{: versionI"3.4.9 (Selective Steve):EF:sha"-e7b3525299753dc847a7260406f7896f1a11e316: contents"o:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode : @value[I"Œ/* * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files * listed below. * * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets, * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path. * * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the bottom of the * compiled file so the styles you add here take precedence over styles defined in any styles * defined in the other CSS/SCSS files in this directory. It is generally better to create a new * file per style scope. * */:ET: @type: normal;[: @linei: @options{o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode: @rule[I"div.loading; T:@parsed_ruleso:"Sass::Selector::CommaSequence: @members[o:Sass::Selector::Sequence;[o:#Sass::Selector::SimpleSequence ;[o:Sass::Selector::Element : @nameI"div; T:@namespace0; i:@filename0o:Sass::Selector::Class;I" loading; T; i;0: @subject0: @sourceso:Set: @hash{:@source_rangeo:Sass::Source::Range :@start_poso:Sass::Source::Position; i: @offseti: @end_poso;!; i;"i: @file0:@importer0; i;0; i;0:@selector_source_rangeo; ; o;!; i;"i;#o;!; i;"i;$I"M/home/krf/src/websites/proclaim/app/assets/stylesheets/proclaim.css.scss; T;%o:Sass::Rails::SassImporter: @rootI"M/home/krf/src/websites/proclaim/app/assets/stylesheets/proclaim.css.scss; T:@real_rootI"M/home/krf/src/websites/proclaim/app/assets/stylesheets/proclaim.css.scss; T:@same_name_warningso;;{: @tabsi;[ o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;[I" width; T;o: Sass::Script::Tree::Literal;o: Sass::Script::Value::String;I" 100%; T; :identifier; @ ; i;o; ; o;!; i;"i;#o;!; i;"i;$@!;%@";+i:@prop_syntax:new;[; i;o; ; o;!; i;"i;#o;!; i;"i;$@!;%@":@name_source_rangeo; ; @3;#o;!; i;"i ;$@!;%@":@value_source_rangeo; ; o;!; i;"i;#@4;$@!;%@"; @ o;,;[I" height; T;o;-;o;.;I" 32px; T; ;/; @ ; i;o; ; o;!; i;"i;#o;!; i;"i;$@!;%@";+i;0;1;[; i;o; ; o;!; i;"i;#o;!; i;"i;$@!;%@";2o; ; @D;#o;!; i;"i ;$@!;%@";3o; ; o;!; i;"i;#@E;$@!;%@"; @ o;,;[I"background-image; T;o: Sass::Script::Tree::Funcall;I"image_url; T: @args[o;- ;o;.;I"ajax_loader.gif; T; : string; @ ; i;o; ; o;!; i;"i#;#o;!; i;"i4;$@!;%@";@!:@keywordso:Sass::Util::NormalizedMap:@key_strings{: @map{: @splat0:@kwarg_splat0; i;o; ; o;!; i;"i;#o;!; i;"i5;$@!;%@";@!; @ ;+i;0;1;[; i;o; ; o;!; i;"i;#o;!; i;"i5;$@!;%@";2o; ; @^;#o;!; i;"i;$@!;%@";3o; ; o;!; i;"i;#@_;$@!;%@"; @ o;,;[I"background-repeat; T;o;-;o;.;I"no-repeat; T; ;/; @ ; i ;o; ; o;!; i ;"i;#o;!; i ;"i#;$@!;%@";+i;0;1;[; i ;o; ; o;!; i ;"i;#o;!; i ;"i#;$@!;%@";2o; ; @o;#o;!; i ;"i;$@!;%@";3o; ; o;!; i ;"i;#@p;$@!;%@"; @ o;,;[I"background-position; T;o;-;o;.;I" center; T; ;/; @ ; i!;o; ; o;!; i!;"i;#o;!; i!;"i";$@!;%@";+i;0;1;[; i!;o; ; o;!; i!;"i;#o;!; i!;"i";$@!;%@";2o; ; @{;#o;!; i!;"i;$@!;%@";3o; ; o;!; i!;"i;#@|;$@!;%@"; @ ; i;o; ; @;#o;!; i;"i;$@!;%@":@has_childrenT; @ :@templateI"*/* * This is a manifest file that'll be compiled into application.css, which will include all the files * listed below. * * Any CSS and SCSS file within this directory, lib/assets/stylesheets, vendor/assets/stylesheets, * or vendor/assets/stylesheets of plugins, if any, can be referenced here using a relative path. * * You're free to add application-wide styles to this file and they'll appear at the bottom of the * compiled file so the styles you add here take precedence over styles defined in any styles * defined in the other CSS/SCSS files in this directory. It is generally better to create a new * file per style scope. * */ div.loading { width: 100%; height: 32px; background-image: image_url("ajax_loader.gif"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; } ; T; i;o; ; o;!; i;"i;#o;!; i;"i;$@!;%@";=T; @