#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = PropertySet.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'taskjuggler/AttributeDefinition' require 'taskjuggler/PropertyTreeNode' class TaskJuggler # A PropertySet is a collection of properties of the same kind. Properties can # be Task, Resources, Scenario, Shift or Accounts objects. All properties of # the same kind belong to the same PropertySet. A property may only belong to # one PropertySet in the Project. The PropertySet holds the definitions for # the attributes. All Properties of the set will have a set of these # attributes. class PropertySet attr_reader :project, :flatNamespace, :attributeDefinitions def initialize(project, flatNamespace) if $DEBUG && project.nil? raise "project parameter may not be NIL" end # Indicates whether the namespace of this PropertySet is flat or not. In a # flat namespace all property IDs must be unique. Otherwise only the IDs # within a group of siblings must be unique. The full ID of the Property # is then composed of the siblings ID prefixed by the parent ID. ID fields # are separated by dots. @flatNamespace = flatNamespace # The main Project data structure reference. @project = project # A list of all PropertyTreeNodes in this set. @properties = Array.new # A hash of all PropertyTreeNodes in this set, hashed by their ID. This is # the same data as in @properties, but hashed by ID for faster access. @propertyMap = Hash.new # This is the blueprint for PropertyTreeNode attribute sets. Whever a new # PropertTreeNode is created, an attribute is created for each definition # in this list. @attributeDefinitions = Hash.new [ [ 'id', 'ID', StringAttribute, false, false, false, '' ], [ 'name', 'Name', StringAttribute, false, false, false, '' ], [ 'seqno', 'Seq. No', FixnumAttribute, false, false, false, 0 ] ].each { |a| addAttributeType(AttributeDefinition.new(*a)) } end # Use the function to declare the various attributes that properties of this # PropertySet can have. The attributes must be declared before the first # property is added to the set. def addAttributeType(attributeType) if !@properties.empty? raise "Fatal Error: Attribute types must be defined before " + "properties are added." end @attributeDefinitions[attributeType.id] = attributeType end # Iterate over all attribute definitions. def eachAttributeDefinition @attributeDefinitions.sort.each do |key, value| yield(value) end end # Return true if there is an AttributeDefinition for _attrId_. def knownAttribute?(attrId) @attributeDefinitions.include?(attrId) end # Check whether the PropertyTreeNode has a calculated attribute with the # ID _attrId_. For scenarioSpecific attributes _scenarioIdx_ needs to be # provided. def hasQuery?(attrId, scenarioIdx = nil) return false if @properties.empty? property = @properties.first methodName = 'query_' + attrId # First we check for non-scenario-specific query functions. if property.respond_to?(methodName) return true elsif scenarioIdx # Then we check for scenario-specific ones via the @data member. return property.data[scenarioIdx].respond_to?(methodName) end false end # Return whether the attribute with _attrId_ is scenario specific or not. def scenarioSpecific?(attrId) if @attributeDefinitions[attrId] # Check the 'scenarioSpecific' flag of the attribute definition. @attributeDefinitions[attrId].scenarioSpecific elsif (property = @properties.first) && property && property.data && property.data[0].respond_to?("query_#{attrId}") # We've found a query_ function for the attrId that is scenario # specific. true else # All hardwired, non-existing and non-scenario-specific query_ # candidates. false end end # Return whether the attribute with _attrId_ is inherited from the global # scope. def inheritedFromProject?(attrId) # All hardwired attributes are not inherited. return false if @attributeDefinitions[attrId].nil? @attributeDefinitions[attrId].inheritedFromProject end # Return whether the attribute with _attrId_ is inherited from parent. def inheritedFromParent?(attrId) # All hardwired attributes are not inherited. return false if @attributeDefinitions[attrId].nil? @attributeDefinitions[attrId].inheritedFromParent end # Return whether or not the attribute was user defined. def userDefined?(attrId) return false if @attributeDefinitions[attrId].nil? @attributeDefinitions[attrId].userDefined end # Return the default value of the attribute. def defaultValue(attrId) return nil if @attributeDefinitions[attrId].nil? @attributeDefinitions[attrId].default end # Returns the name (human readable description) of the attribute with the # Id specified by _attrId_. def attributeName(attrId) # Some attributes are hardwired into the properties. These need to be # treated separately. if @attributeDefinitions.include?(attrId) return @attributeDefinitions[attrId].name end nil end # Return the type of the attribute with the Id specified by _attrId_. def attributeType(attrId) # Hardwired attributes need special treatment. if @attributeDefinitions.has_key?(attrId) @attributeDefinitions[attrId].objClass else nil end end # Add the new PropertyTreeNode object _property_ to the set. The set is # indexed by ID. In case an object with the same ID already exists in the # set it will be overwritten. # # Whenever the set has been extended, the 'bsi' and 'tree' attributes of the # properties are no longer up-to-date. You must call index() before using # these attributes. def addProperty(property) # The PropertyTreeNode objects are indexed by ID or hierachical ID # depending on the name space setting of this set. if @flatNamespace @propertyMap[property.id] = property else @propertyMap[property.fullId] = property end @properties << property end # Remove the PropertyTreeNode (and all its children) object from the set. # _prop_ can either be a property ID or a reference to the PropertyTreeNode. # # TODO: This function does not take care of references to this PTN! def removeProperty(prop) if prop.is_a?(String) property = @propertyMap[prop] else property = prop end # Recursively remove all sub-nodes. The children list is modified during # the call, so we can't use an iterator here. until property.children.empty? do removeProperty(property.children.first) end @properties.delete(property) @propertyMap.delete(property.fullId) # Remove this node from the child list of the parent node. property.parent.children.delete(property) if property.parent property end # Call this function to delete all registered properties. def clearProperties @properties.clear @propertyMap.clear end # Return the PropertyTreeNode object with ID _id_ from the set or nil if not # present. def [](id) @propertyMap[id] end # Update the breakdown structure indicies (bsi). This method needs to # be called whenever the set has been modified. def index each do |p| bsIdcs = p.getBSIndicies bsi = "" first = true bsIdcs.each do |idx| if first first = false else bsi += '.' end bsi += idx.to_s end p.set('bsi', bsi) end end # Return the index of the top-level _property_ in the set. def levelSeqNo(property) seqNo = 1 @properties.each do |p| unless p.parent return seqNo if p == property seqNo += 1 end end raise "Fatal Error: Unknow property #{property}" end # Return the maximum used number of breakdown levels. A flat list has a # maxDepth of 1. A list with one sub level has a maxDepth of 2 and so on. def maxDepth md = 0 each do |p| md = p.level if p.level > md end md + 1 end # Return the number of PropertyTreeNode objects in this set. def items @properties.length end # Return true if the set is empty. def empty? @properties.empty? end # Return the number of top-level PropertyTreeNode objects. Top-Level items # are no children. def topLevelItems items = 0 @properties.each do |p| items += 1 unless p.parent end items end # Iterator over all PropertyTreeNode objects in this set. def each @properties.each do |value| yield(value) end end # Return the set of PropertyTreeNode objects as flat Array. def to_ary @properties.dup end def to_s PropertyList.new(self).to_s end end end