module Carbon class EmissionEstimate class Response attr_reader :parent attr_reader :data attr_reader :raw_request attr_reader :raw_response def initialize(parent) @parent = parent end def load_data send "load_#{parent.mode}_data" end private def load_realtime_data # :nodoc: attempts = 0 response = nil begin response = perform raise ::Carbon::RateLimited if response.status_code == 403 and response.body =~ /Rate Limit/i #TODO: Should we expect an HTTP 402: payment required, instead? rescue ::Carbon::RateLimited if attempts < 4 attempts += 1 sleep 0.2 * attempts retry else raise $! end end raise ::Carbon::RealtimeEstimateFailed unless response.success? #TODO: should we expect 300s as well as 200s? Also, we may want to include response code and body in our exception. @data = ::Carbon::EmissionEstimate.parse response.body end def load_async_data # :nodoc: response = perform raise ::Carbon::QueueingFailed unless response.success? #TODO: should we expect 300s as well as 200s? Also, we may want to include response code and body in our exception. @data = {} end def perform # :nodoc: response = nil if parent.timeout ::SystemTimer.timeout_after(parent.timeout) do response = perform_request end else response = perform_request end response end def perform_request # :nodoc: @raw_request = :post, ::URI.parse(parent.request.url), parent.request.body, {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'} @raw_response = raw_request.perform end end end end