
Interface Summary
Expression.Sorter Sort class for potential multi dimensional sorting of the expression.

Class Summary
Expression Abstract base class for all expression evaluators.
ExpressionBuilder Builder class for construction Expression objects used to evaluate expressions per document.
ExpressionBuilder.EmptyExpression Empty Expression, which is evaluated if the input string was empty.
ExpressionBuilder.IntValueExpression Expression which evaluates to numeric constant.
FieldExpression Expression which evalutes to the content of a field.
FieldGenerator Class contains information about new fields we are going to generate for the current search request.
GenericScorer Scorer for CUSTOM sorting algorithm, which uses expression evaluation for multidimensional sorting.
LocalSearchService A search service implementation when running appengine on a local machine.
MatchScorer A scorer that returns a score based on term frequency divided by document frequency.
MatchScorer.Result Result class for MatchScorer.
NumericDefaultExpression Numeric expression which evaluates to default value if the child expression cannot be evaluated.
Scorer Abstract scorer class.
Scorer.Result Abstract scorer result.
Scorer.SearchResults Simple container class for result list and totalHits value.
SimpleScorer Scorer which orders documents using lucene build in Sort functionality.
SnippetExpression Expression which generates snippets from specified document.
SnippetExpressionQueryParser The class does parsing of query extracted all tokens from the query.

Exception Summary
EvaluationException Exception thrown from Expression.eval() method if expression cannot be evaluated.