, 718]}, "["=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[21, -196, 403, 722]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[140, -19, 291, 737]}, "]"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[-14, -196, 368, 722]}, "^"=>{:wx=>469, :boundingbox=>[42, 264, 539, 688]}, "_"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-27, -125, 540, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[165, 470, 323, 725]}, "a"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[61, -15, 559, 538]}, "b"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[58, -15, 584, 718]}, "c"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[74, -15, 553, 538]}, "d"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[84, -15, 652, 718]}, "e"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[84, -15, 578, 538]}, "f"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 416, 728]}, "g"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[42, -220, 610, 538]}, "h"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 573, 718]}, "i"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 308, 718]}, "j"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[-60, -210, 308, 718]}, "k"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 600, 718]}, "l"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[67, 0, 308, 718]}, "m"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 852, 538]}, "n"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[65, 0, 573, 538]}, "o"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[83, -14, 585, 538]}, "p"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[14, -207, 584, 538]}, "q"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[84, -207, 605, 538]}, "r"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 446, 538]}, "s"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[63, -15, 529, 538]}, "t"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[102, -7, 368, 669]}, "u"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[94, -15, 600, 523]}, "v"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[119, 0, 603, 523]}, "w"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[125, 0, 820, 523]}, "x"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[11, 0, 594, 523]}, "y"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[15, -214, 600, 523]}, "z"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[31, 0, 571, 523]}, "{"=>{:wx=>334, :boundingbox=>[92, -196, 445, 722]}, "|"=>{:wx=>260, :boundingbox=>[46, -225, 332, 775]}, "}"=>{:wx=>334, :boundingbox=>[0, -196, 354, 722]}, "~"=>{:wx=>584, :boundingbox=>[111, 180, 580, 326]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[77, -195, 326, 523]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[95, -115, 584, 623]}, "£"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[49, -16, 634, 718]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-170, -19, 482, 703]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 699, 688]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[-52, -207, 654, 737]}, "§"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[76, -191, 584, 737]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[60, 99, 646, 603]}, "©"=>{:wx=>191, :boundingbox=>[157, 463, 285, 718]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[138, 470, 461, 725]}, "«"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[146, 108, 554, 446]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[137, 108, 340, 446]}, "­"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[111, 108, 314, 446]}, "®"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 587, 728]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 585, 728]}, "±"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[51, 240, 623, 313]}, "²"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[135, -159, 622, 718]}, "³"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[52, -159, 623, 718]}, "´"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[129, 190, 257, 315]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>537, :boundingbox=>[126, -173, 650, 718]}, "·"=>{:wx=>350, :boundingbox=>[91, 202, 413, 517]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[21, -149, 180, 106]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[-6, -149, 318, 106]}, "º"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[124, 463, 448, 718]}, "»"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[120, 108, 528, 446]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[115, 0, 908, 106]}, "½"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[88, -19, 1029, 703]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[85, -201, 534, 525]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[170, 593, 337, 734]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[248, 593, 475, 734]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[147, 593, 438, 734]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[125, 606, 490, 722]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[143, 627, 468, 684]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[167, 595, 476, 731]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[249, 604, 362, 706]}, "È"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[168, 604, 443, 706]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[214, 572, 402, 756]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[2, -225, 232, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[157, 593, 565, 734]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[43, -225, 249, 0]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[177, 593, 468, 734]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[51, 240, 1067, 313]}, "á"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[8, 0, 1097, 718]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>370, :boundingbox=>[127, 405, 449, 737]}, "è"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[41, 0, 555, 718]}, "é"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[43, -19, 890, 737]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[98, -19, 1116, 737]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>365, :boundingbox=>[141, 405, 468, 737]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[61, -15, 909, 538]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 294, 523]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>222, :boundingbox=>[41, 0, 347, 718]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[29, -22, 647, 545]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>944, :boundingbox=>[83, -15, 964, 538]}, "û"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[67, -15, 658, 728]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} courier_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[236, -15, 364, 572]}, "\""=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[187, 328, 413, 562]}, "#"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[93, -32, 507, 639]}, "$"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[105, -126, 496, 662]}, "%"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[81, -15, 518, 622]}, "&"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[63, -15, 538, 543]}, "'"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[213, 328, 376, 562]}, "("=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[269, -108, 440, 622]}, ")"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[160, -108, 331, 622]}, "*"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[116, 257, 484, 607]}, "+"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[80, 44, 520, 470]}, ","=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[181, -112, 344, 122]}, "-"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[103, 231, 497, 285]}, "."=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[229, -15, 371, 109]}, "/"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[125, -80, 475, 629]}, "0"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[106, -15, 494, 622]}, "1"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[96, 0, 505, 622]}, "2"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[70, 0, 471, 622]}, "3"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[75, -15, 466, 622]}, "4"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[78, 0, 500, 622]}, "5"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[92, -15, 497, 607]}, "6"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[111, -15, 497, 622]}, "7"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[82, 0, 483, 607]}, "8"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[102, -15, 498, 622]}, "9"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[96, -15, 489, 622]}, ":"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[229, -15, 371, 385]}, ";"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[181, -112, 371, 385]}, "<"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[41, 42, 519, 472]}, "="=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[80, 138, 520, 376]}, ">"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[66, 42, 544, 472]}, "?"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[129, -15, 492, 572]}, "@"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, -15, 533, 622]}, "A"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 597, 562]}, "B"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[43, 0, 559, 562]}, "C"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[41, -18, 540, 580]}, "D"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[43, 0, 574, 562]}, "E"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[53, 0, 550, 562]}, "F"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[53, 0, 545, 562]}, "G"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[31, -18, 575, 580]}, "H"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[32, 0, 568, 562]}, "I"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[96, 0, 504, 562]}, "J"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[34, -18, 566, 562]}, "K"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[38, 0, 582, 562]}, "L"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, 0, 554, 562]}, "M"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[4, 0, 596, 562]}, "N"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[7, -13, 593, 562]}, "O"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[43, -18, 557, 580]}, "P"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[79, 0, 558, 562]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[43, -138, 557, 580]}, "R"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[38, 0, 588, 562]}, "S"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[72, -20, 529, 580]}, "T"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[38, 0, 563, 562]}, "U"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[17, -18, 583, 562]}, "V"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-4, -13, 604, 562]}, "W"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-3, -13, 603, 562]}, "X"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[23, 0, 577, 562]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[24, 0, 576, 562]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 514, 562]}, "["=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[269, -108, 442, 622]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[118, -80, 482, 629]}, "]"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[158, -108, 331, 622]}, "^"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[94, 354, 506, 622]}, "_"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, -125, 600, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[224, 328, 387, 562]}, "a"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[53, -15, 559, 441]}, "b"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[14, -15, 575, 629]}, "c"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[66, -15, 529, 441]}, "d"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[45, -15, 591, 629]}, "e"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[66, -15, 548, 441]}, "f"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[114, 0, 531, 629]}, "g"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[45, -157, 566, 441]}, "h"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[18, 0, 582, 629]}, "i"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 505, 657]}, "j"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[82, -157, 410, 657]}, "k"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[43, 0, 580, 629]}, "l"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 505, 629]}, "m"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-5, 0, 605, 441]}, "n"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 575, 441]}, "o"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[62, -15, 538, 441]}, "p"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[9, -157, 555, 441]}, "q"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[45, -157, 591, 441]}, "r"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[60, 0, 559, 441]}, "s"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[80, -15, 513, 441]}, "t"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[87, -15, 530, 561]}, "u"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[21, -15, 562, 426]}, "v"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[10, -10, 590, 426]}, "w"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-4, -10, 604, 426]}, "x"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 580, 426]}, "y"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[7, -157, 592, 426]}, "z"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[99, 0, 502, 426]}, "{"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[182, -108, 437, 622]}, "|"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[275, -250, 326, 750]}, "}"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[163, -108, 418, 622]}, "~"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[63, 197, 540, 320]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[236, -157, 364, 430]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[96, -49, 500, 614]}, "£"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[84, -21, 521, 611]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[92, -57, 509, 665]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 574, 562]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[4, -143, 539, 622]}, "§"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[113, -78, 488, 580]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[73, 58, 527, 506]}, "©"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[259, 328, 341, 562]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[143, 328, 471, 562]}, "«"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[37, 70, 563, 446]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[149, 70, 451, 446]}, "­"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[149, 70, 451, 446]}, "®"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 597, 629]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 597, 629]}, "±"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[75, 231, 525, 285]}, "²"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[141, -78, 459, 580]}, "³"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[141, -78, 459, 580]}, "´"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[222, 189, 378, 327]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[50, -78, 511, 562]}, "·"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[172, 130, 428, 383]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[213, -134, 376, 100]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[143, -134, 457, 100]}, "º"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[143, 328, 457, 562]}, "»"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[37, 70, 563, 446]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[37, -15, 563, 111]}, "½"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, -15, 600, 622]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[108, -157, 471, 430]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[151, 497, 378, 672]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[242, 497, 469, 672]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[124, 477, 476, 654]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[105, 489, 503, 606]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[120, 525, 480, 565]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[153, 501, 447, 609]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[249, 537, 352, 640]}, "È"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[148, 537, 453, 640]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[218, 463, 382, 627]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[224, -151, 362, 10]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[133, 497, 540, 672]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[211, -172, 407, 4]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[124, 492, 476, 669]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 231, 600, 285]}, "á"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 550, 562]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[156, 249, 442, 580]}, "è"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, 0, 554, 562]}, "é"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[43, -80, 557, 629]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[7, 0, 567, 562]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[157, 249, 443, 580]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[19, -15, 570, 441]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 505, 426]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 505, 629]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[62, -80, 538, 506]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[19, -15, 559, 441]}, "û"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[48, -15, 588, 629]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} courier_bold_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[202, -15, 398, 572]}, "\""=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[135, 277, 465, 562]}, "#"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[56, -45, 544, 651]}, "$"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[82, -126, 519, 666]}, "%"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[5, -15, 595, 616]}, "&"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[36, -15, 546, 543]}, "'"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[171, 277, 423, 562]}, "("=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[219, -102, 461, 616]}, ")"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[139, -102, 381, 616]}, "*"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[91, 219, 509, 601]}, "+"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[71, 39, 529, 478]}, ","=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[123, -111, 393, 174]}, "-"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[100, 203, 500, 313]}, "."=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[192, -15, 408, 171]}, "/"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[98, -77, 502, 626]}, "0"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[87, -15, 513, 616]}, "1"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 539, 616]}, "2"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[61, 0, 499, 616]}, "3"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[63, -15, 501, 616]}, "4"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[53, 0, 507, 616]}, "5"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[70, -15, 521, 601]}, "6"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[90, -15, 521, 616]}, "7"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[55, 0, 494, 601]}, "8"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[83, -15, 517, 616]}, "9"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[79, -15, 510, 616]}, ":"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[191, -15, 407, 425]}, ";"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[123, -111, 408, 425]}, "<"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[66, 15, 523, 501]}, "="=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[71, 118, 529, 398]}, ">"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 15, 534, 501]}, "?"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[98, -14, 501, 580]}, "@"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[16, -15, 584, 616]}, "A"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-9, 0, 609, 562]}, "B"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[30, 0, 573, 562]}, "C"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[22, -18, 560, 580]}, "D"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[30, 0, 594, 562]}, "E"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[25, 0, 560, 562]}, "F"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[39, 0, 570, 562]}, "G"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[22, -18, 594, 580]}, "H"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 580, 562]}, "I"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 523, 562]}, "J"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[37, -18, 601, 562]}, "K"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[21, 0, 599, 562]}, "L"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[39, 0, 578, 562]}, "M"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-2, 0, 602, 562]}, "N"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[8, -12, 610, 562]}, "O"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[22, -18, 578, 580]}, "P"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[48, 0, 559, 562]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[32, -138, 578, 580]}, "R"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[24, 0, 599, 562]}, "S"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, -22, 553, 582]}, "T"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[21, 0, 579, 562]}, "U"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[4, -18, 596, 562]}, "V"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-13, 0, 613, 562]}, "W"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-18, 0, 618, 562]}, "X"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 588, 562]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 589, 562]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[62, 0, 539, 562]}, "["=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[245, -102, 475, 616]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[99, -77, 503, 626]}, "]"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[125, -102, 355, 616]}, "^"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[108, 250, 492, 616]}, "_"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, -125, 600, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[178, 277, 428, 562]}, "a"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[35, -15, 570, 454]}, "b"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, -15, 584, 626]}, "c"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[40, -15, 545, 459]}, "d"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[20, -15, 591, 626]}, "e"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[40, -15, 563, 454]}, "f"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[83, 0, 547, 626]}, "g"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[30, -146, 580, 454]}, "h"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[5, 0, 592, 626]}, "i"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 523, 658]}, "j"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[63, -146, 440, 658]}, "k"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 585, 626]}, "l"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 523, 626]}, "m"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-22, 0, 626, 454]}, "n"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[18, 0, 592, 454]}, "o"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[30, -15, 570, 454]}, "p"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-1, -142, 570, 454]}, "q"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[20, -142, 591, 454]}, "r"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, 0, 580, 454]}, "s"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[68, -17, 535, 459]}, "t"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, -15, 532, 562]}, "u"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-1, -15, 569, 439]}, "v"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-1, 0, 601, 439]}, "w"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-18, 0, 618, 439]}, "x"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[6, 0, 594, 439]}, "y"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-4, -142, 601, 439]}, "z"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 520, 439]}, "{"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[160, -102, 464, 616]}, "|"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[255, -250, 345, 750]}, "}"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[136, -102, 440, 616]}, "~"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[71, 153, 530, 356]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[202, -146, 398, 449]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[66, -49, 518, 614]}, "£"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[72, -28, 558, 611]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[25, -60, 576, 661]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[10, 0, 590, 562]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-30, -131, 572, 616]}, "§"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[83, -70, 517, 580]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[54, 49, 546, 517]}, "©"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[227, 277, 373, 562]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[71, 277, 535, 562]}, "«"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[8, 70, 553, 446]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[141, 70, 459, 446]}, "­"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[141, 70, 459, 446]}, "®"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 593, 626]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 593, 626]}, "±"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[65, 203, 535, 313]}, "²"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[106, -70, 494, 580]}, "³"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[106, -70, 494, 580]}, "´"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[196, 165, 404, 351]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[6, -70, 576, 580]}, "·"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[140, 132, 460, 430]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[175, -142, 427, 143]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[65, -142, 529, 143]}, "º"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[61, 277, 525, 562]}, "»"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, 70, 592, 446]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[26, -15, 574, 116]}, "½"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-113, -15, 713, 616]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[99, -146, 502, 449]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[132, 508, 395, 661]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[205, 508, 468, 661]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[103, 483, 497, 657]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[89, 493, 512, 636]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[88, 505, 512, 585]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[83, 468, 517, 631]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[230, 498, 370, 638]}, "È"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[128, 498, 472, 638]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[198, 481, 402, 678]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[205, -206, 387, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[68, 488, 588, 661]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[169, -199, 400, 0]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[103, 493, 497, 667]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-10, 203, 610, 313]}, "á"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-29, 0, 602, 562]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[147, 196, 453, 580]}, "è"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[39, 0, 578, 562]}, "é"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[22, -22, 578, 584]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-25, 0, 595, 562]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[147, 196, 453, 580]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-4, -15, 601, 454]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 523, 439]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 523, 626]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[30, -24, 570, 463]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-18, -15, 611, 454]}, "û"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[22, -15, 596, 626]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} courier_oblique_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[243, -15, 464, 572]}, "\""=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[273, 328, 532, 562]}, "#"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[133, -32, 596, 639]}, "$"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[108, -126, 596, 662]}, "%"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[134, -15, 599, 622]}, "&"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[87, -15, 580, 543]}, "'"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[283, 328, 495, 562]}, "("=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[313, -108, 572, 622]}, ")"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[137, -108, 396, 622]}, "*"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[212, 257, 580, 607]}, "+"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[129, 44, 580, 470]}, ","=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[157, -112, 370, 122]}, "-"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[152, 231, 558, 285]}, "."=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[238, -15, 382, 109]}, "/"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[112, -80, 604, 629]}, "0"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[154, -15, 575, 622]}, "1"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[98, 0, 515, 622]}, "2"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[70, 0, 568, 622]}, "3"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[82, -15, 538, 622]}, "4"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[108, 0, 541, 622]}, "5"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[99, -15, 589, 607]}, "6"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[155, -15, 629, 622]}, "7"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[182, 0, 612, 607]}, "8"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[132, -15, 588, 622]}, "9"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[93, -15, 574, 622]}, ":"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[238, -15, 441, 385]}, ";"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[157, -112, 441, 385]}, "<"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[96, 42, 610, 472]}, "="=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[109, 138, 600, 376]}, ">"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[85, 42, 599, 472]}, "?"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[222, -15, 583, 572]}, "@"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[127, -15, 582, 622]}, "A"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 607, 562]}, "B"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[43, 0, 616, 562]}, "C"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[93, -18, 655, 580]}, "D"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[43, 0, 645, 562]}, "E"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[53, 0, 660, 562]}, "F"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[53, 0, 660, 562]}, "G"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[83, -18, 645, 580]}, "H"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[32, 0, 687, 562]}, "I"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[96, 0, 623, 562]}, "J"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[52, -18, 685, 562]}, "K"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[38, 0, 671, 562]}, "L"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, 0, 607, 562]}, "M"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[4, 0, 715, 562]}, "N"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[7, -13, 712, 562]}, "O"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[94, -18, 625, 580]}, "P"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[79, 0, 644, 562]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, -138, 625, 580]}, "R"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[38, 0, 598, 562]}, "S"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[76, -20, 650, 580]}, "T"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[108, 0, 665, 562]}, "U"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[125, -18, 702, 562]}, "V"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[105, -13, 723, 562]}, "W"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[106, -13, 722, 562]}, "X"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[23, 0, 675, 562]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[133, 0, 695, 562]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 610, 562]}, "["=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[246, -108, 574, 622]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[249, -80, 468, 629]}, "]"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[135, -108, 463, 622]}, "^"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[175, 354, 587, 622]}, "_"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-27, -125, 584, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[343, 328, 457, 562]}, "a"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[76, -15, 569, 441]}, "b"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[29, -15, 625, 629]}, "c"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[106, -15, 608, 441]}, "d"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[85, -15, 640, 629]}, "e"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[106, -15, 598, 441]}, "f"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[114, 0, 662, 629]}, "g"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[61, -157, 657, 441]}, "h"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[33, 0, 592, 629]}, "i"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 515, 657]}, "j"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[52, -157, 550, 657]}, "k"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[58, 0, 633, 629]}, "l"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 515, 629]}, "m"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-5, 0, 615, 441]}, "n"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 585, 441]}, "o"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[102, -15, 588, 441]}, "p"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-24, -157, 605, 441]}, "q"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[85, -157, 682, 441]}, "r"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[60, 0, 636, 441]}, "s"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[78, -15, 584, 441]}, "t"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[167, -15, 561, 561]}, "u"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[101, -15, 572, 426]}, "v"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[90, -10, 681, 426]}, "w"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[76, -10, 695, 426]}, "x"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 655, 426]}, "y"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-4, -157, 683, 426]}, "z"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[99, 0, 593, 426]}, "{"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[233, -108, 569, 622]}, "|"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[222, -250, 485, 750]}, "}"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[140, -108, 477, 622]}, "~"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[116, 197, 600, 320]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[225, -157, 445, 430]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[151, -49, 588, 614]}, "£"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[124, -21, 621, 611]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[84, -57, 646, 665]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[120, 0, 693, 562]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-26, -143, 671, 622]}, "§"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[104, -78, 590, 580]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[94, 58, 628, 506]}, "©"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[345, 328, 460, 562]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[262, 328, 541, 562]}, "«"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[92, 70, 652, 446]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[204, 70, 540, 446]}, "­"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[170, 70, 506, 446]}, "®"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 619, 629]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 619, 629]}, "±"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[124, 231, 586, 285]}, "²"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[217, -78, 546, 580]}, "³"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[163, -78, 546, 580]}, "´"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[275, 189, 434, 327]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[100, -78, 630, 562]}, "·"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[224, 130, 485, 383]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[185, -134, 397, 100]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[115, -134, 478, 100]}, "º"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[213, 328, 576, 562]}, "»"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[58, 70, 618, 446]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[46, -15, 575, 111]}, "½"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[59, -15, 627, 622]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[105, -157, 466, 430]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[294, 497, 484, 672]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[348, 497, 612, 672]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[229, 477, 581, 654]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[212, 489, 629, 606]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[232, 525, 600, 565]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[279, 501, 576, 609]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[373, 537, 478, 640]}, "È"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[272, 537, 579, 640]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[332, 463, 500, 627]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[197, -151, 344, 10]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[239, 497, 683, 672]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[189, -172, 377, 4]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[262, 492, 614, 669]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[49, 231, 661, 285]}, "á"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[3, 0, 655, 562]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[209, 249, 512, 580]}, "è"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, 0, 607, 562]}, "é"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[94, -80, 625, 629]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[59, 0, 672, 562]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[210, 249, 535, 580]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[41, -15, 626, 441]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 515, 426]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[95, 0, 587, 629]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[102, -80, 588, 506]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[54, -15, 615, 441]}, "û"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[48, -15, 617, 629]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} courier_boldoblique_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[215, -15, 495, 572]}, "\""=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[211, 277, 585, 562]}, "#"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[88, -45, 641, 651]}, "$"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[87, -126, 630, 666]}, "%"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[101, -15, 625, 616]}, "&"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[61, -15, 595, 543]}, "'"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[229, 277, 543, 562]}, "("=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[265, -102, 592, 616]}, ")"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[117, -102, 444, 616]}, "*"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[179, 219, 598, 601]}, "+"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[114, 39, 596, 478]}, ","=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[99, -111, 430, 174]}, "-"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[143, 203, 567, 313]}, "."=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[206, -15, 427, 171]}, "/"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[90, -77, 626, 626]}, "0"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[135, -15, 593, 616]}, "1"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[93, 0, 562, 616]}, "2"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[61, 0, 594, 616]}, "3"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[71, -15, 571, 616]}, "4"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 559, 616]}, "5"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, -15, 621, 601]}, "6"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[135, -15, 652, 616]}, "7"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[147, 0, 622, 601]}, "8"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[115, -15, 604, 616]}, "9"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[75, -15, 592, 616]}, ":"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[205, -15, 480, 425]}, ";"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[99, -111, 481, 425]}, "<"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[120, 15, 613, 501]}, "="=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[96, 118, 614, 398]}, ">"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[97, 15, 589, 501]}, "?"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[183, -14, 592, 580]}, "@"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[65, -15, 642, 616]}, "A"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-9, 0, 632, 562]}, "B"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[30, 0, 630, 562]}, "C"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[74, -18, 675, 580]}, "D"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[30, 0, 664, 562]}, "E"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[25, 0, 670, 562]}, "F"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[39, 0, 684, 562]}, "G"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[74, -18, 675, 580]}, "H"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 700, 562]}, "I"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 643, 562]}, "J"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[58, -18, 721, 562]}, "K"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[21, 0, 692, 562]}, "L"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[39, 0, 636, 562]}, "M"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-2, 0, 722, 562]}, "N"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[8, -12, 730, 562]}, "O"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[74, -18, 645, 580]}, "P"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[48, 0, 643, 562]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[83, -138, 636, 580]}, "R"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[24, 0, 617, 562]}, "S"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[54, -22, 673, 582]}, "T"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[86, 0, 679, 562]}, "U"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[101, -18, 716, 562]}, "V"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[84, 0, 733, 562]}, "W"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[79, 0, 738, 562]}, "X"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 690, 562]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[109, 0, 709, 562]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[62, 0, 637, 562]}, "["=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[223, -102, 606, 616]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[222, -77, 496, 626]}, "]"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[103, -102, 486, 616]}, "^"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[171, 250, 556, 616]}, "_"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-27, -125, 585, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[297, 277, 487, 562]}, "a"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[61, -15, 593, 454]}, "b"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[13, -15, 636, 626]}, "c"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[81, -15, 631, 459]}, "d"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[60, -15, 645, 626]}, "e"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[81, -15, 605, 454]}, "f"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[83, 0, 677, 626]}, "g"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[40, -146, 674, 454]}, "h"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[18, 0, 615, 626]}, "i"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 546, 658]}, "j"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[36, -146, 580, 658]}, "k"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[33, 0, 643, 626]}, "l"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 546, 626]}, "m"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-22, 0, 649, 454]}, "n"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[18, 0, 615, 454]}, "o"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[71, -15, 622, 454]}, "p"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-32, -142, 622, 454]}, "q"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[60, -142, 685, 454]}, "r"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[47, 0, 655, 454]}, "s"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[66, -17, 608, 459]}, "t"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[118, -15, 567, 562]}, "u"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[70, -15, 592, 439]}, "v"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[70, 0, 695, 439]}, "w"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[53, 0, 712, 439]}, "x"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[6, 0, 671, 439]}, "y"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-21, -142, 695, 439]}, "z"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[81, 0, 614, 439]}, "{"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[203, -102, 595, 616]}, "|"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[201, -250, 505, 750]}, "}"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[114, -102, 506, 616]}, "~"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[120, 153, 590, 356]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[196, -146, 477, 449]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[121, -49, 605, 614]}, "£"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[106, -28, 650, 611]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[22, -60, 708, 661]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[98, 0, 710, 562]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-57, -131, 702, 616]}, "§"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[74, -70, 620, 580]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 49, 644, 517]}, "©"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[303, 277, 493, 562]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[190, 277, 594, 562]}, "«"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[62, 70, 639, 446]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[195, 70, 545, 446]}, "­"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[165, 70, 514, 446]}, "®"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 644, 626]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[12, 0, 644, 626]}, "±"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[108, 203, 602, 313]}, "²"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[175, -70, 586, 580]}, "³"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[121, -70, 587, 580]}, "´"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[248, 165, 461, 351]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[61, -70, 700, 580]}, "·"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[196, 132, 523, 430]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[144, -142, 458, 143]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[34, -142, 560, 143]}, "º"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[119, 277, 645, 562]}, "»"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[71, 70, 647, 446]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[35, -15, 587, 116]}, "½"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-45, -15, 743, 616]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[100, -146, 509, 449]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[272, 508, 503, 661]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[312, 508, 609, 661]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[212, 483, 607, 657]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[199, 493, 643, 636]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[195, 505, 637, 585]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[217, 468, 652, 631]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[348, 498, 493, 638]}, "È"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[246, 498, 595, 638]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[319, 481, 528, 678]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[168, -206, 368, 0]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[171, 488, 729, 661]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[143, -199, 367, 0]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[238, 493, 633, 667]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[33, 203, 677, 313]}, "á"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[-29, 0, 708, 562]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[188, 196, 526, 580]}, "è"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[39, 0, 636, 562]}, "é"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[48, -22, 673, 584]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 701, 562]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[188, 196, 543, 580]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[21, -15, 652, 454]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 546, 439]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[77, 0, 587, 626]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[54, -24, 638, 463]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[18, -15, 662, 454]}, "û"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[22, -15, 629, 626]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>600, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}} symbol_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[128, -17, 240, 672]}, "\""=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[31, 0, 681, 705]}, "#"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[20, -16, 481, 673]}, "$"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[25, 0, 478, 707]}, "%"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[63, -36, 771, 655]}, "&"=>{:wx=>778, :boundingbox=>[41, -18, 750, 661]}, "'"=>{:wx=>439, :boundingbox=>[48, -17, 414, 500]}, "("=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[53, -191, 300, 673]}, ")"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[30, -191, 277, 673]}, "*"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[65, 134, 427, 551]}, "+"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[10, 0, 539, 533]}, ","=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[56, -152, 194, 104]}, "-"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[11, 233, 535, 288]}, "."=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[69, -17, 181, 95]}, "/"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[0, -18, 254, 646]}, "0"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[24, -14, 476, 685]}, "1"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[117, 0, 390, 673]}, "2"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[25, 0, 475, 685]}, "3"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[43, -14, 435, 685]}, "4"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[15, 0, 469, 685]}, "5"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[32, -14, 445, 690]}, "6"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 468, 685]}, "7"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[24, -16, 448, 673]}, "8"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[56, -14, 445, 685]}, "9"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[30, -18, 459, 685]}, ":"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[81, -17, 193, 460]}, ";"=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[83, -152, 221, 460]}, "<"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 523, 522]}, "="=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[11, 141, 537, 390]}, ">"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 523, 522]}, "?"=>{:wx=>444, :boundingbox=>[70, -17, 412, 686]}, "@"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[11, 0, 537, 475]}, "A"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[4, 0, 684, 673]}, "B"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[29, 0, 592, 673]}, "C"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[-9, 0, 704, 673]}, "D"=>{:wx=>612, :boundingbox=>[6, 0, 608, 688]}, "E"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[32, 0, 617, 673]}, "F"=>{:wx=>763, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 741, 673]}, "G"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[24, 0, 609, 673]}, "H"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[39, 0, 729, 673]}, "I"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[32, 0, 316, 673]}, "J"=>{:wx=>631, :boundingbox=>[18, -18, 623, 689]}, "K"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 722, 673]}, "L"=>{:wx=>686, :boundingbox=>[6, 0, 680, 688]}, "M"=>{:wx=>889, :boundingbox=>[28, 0, 887, 673]}, "N"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[29, -8, 720, 673]}, "O"=>{:wx=>722, :boundingbox=>[41, -17, 715, 685]}, "P"=>{:wx=>768, :boundingbox=>[25, 0, 745, 673]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>741, :boundingbox=>[41, -17, 715, 685]}, "R"=>{:wx=>556, :boundingbox=>[28, 0, 563, 673]}, "S"=>{:wx=>592, :boundingbox=>[5, 0, 589, 673]}, "T"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[33, 0, 607, 673]}, "U"=>{:wx=>690, :boundingbox=>[-8, 0, 694, 673]}, "V"=>{:wx=>439, :boundingbox=>[40, -233, 436, 500]}, "W"=>{:wx=>768, :boundingbox=>[34, 0, 736, 688]}, "X"=>{:wx=>645, :boundingbox=>[40, 0, 599, 673]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>795, :boundingbox=>[15, 0, 781, 684]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>611, :boundingbox=>[44, 0, 636, 673]}, "["=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[86, -155, 299, 674]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>863, :boundingbox=>[163, 0, 701, 487]}, "]"=>{:wx=>333, :boundingbox=>[33, -155, 246, 674]}, "^"=>{:wx=>658, :boundingbox=>[15, 0, 652, 674]}, "_"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[-2, -125, 502, -75]}, "`"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[480, 881, 1090, 917]}, "a"=>{:wx=>631, :boundingbox=>[41, -18, 622, 500]}, "b"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[61, -223, 515, 741]}, "c"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[12, -231, 522, 499]}, "d"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[40, -19, 481, 740]}, "e"=>{:wx=>439, :boundingbox=>[22, -19, 427, 502]}, "f"=>{:wx=>521, :boundingbox=>[28, -224, 492, 673]}, "g"=>{:wx=>411, :boundingbox=>[5, -225, 484, 499]}, "h"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[0, -202, 527, 514]}, "i"=>{:wx=>329, :boundingbox=>[0, -17, 301, 503]}, "j"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[36, -224, 587, 499]}, "k"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[33, 0, 558, 501]}, "l"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[24, -17, 548, 739]}, "m"=>{:wx=>576, :boundingbox=>[33, -223, 567, 500]}, "n"=>{:wx=>521, :boundingbox=>[-9, -16, 475, 507]}, "o"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[35, -19, 501, 499]}, "p"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[10, -19, 530, 487]}, "q"=>{:wx=>521, :boundingbox=>[43, -17, 485, 690]}, "r"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[50, -230, 490, 499]}, "s"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[30, -21, 588, 500]}, "t"=>{:wx=>439, :boundingbox=>[10, -19, 418, 500]}, "u"=>{:wx=>576, :boundingbox=>[7, -18, 535, 507]}, "v"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[12, -18, 671, 583]}, "w"=>{:wx=>686, :boundingbox=>[42, -17, 684, 500]}, "x"=>{:wx=>493, :boundingbox=>[27, -224, 469, 766]}, "y"=>{:wx=>686, :boundingbox=>[12, -228, 701, 500]}, "z"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[60, -225, 467, 756]}, "{"=>{:wx=>480, :boundingbox=>[58, -183, 397, 673]}, "|"=>{:wx=>200, :boundingbox=>[65, -293, 135, 707]}, "}"=>{:wx=>480, :boundingbox=>[79, -183, 418, 673]}, "~"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[17, 203, 529, 307]}, " "=>{:wx=>750, :boundingbox=>[20, -12, 714, 685]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>620, :boundingbox=>[-2, 0, 610, 685]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>247, :boundingbox=>[27, 459, 228, 735]}, "£"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[29, 0, 526, 639]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>167, :boundingbox=>[-180, -12, 340, 677]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[26, 124, 688, 404]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>500, :boundingbox=>[2, -193, 494, 686]}, "§"=>{:wx=>753, :boundingbox=>[86, -26, 660, 533]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>753, :boundingbox=>[142, -36, 600, 550]}, "©"=>{:wx=>753, :boundingbox=>[117, -33, 631, 532]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>753, :boundingbox=>[113, -36, 629, 548]}, "«"=>{:wx=>1042, :boundingbox=>[24, -15, 1024, 511]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>987, :boundingbox=>[32, -15, 942, 511]}, "­"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[45, 0, 571, 910]}, "®"=>{:wx=>987, :boundingbox=>[49, -15, 959, 511]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[45, -22, 571, 888]}, "°"=>{:wx=>400, :boundingbox=>[50, 385, 350, 685]}, "±"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[10, 0, 539, 645]}, "²"=>{:wx=>411, :boundingbox=>[20, 459, 413, 737]}, "³"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[29, 0, 526, 639]}, "´"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[17, 8, 533, 524]}, "µ"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[27, 123, 639, 404]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[26, -20, 462, 746]}, "·"=>{:wx=>460, :boundingbox=>[50, 113, 410, 473]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[10, 71, 536, 456]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[15, -25, 540, 549]}, "º"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[14, 82, 538, 443]}, "»"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[14, 135, 527, 394]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[111, -17, 889, 95]}, "½"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[280, -120, 336, 1010]}, "¾"=>{:wx=>1000, :boundingbox=>[-60, 220, 1050, 276]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>658, :boundingbox=>[15, -16, 602, 629]}, "À"=>{:wx=>823, :boundingbox=>[175, -18, 661, 658]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>686, :boundingbox=>[10, -53, 578, 740]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>795, :boundingbox=>[26, -15, 759, 734]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>987, :boundingbox=>[159, -211, 870, 573]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>768, :boundingbox=>[43, -17, 733, 673]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>768, :boundingbox=>[43, -15, 733, 675]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>823, :boundingbox=>[39, -24, 781, 719]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>768, :boundingbox=>[40, 0, 732, 509]}, "È"=>{:wx=>768, :boundingbox=>[40, -17, 732, 492]}, "É"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[20, 0, 673, 470]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[20, -125, 673, 470]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[36, -70, 690, 540]}, "Ì"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[37, 0, 690, 470]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[37, -125, 690, 470]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[45, 0, 505, 468]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[45, -58, 505, 555]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>768, :boundingbox=>[26, 0, 738, 673]}, "Ñ"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[36, -19, 681, 718]}, "Ò"=>{:wx=>790, :boundingbox=>[50, -17, 740, 673]}, "Ó"=>{:wx=>790, :boundingbox=>[51, -15, 741, 675]}, "Ô"=>{:wx=>890, :boundingbox=>[18, 293, 855, 673]}, "Õ"=>{:wx=>823, :boundingbox=>[25, -101, 803, 751]}, "Ö"=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[10, -38, 515, 917]}, "×"=>{:wx=>250, :boundingbox=>[69, 210, 169, 310]}, "Ø"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[15, 0, 680, 288]}, "Ù"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[23, 0, 583, 454]}, "Ú"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[30, 0, 578, 477]}, "Û"=>{:wx=>1042, :boundingbox=>[27, -20, 1023, 510]}, "Ü"=>{:wx=>987, :boundingbox=>[30, -15, 939, 513]}, "Ý"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[39, 2, 567, 911]}, "Þ"=>{:wx=>987, :boundingbox=>[45, -20, 954, 508]}, "ß"=>{:wx=>603, :boundingbox=>[44, -19, 572, 890]}, "à"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[18, 0, 466, 745]}, "á"=>{:wx=>329, :boundingbox=>[25, -198, 306, 746]}, "â"=>{:wx=>790, :boundingbox=>[50, -20, 740, 670]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>790, :boundingbox=>[49, -15, 739, 675]}, "ä"=>{:wx=>786, :boundingbox=>[5, 293, 725, 673]}, "å"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[14, -108, 695, 752]}, "æ"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[24, -293, 436, 926]}, "ç"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[24, -85, 108, 925]}, "è"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[24, -293, 436, 926]}, "é"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[0, -80, 349, 926]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[0, -79, 77, 925]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[0, -80, 349, 926]}, "ì"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[209, -85, 445, 925]}, "í"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[20, -85, 284, 935]}, "î"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[209, -75, 445, 935]}, "ï"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[209, -85, 284, 935]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>329, :boundingbox=>[21, -198, 302, 746]}, "ò"=>{:wx=>274, :boundingbox=>[2, -107, 291, 916]}, "ó"=>{:wx=>686, :boundingbox=>[308, -88, 675, 920]}, "ô"=>{:wx=>686, :boundingbox=>[308, -88, 378, 975]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>686, :boundingbox=>[11, -87, 378, 921]}, "ö"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[54, -293, 466, 926]}, "÷"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[382, -85, 466, 925]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[54, -293, 466, 926]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[22, -80, 371, 926]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[294, -79, 371, 925]}, "û"=>{:wx=>384, :boundingbox=>[22, -80, 371, 926]}, "ü"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[48, -85, 284, 925]}, "ý"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[209, -85, 473, 935]}, "þ"=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[48, -75, 284, 935]}, "\xFF"=>{:wx=>790, :boundingbox=>[56, -3, 733, 808]}} zapfdingbats_metrics = {" "=>{:wx=>278, :boundingbox=>[0, 0, 0, 0]}, "!"=>{:wx=>974, :boundingbox=>[35, 72, 939, 621]}, "\""=>{:wx=>961, :boundingbox=>[35, 81, 927, 611]}, "#"=>{:wx=>974, :boundingbox=>[35, 72, 939, 621]}, "$"=>{:wx=>980, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 945, 692]}, "%"=>{:wx=>719, :boundingbox=>[34, 139, 685, 566]}, "&"=>{:wx=>789, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 755, 705]}, "'"=>{:wx=>790, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 755, 705]}, "("=>{:wx=>791, :boundingbox=>[35, -13, 761, 705]}, ")"=>{:wx=>690, :boundingbox=>[34, 138, 655, 553]}, "*"=>{:wx=>960, :boundingbox=>[35, 123, 925, 568]}, "+"=>{:wx=>939, :boundingbox=>[35, 134, 904, 559]}, ","=>{:wx=>549, :boundingbox=>[29, -11, 516, 705]}, "-"=>{:wx=>855, :boundingbox=>[34, 59, 820, 632]}, "."=>{:wx=>911, :boundingbox=>[35, 50, 876, 642]}, "/"=>{:wx=>933, :boundingbox=>[35, 139, 899, 550]}, "0"=>{:wx=>911, :boundingbox=>[35, 50, 876, 642]}, "1"=>{:wx=>945, :boundingbox=>[35, 139, 909, 553]}, "2"=>{:wx=>974, :boundingbox=>[35, 104, 938, 587]}, "3"=>{:wx=>755, :boundingbox=>[34, -13, 721, 705]}, "4"=>{:wx=>846, :boundingbox=>[36, -14, 811, 705]}, "5"=>{:wx=>762, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 727, 692]}, "6"=>{:wx=>761, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 727, 692]}, "7"=>{:wx=>571, :boundingbox=>[-1, -68, 571, 661]}, "8"=>{:wx=>677, :boundingbox=>[36, -13, 642, 705]}, "9"=>{:wx=>763, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 728, 692]}, ":"=>{:wx=>760, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 726, 692]}, ";"=>{:wx=>759, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 725, 692]}, "<"=>{:wx=>754, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 720, 692]}, "="=>{:wx=>494, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 460, 692]}, ">"=>{:wx=>552, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 517, 692]}, "?"=>{:wx=>537, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 503, 692]}, "@"=>{:wx=>577, :boundingbox=>[35, 96, 542, 596]}, "A"=>{:wx=>692, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 657, 705]}, "B"=>{:wx=>786, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 751, 705]}, "C"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 752, 705]}, "D"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 753, 705]}, "E"=>{:wx=>790, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 756, 705]}, "F"=>{:wx=>793, :boundingbox=>[35, -13, 759, 705]}, "G"=>{:wx=>794, :boundingbox=>[35, -13, 759, 705]}, "H"=>{:wx=>816, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 782, 705]}, "I"=>{:wx=>823, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 787, 705]}, "J"=>{:wx=>789, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "K"=>{:wx=>841, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 807, 705]}, "L"=>{:wx=>823, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 789, 705]}, "M"=>{:wx=>833, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 798, 705]}, "N"=>{:wx=>816, :boundingbox=>[35, -13, 782, 705]}, "O"=>{:wx=>831, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 796, 705]}, "P"=>{:wx=>923, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 888, 705]}, "Q"=>{:wx=>744, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 710, 692]}, "R"=>{:wx=>723, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 688, 692]}, "S"=>{:wx=>749, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 714, 692]}, "T"=>{:wx=>790, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 756, 705]}, "U"=>{:wx=>792, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 758, 705]}, "V"=>{:wx=>695, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 661, 706]}, "W"=>{:wx=>776, :boundingbox=>[35, -6, 741, 699]}, "X"=>{:wx=>768, :boundingbox=>[35, -7, 734, 699]}, "Y"=>{:wx=>792, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 757, 705]}, "Z"=>{:wx=>759, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 725, 692]}, "["=>{:wx=>707, :boundingbox=>[35, -13, 672, 704]}, "\\"=>{:wx=>708, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 672, 705]}, "]"=>{:wx=>682, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 647, 705]}, "^"=>{:wx=>701, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 666, 705]}, "_"=>{:wx=>826, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 791, 705]}, "`"=>{:wx=>815, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 780, 705]}, "a"=>{:wx=>789, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "b"=>{:wx=>789, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "c"=>{:wx=>707, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 673, 705]}, "d"=>{:wx=>687, :boundingbox=>[36, 0, 651, 692]}, "e"=>{:wx=>696, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 661, 691]}, "f"=>{:wx=>689, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 655, 692]}, "g"=>{:wx=>786, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 751, 705]}, "h"=>{:wx=>787, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 752, 705]}, "i"=>{:wx=>713, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 678, 705]}, "j"=>{:wx=>791, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 756, 705]}, "k"=>{:wx=>785, :boundingbox=>[36, -14, 751, 705]}, "l"=>{:wx=>791, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 757, 705]}, "m"=>{:wx=>873, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 838, 705]}, "n"=>{:wx=>761, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 726, 692]}, "o"=>{:wx=>762, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 727, 692]}, "p"=>{:wx=>762, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 727, 692]}, "q"=>{:wx=>759, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 725, 692]}, "r"=>{:wx=>759, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 725, 692]}, "s"=>{:wx=>892, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 858, 705]}, "t"=>{:wx=>892, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 858, 692]}, "u"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "v"=>{:wx=>784, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 749, 705]}, "w"=>{:wx=>438, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 403, 705]}, "x"=>{:wx=>138, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 104, 692]}, "y"=>{:wx=>277, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 242, 692]}, "z"=>{:wx=>415, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 380, 692]}, "{"=>{:wx=>392, :boundingbox=>[35, 263, 357, 705]}, "|"=>{:wx=>392, :boundingbox=>[34, 263, 357, 705]}, "}"=>{:wx=>668, :boundingbox=>[35, 263, 633, 705]}, "~"=>{:wx=>668, :boundingbox=>[36, 263, 634, 705]}, "\u0080"=>{:wx=>390, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 356, 705]}, "\u0081"=>{:wx=>390, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 355, 705]}, "\u0082"=>{:wx=>317, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 283, 692]}, "\u0083"=>{:wx=>317, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 283, 692]}, "\u0084"=>{:wx=>276, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 242, 692]}, "…"=>{:wx=>276, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 242, 692]}, "\u0086"=>{:wx=>509, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 475, 692]}, "\u0087"=>{:wx=>509, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 475, 692]}, "\u0088"=>{:wx=>410, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 375, 692]}, "\u0089"=>{:wx=>410, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 375, 692]}, "\u008A"=>{:wx=>234, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 199, 705]}, "\u008B"=>{:wx=>234, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 199, 705]}, "\u008C"=>{:wx=>334, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 299, 692]}, "\u008D"=>{:wx=>334, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 299, 692]}, "¡"=>{:wx=>732, :boundingbox=>[35, -143, 697, 806]}, "¢"=>{:wx=>544, :boundingbox=>[56, -14, 488, 706]}, "£"=>{:wx=>544, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 508, 705]}, "¤"=>{:wx=>910, :boundingbox=>[35, 40, 875, 651]}, "¥"=>{:wx=>667, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 633, 705]}, "¦"=>{:wx=>760, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 726, 705]}, "§"=>{:wx=>760, :boundingbox=>[0, 121, 758, 569]}, "¨"=>{:wx=>776, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 741, 705]}, "©"=>{:wx=>595, :boundingbox=>[34, -14, 560, 705]}, "ª"=>{:wx=>694, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 659, 705]}, "«"=>{:wx=>626, :boundingbox=>[34, 0, 591, 705]}, "¬"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "­"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "®"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "¯"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "°"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "±"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "²"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "³"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "´"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "µ"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "¶"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "·"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "¸"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "¹"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "º"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "»"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "¼"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "½"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "¾"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "¿"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "À"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Á"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Â"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ã"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ä"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Å"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Æ"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ç"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "È"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "É"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ê"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ë"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ì"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Í"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Î"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ï"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ð"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ñ"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ò"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ó"=>{:wx=>788, :boundingbox=>[35, -14, 754, 705]}, "Ô"=>{:wx=>894, :boundingbox=>[35, 58, 860, 634]}, "Õ"=>{:wx=>838, :boundingbox=>[35, 152, 803, 540]}, "Ö"=>{:wx=>1016, :boundingbox=>[34, 152, 981, 540]}, "×"=>{:wx=>458, :boundingbox=>[35, -127, 422, 820]}, "Ø"=>{:wx=>748, :boundingbox=>[35, 94, 698, 597]}, "Ù"=>{:wx=>924, :boundingbox=>[35, 140, 890, 552]}, "Ú"=>{:wx=>748, :boundingbox=>[35, 94, 698, 597]}, "Û"=>{:wx=>918, :boundingbox=>[35, 166, 884, 526]}, "Ü"=>{:wx=>927, :boundingbox=>[35, 32, 892, 660]}, "Ý"=>{:wx=>928, :boundingbox=>[35, 129, 891, 562]}, "Þ"=>{:wx=>928, :boundingbox=>[35, 128, 893, 563]}, "ß"=>{:wx=>834, :boundingbox=>[35, 155, 799, 537]}, "à"=>{:wx=>873, :boundingbox=>[35, 93, 838, 599]}, "á"=>{:wx=>828, :boundingbox=>[35, 104, 791, 588]}, "â"=>{:wx=>924, :boundingbox=>[35, 98, 889, 594]}, "ã"=>{:wx=>924, :boundingbox=>[35, 98, 889, 594]}, "ä"=>{:wx=>917, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 882, 692]}, "å"=>{:wx=>930, :boundingbox=>[35, 84, 896, 608]}, "æ"=>{:wx=>931, :boundingbox=>[35, 84, 896, 608]}, "ç"=>{:wx=>463, :boundingbox=>[35, -99, 429, 791]}, "è"=>{:wx=>883, :boundingbox=>[35, 71, 848, 623]}, "é"=>{:wx=>836, :boundingbox=>[35, 44, 802, 648]}, "ê"=>{:wx=>836, :boundingbox=>[35, 44, 802, 648]}, "ë"=>{:wx=>867, :boundingbox=>[35, 101, 832, 591]}, "ì"=>{:wx=>867, :boundingbox=>[35, 101, 832, 591]}, "í"=>{:wx=>696, :boundingbox=>[35, 44, 661, 648]}, "î"=>{:wx=>696, :boundingbox=>[35, 44, 661, 648]}, "ï"=>{:wx=>874, :boundingbox=>[35, 77, 840, 619]}, "ñ"=>{:wx=>874, :boundingbox=>[35, 73, 840, 615]}, "ò"=>{:wx=>760, :boundingbox=>[35, 0, 725, 692]}, "ó"=>{:wx=>946, :boundingbox=>[35, 160, 911, 533]}, "ô"=>{:wx=>771, :boundingbox=>[34, 37, 736, 655]}, "õ"=>{:wx=>865, :boundingbox=>[35, 207, 830, 481]}, "ö"=>{:wx=>771, :boundingbox=>[34, 37, 736, 655]}, "÷"=>{:wx=>888, :boundingbox=>[34, -19, 853, 712]}, "ø"=>{:wx=>967, :boundingbox=>[35, 124, 932, 568]}, "ù"=>{:wx=>888, :boundingbox=>[34, -19, 853, 712]}, "ú"=>{:wx=>831, :boundingbox=>[35, 113, 796, 579]}, "û"=>{:wx=>873, :boundingbox=>[36, 118, 838, 578]}, "ü"=>{:wx=>927, :boundingbox=>[35, 150, 891, 542]}, "ý"=>{:wx=>970, :boundingbox=>[35, 76, 931, 616]}, "þ"=>{:wx=>918, :boundingbox=>[34, 99, 884, 593]}} # make two correlating arrays (indexes reffer to the same data), one for font names and the other for the fonts matrics. fonts_metrics_array = [ times_metrics, times_bold_metrics, times_italic_metrics, times_bolditalic_metrics, helvetica_metrics, helvetica_bold_metrics, helvetica_oblique_metrics, helvetica_oblique_metrics, courier_metrics, courier_bold_metrics, courier_oblique_metrics, courier_boldoblique_metrics, symbol_metrics, zapfdingbats_metrics] fonts_names_array = [:"Times-Roman", :"Times-Bold", :"Times-Italic", :"Times-BoldItalic", :Helvetica, :"Helvetica-Bold", :"Helvetica-BoldOblique", :"Helvetica-Oblique", :Courier, :"Courier-Bold", :"Courier-Oblique", :"Courier-BoldOblique", :Symbol, :ZapfDingbats ] # create the font object and register the font for each one of the 14 fonts fonts_names_array.each_index do |i| CombinePDF::Fonts.register_font fonts_names_array[i], fonts_metrics_array[i], { Type: :Font, Subtype: :Type1, BaseFont: fonts_names_array[i]} end end # Register a font that already exists in a pdf object into the font library. # DOESN'T WORK YET!!! def register_font_from_pdf_object font_name, font_object # FIXME: # - add stream deflation for the CMap file. # - add :Encoding CMaps (such as :WinAnsiEncoding etc`) # - the ToUnicode CMap parsing assumes 8 Bytes <0F0F> while 16 Bytes and multiple unicode chars are also possible. # first, create cmap, as it will be used to correctly create the widths directory. # find the CMap from one of the two systems (TrueType vs. Type0 fonts) # at the moment doen't suppot :Encoding cmaps... cmap = {} if font_object[:ToUnicode] to_unicode = font_object[:ToUnicode] to_unicode = to_unicode[:referenced_object] if to_unicode[:is_reference_only] # deflate the cmap file stream before parsing to_unicode = PDFOperations.create_deep_copy to_unicode CombinePDF::PDFFilter.inflate_object to_unicode # parse the deflated stream cmap = self.parse_cmap to_unicode[:raw_stream_content] else warn "didn't find ToUnicode object for #{font_object}" return false end # second, create the metrics directory. metrics = {} old_widths = font_object if font_object[:DescendantFonts] old_widths = font_object[:DescendantFonts] old_widths = old_widths[:referenced_object][:indirect_without_dictionary] if old_widths[:is_reference_only] old_widths = old_widths[0][:referenced_object] avarage_bbox = [0, 0, 0, 0] # data is missing for full box metrics, just ignore end # compute the metrics values using the appropiate system (TrueType vs. Type0 fonts) cmap_inverted = {} cmap.each {|k, v| cmap_inverted[v.hex] = k} if old_widths[:W] old_widths = old_widths[:W] old_widths = old_widths[:referenced_object][:indirect_without_dictionary] if old_widths[:is_reference_only] old_widths = PDFOperations.create_deep_copy old_widths while old_widths[0] do a = old_widths.shift b = old_widths.shift if b.is_a?(Array) b.each_index {|i| metrics[ cmap_inverted[(a+i)] || (a+i) ] = {wx: b[i], boundingbox: avarage_bbox} } else c = old_widths.shift (b-a).times {|i| metrics[cmap_inverted[(a+i)] || (a+i)] = {wx: c[0], boundingbox: avarage_bbox} } end end elsif old_widths[:Widths] first_char = old_widths[:FirstChar] old_widths = old_widths[:Widths] old_widths = old_widths[:referenced_object][:indirect_without_dictionary] if old_widths[:is_reference_only] old_widths.each_index {|i| metrics[cmap_inverted[(i + first_char)] || (i + first_char)] = {wx: old_widths[i], boundingbox: avarage_bbox} } else warn "didn't find widths object for #{old_widths}" return false end # register the font and return the font object cmap = nil if cmap.empty? CombinePDF::Fonts.register_font font_name, metrics, font_object, cmap end # # register a TrueType font using the ttfunk gem # # # # NOT YET SUPPORTED - I'm still working on this one... learning about fonts as I go. # # # # name:: the name of the font - this is the name through which you can "pull" the font from the registery # # true_type_font_file:: the file name to be opened and parsed using ttfunk # # # # credit to the Prawn team and the Prawn PDF project. This code is based on their work. # # Please respect their license or don't use this. # def from_ttfunk(name, true_type_font_file) # # FIXME: PDF_object isn't formated correcly. # # missing ToUnicode? CMAP? wrong Stream content...? # # read the TTFunk file # ttfont = TTFunk::File.open true_type_font_file # #set the scaling from the font to PDF points (1000) # scale = 1000.0 / ttfont.header.units_per_em # # PDF flags, as indicated by Prawn team's code # flags = 0 # family_class = (ttfont.os2.exists? && ttfont.os2.family_class || 0) >> 8 # flags |= 0x0001 if ttfont.postscript.fixed_pitch? # flags |= 0x0002 if [1,2,3,4,5,7].include? family_class # flags |= 0x0008 if family_class == 10 # flags |= 0x0040 if ttfont.postscript.italic_angle.to_i != 0 # flags |= 0x0004 # Prawn assumes the font contains at least some non-latin characters # # get cmap # cmap = ttfont.cmap.unicode[0].code_map # # get metrics # widths = ttfont.horizontal_metrics.widths # metrics = {} # cmap.each do |k,v| # bb = ttfont.glyph_outlines.for(v) # bb = bb ? [(bb.x_min*scale).to_i, (bb.y_min*scale).to_i, (bb.x_max*scale).to_i, (bb.y_max*scale).to_i ] : [0,0,0,0] # metrics[k] = { wx: (widths[v].to_f * scale).to_i , boundingbox: bb} # end # # create PDF object # subset = TTFunk::SubsetCollection.new ttfont # cmap.each {|k,v| subset.encode([k])} # pdf_object = { :Type=>:Font, # :Subtype=>:TrueType, # :Name=>:name, # :BaseFont=> ttfont.name.postscript_name[0, 32].gsub("\0",""), # :Encoding=>:WinAnsiEncoding, # :FirstChar=>((ttfont.os2.exists? && ttfont.os2.first_char_index) ? ttfont.os2.first_char_index : 32), # :LastChar=>((ttfont.os2.exists? && ttfont.os2.last_char_index) ? ttfont.os2.last_char_index : 64335), # :Widths=>widths, # :FontDescriptor => { # is_reference_only: true, # :referenced_object => { # :Type=>:FontDescriptor, # :FontName=> ttfont.name.postscript_name[0, 32].gsub("\0",""), # :Flags=>flags, # :ItalicAngle=>ttfont.postscript.italic_angle, # :Ascent=> ttfont.ascent * scale, # :Descent=> ttfont.descent * scale, # :CapHeight=>(ttfont.os2.exists? && ttfont.os2.cap_height) ? ttfont.os2.cap_height : ttfont.ascent * scale, # :AvgWidth=>396, # :MaxWidth=> ttfont.horizontal_header.advance_width_max, #maybe? # :FontWeight=> (ttfont.os2.exists? && ttfont.os2.weight_class) ? ttfont.os2.weight_class : 400, # :XHeight=> (ttfont.os2.exists? && ttfont.os2.x_height) ? (ttfont.os2.x_height * scale).to_i: metrics["x".ord][:wx], # # :Leading=>16, # :StemV=>0, #TTFunk doesn't compute this # :FontBBox=>( ttfont.bbox.map {|i| (i*scale).to_i } ), # :FontFile2=>{ # is_reference_only: true, # referenced_object: { # :Length => ttfont.contents.length, # raw_stream_content: subset[0..-1][0].encode # } # } # } # } # } # register_font name, metrics, pdf_object, cmap # end protected # the Hash listing all the fonts. FONTS_LIBRARY = {} # this method parses a cmap file using it's data stream # FIXME: # - the ToUnicode CMap parsing assumes 8 Bytes <0F0F> while 16 Bytes and multiple unicode chars are also possible (albit very rare). def self.parse_cmap(stream = "") # FIXME: # - the ToUnicode CMap parsing assumes 8 Bytes <0F0F> while 16 Bytes and multiple unicode chars are also possible. # when 0..255 # warn "coded to char" # self.cmap[c.ord].chr # when 256..65535 # warn "coded to unicode" # [self.cmap[c.ord]].pack 'U*' # else # warn "uncoded!" # c # end cmap = {} # get the deflated stream scanner = StringScanner.new stream # parse the cmap file - first collect the relevant lines from the cmap file. do_scan = false # the parsing flag, starts as false lines_found = [] #will be filled with arrays, each array representing a line. until scanner.eos? do if do_scan while do_scan && !scanner.eos? case when scanner.scan(/[\<]?[\d\w]+[\>]?/) if scanner.matched()[0] == "<" lines_found.last << scanner.matched()[1..-2] else if scanner.matched().to_i.to_s(16).length.odd? lines_found.last << ("0" + scanner.matched().to_i.to_s(16)) else lines_found.last << scanner.matched().to_i.to_s(16) end end when scanner.scan(/\[/) #this marks an array of objects. so we create a container. lines_found << [] when scanner.scan(/\]/) #at the end of the array, we insert the array object into it's containing line. # the following is the equivelant of calling: # lines_found[-2].<<(lines_found.pop) # << is a function call in ruby, so the object on the left is computed before the object on the right. # this is why we don't use lines_found.last << lines_found.pop (which might work if << was an operator). array_parsed = lines_found.pop lines_found.last << array_parsed when scanner.scan(/[\n\r]+/) lines_found << [] when scanner.scan(/endbfrange|endbfchar/) # remove the last line added, as it won't be used, and set stop signal lines_found.pop do_scan = false else scanner.pos += 1 end end else if scanner.scan_until(/beginbfrange|beginbfchar/) #set the start signal, a new array (line) will be created once the \n is parsed and before any numbers do_scan = true else scanner.terminate end end end # parse the cmap file - next, parse each line and set cmap data. lines_found.each do |line| case line.length when 2 cmap["%c" % line[1].hex] = line[0] #FixMe? for now limit to 8 Byte data when 3 if line[2].is_a?(Array) format = "%0#{line[0].length}x" i = line[0].hex last_char = line[1].hex j = 0 while i <= last_char do cmap["%c" % line[2][j].hex] = format % i #FixMe? for now limit to 8 Byte data j += 1 i += 1 end else format = "%0#{line[0].length}x" i = line[0].hex last_char = line[1].hex j = 0 while i <= last_char do cmap["%c" % (line[2].hex + j)] = format % i #FixMe? for now limit to 8 Byte data j += 1 i += 1 end end end end warn "CMap is empty even after parsing!\nthese were the lines found: #{lines_found}\nfrom: #{scanner.string}" if cmap.empty? cmap end end end