module PandaPal class LtiJwtValidator attr_reader :errors def initialize(jwt, client_id) @jwt = jwt @client_id = client_id @errors = [] end def valid? verify_audience(@jwt) verify_sub(@jwt) verify_nonce(@jwt) verify_issued_at(@jwt) verify_expiration(@jwt) errors.empty? end private def verify_audience(jwt) aud = jwt[:aud] aud_array = [*aud] errors << 'Audience must be a string or Array of strings.' unless aud_array.all? { |a| a.is_a? String } if jwt.key? :azp verify_azp(aud, jwt[:azp]) else errors << 'Audience not found' unless public_key_matches_one_of_client_ids(aud) end end def verify_azp(aud, azp) errors << 'Audience does not contain/match Authorized Party' unless azp_in_aud(aud, azp) errors << 'Audience does not match Platform client_id' unless public_key_matches_one_of_client_ids(aud) end def verify_sub(jwt) errors << 'Subject not present' if jwt[:sub].blank? end def verify_issued_at(jwt) lower_bound = issued_at_lower_bound errors << "Issued at of #{jwt[:iat]} not between #{lower_bound.to_i} and #{}" unless jwt[:iat] ).between?( lower_bound, ) end def verify_expiration(jwt) now = errors << "Expiration time of #{jwt[:exp]} before #{now.to_i}" unless[:exp]) > end def verify_nonce(jwt) unless jwt[:nonce].present? errors << 'Nonce not present' return end now = nonce_used = Rails.cache.fetch("panda_pal/launch_nonces/#{jwt[:nonce]}", expires_in: jwt[:exp] - now) do now end if nonce_used != now errors << 'Nonce has been used already' end end def azp_in_aud(aud, azp) if aud.is_a? Array aud.include? azp else aud == azp end end def issued_at_lower_bound ENV.key?('issued_at_minutes_ago') ? ENV['issued_at_minutes_ago'].minutes.ago : 10.minutes.ago end def public_key_matches_one_of_client_ids(aud) (Array(aud) & Array(@client_id)).any? end end end