import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import * as acorn from 'acorn';
var xhtml = {
quot: '\u0022',
amp: '&',
apos: '\u0027',
lt: '<',
gt: '>',
nbsp: '\u00A0',
iexcl: '\u00A1',
cent: '\u00A2',
pound: '\u00A3',
curren: '\u00A4',
yen: '\u00A5',
brvbar: '\u00A6',
sect: '\u00A7',
uml: '\u00A8',
copy: '\u00A9',
ordf: '\u00AA',
laquo: '\u00AB',
not: '\u00AC',
shy: '\u00AD',
reg: '\u00AE',
macr: '\u00AF',
deg: '\u00B0',
plusmn: '\u00B1',
sup2: '\u00B2',
sup3: '\u00B3',
acute: '\u00B4',
micro: '\u00B5',
para: '\u00B6',
middot: '\u00B7',
cedil: '\u00B8',
sup1: '\u00B9',
ordm: '\u00BA',
raquo: '\u00BB',
frac14: '\u00BC',
frac12: '\u00BD',
frac34: '\u00BE',
iquest: '\u00BF',
Agrave: '\u00C0',
Aacute: '\u00C1',
Acirc: '\u00C2',
Atilde: '\u00C3',
Auml: '\u00C4',
Aring: '\u00C5',
AElig: '\u00C6',
Ccedil: '\u00C7',
Egrave: '\u00C8',
Eacute: '\u00C9',
Ecirc: '\u00CA',
Euml: '\u00CB',
Igrave: '\u00CC',
Iacute: '\u00CD',
Icirc: '\u00CE',
Iuml: '\u00CF',
ETH: '\u00D0',
Ntilde: '\u00D1',
Ograve: '\u00D2',
Oacute: '\u00D3',
Ocirc: '\u00D4',
Otilde: '\u00D5',
Ouml: '\u00D6',
times: '\u00D7',
Oslash: '\u00D8',
Ugrave: '\u00D9',
Uacute: '\u00DA',
Ucirc: '\u00DB',
Uuml: '\u00DC',
Yacute: '\u00DD',
THORN: '\u00DE',
szlig: '\u00DF',
agrave: '\u00E0',
aacute: '\u00E1',
acirc: '\u00E2',
atilde: '\u00E3',
auml: '\u00E4',
aring: '\u00E5',
aelig: '\u00E6',
ccedil: '\u00E7',
egrave: '\u00E8',
eacute: '\u00E9',
ecirc: '\u00EA',
euml: '\u00EB',
igrave: '\u00EC',
iacute: '\u00ED',
icirc: '\u00EE',
iuml: '\u00EF',
eth: '\u00F0',
ntilde: '\u00F1',
ograve: '\u00F2',
oacute: '\u00F3',
ocirc: '\u00F4',
otilde: '\u00F5',
ouml: '\u00F6',
divide: '\u00F7',
oslash: '\u00F8',
ugrave: '\u00F9',
uacute: '\u00FA',
ucirc: '\u00FB',
uuml: '\u00FC',
yacute: '\u00FD',
thorn: '\u00FE',
yuml: '\u00FF',
OElig: '\u0152',
oelig: '\u0153',
Scaron: '\u0160',
scaron: '\u0161',
Yuml: '\u0178',
fnof: '\u0192',
circ: '\u02C6',
tilde: '\u02DC',
Alpha: '\u0391',
Beta: '\u0392',
Gamma: '\u0393',
Delta: '\u0394',
Epsilon: '\u0395',
Zeta: '\u0396',
Eta: '\u0397',
Theta: '\u0398',
Iota: '\u0399',
Kappa: '\u039A',
Lambda: '\u039B',
Mu: '\u039C',
Nu: '\u039D',
Xi: '\u039E',
Omicron: '\u039F',
Pi: '\u03A0',
Rho: '\u03A1',
Sigma: '\u03A3',
Tau: '\u03A4',
Upsilon: '\u03A5',
Phi: '\u03A6',
Chi: '\u03A7',
Psi: '\u03A8',
Omega: '\u03A9',
alpha: '\u03B1',
beta: '\u03B2',
gamma: '\u03B3',
delta: '\u03B4',
epsilon: '\u03B5',
zeta: '\u03B6',
eta: '\u03B7',
theta: '\u03B8',
iota: '\u03B9',
kappa: '\u03BA',
lambda: '\u03BB',
mu: '\u03BC',
nu: '\u03BD',
xi: '\u03BE',
omicron: '\u03BF',
pi: '\u03C0',
rho: '\u03C1',
sigmaf: '\u03C2',
sigma: '\u03C3',
tau: '\u03C4',
upsilon: '\u03C5',
phi: '\u03C6',
chi: '\u03C7',
psi: '\u03C8',
omega: '\u03C9',
thetasym: '\u03D1',
upsih: '\u03D2',
piv: '\u03D6',
ensp: '\u2002',
emsp: '\u2003',
thinsp: '\u2009',
zwnj: '\u200C',
zwj: '\u200D',
lrm: '\u200E',
rlm: '\u200F',
ndash: '\u2013',
mdash: '\u2014',
lsquo: '\u2018',
rsquo: '\u2019',
sbquo: '\u201A',
ldquo: '\u201C',
rdquo: '\u201D',
bdquo: '\u201E',
dagger: '\u2020',
Dagger: '\u2021',
bull: '\u2022',
hellip: '\u2026',
permil: '\u2030',
prime: '\u2032',
Prime: '\u2033',
lsaquo: '\u2039',
rsaquo: '\u203A',
oline: '\u203E',
frasl: '\u2044',
euro: '\u20AC',
image: '\u2111',
weierp: '\u2118',
real: '\u211C',
trade: '\u2122',
alefsym: '\u2135',
larr: '\u2190',
uarr: '\u2191',
rarr: '\u2192',
darr: '\u2193',
harr: '\u2194',
crarr: '\u21B5',
lArr: '\u21D0',
uArr: '\u21D1',
rArr: '\u21D2',
dArr: '\u21D3',
hArr: '\u21D4',
forall: '\u2200',
part: '\u2202',
exist: '\u2203',
empty: '\u2205',
nabla: '\u2207',
isin: '\u2208',
notin: '\u2209',
ni: '\u220B',
prod: '\u220F',
sum: '\u2211',
minus: '\u2212',
lowast: '\u2217',
radic: '\u221A',
prop: '\u221D',
infin: '\u221E',
ang: '\u2220',
and: '\u2227',
or: '\u2228',
cap: '\u2229',
cup: '\u222A',
'int': '\u222B',
there4: '\u2234',
sim: '\u223C',
cong: '\u2245',
asymp: '\u2248',
ne: '\u2260',
equiv: '\u2261',
le: '\u2264',
ge: '\u2265',
sub: '\u2282',
sup: '\u2283',
nsub: '\u2284',
sube: '\u2286',
supe: '\u2287',
oplus: '\u2295',
otimes: '\u2297',
perp: '\u22A5',
sdot: '\u22C5',
lceil: '\u2308',
rceil: '\u2309',
lfloor: '\u230A',
rfloor: '\u230B',
lang: '\u2329',
rang: '\u232A',
loz: '\u25CA',
spades: '\u2660',
clubs: '\u2663',
hearts: '\u2665',
diams: '\u2666'
var hexNumber = /^[\da-fA-F]+$/;
var decimalNumber = /^\d+$/;
var inject = function(acorn$$1) {
var tt = acorn$$1.tokTypes;
var tc = acorn$$1.tokContexts;
tc.j_oTag = new acorn$$1.TokContext('...', true, true);
tt.jsxName = new acorn$$1.TokenType('jsxName');
tt.jsxText = new acorn$$1.TokenType('jsxText', {beforeExpr: true});
tt.jsxTagStart = new acorn$$1.TokenType('jsxTagStart');
tt.jsxTagEnd = new acorn$$1.TokenType('jsxTagEnd');
tt.jsxTagStart.updateContext = function() {
this.context.push(tc.j_expr); // treat as beginning of JSX expression
this.context.push(tc.j_oTag); // start opening tag context
this.exprAllowed = false;
tt.jsxTagEnd.updateContext = function(prevType) {
var out = this.context.pop();
if (out === tc.j_oTag && prevType === tt.slash || out === tc.j_cTag) {
this.exprAllowed = this.curContext() === tc.j_expr;
} else {
this.exprAllowed = true;
var pp = acorn$$1.Parser.prototype;
// Reads inline JSX contents token.
pp.jsx_readToken = function() {
var out = '', chunkStart = this.pos;
for (;;) {
if (this.pos >= this.input.length)
this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated JSX contents');
var ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);
switch (ch) {
case 60: // '<'
case 123: // '{'
if (this.pos === this.start) {
if (ch === 60 && this.exprAllowed) {
return this.finishToken(tt.jsxTagStart);
return this.getTokenFromCode(ch);
out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos);
return this.finishToken(tt.jsxText, out);
case 38: // '&'
out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos);
out += this.jsx_readEntity();
chunkStart = this.pos;
if (acorn$$1.isNewLine(ch)) {
out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos);
out += this.jsx_readNewLine(true);
chunkStart = this.pos;
} else {
pp.jsx_readNewLine = function(normalizeCRLF) {
var ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);
var out;
if (ch === 13 && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos) === 10) {
out = normalizeCRLF ? '\n' : '\r\n';
} else {
out = String.fromCharCode(ch);
if (this.options.locations) {
this.lineStart = this.pos;
return out;
pp.jsx_readString = function(quote) {
var out = '', chunkStart = ++this.pos;
for (;;) {
if (this.pos >= this.input.length)
this.raise(this.start, 'Unterminated string constant');
var ch = this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos);
if (ch === quote) break;
if (ch === 38) { // '&'
out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos);
out += this.jsx_readEntity();
chunkStart = this.pos;
} else if (acorn$$1.isNewLine(ch)) {
out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos);
out += this.jsx_readNewLine(false);
chunkStart = this.pos;
} else {
out += this.input.slice(chunkStart, this.pos++);
return this.finishToken(tt.string, out);
pp.jsx_readEntity = function() {
var str = '', count = 0, entity;
var ch = this.input[this.pos];
if (ch !== '&')
this.raise(this.pos, 'Entity must start with an ampersand');
var startPos = ++this.pos;
while (this.pos < this.input.length && count++ < 10) {
ch = this.input[this.pos++];
if (ch === ';') {
if (str[0] === '#') {
if (str[1] === 'x') {
str = str.substr(2);
if (hexNumber.test(str))
entity = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(str, 16));
} else {
str = str.substr(1);
if (decimalNumber.test(str))
entity = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(str, 10));
} else {
entity = xhtml[str];
str += ch;
if (!entity) {
this.pos = startPos;
return '&';
return entity;
// Read a JSX identifier (valid tag or attribute name).
// Optimized version since JSX identifiers can't contain
// escape characters and so can be read as single slice.
// Also assumes that first character was already checked
// by isIdentifierStart in readToken.
pp.jsx_readWord = function() {
var ch, start = this.pos;
do {
ch = this.input.charCodeAt(++this.pos);
} while (acorn$$1.isIdentifierChar(ch) || ch === 45); // '-'
return this.finishToken(tt.jsxName, this.input.slice(start, this.pos));
// Transforms JSX element name to string.
function getQualifiedJSXName(object) {
if (!object)
return object;
if (object.type === 'JSXIdentifier')
if (object.type === 'JSXNamespacedName')
return + ':' +;
if (object.type === 'JSXMemberExpression')
return getQualifiedJSXName(object.object) + '.' +
// Parse next token as JSX identifier
pp.jsx_parseIdentifier = function() {
var node = this.startNode();
if (this.type === tt.jsxName) = this.value;
else if (this.type.keyword) = this.type.keyword;
return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXIdentifier');
// Parse namespaced identifier.
pp.jsx_parseNamespacedName = function() {
var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc;
var name = this.jsx_parseIdentifier();
if (!this.options.plugins.jsx.allowNamespaces || ! return name;
var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc);
node.namespace = name; = this.jsx_parseIdentifier();
return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXNamespacedName');
// Parses element name in any form - namespaced, member
// or single identifier.
pp.jsx_parseElementName = function() {
if (this.type === tt.jsxTagEnd)
return '';
var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc;
var node = this.jsx_parseNamespacedName();
if (this.type === && node.type === 'JSXNamespacedName' && !this.options.plugins.jsx.allowNamespacedObjects) {
while ( {
var newNode = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc);
newNode.object = node; = this.jsx_parseIdentifier();
node = this.finishNode(newNode, 'JSXMemberExpression');
return node;
// Parses any type of JSX attribute value.
pp.jsx_parseAttributeValue = function() {
switch (this.type) {
case tt.braceL:
var node = this.jsx_parseExpressionContainer();
if (node.expression.type === 'JSXEmptyExpression')
this.raise(node.start, 'JSX attributes must only be assigned a non-empty expression');
return node;
case tt.jsxTagStart:
case tt.string:
return this.parseExprAtom();
this.raise(this.start, 'JSX value should be either an expression or a quoted JSX text');
// JSXEmptyExpression is unique type since it doesn't actually parse anything,
// and so it should start at the end of last read token (left brace) and finish
// at the beginning of the next one (right brace).
pp.jsx_parseEmptyExpression = function() {
var node = this.startNodeAt(this.lastTokEnd, this.lastTokEndLoc);
return this.finishNodeAt(node, 'JSXEmptyExpression', this.start, this.startLoc);
// Parses JSX expression enclosed into curly brackets.
pp.jsx_parseExpressionContainer = function() {
var node = this.startNode();;
node.expression = this.type === tt.braceR
? this.jsx_parseEmptyExpression()
: this.parseExpression();
return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXExpressionContainer');
// Parses following JSX attribute name-value pair.
pp.jsx_parseAttribute = function() {
var node = this.startNode();
if ( {
node.argument = this.parseMaybeAssign();
return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXSpreadAttribute');
} = this.jsx_parseNamespacedName();
node.value = ? this.jsx_parseAttributeValue() : null;
return this.finishNode(node, 'JSXAttribute');
// Parses JSX opening tag starting after '<'.
pp.jsx_parseOpeningElementAt = function(startPos, startLoc) {
var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc);
node.attributes = [];
var nodeName = this.jsx_parseElementName();
if (nodeName) = nodeName;
while (this.type !== tt.slash && this.type !== tt.jsxTagEnd)
node.selfClosing =;
return this.finishNode(node, nodeName ? 'JSXOpeningElement' : 'JSXOpeningFragment');
// Parses JSX closing tag starting after ''.
pp.jsx_parseClosingElementAt = function(startPos, startLoc) {
var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc);
var nodeName = this.jsx_parseElementName();
if (nodeName) = nodeName;
return this.finishNode(node, nodeName ? 'JSXClosingElement' : 'JSXClosingFragment');
// Parses entire JSX element, including it's opening tag
// (starting after '<'), attributes, contents and closing tag.
pp.jsx_parseElementAt = function(startPos, startLoc) {
var node = this.startNodeAt(startPos, startLoc);
var children = [];
var openingElement = this.jsx_parseOpeningElementAt(startPos, startLoc);
var closingElement = null;
if (!openingElement.selfClosing) {
contents: for (;;) {
switch (this.type) {
case tt.jsxTagStart:
startPos = this.start; startLoc = this.startLoc;;
if ( {
closingElement = this.jsx_parseClosingElementAt(startPos, startLoc);
break contents;
children.push(this.jsx_parseElementAt(startPos, startLoc));
case tt.jsxText:
case tt.braceL:
if (getQualifiedJSXName( !== getQualifiedJSXName( {
'Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for <' + getQualifiedJSXName( + '>');
node.openingElement = openingElement;
node.closingElement = closingElement;
node.children = children;
if (this.type === tt.relational && this.value === "<") {
this.raise(this.start, "Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag");
return this.finishNode(node, ? 'JSXElement' : 'JSXFragment');
// Parse JSX text
pp.jsx_parseText = function(value) {
var node = this.parseLiteral(value);
node.type = "JSXText";
return node;
// Parses entire JSX element from current position.
pp.jsx_parseElement = function() {
var startPos = this.start, startLoc = this.startLoc;;
return this.jsx_parseElementAt(startPos, startLoc);
acorn$$1.plugins.jsx = function(instance, opts) {
if (!opts) {
if (typeof opts !== 'object') {
opts = {};
instance.options.plugins.jsx = {
allowNamespaces: opts.allowNamespaces !== false,
allowNamespacedObjects: !!opts.allowNamespacedObjects
instance.extend('parseExprAtom', function(inner) {
return function(refShortHandDefaultPos) {
if (this.type === tt.jsxText)
return this.jsx_parseText(this.value);
else if (this.type === tt.jsxTagStart)
return this.jsx_parseElement();
return, refShortHandDefaultPos);
instance.extend('readToken', function(inner) {
return function(code) {
var context = this.curContext();
if (context === tc.j_expr) return this.jsx_readToken();
if (context === tc.j_oTag || context === tc.j_cTag) {
if (acorn$$1.isIdentifierStart(code)) return this.jsx_readWord();
if (code == 62) {
return this.finishToken(tt.jsxTagEnd);
if ((code === 34 || code === 39) && context == tc.j_oTag)
return this.jsx_readString(code);
if (code === 60 && this.exprAllowed && this.input.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) !== 33) {
return this.finishToken(tt.jsxTagStart);
return, code);
instance.extend('updateContext', function(inner) {
return function(prevType) {
if (this.type == tt.braceL) {
var curContext = this.curContext();
if (curContext == tc.j_oTag) this.context.push(tc.b_expr);
else if (curContext == tc.j_expr) this.context.push(tc.b_tmpl);
else, prevType);
this.exprAllowed = true;
} else if (this.type === tt.slash && prevType === tt.jsxTagStart) {
this.context.length -= 2; // do not consider JSX expr -> JSX open tag -> ... anymore
this.context.push(tc.j_cTag); // reconsider as closing tag context
this.exprAllowed = false;
} else {
return, prevType);
return acorn$$1;
var commonjsGlobal = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};
function commonjsRequire () {
throw new Error('Dynamic requires are not currently supported by rollup-plugin-commonjs');
function unwrapExports (x) {
return x && x.__esModule &&, 'default') ? x['default'] : x;
function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {
return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
var inject$1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports['default'] = injectDynamicImport;
/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
var DynamicImportKey = exports.DynamicImportKey = 'Import';
function injectDynamicImport(acorn$$1) {
var tt = acorn$$1.tokTypes;
// NOTE: This allows `yield import()` to parse correctly.
tt._import.startsExpr = true;
function parseDynamicImport() {
var node = this.startNode();;
if (this.type !== tt.parenL) {
return this.finishNode(node, DynamicImportKey);
function peekNext() {
return this.input[this.pos];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
acorn$$1.plugins.dynamicImport = function () {
function dynamicImportPlugin(instance) {
instance.extend('parseStatement', function (nextMethod) {
return function () {
function parseStatement() {
var node = this.startNode();
if (this.type === tt._import) {
var nextToken =;
if (nextToken === tt.parenL.label) {
var expr = this.parseExpression();
return this.parseExpressionStatement(node, expr);
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return nextMethod.apply(this, args);
return parseStatement;
instance.extend('parseExprAtom', function (nextMethod) {
return function () {
function parseExprAtom(refDestructuringErrors) {
if (this.type === tt._import) {
return, refDestructuringErrors);
return parseExprAtom;
return dynamicImportPlugin;
return acorn$$1;
var acornDynamicImport = unwrapExports(inject$1);
var inject_1 = inject$1.DynamicImportKey;
// used for debugging, without the noise created by
// circular references
function toJSON(node) {
var obj = {};
Object.keys(node).forEach(function (key) {
if (
key === 'parent' ||
key === 'program' ||
key === 'keys' ||
key === '__wrapped'
{ return; }
if (Array.isArray(node[key])) {
obj[key] = node[key].map(toJSON);
} else if (node[key] && node[key].toJSON) {
obj[key] = node[key].toJSON();
} else {
obj[key] = node[key];
return obj;
var Node = function Node () {};
Node.prototype.ancestor = function ancestor (level) {
var node = this;
while (level--) {
node = node.parent;
if (!node) { return null; }
return node;
Node.prototype.contains = function contains (node) {
var this$1 = this;
while (node) {
if (node === this$1) { return true; }
node = node.parent;
return false;
Node.prototype.findLexicalBoundary = function findLexicalBoundary () {
return this.parent.findLexicalBoundary();
Node.prototype.findNearest = function findNearest (type) {
if (typeof type === 'string') { type = new RegExp(("^" + type + "$")); }
if (type.test(this.type)) { return this; }
return this.parent.findNearest(type);
Node.prototype.unparenthesizedParent = function unparenthesizedParent () {
var node = this.parent;
while (node && node.type === 'ParenthesizedExpression') {
node = node.parent;
return node;
Node.prototype.unparenthesize = function unparenthesize () {
var node = this;
while (node.type === 'ParenthesizedExpression') {
node = node.expression;
return node;
Node.prototype.findScope = function findScope (functionScope) {
return this.parent.findScope(functionScope);
Node.prototype.getIndentation = function getIndentation () {
return this.parent.getIndentation();
Node.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
for (var i = 0, list = this$1.keys; i < list.length; i += 1) {
var key = list[i];
var value = this$1[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach(function (node) { return node && node.initialise(transforms); });
} else if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
Node.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON$1 () {
return toJSON(this);
Node.prototype.toString = function toString () {
return this.program.magicString.original.slice(this.start, this.end);
Node.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
for (var i = 0, list = this$1.keys; i < list.length; i += 1) {
var key = list[i];
var value = this$1[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach(function (node) { return node && node.transpile(code, transforms); });
} else if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
value.transpile(code, transforms);
function extractNames(node) {
var names = [];
extractors[node.type](names, node);
return names;
var extractors = {
Identifier: function Identifier(names, node) {
ObjectPattern: function ObjectPattern(names, node) {
for (var i = 0, list =; i < list.length; i += 1) {
var prop = list[i];
extractors[prop.type](names, prop);
Property: function Property(names, node) {
extractors[node.value.type](names, node.value);
ArrayPattern: function ArrayPattern(names, node) {
for (var i = 0, list = node.elements; i < list.length; i += 1) {
var element = list[i];
if (element) { extractors[element.type](names, element); }
RestElement: function RestElement(names, node) {
extractors[node.argument.type](names, node.argument);
AssignmentPattern: function AssignmentPattern(names, node) {
extractors[node.left.type](names, node.left);
var reserved = Object.create(null);
'do if in for let new try var case else enum eval null this true void with await break catch class const false super throw while yield delete export import public return static switch typeof default extends finally package private continue debugger function arguments interface protected implements instanceof'
.split(' ')
.forEach(function (word) { return (reserved[word] = true); });
function Scope(options) {
options = options || {};
this.parent = options.parent;
this.isBlockScope = !!options.block;
this.createDeclarationCallback = options.declare;
var scope = this;
while (scope.isBlockScope) { scope = scope.parent; }
this.functionScope = scope;
this.identifiers = [];
this.declarations = Object.create(null);
this.references = Object.create(null);
this.blockScopedDeclarations = this.isBlockScope ? null : Object.create(null);
this.aliases = Object.create(null);
Scope.prototype = {
addDeclaration: function addDeclaration(node, kind) {
var this$1 = this;
for (var i = 0, list = extractNames(node); i < list.length; i += 1) {
var identifier = list[i];
var name =;
var declaration = { name: name, node: identifier, kind: kind, instances: [] };
this$1.declarations[name] = declaration;
if (this$1.isBlockScope) {
if (!this$1.functionScope.blockScopedDeclarations[name])
{ this$1.functionScope.blockScopedDeclarations[name] = []; }
addReference: function addReference(identifier) {
if (this.consolidated) {
} else {
consolidate: function consolidate() {
var this$1 = this;
for (var i = 0; i < this.identifiers.length; i += 1) {
// we might push to the array during consolidation, so don't cache length
var identifier = this$1.identifiers[i];
this.consolidated = true; // TODO understand why this is necessary... seems bad
consolidateReference: function consolidateReference(identifier) {
var declaration = this.declarations[];
if (declaration) {
} else {
this.references[] = true;
if (this.parent) { this.parent.addReference(identifier); }
contains: function contains(name) {
return (
this.declarations[name] ||
(this.parent ? this.parent.contains(name) : false)
createIdentifier: function createIdentifier(base) {
if (typeof base === 'number') { base = base.toString(); }
base = base
.replace(/\s/g, '')
.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]/g, '_$1')
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]/g, '_')
.replace(/_{2,}/, '_');
var name = base;
var counter = 1;
while (
this.declarations[name] ||
this.references[name] ||
this.aliases[name] ||
name in reserved
) {
name = base + "$" + (counter++);
this.aliases[name] = true;
return name;
createDeclaration: function createDeclaration(base) {
var id = this.createIdentifier(base);
return id;
findDeclaration: function findDeclaration(name) {
return (
this.declarations[name] ||
(this.parent && this.parent.findDeclaration(name))
// Sometimes, block scope declarations change name during transpilation
resolveName: function resolveName(name) {
var declaration = this.findDeclaration(name);
return declaration ? : name;
function locate(source, index) {
var lines = source.split('\n');
var len = lines.length;
var lineStart = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
var line = lines[i];
var lineEnd = lineStart + line.length + 1; // +1 for newline
if (lineEnd > index) {
return { line: i + 1, column: index - lineStart, char: i };
lineStart = lineEnd;
throw new Error('Could not determine location of character');
function pad(num, len) {
var result = String(num);
return result + repeat(' ', len - result.length);
function repeat(str, times) {
var result = '';
while (times--) { result += str; }
return result;
function getSnippet(source, loc, length) {
if ( length === void 0 ) length = 1;
var first = Math.max(loc.line - 5, 0);
var last = loc.line;
var numDigits = String(last).length;
var lines = source.split('\n').slice(first, last);
var lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1];
var offset = lastLine.slice(0, loc.column).replace(/\t/g, ' ').length;
var snippet = lines
.map(function (line, i) { return ((pad(i + first + 1, numDigits)) + " : " + (line.replace(/\t/g, ' '))); })
snippet += '\n' + repeat(' ', numDigits + 3 + offset) + repeat('^', length);
return snippet;
var CompileError = (function (Error) {
function CompileError(message, node) {, message); = 'CompileError';
if (!node) {
var source = node.program.magicString.original;
var loc = locate(source, node.start);
this.message = message + " (" + (loc.line) + ":" + (loc.column) + ")";
this.stack = new Error().stack.replace(
new RegExp((".+new " + ( + ".+\\n"), 'm'),
this.loc = loc;
this.snippet = getSnippet(source, loc, node.end - node.start);
if ( Error ) CompileError.__proto__ = Error;
CompileError.prototype = Object.create( Error && Error.prototype );
CompileError.prototype.constructor = CompileError;
CompileError.prototype.toString = function toString () {
return (( + ": " + (this.message) + "\n" + (this.snippet));
return CompileError;
function findIndex(array, fn) {
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i += 1) {
if (fn(array[i], i)) { return i; }
return -1;
var handlers = {
Identifier: destructureIdentifier,
AssignmentPattern: destructureAssignmentPattern,
ArrayPattern: destructureArrayPattern,
ObjectPattern: destructureObjectPattern
function destructure(
) {
handlers[node.type](code, createIdentifier, resolveName, node, ref, inline, statementGenerators);
function destructureIdentifier(
) {
statementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
code.overwrite(node.start, node.end, (inline ? prefix : (prefix + "var ")) + resolveName(node) + " = " + ref + suffix);
code.move(node.start, node.end, start);
function destructureMemberExpression(
) {
statementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
code.prependRight(node.start, inline ? prefix : (prefix + "var "));
code.appendLeft(node.end, (" = " + ref + suffix));
code.move(node.start, node.end, start);
function destructureAssignmentPattern(
) {
var isIdentifier = node.left.type === 'Identifier';
var name = isIdentifier ? : ref;
if (!inline) {
statementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
(prefix + "if ( " + name + " === void 0 ) " + name)
code.move(node.left.end, node.right.end, start);
code.appendLeft(node.right.end, suffix);
if (!isIdentifier) {
destructure(code, createIdentifier, resolveName, node.left, ref, inline, statementGenerators);
function destructureArrayPattern(
) {
var c = node.start;
node.elements.forEach(function (element, i) {
if (!element) { return; }
if (element.type === 'RestElement') {
(ref + ".slice(" + i + ")"),
} else {
(ref + "[" + i + "]"),
c = element.end;
code.remove(c, node.end);
function destructureObjectPattern(
) {
var this$1 = this;
var c = node.start;
var nonRestKeys = []; (prop) {
var value;
var content;
if (prop.type === 'Property') {
var isComputedKey = prop.computed || prop.key.type !== 'Identifier';
var key = isComputedKey
? code.slice(prop.key.start, prop.key.end)
value = isComputedKey ? (ref + "[" + key + "]") : (ref + "." + key);
content = prop.value;
nonRestKeys.push(isComputedKey ? key : '"' + key + '"');
} else if (prop.type === 'RestElement') {
content = prop.argument;
value = createIdentifier('rest');
statementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
var helper = prop.program.getObjectWithoutPropertiesHelper(code);
(c = prop.argument.start),
(inline ? prefix : (prefix + "var ")) + value + " = " + helper + "( " + ref + ", [" + (nonRestKeys.join(', ')) + "] )" + suffix
code.move(prop.start, c, start);
} else {
throw new CompileError(
("Unexpected node of type " + (prop.type) + " in object pattern")
handleProperty(code, createIdentifier, resolveName, c, content, value, inline, statementGenerators);
c = prop.end;
code.remove(c, node.end);
function handleProperty(
) {
switch (node.type) {
case 'Identifier': {
code.remove(c, node.start);
case 'MemberExpression':
code.remove(c, node.start);
case 'AssignmentPattern': {
var name;
var isIdentifier = node.left.type === 'Identifier';
if (isIdentifier) {
name = resolveName(node.left);
} else {
name = createIdentifier(value);
statementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
if (inline) {
(name + " = " + value + ", " + name + " = " + name + " === void 0 ? ")
code.appendLeft(node.right.end, (" : " + name + suffix));
} else {
(prefix + "var " + name + " = " + value + "; if ( " + name + " === void 0 ) " + name + " = ")
code.appendLeft(node.right.end, suffix);
code.move(node.right.start, node.right.end, start);
if (isIdentifier) {
code.remove(c, node.right.start);
} else {
code.remove(c, node.left.start);
code.remove(node.left.end, node.right.start);
case 'ObjectPattern': {
code.remove(c, (c = node.start));
var ref = value;
if ( > 1) {
ref = createIdentifier(value);
statementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
// this feels a tiny bit hacky, but we can't do a
// straightforward appendLeft and keep correct order...
code.prependRight(node.start, (inline ? '' : (prefix + "var ")) + ref + " = ");
code.overwrite(node.start, (c = node.start + 1), value);
code.appendLeft(c, suffix);
(c = node.start + 1),
(inline ? '' : (prefix + "var ")) + ref + " = " + value + suffix
code.move(node.start, c, start);
case 'ArrayPattern': {
code.remove(c, (c = node.start));
if (node.elements.filter(Boolean).length > 1) {
var ref$1 = createIdentifier(value);
statementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
code.prependRight(node.start, (inline ? '' : (prefix + "var ")) + ref$1 + " = ");
code.overwrite(node.start, (c = node.start + 1), value, {
contentOnly: true
code.appendLeft(c, suffix);
code.move(node.start, c, start);
node.elements.forEach(function (element, i) {
if (!element) { return; }
if (element.type === 'RestElement') {
(ref$1 + ".slice(" + i + ")"),
} else {
(ref$1 + "[" + i + "]"),
c = element.end;
} else {
var index = findIndex(node.elements, Boolean);
var element = node.elements[index];
if (element.type === 'RestElement') {
(value + ".slice(" + index + ")"),
} else {
(value + "[" + index + "]"),
c = element.end;
code.remove(c, node.end);
default: {
throw new Error(("Unexpected node type in destructuring (" + (node.type) + ")"));
function isUseStrict(node) {
if (!node) { return false; }
if (node.type !== 'ExpressionStatement') { return false; }
if (node.expression.type !== 'Literal') { return false; }
return node.expression.value === 'use strict';
var BlockStatement = (function (Node$$1) {
function BlockStatement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) BlockStatement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
BlockStatement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
BlockStatement.prototype.constructor = BlockStatement;
BlockStatement.prototype.createScope = function createScope () {
var this$1 = this;
this.parentIsFunction = /Function/.test(this.parent.type);
this.isFunctionBlock = this.parentIsFunction || this.parent.type === 'Root';
this.scope = new Scope({
block: !this.isFunctionBlock,
parent: this.parent.findScope(false),
declare: function (id) { return this$1.createdDeclarations.push(id); }
if (this.parentIsFunction) {
this.parent.params.forEach(function (node) {
this$1.scope.addDeclaration(node, 'param');
BlockStatement.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
this.thisAlias = null;
this.argumentsAlias = null;
this.defaultParameters = [];
this.createdDeclarations = [];
// normally the scope gets created here, during initialisation,
// but in some cases (e.g. `for` statements), we need to create
// the scope early, as it pertains to both the init block and
// the body of the statement
if (!this.scope) { this.createScope(); }
this.body.forEach(function (node) { return node.initialise(transforms); });
BlockStatement.prototype.findLexicalBoundary = function findLexicalBoundary () {
if (this.type === 'Program') { return this; }
if (/^Function/.test(this.parent.type)) { return this; }
return this.parent.findLexicalBoundary();
BlockStatement.prototype.findScope = function findScope (functionScope) {
if (functionScope && !this.isFunctionBlock)
{ return this.parent.findScope(functionScope); }
return this.scope;
BlockStatement.prototype.getArgumentsAlias = function getArgumentsAlias () {
if (!this.argumentsAlias) {
this.argumentsAlias = this.scope.createIdentifier('arguments');
return this.argumentsAlias;
BlockStatement.prototype.getArgumentsArrayAlias = function getArgumentsArrayAlias () {
if (!this.argumentsArrayAlias) {
this.argumentsArrayAlias = this.scope.createIdentifier('argsArray');
return this.argumentsArrayAlias;
BlockStatement.prototype.getThisAlias = function getThisAlias () {
if (!this.thisAlias) {
this.thisAlias = this.scope.createIdentifier('this');
return this.thisAlias;
BlockStatement.prototype.getIndentation = function getIndentation () {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.indentation === undefined) {
var source = this.program.magicString.original;
var useOuter = this.synthetic || !this.body.length;
var c = useOuter ? this.start : this.body[0].start;
while (c && source[c] !== '\n') { c -= 1; }
this.indentation = '';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
c += 1;
var char = source[c];
if (char !== ' ' && char !== '\t') { break; }
this$1.indentation += char;
var indentString = this.program.magicString.getIndentString();
// account for dedented class constructors
var parent = this.parent;
while (parent) {
if (parent.kind === 'constructor' && !parent.parent.parent.superClass) {
this$1.indentation = this$1.indentation.replace(indentString, '');
parent = parent.parent;
if (useOuter) { this.indentation += indentString; }
return this.indentation;
BlockStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
var indentation = this.getIndentation();
var introStatementGenerators = [];
if (this.argumentsAlias) {
introStatementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
var assignment = prefix + "var " + (this$1.argumentsAlias) + " = arguments" + suffix;
code.appendLeft(start, assignment);
if (this.thisAlias) {
introStatementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
var assignment = prefix + "var " + (this$1.thisAlias) + " = this" + suffix;
code.appendLeft(start, assignment);
if (this.argumentsArrayAlias) {
introStatementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
var i = this$1.scope.createIdentifier('i');
var assignment = prefix + "var " + i + " = arguments.length, " + (this$1.argumentsArrayAlias) + " = Array(" + i + ");\n" + indentation + "while ( " + i + "-- ) " + (this$1.argumentsArrayAlias) + "[" + i + "] = arguments[" + i + "]" + suffix;
code.appendLeft(start, assignment);
if (/Function/.test(this.parent.type)) {
} else if ('CatchClause' === this.parent.type) {
if (transforms.letConst && this.isFunctionBlock) {
Node$$, code, transforms);
if (this.createdDeclarations.length) {
introStatementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
var assignment = prefix + "var " + (this$1.createdDeclarations.join(', ')) + suffix;
code.appendLeft(start, assignment);
if (this.synthetic) {
if (this.parent.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {
var expr = this.body[0];
if (introStatementGenerators.length) {
.appendLeft(this.start, "{")
.prependRight(this.end, ((this.parent.getIndentation()) + "}"));
code.prependRight(expr.start, ("\n" + indentation + "return "));
code.appendLeft(expr.end, ";\n");
} else if (transforms.arrow) {
code.prependRight(expr.start, "{ return ");
code.appendLeft(expr.end, "; }");
} else if (introStatementGenerators.length) {
code.prependRight(this.start, "{").appendLeft(this.end, "}");
var start;
if (isUseStrict(this.body[0])) {
start = this.body[0].end;
} else if (this.synthetic || this.parent.type === 'Root') {
start = this.start;
} else {
start = this.start + 1;
var prefix = "\n" + indentation;
var suffix = ';';
introStatementGenerators.forEach(function (fn, i) {
if (i === introStatementGenerators.length - 1) { suffix = ";\n"; }
fn(start, prefix, suffix);
BlockStatement.prototype.transpileParameters = function transpileParameters (params, code, transforms, indentation, introStatementGenerators) {
var this$1 = this;
params.forEach(function (param) {
if (
param.type === 'AssignmentPattern' &&
param.left.type === 'Identifier'
) {
if (transforms.defaultParameter) {
introStatementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
var lhs = prefix + "if ( " + ( + " === void 0 ) " + (;
.prependRight(param.left.end, lhs)
.move(param.left.end, param.right.end, start)
.appendLeft(param.right.end, suffix);
} else if (param.type === 'RestElement') {
if (transforms.spreadRest) {
introStatementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
var penultimateParam = params[params.length - 2];
if (penultimateParam) {
penultimateParam ? penultimateParam.end : param.start,
} else {
var start$1 = param.start,
end = param.end; // TODO
while (/\s/.test(code.original[start$1 - 1])) { start$1 -= 1; }
while (/\s/.test(code.original[end])) { end += 1; }
code.remove(start$1, end);
var name =;
var len = this$1.scope.createIdentifier('len');
var count = params.length - 1;
if (count) {
(prefix + "var " + name + " = [], " + len + " = arguments.length - " + count + ";\n" + indentation + "while ( " + len + "-- > 0 ) " + name + "[ " + len + " ] = arguments[ " + len + " + " + count + " ]" + suffix)
} else {
(prefix + "var " + name + " = [], " + len + " = arguments.length;\n" + indentation + "while ( " + len + "-- ) " + name + "[ " + len + " ] = arguments[ " + len + " ]" + suffix)
} else if (param.type !== 'Identifier') {
if (transforms.parameterDestructuring) {
var ref = this$1.scope.createIdentifier('ref');
function (id) { return this$1.scope.createIdentifier(id); },
function (ref) {
var name =;
return this$1.scope.resolveName(name);
code.prependRight(param.start, ref);
BlockStatement.prototype.transpileBlockScopedIdentifiers = function transpileBlockScopedIdentifiers (code) {
var this$1 = this;
Object.keys(this.scope.blockScopedDeclarations).forEach(function (name) {
var declarations = this$1.scope.blockScopedDeclarations[name];
for (var i$2 = 0, list$2 = declarations; i$2 < list$2.length; i$2 += 1) {
var declaration = list$2[i$2];
var cont = false; // TODO implement proper continue...
if (declaration.kind === 'for.let') {
// special case
var forStatement = declaration.node.findNearest('ForStatement');
if (forStatement.shouldRewriteAsFunction) {
var outerAlias = this$1.scope.createIdentifier(name);
var innerAlias = forStatement.reassigned[name]
? this$1.scope.createIdentifier(name)
: name; = outerAlias;
{ storeName: true }
forStatement.aliases[name] = {
outer: outerAlias,
inner: innerAlias
for (var i = 0, list = declaration.instances; i < list.length; i += 1) {
var identifier = list[i];
var alias = forStatement.body.contains(identifier)
? innerAlias
: outerAlias;
if (name !== alias) {
code.overwrite(identifier.start, identifier.end, alias, {
storeName: true
cont = true;
if (!cont) {
var alias$1 = this$1.scope.createIdentifier(name);
if (name !== alias$1) { = alias$1;
{ storeName: true }
for (var i$1 = 0, list$1 = declaration.instances; i$1 < list$1.length; i$1 += 1) {
var identifier$1 = list$1[i$1];
identifier$1.rewritten = true;
code.overwrite(identifier$1.start, identifier$1.end, alias$1, {
storeName: true
return BlockStatement;
function isArguments(node) {
return node.type === 'Identifier' && === 'arguments';
function spread(
) {
var i = elements.length;
var firstSpreadIndex = -1;
while (i--) {
var element$1 = elements[i];
if (element$1 && element$1.type === 'SpreadElement') {
if (isArguments(element$1.argument)) {
firstSpreadIndex = i;
if (firstSpreadIndex === -1) { return false; } // false indicates no spread elements
if (isNew) {
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
var element$2 = elements[i];
if (element$2.type === 'SpreadElement') {
code.remove(element$2.start, element$2.argument.start);
} else {
code.prependRight(element$2.start, '[');
code.prependRight(element$2.end, ']');
return true; // true indicates some spread elements
var element = elements[firstSpreadIndex];
var previousElement = elements[firstSpreadIndex - 1];
if (!previousElement) {
code.remove(start, element.start);
code.overwrite(element.end, elements[1].start, '.concat( ');
} else {
code.overwrite(previousElement.end, element.start, ' ].concat( ');
for (i = firstSpreadIndex; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
element = elements[i];
if (element) {
if (element.type === 'SpreadElement') {
code.remove(element.start, element.argument.start);
} else {
code.appendLeft(element.start, '[');
code.appendLeft(element.end, ']');
return true; // true indicates some spread elements
var ArrayExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function ArrayExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ArrayExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ArrayExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ArrayExpression.prototype.constructor = ArrayExpression;
ArrayExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
if (transforms.spreadRest && this.elements.length) {
var lexicalBoundary = this.findLexicalBoundary();
var i = this.elements.length;
while (i--) {
var element = this$1.elements[i];
if (
element &&
element.type === 'SpreadElement' &&
) {
this$1.argumentsArrayAlias = lexicalBoundary.getArgumentsArrayAlias();
Node$$, transforms);
ArrayExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
Node$$, code, transforms);
if (transforms.spreadRest) {
// erase trailing comma after last array element if not an array hole
if (this.elements.length) {
var lastElement = this.elements[this.elements.length - 1];
if (
lastElement &&
/\s*,/.test(code.original.slice(lastElement.end, this.end))
) {
code.overwrite(lastElement.end, this.end - 1, ' ');
if (this.elements.length === 1) {
var element = this.elements[0];
if (element && element.type === 'SpreadElement') {
// special case – [ ...arguments ]
if (isArguments(element.argument)) {
("[].concat( " + (this.argumentsArrayAlias) + " )")
); // TODO if this is the only use of argsArray, don't bother concating
} else {
code.overwrite(this.start, element.argument.start, '[].concat( ');
code.overwrite(element.end, this.end, ' )');
} else {
var hasSpreadElements = spread(
if (hasSpreadElements) {
code.overwrite(this.end - 1, this.end, ')');
return ArrayExpression;
function removeTrailingComma(code, c) {
while (code.original[c] !== ')') {
if (code.original[c] === ',') {
code.remove(c, c + 1);
if (code.original[c] === '/') {
c = code.original.indexOf(code.original[c + 1] === '/' ? '\n' : '*/', c) + 1;
c += 1;
var ArrowFunctionExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function ArrowFunctionExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ArrowFunctionExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ArrowFunctionExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ArrowFunctionExpression.prototype.constructor = ArrowFunctionExpression;
ArrowFunctionExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
Node$$, transforms);
ArrowFunctionExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var naked = this.params.length === 1 && this.start === this.params[0].start;
if (transforms.arrow || this.needsArguments(transforms)) {
// remove arrow
var charIndex = this.body.start;
while (code.original[charIndex] !== '=') {
charIndex -= 1;
code.remove(charIndex, this.body.start);
Node$$, code, transforms);
// wrap naked parameter
if (naked) {
code.prependRight(this.params[0].start, '(');
code.appendLeft(this.params[0].end, ')');
// add function
if (this.parent && this.parent.type === 'ExpressionStatement') {
// standalone expression statement
code.prependRight(this.start, '!function');
} else {
code.prependRight(this.start, 'function ');
} else {
Node$$, code, transforms);
if (transforms.trailingFunctionCommas && this.params.length && !naked) {
removeTrailingComma(code, this.params[this.params.length - 1].end);
// Returns whether any transforms that will happen use `arguments`
ArrowFunctionExpression.prototype.needsArguments = function needsArguments (transforms) {
return (
transforms.spreadRest &&
this.params.filter(function (param) { return param.type === 'RestElement'; }).length > 0
return ArrowFunctionExpression;
function checkConst(identifier, scope) {
var declaration = scope.findDeclaration(;
if (declaration && declaration.kind === 'const') {
throw new CompileError((( + " is read-only"), identifier);
var AssignmentExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function AssignmentExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) AssignmentExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
AssignmentExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
AssignmentExpression.prototype.constructor = AssignmentExpression;
AssignmentExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (this.left.type === 'Identifier') {
var declaration = this.findScope(false).findDeclaration(;
// special case –
var statement = declaration && declaration.node.ancestor(3);
if (
statement &&
statement.type === 'ForStatement' &&
) {
statement.reassigned[] = true;
Node$$, transforms);
AssignmentExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (this.left.type === 'Identifier') {
// Do this check after everything has been initialized to find
// shadowing declarations after this expression
checkConst(this.left, this.findScope(false));
if (this.operator === '**=' && transforms.exponentiation) {
this.transpileExponentiation(code, transforms);
} else if (/Pattern/.test(this.left.type) && transforms.destructuring) {
this.transpileDestructuring(code, transforms);
Node$$, code, transforms);
AssignmentExpression.prototype.transpileDestructuring = function transpileDestructuring (code) {
var this$1 = this;
var writeScope = this.findScope(true);
var lookupScope = this.findScope(false);
var assign = writeScope.createDeclaration('assign');
code.appendRight(this.left.end, ("(" + assign));
code.appendLeft(this.right.end, ', ');
var statementGenerators = [];
function (id) { return writeScope.createDeclaration(id); },
function (node) {
var name = lookupScope.resolveName(;
checkConst(node, lookupScope);
return name;
var suffix = ', ';
statementGenerators.forEach(function (fn, j) {
if (j === statementGenerators.length - 1) {
suffix = '';
fn(this$1.end, '', suffix);
if (this.unparenthesizedParent().type === 'ExpressionStatement') {
// no rvalue needed for expression statement
code.appendRight(this.end, ")");
} else {
// destructuring is part of an expression - need an rvalue
code.appendRight(this.end, (", " + assign + ")"));
AssignmentExpression.prototype.transpileExponentiation = function transpileExponentiation (code) {
var scope = this.findScope(false);
// first, the easy part – `**=` -> `=`
var charIndex = this.left.end;
while (code.original[charIndex] !== '*') { charIndex += 1; }
code.remove(charIndex, charIndex + 2);
// how we do the next part depends on a number of factors – whether
// this is a top-level statement, and whether we're updating a
// simple or complex reference
var base;
var left = this.left.unparenthesize();
if (left.type === 'Identifier') {
base = scope.resolveName(;
} else if (left.type === 'MemberExpression') {
var object;
var needsObjectVar = false;
var property;
var needsPropertyVar = false;
var statement = this.findNearest(/(?:Statement|Declaration)$/);
var i0 = statement.getIndentation();
if ( === 'Identifier') {
property = left.computed
? scope.resolveName(
} else {
property = scope.createDeclaration('property');
needsPropertyVar = true;
if (left.object.type === 'Identifier') {
object = scope.resolveName(;
} else {
object = scope.createDeclaration('object');
needsObjectVar = true;
if (left.start === statement.start) {
if (needsObjectVar && needsPropertyVar) {
code.prependRight(statement.start, (object + " = "));
(";\n" + i0 + property + " = ")
(";\n" + i0 + object + "[" + property + "]")
} else if (needsObjectVar) {
code.prependRight(statement.start, (object + " = "));
code.appendLeft(left.object.end, (";\n" + i0));
code.appendLeft(left.object.end, object);
} else if (needsPropertyVar) {
code.prependRight(, (property + " = "));
code.appendLeft(, (";\n" + i0));
code.move(,, this.start);
code.appendLeft(left.object.end, ("[" + property + "]"));
code.remove(, left.end);
} else {
if (needsObjectVar && needsPropertyVar) {
code.prependRight(left.start, ("( " + object + " = "));
(", " + property + " = ")
(", " + object + "[" + property + "]")
} else if (needsObjectVar) {
code.prependRight(left.start, ("( " + object + " = "));
code.appendLeft(left.object.end, (", " + object));
} else if (needsPropertyVar) {
code.prependRight(, ("( " + property + " = "));
code.appendLeft(, ", ");
code.move(,, left.start);
code.overwrite(left.object.end,, ("[" + property + "]"));
code.remove(, left.end);
if (needsPropertyVar) {
code.appendLeft(this.end, " )");
base =
object +
(left.computed || needsPropertyVar ? ("[" + property + "]") : ("." + property));
code.prependRight(this.right.start, ("Math.pow( " + base + ", "));
code.appendLeft(this.right.end, " )");
return AssignmentExpression;
var BinaryExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function BinaryExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) BinaryExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
BinaryExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
BinaryExpression.prototype.constructor = BinaryExpression;
BinaryExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (this.operator === '**' && transforms.exponentiation) {
code.prependRight(this.start, "Math.pow( ");
code.overwrite(this.left.end, this.right.start, ", ");
code.appendLeft(this.end, " )");
Node$$, code, transforms);
return BinaryExpression;
var loopStatement = /(?:For(?:In|Of)?|While)Statement/;
var BreakStatement = (function (Node$$1) {
function BreakStatement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) BreakStatement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
BreakStatement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
BreakStatement.prototype.constructor = BreakStatement;
BreakStatement.prototype.initialise = function initialise () {
var loop = this.findNearest(loopStatement);
var switchCase = this.findNearest('SwitchCase');
if (loop && (!switchCase || loop.depth > switchCase.depth)) {
loop.canBreak = true;
this.loop = loop;
BreakStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code) {
if (this.loop && this.loop.shouldRewriteAsFunction) {
if (this.label)
{ throw new CompileError(
'Labels are not currently supported in a loop with locally-scoped variables',
); }
code.overwrite(this.start, this.start + 5, "return 'break'");
return BreakStatement;
var CallExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function CallExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) CallExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
CallExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
CallExpression.prototype.constructor = CallExpression;
CallExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
if (transforms.spreadRest && this.arguments.length > 1) {
var lexicalBoundary = this.findLexicalBoundary();
var i = this.arguments.length;
while (i--) {
var arg = this$1.arguments[i];
if (arg.type === 'SpreadElement' && isArguments(arg.argument)) {
this$1.argumentsArrayAlias = lexicalBoundary.getArgumentsArrayAlias();
Node$$, transforms);
CallExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (transforms.spreadRest && this.arguments.length) {
var hasSpreadElements = false;
var context;
var firstArgument = this.arguments[0];
if (this.arguments.length === 1) {
if (firstArgument.type === 'SpreadElement') {
code.remove(firstArgument.start, firstArgument.argument.start);
hasSpreadElements = true;
} else {
hasSpreadElements = spread(
if (hasSpreadElements) {
// we need to handle super() and super.method() differently
// due to its instance
var _super = null;
if (this.callee.type === 'Super') {
_super = this.callee;
} else if (
this.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' &&
this.callee.object.type === 'Super'
) {
_super = this.callee.object;
if (!_super && this.callee.type === 'MemberExpression') {
if (this.callee.object.type === 'Identifier') {
context =;
} else {
context = this.findScope(true).createDeclaration('ref');
var callExpression = this.callee.object;
code.prependRight(callExpression.start, ("(" + context + " = "));
code.appendLeft(callExpression.end, ")");
} else {
context = 'void 0';
code.appendLeft(this.callee.end, '.apply');
if (_super) {
_super.noCall = true; // bit hacky...
if (this.arguments.length > 1) {
if (firstArgument.type !== 'SpreadElement') {
code.prependRight(firstArgument.start, "[ ");
this.arguments[this.arguments.length - 1].end,
' )'
} else if (this.arguments.length === 1) {
code.prependRight(firstArgument.start, (context + ", "));
} else {
if (firstArgument.type === 'SpreadElement') {
code.appendLeft(firstArgument.start, (context + ", "));
} else {
code.appendLeft(firstArgument.start, (context + ", [ "));
code.appendLeft(this.arguments[this.arguments.length - 1].end, ' )');
if (transforms.trailingFunctionCommas && this.arguments.length) {
removeTrailingComma(code, this.arguments[this.arguments.length - 1].end);
Node$$, code, transforms);
return CallExpression;
// TODO this code is pretty wild, tidy it up
var ClassBody = (function (Node$$1) {
function ClassBody () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ClassBody.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ClassBody.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ClassBody.prototype.constructor = ClassBody;
ClassBody.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms, inFunctionExpression, superName) {
var this$1 = this;
if (transforms.classes) {
var name =;
var indentStr = code.getIndentString();
var i0 =
this.getIndentation() + (inFunctionExpression ? indentStr : '');
var i1 = i0 + indentStr;
var constructorIndex = findIndex(
function (node) { return node.kind === 'constructor'; }
var constructor = this.body[constructorIndex];
var introBlock = '';
var outroBlock = '';
if (this.body.length) {
code.remove(this.start, this.body[0].start);
code.remove(this.body[this.body.length - 1].end, this.end);
} else {
code.remove(this.start, this.end);
if (constructor) {
constructor.value.body.isConstructorBody = true;
var previousMethod = this.body[constructorIndex - 1];
var nextMethod = this.body[constructorIndex + 1];
// ensure constructor is first
if (constructorIndex > 0) {
code.remove(previousMethod.end, constructor.start);
nextMethod ? nextMethod.start : this.end - 1,
if (!inFunctionExpression) { code.appendLeft(constructor.end, ';'); }
var namedFunctions =
this.program.options.namedFunctionExpressions !== false;
var namedConstructor =
namedFunctions ||
this.parent.superClass ||
this.parent.type !== 'ClassDeclaration';
if (this.parent.superClass) {
var inheritanceBlock = "if ( " + superName + " ) " + name + ".__proto__ = " + superName + ";\n" + i0 + name + ".prototype = Object.create( " + superName + " && " + superName + ".prototype );\n" + i0 + name + ".prototype.constructor = " + name + ";";
if (constructor) {
introBlock += "\n\n" + i0 + inheritanceBlock;
} else {
var fn =
"function " + name + " () {" +
? ("\n" + i1 + superName + ".apply(this, arguments);\n" + i0 + "}")
: "}") +
(inFunctionExpression ? '' : ';') +
(this.body.length ? ("\n\n" + i0) : '');
inheritanceBlock = fn + inheritanceBlock;
introBlock += inheritanceBlock + "\n\n" + i0;
} else if (!constructor) {
var fn$1 = 'function ' + (namedConstructor ? name + ' ' : '') + '() {}';
if (this.parent.type === 'ClassDeclaration') { fn$1 += ';'; }
if (this.body.length) { fn$1 += "\n\n" + i0; }
introBlock += fn$1;
var scope = this.findScope(false);
var prototypeGettersAndSetters = [];
var staticGettersAndSetters = [];
var prototypeAccessors;
var staticAccessors;
this.body.forEach(function (method, i) {
if (method.kind === 'constructor') {
var constructorName = namedConstructor ? ' ' + name : '';
("function" + constructorName)
if (method.static) {
var len = code.original[method.start + 6] == ' ' ? 7 : 6;
code.remove(method.start, method.start + len);
var isAccessor = method.kind !== 'method';
var lhs;
var methodName =;
if (
reserved[methodName] ||
) {
methodName = scope.createIdentifier(methodName);
// when method name is a string or a number let's pretend it's a computed method
var fake_computed = false;
if (!method.computed && method.key.type === 'Literal') {
fake_computed = true;
method.computed = true;
if (isAccessor) {
if (method.computed) {
throw new Error(
'Computed accessor properties are not currently supported'
code.remove(method.start, method.key.start);
if (method.static) {
if (!~staticGettersAndSetters.indexOf(
{ staticGettersAndSetters.push(; }
if (!staticAccessors)
{ staticAccessors = scope.createIdentifier('staticAccessors'); }
lhs = "" + staticAccessors;
} else {
if (!~prototypeGettersAndSetters.indexOf(
{ prototypeGettersAndSetters.push(; }
if (!prototypeAccessors)
{ prototypeAccessors = scope.createIdentifier('prototypeAccessors'); }
lhs = "" + prototypeAccessors;
} else {
lhs = method.static ? ("" + name) : (name + ".prototype");
if (!method.computed) { lhs += '.'; }
var insertNewlines =
(constructorIndex > 0 && i === constructorIndex + 1) ||
(i === 0 && constructorIndex === this$1.body.length - 1);
if (insertNewlines) { lhs = "\n\n" + i0 + lhs; }
var c = method.key.end;
if (method.computed) {
if (fake_computed) {
code.prependRight(method.key.start, '[');
code.appendLeft(method.key.end, ']');
} else {
while (code.original[c] !== ']') { c += 1; }
c += 1;
var funcName =
method.computed || isAccessor || !namedFunctions
? ''
: (methodName + " ");
var rhs =
(isAccessor ? ("." + (method.kind)) : '') +
" = function" +
(method.value.generator ? '* ' : ' ') +
code.remove(c, method.value.start);
code.prependRight(method.value.start, rhs);
code.appendLeft(method.end, ';');
if (method.value.generator) { code.remove(method.start, method.key.start); }
code.prependRight(method.start, lhs);
if (prototypeGettersAndSetters.length || staticGettersAndSetters.length) {
var intro = [];
var outro = [];
if (prototypeGettersAndSetters.length) {
("var " + prototypeAccessors + " = { " + (prototypeGettersAndSetters
.map(function (name) { return (name + ": { configurable: true }"); })
.join(',')) + " };")
("Object.defineProperties( " + name + ".prototype, " + prototypeAccessors + " );")
if (staticGettersAndSetters.length) {
("var " + staticAccessors + " = { " + (staticGettersAndSetters
.map(function (name) { return (name + ": { configurable: true }"); })
.join(',')) + " };")
outro.push(("Object.defineProperties( " + name + ", " + staticAccessors + " );"));
if (constructor) { introBlock += "\n\n" + i0; }
introBlock += intro.join(("\n" + i0));
if (!constructor) { introBlock += "\n\n" + i0; }
outroBlock += "\n\n" + i0 + outro.join(("\n" + i0));
if (constructor) {
code.appendLeft(constructor.end, introBlock);
} else {
code.prependRight(this.start, introBlock);
code.appendLeft(this.end, outroBlock);
Node$$, code, transforms);
return ClassBody;
// TODO this function is slightly flawed – it works on the original string,
// not its current edited state.
// That's not a problem for the way that it's currently used, but it could
// be in future...
function deindent(node, code) {
var start = node.start;
var end = node.end;
var indentStr = code.getIndentString();
var indentStrLen = indentStr.length;
var indentStart = start - indentStrLen;
if (
!node.program.indentExclusions[indentStart] &&
code.original.slice(indentStart, start) === indentStr
) {
code.remove(indentStart, start);
var pattern = new RegExp(indentStr + '\\S', 'g');
var slice = code.original.slice(start, end);
var match;
while ((match = pattern.exec(slice))) {
var removeStart = start + match.index;
if (!node.program.indentExclusions[removeStart]) {
code.remove(removeStart, removeStart + indentStrLen);
var ClassDeclaration = (function (Node$$1) {
function ClassDeclaration () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ClassDeclaration.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ClassDeclaration.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ClassDeclaration.prototype.constructor = ClassDeclaration;
ClassDeclaration.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if ( { =;
this.findScope(true).addDeclaration(, 'class');
} else { = this.findScope(true).createIdentifier("defaultExport");
Node$$, transforms);
ClassDeclaration.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (transforms.classes) {
if (!this.superClass) { deindent(this.body, code); }
var superName =
this.superClass && ( || 'superclass');
var i0 = this.getIndentation();
var i1 = i0 + code.getIndentString();
// if this is an export default statement, we have to move the export to
// after the declaration, because `export default var Foo = ...` is illegal
var isExportDefaultDeclaration = this.parent.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration';
if (isExportDefaultDeclaration) {
code.remove(this.parent.start, this.start);
var c = this.start;
if ( {
code.overwrite(c,, 'var ');
c =;
} else {
code.prependLeft(c, ("var " + (;
if (this.superClass) {
if (this.superClass.end === this.body.start) {
code.remove(c, this.superClass.start);
code.appendLeft(c, (" = (function (" + superName + ") {\n" + i1));
} else {
code.overwrite(c, this.superClass.start, ' = ');
("(function (" + superName + ") {\n" + i1)
} else {
if (c === this.body.start) {
code.appendLeft(c, ' = ');
} else {
code.overwrite(c, this.body.start, ' = ');
this.body.transpile(code, transforms, !!this.superClass, superName);
var syntheticDefaultExport =
? ("\n\n" + i0 + "export default " + ( + ";")
: '';
if (this.superClass) {
code.appendLeft(this.end, ("\n\n" + i1 + "return " + ( + ";\n" + i0 + "}("));
code.move(this.superClass.start, this.superClass.end, this.end);
code.prependRight(this.end, ("));" + syntheticDefaultExport));
} else if (syntheticDefaultExport) {
code.prependRight(this.end, syntheticDefaultExport);
} else {
this.body.transpile(code, transforms, false, null);
return ClassDeclaration;
var ClassExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function ClassExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ClassExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ClassExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ClassExpression.prototype.constructor = ClassExpression;
ClassExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) { = (
: this.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator'
: this.parent.type !== 'AssignmentExpression'
? null
: this.parent.left.type === 'Identifier'
: this.parent.left.type === 'MemberExpression'
: null ) || this.findScope(true).createIdentifier('anonymous');
Node$$, transforms);
ClassExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (transforms.classes) {
var superName =
this.superClass && ( || 'superclass');
var i0 = this.getIndentation();
var i1 = i0 + code.getIndentString();
if (this.superClass) {
code.remove(this.start, this.superClass.start);
code.remove(this.superClass.end, this.body.start);
code.appendLeft(this.start, ("(function (" + superName + ") {\n" + i1));
} else {
code.overwrite(this.start, this.body.start, ("(function () {\n" + i1));
this.body.transpile(code, transforms, true, superName);
var outro = "\n\n" + i1 + "return " + ( + ";\n" + i0 + "}(";
if (this.superClass) {
code.appendLeft(this.end, outro);
code.move(this.superClass.start, this.superClass.end, this.end);
code.prependRight(this.end, '))');
} else {
code.appendLeft(this.end, ("\n\n" + i1 + "return " + ( + ";\n" + i0 + "}())"));
} else {
this.body.transpile(code, transforms, false);
return ClassExpression;
var ContinueStatement = (function (Node$$1) {
function ContinueStatement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ContinueStatement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ContinueStatement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ContinueStatement.prototype.constructor = ContinueStatement;
ContinueStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code) {
var loop = this.findNearest(loopStatement);
if (loop.shouldRewriteAsFunction) {
if (this.label)
{ throw new CompileError(
'Labels are not currently supported in a loop with locally-scoped variables',
); }
code.overwrite(this.start, this.start + 8, 'return');
return ContinueStatement;
var ExportDefaultDeclaration = (function (Node$$1) {
function ExportDefaultDeclaration () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ExportDefaultDeclaration.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ExportDefaultDeclaration.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ExportDefaultDeclaration.prototype.constructor = ExportDefaultDeclaration;
ExportDefaultDeclaration.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (transforms.moduleExport)
{ throw new CompileError('export is not supported', this); }
Node$$, transforms);
return ExportDefaultDeclaration;
var ExportNamedDeclaration = (function (Node$$1) {
function ExportNamedDeclaration () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ExportNamedDeclaration.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ExportNamedDeclaration.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ExportNamedDeclaration.prototype.constructor = ExportNamedDeclaration;
ExportNamedDeclaration.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (transforms.moduleExport)
{ throw new CompileError('export is not supported', this); }
Node$$, transforms);
return ExportNamedDeclaration;
var LoopStatement = (function (Node$$1) {
function LoopStatement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) LoopStatement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
LoopStatement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
LoopStatement.prototype.constructor = LoopStatement;
LoopStatement.prototype.findScope = function findScope (functionScope) {
return functionScope || !this.createdScope
? this.parent.findScope(functionScope)
: this.body.scope;
LoopStatement.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
this.createdScope = true;
// this is populated as and when reassignments occur
this.reassigned = Object.create(null);
this.aliases = Object.create(null);
Node$$, transforms);
if (transforms.letConst) {
// see if any block-scoped declarations are referenced
// inside function expressions
var names = Object.keys(this.body.scope.declarations);
var i = names.length;
while (i--) {
var name = names[i];
var declaration = this$1.body.scope.declarations[name];
var j = declaration.instances.length;
while (j--) {
var instance = declaration.instances[j];
var nearestFunctionExpression = instance.findNearest(/Function/);
if (
nearestFunctionExpression &&
nearestFunctionExpression.depth > this$1.depth
) {
this$1.shouldRewriteAsFunction = true;
if (this$1.shouldRewriteAsFunction) { break; }
LoopStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var needsBlock =
this.type != 'ForOfStatement' &&
(this.body.type !== 'BlockStatement' ||
(this.body.type === 'BlockStatement' && this.body.synthetic));
if (this.shouldRewriteAsFunction) {
var i0 = this.getIndentation();
var i1 = i0 + code.getIndentString();
var argString = this.args ? (" " + (this.args.join(', ')) + " ") : '';
var paramString = this.params ? (" " + (this.params.join(', ')) + " ") : '';
var functionScope = this.findScope(true);
var loop = functionScope.createIdentifier('loop');
var before =
"var " + loop + " = function (" + paramString + ") " +
(this.body.synthetic ? ("{\n" + i0 + (code.getIndentString())) : '');
var after = (this.body.synthetic ? ("\n" + i0 + "}") : '') + ";\n\n" + i0;
code.prependRight(this.body.start, before);
code.appendLeft(this.body.end, after);
code.move(this.start, this.body.start, this.body.end);
if (this.canBreak || this.canReturn) {
var returned = functionScope.createIdentifier('returned');
var insert = "{\n" + i1 + "var " + returned + " = " + loop + "(" + argString + ");\n";
if (this.canBreak)
{ insert += "\n" + i1 + "if ( " + returned + " === 'break' ) break;"; }
if (this.canReturn)
{ insert += "\n" + i1 + "if ( " + returned + " ) return " + returned + ".v;"; }
insert += "\n" + i0 + "}";
code.prependRight(this.body.end, insert);
} else {
var callExpression = loop + "(" + argString + ");";
if (this.type === 'DoWhileStatement') {
("do {\n" + i1 + callExpression + "\n" + i0 + "}")
} else {
code.prependRight(this.body.end, callExpression);
} else if (needsBlock) {
code.appendLeft(this.body.start, '{ ');
code.prependRight(this.body.end, ' }');
Node$$, code, transforms);
return LoopStatement;
var ForStatement = (function (LoopStatement$$1) {
function ForStatement () {
LoopStatement$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( LoopStatement$$1 ) ForStatement.__proto__ = LoopStatement$$1;
ForStatement.prototype = Object.create( LoopStatement$$1 && LoopStatement$$1.prototype );
ForStatement.prototype.constructor = ForStatement;
ForStatement.prototype.findScope = function findScope (functionScope) {
return functionScope || !this.createdScope
? this.parent.findScope(functionScope)
: this.body.scope;
ForStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
var i1 = this.getIndentation() + code.getIndentString();
if (this.shouldRewriteAsFunction) {
// which variables are declared in the init statement?
var names =
this.init.type === 'VariableDeclaration'
? [].concat.apply(
[], (declarator) { return extractNames(; }
: [];
var aliases = this.aliases;
this.args =
function (name) { return (name in this$1.aliases ? this$1.aliases[name].outer : name); }
this.params =
function (name) { return (name in this$1.aliases ? this$1.aliases[name].inner : name); }
var updates = Object.keys(this.reassigned).map(
function (name) { return ((aliases[name].outer) + " = " + (aliases[name].inner) + ";"); }
if (updates.length) {
if (this.body.synthetic) {
code.appendLeft(this.body.body[0].end, ("; " + (updates.join(" "))));
} else {
var lastStatement = this.body.body[this.body.body.length - 1];
("\n\n" + i1 + (updates.join(("\n" + i1))))
LoopStatement$$, code, transforms);
return ForStatement;
var ForInStatement = (function (LoopStatement$$1) {
function ForInStatement () {
LoopStatement$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( LoopStatement$$1 ) ForInStatement.__proto__ = LoopStatement$$1;
ForInStatement.prototype = Object.create( LoopStatement$$1 && LoopStatement$$1.prototype );
ForInStatement.prototype.constructor = ForInStatement;
ForInStatement.prototype.findScope = function findScope (functionScope) {
return functionScope || !this.createdScope
? this.parent.findScope(functionScope)
: this.body.scope;
ForInStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
var hasDeclaration = this.left.type === 'VariableDeclaration';
if (this.shouldRewriteAsFunction) {
// which variables are declared in the init statement?
var names =
? [].concat.apply(
[], (declarator) { return extractNames(; }
: [];
this.args =
function (name) { return (name in this$1.aliases ? this$1.aliases[name].outer : name); }
this.params =
function (name) { return (name in this$1.aliases ? this$1.aliases[name].inner : name); }
LoopStatement$$, code, transforms);
var maybePattern = hasDeclaration ? this.left.declarations[0].id : this.left;
if (maybePattern.type !== 'Identifier') {
this.destructurePattern(code, maybePattern, hasDeclaration);
ForInStatement.prototype.destructurePattern = function destructurePattern (code, pattern, isDeclaration) {
var scope = this.findScope(true);
var i0 = this.getIndentation();
var i1 = i0 + code.getIndentString();
var ref = scope.createIdentifier('ref');
var bodyStart = this.body.body.length ? this.body.body[0].start : this.body.start + 1;
code.move(pattern.start, pattern.end, bodyStart);
code.prependRight(pattern.end, isDeclaration ? ref : ("var " + ref));
var statementGenerators = [];
function (id) { return scope.createIdentifier(id); },
function (ref) {
var name =;
return scope.resolveName(name);
var suffix = ";\n" + i1;
statementGenerators.forEach(function (fn, i) {
if (i === statementGenerators.length - 1) {
suffix = ";\n\n" + i1;
fn(bodyStart, '', suffix);
return ForInStatement;
var ForOfStatement = (function (LoopStatement$$1) {
function ForOfStatement () {
LoopStatement$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( LoopStatement$$1 ) ForOfStatement.__proto__ = LoopStatement$$1;
ForOfStatement.prototype = Object.create( LoopStatement$$1 && LoopStatement$$1.prototype );
ForOfStatement.prototype.constructor = ForOfStatement;
ForOfStatement.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (transforms.forOf && !transforms.dangerousForOf)
{ throw new CompileError(
"for...of statements are not supported. Use `transforms: { forOf: false }` to skip transformation and disable this error, or `transforms: { dangerousForOf: true }` if you know what you're doing",
); }
LoopStatement$$, transforms);
ForOfStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
LoopStatement$$, code, transforms);
if (!transforms.dangerousForOf) { return; }
// edge case (#80)
if (!this.body.body[0]) {
if (
this.left.type === 'VariableDeclaration' &&
this.left.kind === 'var'
) {
code.remove(this.start, this.left.start);
code.appendLeft(this.left.end, ';');
code.remove(this.left.end, this.end);
} else {
code.remove(this.start, this.end);
var scope = this.findScope(true);
var i0 = this.getIndentation();
var i1 = i0 + code.getIndentString();
var key = scope.createIdentifier('i');
var list = scope.createIdentifier('list');
if (this.body.synthetic) {
code.prependRight(this.left.start, ("{\n" + i1));
code.appendLeft(this.body.body[0].end, ("\n" + i0 + "}"));
var bodyStart = this.body.body[0].start;
code.remove(this.left.end, this.right.start);
code.move(this.left.start, this.left.end, bodyStart);
code.prependRight(this.right.start, ("var " + key + " = 0, " + list + " = "));
code.appendLeft(this.right.end, ("; " + key + " < " + list + ".length; " + key + " += 1"));
var isDeclaration = this.left.type === 'VariableDeclaration';
var maybeDestructuring = isDeclaration ? this.left.declarations[0].id : this.left;
if (maybeDestructuring.type !== 'Identifier') {
var statementGenerators = [];
var ref = scope.createIdentifier('ref');
function (id) { return scope.createIdentifier(id); },
function (ref) {
var name =;
return scope.resolveName(name);
var suffix = ";\n" + i1;
statementGenerators.forEach(function (fn, i) {
if (i === statementGenerators.length - 1) {
suffix = ";\n\n" + i1;
fn(bodyStart, '', suffix);
if (isDeclaration) {
code.appendLeft(this.left.start + this.left.kind.length + 1, ref);
code.appendLeft(this.left.end, (" = " + list + "[" + key + "];\n" + i1));
} else {
code.appendLeft(this.left.end, ("var " + ref + " = " + list + "[" + key + "];\n" + i1));
} else {
code.appendLeft(this.left.end, (" = " + list + "[" + key + "];\n\n" + i1));
return ForOfStatement;
var FunctionDeclaration = (function (Node$$1) {
function FunctionDeclaration () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) FunctionDeclaration.__proto__ = Node$$1;
FunctionDeclaration.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
FunctionDeclaration.prototype.constructor = FunctionDeclaration;
FunctionDeclaration.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (this.generator && transforms.generator) {
throw new CompileError('Generators are not supported', this);
if ( {
this.findScope(true).addDeclaration(, 'function');
Node$$, transforms);
FunctionDeclaration.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
Node$$, code, transforms);
if (transforms.trailingFunctionCommas && this.params.length) {
removeTrailingComma(code, this.params[this.params.length - 1].end);
return FunctionDeclaration;
var FunctionExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function FunctionExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) FunctionExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
FunctionExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
FunctionExpression.prototype.constructor = FunctionExpression;
FunctionExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
if (this.generator && transforms.generator) {
throw new CompileError('Generators are not supported', this);
if ( {
// function expression IDs belong to the child scope...
this.body.scope.addDeclaration(, 'function');
Node$$, transforms);
var parent = this.parent;
var methodName;
if (
transforms.conciseMethodProperty &&
parent.type === 'Property' &&
parent.kind === 'init' &&
parent.method &&
parent.key.type === 'Identifier'
) {
// object literal concise method
methodName =;
} else if (
transforms.classes &&
parent.type === 'MethodDefinition' &&
parent.kind === 'method' &&
parent.key.type === 'Identifier'
) {
// method definition in a class
methodName =;
} else if ( && === 'Identifier') {
// naked function expression
methodName = ||;
if (methodName) {
for (var i$1 = 0, list$1 = this$1.params; i$1 < list$1.length; i$1 += 1) {
var param = list$1[i$1];
if (param.type === 'Identifier' && methodName === {
// workaround for Safari 9/WebKit bug:
// change parameter name when same as method name
var scope = this$1.body.scope;
var declaration = scope.declarations[methodName];
var alias = scope.createIdentifier(methodName);
param.alias = alias;
for (var i = 0, list = declaration.instances; i < list.length; i += 1) {
var identifier = list[i];
identifier.alias = alias;
FunctionExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
Node$$, code, transforms);
if (transforms.trailingFunctionCommas && this.params.length) {
removeTrailingComma(code, this.params[this.params.length - 1].end);
return FunctionExpression;
function isReference(node, parent) {
if (node.type === 'MemberExpression') {
return !node.computed && isReference(node.object, node);
if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
// the only time we could have an identifier node without a parent is
// if it's the entire body of a function without a block statement –
// i.e. an arrow function expression like `a => a`
if (!parent) { return true; }
if (/(Function|Class)Expression/.test(parent.type)) { return false; }
if (parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { return node === parent.init; }
// TODO is this right?
if (
parent.type === 'MemberExpression' ||
parent.type === 'MethodDefinition'
) {
return parent.computed || node === parent.object;
if (parent.type === 'ArrayPattern') { return false; }
// disregard the `bar` in `{ bar: foo }`, but keep it in `{ [bar]: foo }`
if (parent.type === 'Property') {
if (parent.parent.type === 'ObjectPattern') { return false; }
return parent.computed || node === parent.value;
// disregard the `bar` in `class Foo { bar () {...} }`
if (parent.type === 'MethodDefinition') { return false; }
// disregard the `bar` in `export { foo as bar }`
if (parent.type === 'ExportSpecifier' && node !== parent.local)
{ return false; }
return true;
var Identifier = (function (Node$$1) {
function Identifier () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) Identifier.__proto__ = Node$$1;
Identifier.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
Identifier.prototype.constructor = Identifier;
Identifier.prototype.findScope = function findScope (functionScope) {
if (this.parent.params && ~this.parent.params.indexOf(this)) {
return this.parent.body.scope;
if (this.parent.type === 'FunctionExpression' && this === {
return this.parent.body.scope;
return this.parent.findScope(functionScope);
Identifier.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (isReference(this, this.parent)) {
if (
transforms.arrow && === 'arguments' &&
) {
var lexicalBoundary = this.findLexicalBoundary();
var arrowFunction = this.findNearest('ArrowFunctionExpression');
var loop = this.findNearest(loopStatement);
if (arrowFunction && arrowFunction.depth > lexicalBoundary.depth) {
this.alias = lexicalBoundary.getArgumentsAlias();
if (
loop &&
loop.body.contains(this) &&
loop.depth > lexicalBoundary.depth
) {
this.alias = lexicalBoundary.getArgumentsAlias();
Identifier.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code) {
if (this.alias) {
code.overwrite(this.start, this.end, this.alias, {
storeName: true,
contentOnly: true
return Identifier;
var IfStatement = (function (Node$$1) {
function IfStatement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) IfStatement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
IfStatement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
IfStatement.prototype.constructor = IfStatement;
IfStatement.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
Node$$, transforms);
IfStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (
this.consequent.type !== 'BlockStatement' ||
(this.consequent.type === 'BlockStatement' && this.consequent.synthetic)
) {
code.appendLeft(this.consequent.start, '{ ');
code.prependRight(this.consequent.end, ' }');
if (
this.alternate &&
this.alternate.type !== 'IfStatement' &&
(this.alternate.type !== 'BlockStatement' ||
(this.alternate.type === 'BlockStatement' && this.alternate.synthetic))
) {
code.appendLeft(this.alternate.start, '{ ');
code.prependRight(this.alternate.end, ' }');
Node$$, code, transforms);
return IfStatement;
var ImportDeclaration = (function (Node$$1) {
function ImportDeclaration () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ImportDeclaration.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ImportDeclaration.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ImportDeclaration.prototype.constructor = ImportDeclaration;
ImportDeclaration.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (transforms.moduleImport)
{ throw new CompileError('import is not supported', this); }
Node$$, transforms);
return ImportDeclaration;
var ImportDefaultSpecifier = (function (Node$$1) {
function ImportDefaultSpecifier () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ImportDefaultSpecifier.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ImportDefaultSpecifier.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ImportDefaultSpecifier.prototype.constructor = ImportDefaultSpecifier;
ImportDefaultSpecifier.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
this.findScope(true).addDeclaration(this.local, 'import');
Node$$, transforms);
return ImportDefaultSpecifier;
var ImportSpecifier = (function (Node$$1) {
function ImportSpecifier () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ImportSpecifier.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ImportSpecifier.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ImportSpecifier.prototype.constructor = ImportSpecifier;
ImportSpecifier.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
this.findScope(true).addDeclaration(this.local, 'import');
Node$$, transforms);
return ImportSpecifier;
var hasDashes = function (val) { return /-/.test(val); };
var formatKey = function (key) { return (hasDashes(key) ? ("'" + key + "'") : key); };
var formatVal = function (val) { return (val ? '' : 'true'); };
var JSXAttribute = (function (Node$$1) {
function JSXAttribute () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) JSXAttribute.__proto__ = Node$$1;
JSXAttribute.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
JSXAttribute.prototype.constructor = JSXAttribute;
JSXAttribute.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var ref =;
var start = ref.start;
var name =;
// Overwrite equals sign if value is present.
var end = this.value ? this.value.start :;
code.overwrite(start, end, ((formatKey(name)) + ": " + (formatVal(this.value))));
Node$$, code, transforms);
return JSXAttribute;
function containsNewLine(node) {
return (
node.type === 'JSXText' && !/\S/.test(node.value) && /\n/.test(node.value)
var JSXClosingElement = (function (Node$$1) {
function JSXClosingElement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) JSXClosingElement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
JSXClosingElement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
JSXClosingElement.prototype.constructor = JSXClosingElement;
JSXClosingElement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code) {
var spaceBeforeParen = true;
var lastChild = this.parent.children[this.parent.children.length - 1];
// omit space before closing paren if
// a) this is on a separate line, or
// b) there are no children but there are attributes
if (
(lastChild && containsNewLine(lastChild)) ||
) {
spaceBeforeParen = false;
code.overwrite(this.start, this.end, spaceBeforeParen ? ' )' : ')');
return JSXClosingElement;
function containsNewLine$1(node) {
return (
node.type === 'JSXText' && !/\S/.test(node.value) && /\n/.test(node.value)
var JSXClosingFragment = (function (Node$$1) {
function JSXClosingFragment () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) JSXClosingFragment.__proto__ = Node$$1;
JSXClosingFragment.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
JSXClosingFragment.prototype.constructor = JSXClosingFragment;
JSXClosingFragment.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code) {
var spaceBeforeParen = true;
var lastChild = this.parent.children[this.parent.children.length - 1];
// omit space before closing paren if this is on a separate line
if (lastChild && containsNewLine$1(lastChild)) {
spaceBeforeParen = false;
code.overwrite(this.start, this.end, spaceBeforeParen ? ' )' : ')');
return JSXClosingFragment;
function normalise(str, removeTrailingWhitespace) {
str = str.replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');
if (removeTrailingWhitespace && /\n/.test(str)) {
str = str.replace(/\s+$/, '');
str = str
.replace(/^\n\r?\s+/, '') // remove leading newline + space
.replace(/\s*\n\r?\s*/gm, ' '); // replace newlines with spaces
// TODO prefer single quotes?
return JSON.stringify(str);
var JSXElement = (function (Node$$1) {
function JSXElement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) JSXElement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
JSXElement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
JSXElement.prototype.constructor = JSXElement;
JSXElement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
Node$$, code, transforms);
var children = this.children.filter(function (child) {
if (child.type !== 'JSXText') { return true; }
// remove whitespace-only literals, unless on a single line
return /\S/.test(child.raw) || !/\n/.test(child.raw);
if (children.length) {
var c = this.openingElement.end;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < children.length; i += 1) {
var child = children[i];
if (
child.type === 'JSXExpressionContainer' &&
child.expression.type === 'JSXEmptyExpression'
) {
// empty block is a no op
} else {
var tail =
code.original[c] === '\n' && child.type !== 'JSXText' ? '' : ' ';
code.appendLeft(c, ("," + tail));
if (child.type === 'JSXText') {
var str = normalise(child.value, i === children.length - 1);
code.overwrite(child.start, child.end, str);
c = child.end;
return JSXElement;
var JSXExpressionContainer = (function (Node$$1) {
function JSXExpressionContainer () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) JSXExpressionContainer.__proto__ = Node$$1;
JSXExpressionContainer.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
JSXExpressionContainer.prototype.constructor = JSXExpressionContainer;
JSXExpressionContainer.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
code.remove(this.start, this.expression.start);
code.remove(this.expression.end, this.end);
Node$$, code, transforms);
return JSXExpressionContainer;
var JSXFragment = (function (JSXElement$$1) {
function JSXFragment () {
JSXElement$$1.apply(this, arguments);
}if ( JSXElement$$1 ) JSXFragment.__proto__ = JSXElement$$1;
JSXFragment.prototype = Object.create( JSXElement$$1 && JSXElement$$1.prototype );
JSXFragment.prototype.constructor = JSXFragment;
return JSXFragment;
var JSXOpeningElement = (function (Node$$1) {
function JSXOpeningElement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) JSXOpeningElement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
JSXOpeningElement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
JSXOpeningElement.prototype.constructor = JSXOpeningElement;
JSXOpeningElement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
Node$$, code, transforms);
code.overwrite(this.start,, ((this.program.jsx) + "( "));
var html = === 'JSXIdentifier' &&[0] ===[0].toLowerCase();
if (html) { code.prependRight(, "'"); }
var len = this.attributes.length;
var c =;
if (len) {
var i;
var hasSpread = false;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
if (this$1.attributes[i].type === 'JSXSpreadAttribute') {
hasSpread = true;
c = this.attributes[0].end;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
var attr = this$1.attributes[i];
if (i > 0) {
if (attr.start === c) { code.prependRight(c, ', '); }
else { code.overwrite(c, attr.start, ', '); }
if (hasSpread && attr.type !== 'JSXSpreadAttribute') {
var lastAttr = this$1.attributes[i - 1];
var nextAttr = this$1.attributes[i + 1];
if (!lastAttr || lastAttr.type === 'JSXSpreadAttribute') {
code.prependRight(attr.start, '{ ');
if (!nextAttr || nextAttr.type === 'JSXSpreadAttribute') {
code.appendLeft(attr.end, ' }');
c = attr.end;
var after;
var before;
if (hasSpread) {
if (len === 1) {
before = html ? "'," : ',';
} else {
if (!this.program.options.objectAssign) {
throw new CompileError(
"Mixed JSX attributes ending in spread requires specified objectAssign option with 'Object.assign' or polyfill helper.",
before = html
? ("', " + (this.program.options.objectAssign) + "({},")
: (", " + (this.program.options.objectAssign) + "({},");
after = ')';
} else {
before = html ? "', {" : ', {';
after = ' }';
code.prependRight(, before);
if (after) {
code.appendLeft(this.attributes[len - 1].end, after);
} else {
code.appendLeft(, html ? "', null" : ", null");
c =;
if (this.selfClosing) {
code.overwrite(c, this.end, this.attributes.length ? ")" : " )");
} else {
code.remove(c, this.end);
return JSXOpeningElement;
var JSXOpeningFragment = (function (Node$$1) {
function JSXOpeningFragment () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) JSXOpeningFragment.__proto__ = Node$$1;
JSXOpeningFragment.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
JSXOpeningFragment.prototype.constructor = JSXOpeningFragment;
JSXOpeningFragment.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
code.overwrite(this.start, this.end, ((this.program.jsx) + "( React.Fragment, null"));
return JSXOpeningFragment;
var JSXSpreadAttribute = (function (Node$$1) {
function JSXSpreadAttribute () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) JSXSpreadAttribute.__proto__ = Node$$1;
JSXSpreadAttribute.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
JSXSpreadAttribute.prototype.constructor = JSXSpreadAttribute;
JSXSpreadAttribute.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
code.remove(this.start, this.argument.start);
code.remove(this.argument.end, this.end);
Node$$, code, transforms);
return JSXSpreadAttribute;
var regjsgen = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
* regjsgen 0.3.0
* Copyright 2014-2016 Benjamin Tan
* Available under MIT license
(function() {
var objectTypes = {
'function': true,
'object': true
// Used as a reference to the global object.
var root = (objectTypes[typeof window] && window) || this;
// Detect free variable `exports`.
var freeExports = objectTypes['object'] && exports;
// Detect free variable `module`.
var freeModule = objectTypes['object'] && module && !module.nodeType && module;
// Detect free variable `global` from Node.js or Browserified code and use it as `root`.
var freeGlobal = freeExports && freeModule && typeof commonjsGlobal == 'object' && commonjsGlobal;
if (freeGlobal && ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.self === freeGlobal)) {
root = freeGlobal;
// Used to check objects for own properties.
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// Generates strings based on the given code points.
// Based on v0.2.0 by @mathias.
var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var floor = Math.floor;
function fromCodePoint() {
var MAX_SIZE = 0x4000;
var codeUnits = [];
var highSurrogate;
var lowSurrogate;
var index = -1;
var length = arguments.length;
if (!length) {
return '';
var result = '';
while (++index < length) {
var codePoint = Number(arguments[index]);
if (
!isFinite(codePoint) || // `NaN`, `+Infinity`, or `-Infinity`
codePoint < 0 || // not a valid Unicode code point
codePoint > 0x10FFFF || // not a valid Unicode code point
floor(codePoint) != codePoint // not an integer
) {
throw RangeError('Invalid code point: ' + codePoint);
if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) {
// BMP code point
} else {
// Astral code point; split in surrogate halves
codePoint -= 0x10000;
highSurrogate = (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800;
lowSurrogate = (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00;
codeUnits.push(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate);
if (index + 1 == length || codeUnits.length > MAX_SIZE) {
result += stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits);
codeUnits.length = 0;
return result;
// Ensures that nodes have the correct types.
var assertTypeRegexMap = {};
function assertType(type, expected) {
if (expected.indexOf('|') == -1) {
if (type == expected) {
throw Error('Invalid node type: ' + type + '; expected type: ' + expected);
expected =, expected)
? assertTypeRegexMap[expected]
: (assertTypeRegexMap[expected] = RegExp('^(?:' + expected + ')$'));
if (expected.test(type)) {
throw Error('Invalid node type: ' + type + '; expected types: ' + expected);
// Generates a regular expression string based on an AST.
function generate(node) {
var type = node.type;
if (, type)) {
return generators[type](node);
throw Error('Invalid node type: ' + type);
function generateAlternative(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'alternative');
var terms = node.body,
i = -1,
length = terms.length,
result = '';
while (++i < length) {
result += generateTerm(terms[i]);
return result;
function generateAnchor(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'anchor');
switch (node.kind) {
case 'start':
return '^';
case 'end':
return '$';
case 'boundary':
return '\\b';
case 'not-boundary':
return '\\B';
throw Error('Invalid assertion');
function generateAtom(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'anchor|characterClass|characterClassEscape|dot|group|reference|value');
return generate(node);
function generateCharacterClass(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'characterClass');
var classRanges = node.body,
i = -1,
length = classRanges.length,
result = '';
if (node.negative) {
result += '^';
while (++i < length) {
result += generateClassAtom(classRanges[i]);
return '[' + result + ']';
function generateCharacterClassEscape(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'characterClassEscape');
return '\\' + node.value;
function generateUnicodePropertyEscape(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'unicodePropertyEscape');
return '\\' + (node.negative ? 'P' : 'p') + '{' + node.value + '}';
function generateCharacterClassRange(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'characterClassRange');
var min = node.min,
max = node.max;
if (min.type == 'characterClassRange' || max.type == 'characterClassRange') {
throw Error('Invalid character class range');
return generateClassAtom(min) + '-' + generateClassAtom(max);
function generateClassAtom(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'anchor|characterClassEscape|characterClassRange|dot|value');
return generate(node);
function generateDisjunction(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'disjunction');
var body = node.body,
i = -1,
length = body.length,
result = '';
while (++i < length) {
if (i != 0) {
result += '|';
result += generate(body[i]);
return result;
function generateDot(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'dot');
return '.';
function generateGroup(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'group');
var result = '';
switch (node.behavior) {
case 'normal':
case 'ignore':
result += '?:';
case 'lookahead':
result += '?=';
case 'negativeLookahead':
result += '?!';
throw Error('Invalid behaviour: ' + node.behaviour);
var body = node.body,
i = -1,
length = body.length;
while (++i < length) {
result += generate(body[i]);
return '(' + result + ')';
function generateQuantifier(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'quantifier');
var quantifier = '',
min = node.min,
max = node.max;
if (max == null) {
if (min == 0) {
quantifier = '*';
} else if (min == 1) {
quantifier = '+';
} else {
quantifier = '{' + min + ',}';
} else if (min == max) {
quantifier = '{' + min + '}';
} else if (min == 0 && max == 1) {
quantifier = '?';
} else {
quantifier = '{' + min + ',' + max + '}';
if (!node.greedy) {
quantifier += '?';
return generateAtom(node.body[0]) + quantifier;
function generateReference(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'reference');
return '\\' + node.matchIndex;
function generateTerm(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'anchor|characterClass|characterClassEscape|empty|group|quantifier|reference|unicodePropertyEscape|value');
return generate(node);
function generateValue(node) {
assertType(node.type, 'value');
var kind = node.kind,
codePoint = node.codePoint;
switch (kind) {
case 'controlLetter':
return '\\c' + fromCodePoint(codePoint + 64);
case 'hexadecimalEscape':
return '\\x' + ('00' + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-2);
case 'identifier':
return '\\' + fromCodePoint(codePoint);
case 'null':
return '\\' + codePoint;
case 'octal':
return '\\' + codePoint.toString(8);
case 'singleEscape':
switch (codePoint) {
case 0x0008:
return '\\b';
case 0x0009:
return '\\t';
case 0x000A:
return '\\n';
case 0x000B:
return '\\v';
case 0x000C:
return '\\f';
case 0x000D:
return '\\r';
throw Error('Invalid codepoint: ' + codePoint);
case 'symbol':
return fromCodePoint(codePoint);
case 'unicodeEscape':
return '\\u' + ('0000' + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4);
case 'unicodeCodePointEscape':
return '\\u{' + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase() + '}';
throw Error('Unsupported node kind: ' + kind);
// Used to generate strings for each node type.
var generators = {
'alternative': generateAlternative,
'anchor': generateAnchor,
'characterClass': generateCharacterClass,
'characterClassEscape': generateCharacterClassEscape,
'characterClassRange': generateCharacterClassRange,
'unicodePropertyEscape': generateUnicodePropertyEscape,
'disjunction': generateDisjunction,
'dot': generateDot,
'group': generateGroup,
'quantifier': generateQuantifier,
'reference': generateReference,
'value': generateValue
// Export regjsgen.
// Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for condition patterns like the following:
if (typeof undefined == 'function' && typeof undefined.amd == 'object' && undefined.amd) {
// Define as an anonymous module so it can be aliased through path mapping.
undefined(function() {
return {
'generate': generate
// Check for `exports` after `define` in case a build optimizer adds an `exports` object.
else if (freeExports && freeModule) {
// Export for CommonJS support.
freeExports.generate = generate;
else {
// Export to the global object.
root.regjsgen = {
'generate': generate
var parser = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
// regjsparser
// ==================================================================
// See ECMA-262 Standard: 15.10.1
// NOTE: The ECMA-262 standard uses the term "Assertion" for /^/. Here the
// term "Anchor" is used.
// Pattern ::
// Disjunction
// Disjunction ::
// Alternative
// Alternative | Disjunction
// Alternative ::
// [empty]
// Alternative Term
// Term ::
// Anchor
// Atom
// Atom Quantifier
// Anchor ::
// ^
// $
// \ b
// \ B
// ( ? = Disjunction )
// ( ? ! Disjunction )
// Quantifier ::
// QuantifierPrefix
// QuantifierPrefix ?
// QuantifierPrefix ::
// *
// +
// ?
// { DecimalDigits }
// { DecimalDigits , }
// { DecimalDigits , DecimalDigits }
// Atom ::
// PatternCharacter
// .
// \ AtomEscape
// CharacterClass
// ( Disjunction )
// ( ? : Disjunction )
// PatternCharacter ::
// SourceCharacter but not any of: ^ $ \ . * + ? ( ) [ ] { } |
// AtomEscape ::
// DecimalEscape
// CharacterEscape
// CharacterClassEscape
// CharacterEscape[U] ::
// ControlEscape
// c ControlLetter
// HexEscapeSequence
// RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence[?U] (ES6)
// IdentityEscape[?U]
// ControlEscape ::
// one of f n r t v
// ControlLetter ::
// one of
// a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
// A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
// IdentityEscape ::
// SourceCharacter but not IdentifierPart
// DecimalEscape ::
// DecimalIntegerLiteral [lookahead ∉ DecimalDigit]
// CharacterClassEscape ::
// one of d D s S w W
// CharacterClass ::
// [ [lookahead ∉ {^}] ClassRanges ]
// [ ^ ClassRanges ]
// ClassRanges ::
// [empty]
// NonemptyClassRanges
// NonemptyClassRanges ::
// ClassAtom
// ClassAtom NonemptyClassRangesNoDash
// ClassAtom - ClassAtom ClassRanges
// NonemptyClassRangesNoDash ::
// ClassAtom
// ClassAtomNoDash NonemptyClassRangesNoDash
// ClassAtomNoDash - ClassAtom ClassRanges
// ClassAtom ::
// -
// ClassAtomNoDash
// ClassAtomNoDash ::
// SourceCharacter but not one of \ or ] or -
// \ ClassEscape
// ClassEscape ::
// DecimalEscape
// b
// CharacterEscape
// CharacterClassEscape
(function() {
function parse(str, flags, features) {
if (!features) {
features = {};
function addRaw(node) {
node.raw = str.substring(node.range[0], node.range[1]);
return node;
function updateRawStart(node, start) {
node.range[0] = start;
return addRaw(node);
function createAnchor(kind, rawLength) {
return addRaw({
type: 'anchor',
kind: kind,
range: [
pos - rawLength,
function createValue(kind, codePoint, from, to) {
return addRaw({
type: 'value',
kind: kind,
codePoint: codePoint,
range: [from, to]
function createEscaped(kind, codePoint, value, fromOffset) {
fromOffset = fromOffset || 0;
return createValue(kind, codePoint, pos - (value.length + fromOffset), pos);
function createCharacter(matches) {
var _char = matches[0];
var first = _char.charCodeAt(0);
if (hasUnicodeFlag) {
var second;
if (_char.length === 1 && first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF) {
second = lookahead().charCodeAt(0);
if (second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) {
// Unicode surrogate pair
return createValue(
(first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000,
pos - 2, pos);
return createValue('symbol', first, pos - 1, pos);
function createDisjunction(alternatives, from, to) {
return addRaw({
type: 'disjunction',
body: alternatives,
range: [
function createDot() {
return addRaw({
type: 'dot',
range: [
pos - 1,
function createCharacterClassEscape(value) {
return addRaw({
type: 'characterClassEscape',
value: value,
range: [
pos - 2,
function createReference(matchIndex) {
return addRaw({
type: 'reference',
matchIndex: parseInt(matchIndex, 10),
range: [
pos - 1 - matchIndex.length,
function createGroup(behavior, disjunction, from, to) {
return addRaw({
type: 'group',
behavior: behavior,
body: disjunction,
range: [
function createQuantifier(min, max, from, to) {
if (to == null) {
from = pos - 1;
to = pos;
return addRaw({
type: 'quantifier',
min: min,
max: max,
greedy: true,
body: null, // set later on
range: [
function createAlternative(terms, from, to) {
return addRaw({
type: 'alternative',
body: terms,
range: [
function createCharacterClass(classRanges, negative, from, to) {
return addRaw({
type: 'characterClass',
body: classRanges,
negative: negative,
range: [
function createClassRange(min, max, from, to) {
// See
if (min.codePoint > max.codePoint) {
bail('invalid range in character class', min.raw + '-' + max.raw, from, to);
return addRaw({
type: 'characterClassRange',
min: min,
max: max,
range: [
function flattenBody(body) {
if (body.type === 'alternative') {
return body.body;
} else {
return [body];
function incr(amount) {
amount = (amount || 1);
var res = str.substring(pos, pos + amount);
pos += (amount || 1);
return res;
function skip(value) {
if (!match(value)) {
bail('character', value);
function match(value) {
if (str.indexOf(value, pos) === pos) {
return incr(value.length);
function lookahead() {
return str[pos];
function current(value) {
return str.indexOf(value, pos) === pos;
function next(value) {
return str[pos + 1] === value;
function matchReg(regExp) {
var subStr = str.substring(pos);
var res = subStr.match(regExp);
if (res) {
res.range = [];
res.range[0] = pos;
res.range[1] = pos;
return res;
function parseDisjunction() {
// Disjunction ::
// Alternative
// Alternative | Disjunction
var res = [], from = pos;
while (match('|')) {
if (res.length === 1) {
return res[0];
return createDisjunction(res, from, pos);
function parseAlternative() {
var res = [], from = pos;
var term;
// Alternative ::
// [empty]
// Alternative Term
while (term = parseTerm()) {
if (res.length === 1) {
return res[0];
return createAlternative(res, from, pos);
function parseTerm() {
// Term ::
// Anchor
// Atom
// Atom Quantifier
if (pos >= str.length || current('|') || current(')')) {
return null; /* Means: The term is empty */
var anchor = parseAnchor();
if (anchor) {
return anchor;
var atom = parseAtom();
if (!atom) {
bail('Expected atom');
var quantifier = parseQuantifier() || false;
if (quantifier) {
quantifier.body = flattenBody(atom);
// The quantifier contains the atom. Therefore, the beginning of the
// quantifier range is given by the beginning of the atom.
updateRawStart(quantifier, atom.range[0]);
return quantifier;
return atom;
function parseGroup(matchA, typeA, matchB, typeB) {
var type = null, from = pos;
if (match(matchA)) {
type = typeA;
} else if (match(matchB)) {
type = typeB;
} else {
return false;
var body = parseDisjunction();
if (!body) {
bail('Expected disjunction');
var group = createGroup(type, flattenBody(body), from, pos);
if (type == 'normal') {
// Keep track of the number of closed groups. This is required for
// parseDecimalEscape(). In case the string is parsed a second time the
// value already holds the total count and no incrementation is required.
if (firstIteration) {
return group;
function parseAnchor() {
// Anchor ::
// ^
// $
// \ b
// \ B
// ( ? = Disjunction )
// ( ? ! Disjunction )
if (match('^')) {
return createAnchor('start', 1 /* rawLength */);
} else if (match('$')) {
return createAnchor('end', 1 /* rawLength */);
} else if (match('\\b')) {
return createAnchor('boundary', 2 /* rawLength */);
} else if (match('\\B')) {
return createAnchor('not-boundary', 2 /* rawLength */);
} else {
return parseGroup('(?=', 'lookahead', '(?!', 'negativeLookahead');
function parseQuantifier() {
// Quantifier ::
// QuantifierPrefix
// QuantifierPrefix ?
// QuantifierPrefix ::
// *
// +
// ?
// { DecimalDigits }
// { DecimalDigits , }
// { DecimalDigits , DecimalDigits }
var res, from = pos;
var quantifier;
var min, max;
if (match('*')) {
quantifier = createQuantifier(0);
else if (match('+')) {
quantifier = createQuantifier(1);
else if (match('?')) {
quantifier = createQuantifier(0, 1);
else if (res = matchReg(/^\{([0-9]+)\}/)) {
min = parseInt(res[1], 10);
quantifier = createQuantifier(min, min, res.range[0], res.range[1]);
else if (res = matchReg(/^\{([0-9]+),\}/)) {
min = parseInt(res[1], 10);
quantifier = createQuantifier(min, undefined, res.range[0], res.range[1]);
else if (res = matchReg(/^\{([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\}/)) {
min = parseInt(res[1], 10);
max = parseInt(res[2], 10);
if (min > max) {
bail('numbers out of order in {} quantifier', '', from, pos);
quantifier = createQuantifier(min, max, res.range[0], res.range[1]);
if (quantifier) {
if (match('?')) {
quantifier.greedy = false;
quantifier.range[1] += 1;
return quantifier;
function parseAtom() {
// Atom ::
// PatternCharacter
// .
// \ AtomEscape
// CharacterClass
// ( Disjunction )
// ( ? : Disjunction )
var res;
// jviereck: allow ']', '}' here as well to be compatible with browser's
// implementations: ']'.match(/]/);
// if (res = matchReg(/^[^^$\\.*+?()[\]{}|]/)) {
if (res = matchReg(/^[^^$\\.*+?(){[|]/)) {
// PatternCharacter
return createCharacter(res);
else if (match('.')) {
// .
return createDot();
else if (match('\\')) {
// \ AtomEscape
res = parseAtomEscape();
if (!res) {
return res;
else if (res = parseCharacterClass()) {
return res;
else {
// ( Disjunction )
// ( ? : Disjunction )
return parseGroup('(?:', 'ignore', '(', 'normal');
function parseUnicodeSurrogatePairEscape(firstEscape) {
if (hasUnicodeFlag) {
var first, second;
if (firstEscape.kind == 'unicodeEscape' &&
(first = firstEscape.codePoint) >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF &&
current('\\') && next('u') ) {
var prevPos = pos;
var secondEscape = parseClassEscape();
if (secondEscape.kind == 'unicodeEscape' &&
(second = secondEscape.codePoint) >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF) {
// Unicode surrogate pair
firstEscape.range[1] = secondEscape.range[1];
firstEscape.codePoint = (first - 0xD800) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000;
firstEscape.type = 'value';
firstEscape.kind = 'unicodeCodePointEscape';
else {
pos = prevPos;
return firstEscape;
function parseClassEscape() {
return parseAtomEscape(true);
function parseAtomEscape(insideCharacterClass) {
// AtomEscape ::
// DecimalEscape
// CharacterEscape
// CharacterClassEscape
var res, from = pos;
res = parseDecimalEscape();
if (res) {
return res;
// For ClassEscape
if (insideCharacterClass) {
if (match('b')) {
// The production ClassEscape :: b evaluates by returning the
// CharSet containing the one character (Unicode value 0008).
return createEscaped('singleEscape', 0x0008, '\\b');
} else if (match('B')) {
bail('\\B not possible inside of CharacterClass', '', from);
res = parseCharacterEscape();
return res;
function parseDecimalEscape() {
// DecimalEscape ::
// DecimalIntegerLiteral [lookahead ∉ DecimalDigit]
// CharacterClassEscape :: one of d D s S w W
var res, match;
if (res = matchReg(/^(?!0)\d+/)) {
match = res[0];
var refIdx = parseInt(res[0], 10);
if (refIdx <= closedCaptureCounter) {
// If the number is smaller than the normal-groups found so
// far, then it is a reference...
return createReference(res[0]);
} else {
// ... otherwise it needs to be interpreted as a octal (if the
// number is in an octal format). If it is NOT octal format,
// then the slash is ignored and the number is matched later
// as normal characters.
// Recall the negative decision to decide if the input must be parsed
// a second time with the total normal-groups.
// Reset the position again, as maybe only parts of the previous
// matched numbers are actual octal numbers. E.g. in '019' only
// the '01' should be matched.
if (res = matchReg(/^[0-7]{1,3}/)) {
return createEscaped('octal', parseInt(res[0], 8), res[0], 1);
} else {
// If we end up here, we have a case like /\91/. Then the
// first slash is to be ignored and the 9 & 1 to be treated
// like ordinary characters. Create a character for the
// first number only here - other number-characters
// (if available) will be matched later.
res = createCharacter(matchReg(/^[89]/));
return updateRawStart(res, res.range[0] - 1);
// Only allow octal numbers in the following. All matched numbers start
// with a zero (if the do not, the previous if-branch is executed).
// If the number is not octal format and starts with zero (e.g. `091`)
// then only the zeros `0` is treated here and the `91` are ordinary
// characters.
// Example:
// /\091/.exec('\091')[0].length === 3
else if (res = matchReg(/^[0-7]{1,3}/)) {
match = res[0];
if (/^0{1,3}$/.test(match)) {
// If they are all zeros, then only take the first one.
return createEscaped('null', 0x0000, '0', match.length + 1);
} else {
return createEscaped('octal', parseInt(match, 8), match, 1);
} else if (res = matchReg(/^[dDsSwW]/)) {
return createCharacterClassEscape(res[0]);
return false;
function parseCharacterEscape() {
// CharacterEscape ::
// ControlEscape
// c ControlLetter
// HexEscapeSequence
// UnicodeEscapeSequence
// IdentityEscape
var res;
if (res = matchReg(/^[fnrtv]/)) {
// ControlEscape
var codePoint = 0;
switch (res[0]) {
case 't': codePoint = 0x009; break;
case 'n': codePoint = 0x00A; break;
case 'v': codePoint = 0x00B; break;
case 'f': codePoint = 0x00C; break;
case 'r': codePoint = 0x00D; break;
return createEscaped('singleEscape', codePoint, '\\' + res[0]);
} else if (res = matchReg(/^c([a-zA-Z])/)) {
// c ControlLetter
return createEscaped('controlLetter', res[1].charCodeAt(0) % 32, res[1], 2);
} else if (res = matchReg(/^x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/)) {
// HexEscapeSequence
return createEscaped('hexadecimalEscape', parseInt(res[1], 16), res[1], 2);
} else if (res = matchReg(/^u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/)) {
// UnicodeEscapeSequence
return parseUnicodeSurrogatePairEscape(
createEscaped('unicodeEscape', parseInt(res[1], 16), res[1], 2)
} else if (hasUnicodeFlag && (res = matchReg(/^u\{([0-9a-fA-F]+)\}/))) {
// RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence (ES6 Unicode code point escape)
return createEscaped('unicodeCodePointEscape', parseInt(res[1], 16), res[1], 4);
} else if (features.unicodePropertyEscape && hasUnicodeFlag && (res = matchReg(/^([pP])\{([^\}]+)\}/))) {
return addRaw({
type: 'unicodePropertyEscape',
negative: res[1] === 'P',
value: res[2],
range: [res.range[0] - 1, res.range[1]],
raw: res[0]
} else {
// IdentityEscape
return parseIdentityEscape();
// Taken from the Esprima parser.
function isIdentifierPart(ch) {
// Generated by `tools/generate-identifier-regex.js`.
var NonAsciiIdentifierPart = new RegExp('[\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0300-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u0483-\u0487\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2\u05C4\u05C5\u05C7\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0610-\u061A\u0620-\u0669\u066E-\u06D3\u06D5-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06E8\u06EA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710-\u074A\u074D-\u07B1\u07C0-\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u082D\u0840-\u085B\u08A0-\u08B2\u08E4-\u0963\u0966-\u096F\u0971-\u0983\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BC-\u09C4\u09C7\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CE\u09D7\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E3\u09E6-\u09F1\u0A01-\u0A03\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A3C\u0A3E-\u0A42\u0A47\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A51\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A66-\u0A75\u0A81-\u0A83\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABC-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0AD0\u0AE0-\u0AE3\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3C-\u0B44\u0B47\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56\u0B57\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B63\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0B71\u0B82\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD0\u0BD7\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C00-\u0C03\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55\u0C56\u0C58\u0C59\u0C60-\u0C63\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0C81-\u0C83\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBC-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0CDE\u0CE0-\u0CE3\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D01-\u0D03\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D-\u0D44\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4E\u0D57\u0D60-\u0D63\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D82\u0D83\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0DCA\u0DCF-\u0DD4\u0DD6\u0DD8-\u0DDF\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0DF2\u0DF3\u0E01-\u0E3A\u0E40-\u0E4E\u0E50-\u0E59\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB9\u0EBB-\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F18\u0F19\u0F20-\u0F29\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86-\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FBC\u0FC6\u1000-\u1049\u1050-\u109D\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u135D-\u135F\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F4\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1714\u1720-\u1734\u1740-\u1753\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1772\u1773\u1780-\u17D3\u17D7\u17DC\u17DD\u17E0-\u17E9\u180B-\u180D\u1810-\u1819\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1920-\u192B\u1930-\u193B\u1946-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A00-\u1A1B\u1A20-\u1A5E\u1A60-\u1A7C\u1A7F-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1AA7\u1AB0-\u1ABD\u1B00-\u1B4B\u1B50-\u1B59\u1B6B-\u1B73\u1B80-\u1BF3\u1C00-\u1C37\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C4D-\u1C7D\u1CD0-\u1CD2\u1CD4-\u1CF6\u1CF8\u1CF9\u1D00-\u1DF5\u1DFC-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u200C\u200D\u203F\u2040\u2054\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u20D0-\u20DC\u20E1\u20E5-\u20F0\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D7F-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2DE0-\u2DFF\u2E2F\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u3099\u309A\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312D\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FCC\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA62B\uA640-\uA66F\uA674-\uA67D\uA67F-\uA69D\uA69F-\uA6F1\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA78E\uA790-\uA7AD\uA7B0\uA7B1\uA7F7-\uA827\uA840-\uA873\uA880-\uA8C4\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA8E0-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA900-\uA92D\uA930-\uA953\uA960-\uA97C\uA980-\uA9C0\uA9CF-\uA9D9\uA9E0-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA36\uAA40-\uAA4D\uAA50-\uAA59\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A-\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEF\uAAF2-\uAAF6\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB5F\uAB64\uAB65\uABC0-\uABEA\uABEC\uABED\uABF0-\uABF9\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE00-\uFE0F\uFE20-\uFE2D\uFE33\uFE34\uFE4D-\uFE4F\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF10-\uFF19\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF3F\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]');
return (ch === 36) || (ch === 95) || // $ (dollar) and _ (underscore)
(ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || // A..Z
(ch >= 97 && ch <= 122) || // a..z
(ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) || // 0..9
(ch === 92) || // \ (backslash)
((ch >= 0x80) && NonAsciiIdentifierPart.test(String.fromCharCode(ch)));
function parseIdentityEscape() {
// IdentityEscape ::
// SourceCharacter but not IdentifierPart
var ZWJ = '\u200C';
var ZWNJ = '\u200D';
var tmp;
if (!isIdentifierPart(lookahead())) {
tmp = incr();
return createEscaped('identifier', tmp.charCodeAt(0), tmp, 1);
if (match(ZWJ)) {
return createEscaped('identifier', 0x200C, ZWJ);
} else if (match(ZWNJ)) {
return createEscaped('identifier', 0x200D, ZWNJ);
return null;
function parseCharacterClass() {
// CharacterClass ::
// [ [lookahead ∉ {^}] ClassRanges ]
// [ ^ ClassRanges ]
var res, from = pos;
if (res = matchReg(/^\[\^/)) {
res = parseClassRanges();
return createCharacterClass(res, true, from, pos);
} else if (match('[')) {
res = parseClassRanges();
return createCharacterClass(res, false, from, pos);
return null;
function parseClassRanges() {
// ClassRanges ::
// [empty]
// NonemptyClassRanges
var res;
if (current(']')) {
// Empty array means nothing insinde of the ClassRange.
return [];
} else {
res = parseNonemptyClassRanges();
if (!res) {
return res;
function parseHelperClassRanges(atom) {
var from, to, res;
if (current('-') && !next(']')) {
// ClassAtom - ClassAtom ClassRanges
res = parseClassAtom();
if (!res) {
to = pos;
var classRanges = parseClassRanges();
if (!classRanges) {
from = atom.range[0];
if (classRanges.type === 'empty') {
return [createClassRange(atom, res, from, to)];
return [createClassRange(atom, res, from, to)].concat(classRanges);
res = parseNonemptyClassRangesNoDash();
if (!res) {
return [atom].concat(res);
function parseNonemptyClassRanges() {
// NonemptyClassRanges ::
// ClassAtom
// ClassAtom NonemptyClassRangesNoDash
// ClassAtom - ClassAtom ClassRanges
var atom = parseClassAtom();
if (!atom) {
if (current(']')) {
// ClassAtom
return [atom];
// ClassAtom NonemptyClassRangesNoDash
// ClassAtom - ClassAtom ClassRanges
return parseHelperClassRanges(atom);
function parseNonemptyClassRangesNoDash() {
// NonemptyClassRangesNoDash ::
// ClassAtom
// ClassAtomNoDash NonemptyClassRangesNoDash
// ClassAtomNoDash - ClassAtom ClassRanges
var res = parseClassAtom();
if (!res) {
if (current(']')) {
// ClassAtom
return res;
// ClassAtomNoDash NonemptyClassRangesNoDash
// ClassAtomNoDash - ClassAtom ClassRanges
return parseHelperClassRanges(res);
function parseClassAtom() {
// ClassAtom ::
// -
// ClassAtomNoDash
if (match('-')) {
return createCharacter('-');
} else {
return parseClassAtomNoDash();
function parseClassAtomNoDash() {
// ClassAtomNoDash ::
// SourceCharacter but not one of \ or ] or -
// \ ClassEscape
var res;
if (res = matchReg(/^[^\\\]-]/)) {
return createCharacter(res[0]);
} else if (match('\\')) {
res = parseClassEscape();
if (!res) {
return parseUnicodeSurrogatePairEscape(res);
function bail(message, details, from, to) {
from = from == null ? pos : from;
to = to == null ? from : to;
var contextStart = Math.max(0, from - 10);
var contextEnd = Math.min(to + 10, str.length);
// Output a bit of context and a line pointing to where our error is.
// We are assuming that there are no actual newlines in the content as this is a regular expression.
var context = ' ' + str.substring(contextStart, contextEnd);
var pointer = ' ' + new Array(from - contextStart + 1).join(' ') + '^';
throw SyntaxError(message + ' at position ' + from + (details ? ': ' + details : '') + '\n' + context + '\n' + pointer);
var backrefDenied = [];
var closedCaptureCounter = 0;
var firstIteration = true;
var hasUnicodeFlag = (flags || "").indexOf("u") !== -1;
var pos = 0;
// Convert the input to a string and treat the empty string special.
str = String(str);
if (str === '') {
str = '(?:)';
var result = parseDisjunction();
if (result.range[1] !== str.length) {
bail('Could not parse entire input - got stuck', '', result.range[1]);
// The spec requires to interpret the `\2` in `/\2()()/` as backreference.
// As the parser collects the number of capture groups as the string is
// parsed it is impossible to make these decisions at the point when the
// `\2` is handled. In case the local decision turns out to be wrong after
// the parsing has finished, the input string is parsed a second time with
// the total number of capture groups set.
// SEE:
for (var i = 0; i < backrefDenied.length; i++) {
if (backrefDenied[i] <= closedCaptureCounter) {
// Parse the input a second time.
pos = 0;
firstIteration = false;
return parseDisjunction();
return result;
var regjsparser = {
parse: parse
if ('object' !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
module.exports = regjsparser;
} else {
window.regjsparser = regjsparser;
var regenerate = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
/*! v1.3.3 by @mathias | MIT license */
(function(root) {
// Detect free variables `exports`.
var freeExports = 'object' == 'object' && exports;
// Detect free variable `module`.
var freeModule = 'object' == 'object' && module &&
module.exports == freeExports && module;
// Detect free variable `global`, from Node.js/io.js or Browserified code,
// and use it as `root`.
var freeGlobal = typeof commonjsGlobal == 'object' && commonjsGlobal;
if ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal) {
root = freeGlobal;
var ERRORS = {
'rangeOrder': 'A range\u2019s `stop` value must be greater than or equal ' +
'to the `start` value.',
'codePointRange': 'Invalid code point value. Code points range from ' +
'U+000000 to U+10FFFF.'
// In Regenerate output, `\0` is never preceded by `\` because we sort by
// code point value, so let’s keep this regular expression simple.
var regexNull = /\\x00([^0123456789]|$)/g;
var object = {};
var hasOwnProperty = object.hasOwnProperty;
var extend = function(destination, source) {
var key;
for (key in source) {
if (, key)) {
destination[key] = source[key];
return destination;
var forEach = function(array, callback) {
var index = -1;
var length = array.length;
while (++index < length) {
callback(array[index], index);
var toString = object.toString;
var isArray = function(value) {
return == '[object Array]';
var isNumber = function(value) {
return typeof value == 'number' || == '[object Number]';
// This assumes that `number` is a positive integer that `toString()`s nicely
// (which is the case for all code point values).
var zeroes = '0000';
var pad = function(number, totalCharacters) {
var string = String(number);
return string.length < totalCharacters
? (zeroes + string).slice(-totalCharacters)
: string;
var hex = function(number) {
return Number(number).toString(16).toUpperCase();
var slice = [].slice;
var dataFromCodePoints = function(codePoints) {
var index = -1;
var length = codePoints.length;
var max = length - 1;
var result = [];
var isStart = true;
var tmp;
var previous = 0;
while (++index < length) {
tmp = codePoints[index];
if (isStart) {
previous = tmp;
isStart = false;
} else {
if (tmp == previous + 1) {
if (index != max) {
previous = tmp;
} else {
isStart = true;
result.push(tmp + 1);
} else {
// End the previous range and start a new one.
result.push(previous + 1, tmp);
previous = tmp;
if (!isStart) {
result.push(tmp + 1);
return result;
var dataRemove = function(data, codePoint) {
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var length = data.length;
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1];
if (codePoint >= start && codePoint < end) {
// Modify this pair.
if (codePoint == start) {
if (end == start + 1) {
// Just remove `start` and `end`.
data.splice(index, 2);
return data;
} else {
// Just replace `start` with a new value.
data[index] = codePoint + 1;
return data;
} else if (codePoint == end - 1) {
// Just replace `end` with a new value.
data[index + 1] = codePoint;
return data;
} else {
// Replace `[start, end]` with `[startA, endA, startB, endB]`.
data.splice(index, 2, start, codePoint, codePoint + 1, end);
return data;
index += 2;
return data;
var dataRemoveRange = function(data, rangeStart, rangeEnd) {
if (rangeEnd < rangeStart) {
throw Error(ERRORS.rangeOrder);
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
while (index < data.length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1] - 1; // Note: the `- 1` makes `end` inclusive.
// Exit as soon as no more matching pairs can be found.
if (start > rangeEnd) {
return data;
// Check if this range pair is equal to, or forms a subset of, the range
// to be removed.
// E.g. we have `[0, 11, 40, 51]` and want to remove 0-10 → `[40, 51]`.
// E.g. we have `[40, 51]` and want to remove 0-100 → `[]`.
if (rangeStart <= start && rangeEnd >= end) {
// Remove this pair.
data.splice(index, 2);
// Check if both `rangeStart` and `rangeEnd` are within the bounds of
// this pair.
// E.g. we have `[0, 11]` and want to remove 4-6 → `[0, 4, 7, 11]`.
if (rangeStart >= start && rangeEnd < end) {
if (rangeStart == start) {
// Replace `[start, end]` with `[startB, endB]`.
data[index] = rangeEnd + 1;
data[index + 1] = end + 1;
return data;
// Replace `[start, end]` with `[startA, endA, startB, endB]`.
data.splice(index, 2, start, rangeStart, rangeEnd + 1, end + 1);
return data;
// Check if only `rangeStart` is within the bounds of this pair.
// E.g. we have `[0, 11]` and want to remove 4-20 → `[0, 4]`.
if (rangeStart >= start && rangeStart <= end) {
// Replace `end` with `rangeStart`.
data[index + 1] = rangeStart;
// Note: we cannot `return` just yet, in case any following pairs still
// contain matching code points.
// E.g. we have `[0, 11, 14, 31]` and want to remove 4-20
// → `[0, 4, 21, 31]`.
// Check if only `rangeEnd` is within the bounds of this pair.
// E.g. we have `[14, 31]` and want to remove 4-20 → `[21, 31]`.
else if (rangeEnd >= start && rangeEnd <= end) {
// Just replace `start`.
data[index] = rangeEnd + 1;
return data;
index += 2;
return data;
var dataAdd = function(data, codePoint) {
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var lastIndex = null;
var length = data.length;
if (codePoint < 0x0 || codePoint > 0x10FFFF) {
throw RangeError(ERRORS.codePointRange);
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1];
// Check if the code point is already in the set.
if (codePoint >= start && codePoint < end) {
return data;
if (codePoint == start - 1) {
// Just replace `start` with a new value.
data[index] = codePoint;
return data;
// At this point, if `start` is `greater` than `codePoint`, insert a new
// `[start, end]` pair before the current pair, or after the current pair
// if there is a known `lastIndex`.
if (start > codePoint) {
lastIndex != null ? lastIndex + 2 : 0,
codePoint + 1
return data;
if (codePoint == end) {
// Check if adding this code point causes two separate ranges to become
// a single range, e.g. `dataAdd([0, 4, 5, 10], 4)` → `[0, 10]`.
if (codePoint + 1 == data[index + 2]) {
data.splice(index, 4, start, data[index + 3]);
return data;
// Else, just replace `end` with a new value.
data[index + 1] = codePoint + 1;
return data;
lastIndex = index;
index += 2;
// The loop has finished; add the new pair to the end of the data set.
data.push(codePoint, codePoint + 1);
return data;
var dataAddData = function(dataA, dataB) {
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var data = dataA.slice();
var length = dataB.length;
while (index < length) {
start = dataB[index];
end = dataB[index + 1] - 1;
if (start == end) {
data = dataAdd(data, start);
} else {
data = dataAddRange(data, start, end);
index += 2;
return data;
var dataRemoveData = function(dataA, dataB) {
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var data = dataA.slice();
var length = dataB.length;
while (index < length) {
start = dataB[index];
end = dataB[index + 1] - 1;
if (start == end) {
data = dataRemove(data, start);
} else {
data = dataRemoveRange(data, start, end);
index += 2;
return data;
var dataAddRange = function(data, rangeStart, rangeEnd) {
if (rangeEnd < rangeStart) {
throw Error(ERRORS.rangeOrder);
if (
rangeStart < 0x0 || rangeStart > 0x10FFFF ||
rangeEnd < 0x0 || rangeEnd > 0x10FFFF
) {
throw RangeError(ERRORS.codePointRange);
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var added = false;
var length = data.length;
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1];
if (added) {
// The range has already been added to the set; at this point, we just
// need to get rid of the following ranges in case they overlap.
// Check if this range can be combined with the previous range.
if (start == rangeEnd + 1) {
data.splice(index - 1, 2);
return data;
// Exit as soon as no more possibly overlapping pairs can be found.
if (start > rangeEnd) {
return data;
// E.g. `[0, 11, 12, 16]` and we’ve added 5-15, so we now have
// `[0, 16, 12, 16]`. Remove the `12,16` part, as it lies within the
// `0,16` range that was previously added.
if (start >= rangeStart && start <= rangeEnd) {
// `start` lies within the range that was previously added.
if (end > rangeStart && end - 1 <= rangeEnd) {
// `end` lies within the range that was previously added as well,
// so remove this pair.
data.splice(index, 2);
index -= 2;
// Note: we cannot `return` just yet, as there may still be other
// overlapping pairs.
} else {
// `start` lies within the range that was previously added, but
// `end` doesn’t. E.g. `[0, 11, 12, 31]` and we’ve added 5-15, so
// now we have `[0, 16, 12, 31]`. This must be written as `[0, 31]`.
// Remove the previously added `end` and the current `start`.
data.splice(index - 1, 2);
index -= 2;
// Note: we cannot return yet.
else if (start == rangeEnd + 1) {
data[index] = rangeStart;
return data;
// Check if a new pair must be inserted *before* the current one.
else if (start > rangeEnd) {
data.splice(index, 0, rangeStart, rangeEnd + 1);
return data;
else if (rangeStart >= start && rangeStart < end && rangeEnd + 1 <= end) {
// The new range lies entirely within an existing range pair. No action
// needed.
return data;
else if (
// E.g. `[0, 11]` and you add 5-15 → `[0, 16]`.
(rangeStart >= start && rangeStart < end) ||
// E.g. `[0, 3]` and you add 3-6 → `[0, 7]`.
end == rangeStart
) {
// Replace `end` with the new value.
data[index + 1] = rangeEnd + 1;
// Make sure the next range pair doesn’t overlap, e.g. `[0, 11, 12, 14]`
// and you add 5-15 → `[0, 16]`, i.e. remove the `12,14` part.
added = true;
// Note: we cannot `return` just yet.
else if (rangeStart <= start && rangeEnd + 1 >= end) {
// The new range is a superset of the old range.
data[index] = rangeStart;
data[index + 1] = rangeEnd + 1;
added = true;
index += 2;
// The loop has finished without doing anything; add the new pair to the end
// of the data set.
if (!added) {
data.push(rangeStart, rangeEnd + 1);
return data;
var dataContains = function(data, codePoint) {
var index = 0;
var length = data.length;
// Exit early if `codePoint` is not within `data`’s overall range.
var start = data[index];
var end = data[length - 1];
if (length >= 2) {
if (codePoint < start || codePoint > end) {
return false;
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1];
if (codePoint >= start && codePoint < end) {
return true;
index += 2;
return false;
var dataIntersection = function(data, codePoints) {
var index = 0;
var length = codePoints.length;
var codePoint;
var result = [];
while (index < length) {
codePoint = codePoints[index];
if (dataContains(data, codePoint)) {
return dataFromCodePoints(result);
var dataIsEmpty = function(data) {
return !data.length;
var dataIsSingleton = function(data) {
// Check if the set only represents a single code point.
return data.length == 2 && data[0] + 1 == data[1];
var dataToArray = function(data) {
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var result = [];
var length = data.length;
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1];
while (start < end) {
index += 2;
return result;
var floor = Math.floor;
var highSurrogate = function(codePoint) {
return parseInt(
floor((codePoint - 0x10000) / 0x400) + HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN,
var lowSurrogate = function(codePoint) {
return parseInt(
(codePoint - 0x10000) % 0x400 + LOW_SURROGATE_MIN,
var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var codePointToString = function(codePoint) {
var string;
// Note: the `\b` escape sequence for U+0008 BACKSPACE in strings has a
// different meaning in regular expressions (word boundary), so it cannot
// be used here.
if (codePoint == 0x09) {
string = '\\t';
// Note: IE < 9 treats `'\v'` as `'v'`, so avoid using it.
// else if (codePoint == 0x0B) {
// string = '\\v';
// }
else if (codePoint == 0x0A) {
string = '\\n';
else if (codePoint == 0x0C) {
string = '\\f';
else if (codePoint == 0x0D) {
string = '\\r';
else if (codePoint == 0x5C) {
string = '\\\\';
else if (
codePoint == 0x24 ||
(codePoint >= 0x28 && codePoint <= 0x2B) ||
(codePoint >= 0x2D && codePoint <= 0x2F) ||
codePoint == 0x3F ||
(codePoint >= 0x5B && codePoint <= 0x5E) ||
(codePoint >= 0x7B && codePoint <= 0x7D)
) {
// The code point maps to an unsafe printable ASCII character;
// backslash-escape it. Here’s the list of those symbols:
// $()*+-./?[\]^{|}
// See #7 for more info.
string = '\\' + stringFromCharCode(codePoint);
else if (codePoint >= 0x20 && codePoint <= 0x7E) {
// The code point maps to one of these printable ASCII symbols
// (including the space character):
// !"#%&',/0123456789:;<=>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
// PQRSTUVWXYZ_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~
// These can safely be used directly.
string = stringFromCharCode(codePoint);
else if (codePoint <= 0xFF) {
string = '\\x' + pad(hex(codePoint), 2);
else { // `codePoint <= 0xFFFF` holds true.
string = '\\u' + pad(hex(codePoint), 4);
// There’s no need to account for astral symbols / surrogate pairs here,
// since `codePointToString` is private and only used for BMP code points.
// But if that’s what you need, just add an `else` block with this code:
// string = '\\u' + pad(hex(highSurrogate(codePoint)), 4)
// + '\\u' + pad(hex(lowSurrogate(codePoint)), 4);
return string;
var codePointToStringUnicode = function(codePoint) {
if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) {
return codePointToString(codePoint);
return '\\u{' + codePoint.toString(16).toUpperCase() + '}';
var symbolToCodePoint = function(symbol) {
var length = symbol.length;
var first = symbol.charCodeAt(0);
var second;
if (
length > 1 // There is a next code unit.
) {
// `first` is a high surrogate, and there is a next character. Assume
// it’s a low surrogate (else it’s invalid usage of Regenerate anyway).
second = symbol.charCodeAt(1);
return (first - HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN) * 0x400 +
second - LOW_SURROGATE_MIN + 0x10000;
return first;
var createBMPCharacterClasses = function(data) {
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var result = '';
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var length = data.length;
if (dataIsSingleton(data)) {
return codePointToString(data[0]);
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1] - 1; // Note: the `- 1` makes `end` inclusive.
if (start == end) {
result += codePointToString(start);
} else if (start + 1 == end) {
result += codePointToString(start) + codePointToString(end);
} else {
result += codePointToString(start) + '-' + codePointToString(end);
index += 2;
return '[' + result + ']';
var createUnicodeCharacterClasses = function(data) {
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var result = '';
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var length = data.length;
if (dataIsSingleton(data)) {
return codePointToStringUnicode(data[0]);
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1] - 1; // Note: the `- 1` makes `end` inclusive.
if (start == end) {
result += codePointToStringUnicode(start);
} else if (start + 1 == end) {
result += codePointToStringUnicode(start) + codePointToStringUnicode(end);
} else {
result += codePointToStringUnicode(start) + '-' + codePointToStringUnicode(end);
index += 2;
return '[' + result + ']';
var splitAtBMP = function(data) {
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var loneHighSurrogates = [];
var loneLowSurrogates = [];
var bmp = [];
var astral = [];
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var length = data.length;
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1] - 1; // Note: the `- 1` makes `end` inclusive.
if (start < HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN) {
// The range starts and ends before the high surrogate range.
// E.g. (0, 0x10).
bmp.push(start, end + 1);
// The range starts before the high surrogate range and ends within it.
// E.g. (0, 0xD855).
bmp.push(start, HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN);
loneHighSurrogates.push(HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN, end + 1);
// The range starts before the high surrogate range and ends in the low
// surrogate range. E.g. (0, 0xDCFF).
bmp.push(start, HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN);
loneHighSurrogates.push(HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN, HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX + 1);
loneLowSurrogates.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MIN, end + 1);
// The range starts before the high surrogate range and ends after the
// low surrogate range. E.g. (0, 0x10FFFF).
if (end > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX) {
bmp.push(start, HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN);
loneHighSurrogates.push(HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN, HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX + 1);
loneLowSurrogates.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MIN, LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1);
if (end <= 0xFFFF) {
bmp.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1, end + 1);
} else {
bmp.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1, 0xFFFF + 1);
astral.push(0xFFFF + 1, end + 1);
} else if (start >= HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN && start <= HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX) {
// The range starts and ends in the high surrogate range.
// E.g. (0xD855, 0xD866).
loneHighSurrogates.push(start, end + 1);
// The range starts in the high surrogate range and ends in the low
// surrogate range. E.g. (0xD855, 0xDCFF).
loneHighSurrogates.push(start, HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX + 1);
loneLowSurrogates.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MIN, end + 1);
// The range starts in the high surrogate range and ends after the low
// surrogate range. E.g. (0xD855, 0x10FFFF).
if (end > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX) {
loneHighSurrogates.push(start, HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX + 1);
loneLowSurrogates.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MIN, LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1);
if (end <= 0xFFFF) {
bmp.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1, end + 1);
} else {
bmp.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1, 0xFFFF + 1);
astral.push(0xFFFF + 1, end + 1);
} else if (start >= LOW_SURROGATE_MIN && start <= LOW_SURROGATE_MAX) {
// The range starts and ends in the low surrogate range.
// E.g. (0xDCFF, 0xDDFF).
loneLowSurrogates.push(start, end + 1);
// The range starts in the low surrogate range and ends after the low
// surrogate range. E.g. (0xDCFF, 0x10FFFF).
if (end > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX) {
loneLowSurrogates.push(start, LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1);
if (end <= 0xFFFF) {
bmp.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1, end + 1);
} else {
bmp.push(LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1, 0xFFFF + 1);
astral.push(0xFFFF + 1, end + 1);
} else if (start > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX && start <= 0xFFFF) {
// The range starts and ends after the low surrogate range.
// E.g. (0xFFAA, 0x10FFFF).
if (end <= 0xFFFF) {
bmp.push(start, end + 1);
} else {
bmp.push(start, 0xFFFF + 1);
astral.push(0xFFFF + 1, end + 1);
} else {
// The range starts and ends in the astral range.
astral.push(start, end + 1);
index += 2;
return {
'loneHighSurrogates': loneHighSurrogates,
'loneLowSurrogates': loneLowSurrogates,
'bmp': bmp,
'astral': astral
var optimizeSurrogateMappings = function(surrogateMappings) {
var result = [];
var tmpLow = [];
var addLow = false;
var mapping;
var nextMapping;
var highSurrogates;
var lowSurrogates;
var nextHighSurrogates;
var nextLowSurrogates;
var index = -1;
var length = surrogateMappings.length;
while (++index < length) {
mapping = surrogateMappings[index];
nextMapping = surrogateMappings[index + 1];
if (!nextMapping) {
highSurrogates = mapping[0];
lowSurrogates = mapping[1];
nextHighSurrogates = nextMapping[0];
nextLowSurrogates = nextMapping[1];
// Check for identical high surrogate ranges.
tmpLow = lowSurrogates;
while (
nextHighSurrogates &&
highSurrogates[0] == nextHighSurrogates[0] &&
highSurrogates[1] == nextHighSurrogates[1]
) {
// Merge with the next item.
if (dataIsSingleton(nextLowSurrogates)) {
tmpLow = dataAdd(tmpLow, nextLowSurrogates[0]);
} else {
tmpLow = dataAddRange(
nextLowSurrogates[1] - 1
mapping = surrogateMappings[index];
highSurrogates = mapping[0];
lowSurrogates = mapping[1];
nextMapping = surrogateMappings[index + 1];
nextHighSurrogates = nextMapping && nextMapping[0];
nextLowSurrogates = nextMapping && nextMapping[1];
addLow = true;
addLow ? tmpLow : lowSurrogates
addLow = false;
return optimizeByLowSurrogates(result);
var optimizeByLowSurrogates = function(surrogateMappings) {
if (surrogateMappings.length == 1) {
return surrogateMappings;
var index = -1;
var innerIndex = -1;
while (++index < surrogateMappings.length) {
var mapping = surrogateMappings[index];
var lowSurrogates = mapping[1];
var lowSurrogateStart = lowSurrogates[0];
var lowSurrogateEnd = lowSurrogates[1];
innerIndex = index; // Note: the loop starts at the next index.
while (++innerIndex < surrogateMappings.length) {
var otherMapping = surrogateMappings[innerIndex];
var otherLowSurrogates = otherMapping[1];
var otherLowSurrogateStart = otherLowSurrogates[0];
var otherLowSurrogateEnd = otherLowSurrogates[1];
if (
lowSurrogateStart == otherLowSurrogateStart &&
lowSurrogateEnd == otherLowSurrogateEnd
) {
// Add the code points in the other item to this one.
if (dataIsSingleton(otherMapping[0])) {
mapping[0] = dataAdd(mapping[0], otherMapping[0][0]);
} else {
mapping[0] = dataAddRange(
otherMapping[0][1] - 1
// Remove the other, now redundant, item.
surrogateMappings.splice(innerIndex, 1);
return surrogateMappings;
var surrogateSet = function(data) {
// Exit early if `data` is an empty set.
if (!data.length) {
return [];
// Iterate over the data per `(start, end)` pair.
var index = 0;
var start;
var end;
var startHigh;
var startLow;
var endHigh;
var endLow;
var surrogateMappings = [];
var length = data.length;
while (index < length) {
start = data[index];
end = data[index + 1] - 1;
startHigh = highSurrogate(start);
startLow = lowSurrogate(start);
endHigh = highSurrogate(end);
endLow = lowSurrogate(end);
var startsWithLowestLowSurrogate = startLow == LOW_SURROGATE_MIN;
var endsWithHighestLowSurrogate = endLow == LOW_SURROGATE_MAX;
var complete = false;
// Append the previous high-surrogate-to-low-surrogate mappings.
// Step 1: `(startHigh, startLow)` to `(startHigh, LOW_SURROGATE_MAX)`.
if (
startHigh == endHigh ||
startsWithLowestLowSurrogate && endsWithHighestLowSurrogate
) {
[startHigh, endHigh + 1],
[startLow, endLow + 1]
complete = true;
} else {
[startHigh, startHigh + 1],
[startLow, LOW_SURROGATE_MAX + 1]
// Step 2: `(startHigh + 1, LOW_SURROGATE_MIN)` to
// `(endHigh - 1, LOW_SURROGATE_MAX)`.
if (!complete && startHigh + 1 < endHigh) {
if (endsWithHighestLowSurrogate) {
// Combine step 2 and step 3.
[startHigh + 1, endHigh + 1],
complete = true;
} else {
[startHigh + 1, endHigh],
// Step 3. `(endHigh, LOW_SURROGATE_MIN)` to `(endHigh, endLow)`.
if (!complete) {
[endHigh, endHigh + 1],
index += 2;
// The format of `surrogateMappings` is as follows:
// [ surrogateMapping1, surrogateMapping2 ]
// i.e.:
// [
// [ highSurrogates1, lowSurrogates1 ],
// [ highSurrogates2, lowSurrogates2 ]
// ]
return optimizeSurrogateMappings(surrogateMappings);
var createSurrogateCharacterClasses = function(surrogateMappings) {
var result = [];
forEach(surrogateMappings, function(surrogateMapping) {
var highSurrogates = surrogateMapping[0];
var lowSurrogates = surrogateMapping[1];
createBMPCharacterClasses(highSurrogates) +
return result.join('|');
var createCharacterClassesFromData = function(data, bmpOnly, hasUnicodeFlag) {
if (hasUnicodeFlag) {
return createUnicodeCharacterClasses(data);
var result = [];
var parts = splitAtBMP(data);
var loneHighSurrogates = parts.loneHighSurrogates;
var loneLowSurrogates = parts.loneLowSurrogates;
var bmp = parts.bmp;
var astral = parts.astral;
var hasLoneHighSurrogates = !dataIsEmpty(loneHighSurrogates);
var hasLoneLowSurrogates = !dataIsEmpty(loneLowSurrogates);
var surrogateMappings = surrogateSet(astral);
if (bmpOnly) {
bmp = dataAddData(bmp, loneHighSurrogates);
hasLoneHighSurrogates = false;
bmp = dataAddData(bmp, loneLowSurrogates);
hasLoneLowSurrogates = false;
if (!dataIsEmpty(bmp)) {
// The data set contains BMP code points that are not high surrogates
// needed for astral code points in the set.
if (surrogateMappings.length) {
// The data set contains astral code points; append character classes
// based on their surrogate pairs.
if (hasLoneHighSurrogates) {
createBMPCharacterClasses(loneHighSurrogates) +
// Make sure the high surrogates aren’t part of a surrogate pair.
if (hasLoneLowSurrogates) {
// It is not possible to accurately assert the low surrogates aren’t
// part of a surrogate pair, since JavaScript regular expressions do
// not support lookbehind.
'(?:[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|^)' +
return result.join('|');
// `regenerate` can be used as a constructor (and new methods can be added to
// its prototype) but also as a regular function, the latter of which is the
// documented and most common usage. For that reason, it’s not capitalized.
var regenerate = function(value) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
value =;
if (this instanceof regenerate) { = [];
return value ? this.add(value) : this;
return (new regenerate).add(value);
regenerate.version = '1.3.3';
var proto = regenerate.prototype;
extend(proto, {
'add': function(value) {
var $this = this;
if (value == null) {
return $this;
if (value instanceof regenerate) {
// Allow passing other Regenerate instances.
$ = dataAddData($,;
return $this;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
value =;
if (isArray(value)) {
forEach(value, function(item) {
return $this;
$ = dataAdd(
isNumber(value) ? value : symbolToCodePoint(value)
return $this;
'remove': function(value) {
var $this = this;
if (value == null) {
return $this;
if (value instanceof regenerate) {
// Allow passing other Regenerate instances.
$ = dataRemoveData($,;
return $this;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
value =;
if (isArray(value)) {
forEach(value, function(item) {
return $this;
$ = dataRemove(
isNumber(value) ? value : symbolToCodePoint(value)
return $this;
'addRange': function(start, end) {
var $this = this;
$ = dataAddRange($,
isNumber(start) ? start : symbolToCodePoint(start),
isNumber(end) ? end : symbolToCodePoint(end)
return $this;
'removeRange': function(start, end) {
var $this = this;
var startCodePoint = isNumber(start) ? start : symbolToCodePoint(start);
var endCodePoint = isNumber(end) ? end : symbolToCodePoint(end);
$ = dataRemoveRange(
return $this;
'intersection': function(argument) {
var $this = this;
// Allow passing other Regenerate instances.
// TODO: Optimize this by writing and using `dataIntersectionData()`.
var array = argument instanceof regenerate ?
dataToArray( :
$ = dataIntersection($, array);
return $this;
'contains': function(codePoint) {
return dataContains(,
isNumber(codePoint) ? codePoint : symbolToCodePoint(codePoint)
'clone': function() {
var set = new regenerate; =;
return set;
'toString': function(options) {
var result = createCharacterClassesFromData(,
options ? options.bmpOnly : false,
options ? options.hasUnicodeFlag : false
if (!result) {
// For an empty set, return something that can be inserted `/here/` to
// form a valid regular expression. Avoid `(?:)` since that matches the
// empty string.
return '[]';
// Use `\0` instead of `\x00` where possible.
return result.replace(regexNull, '\\0$1');
'toRegExp': function(flags) {
var pattern = this.toString(
flags && flags.indexOf('u') != -1 ?
{ 'hasUnicodeFlag': true } :
return RegExp(pattern, flags || '');
'valueOf': function() { // Note: `valueOf` is aliased as `toArray`.
return dataToArray(;
proto.toArray = proto.valueOf;
// Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns
// like the following:
if (
typeof undefined == 'function' &&
typeof undefined.amd == 'object' &&
) {
undefined(function() {
return regenerate;
} else if (freeExports && !freeExports.nodeType) {
if (freeModule) { // in Node.js, io.js, or RingoJS v0.8.0+
freeModule.exports = regenerate;
} else { // in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0-
freeExports.regenerate = regenerate;
} else { // in Rhino or a web browser
root.regenerate = regenerate;
var unicodeCanonicalPropertyNamesEcmascript = new Set([
// Non-binary properties:
// Binary properties:
// Generated using `npm run build`. Do not edit!
var unicodePropertyAliasesEcmascript = new Map([
['scx', 'Script_Extensions'],
['sc', 'Script'],
['gc', 'General_Category'],
['AHex', 'ASCII_Hex_Digit'],
['Alpha', 'Alphabetic'],
['Bidi_C', 'Bidi_Control'],
['Bidi_M', 'Bidi_Mirrored'],
['Cased', 'Cased'],
['CI', 'Case_Ignorable'],
['CWCF', 'Changes_When_Casefolded'],
['CWCM', 'Changes_When_Casemapped'],
['CWKCF', 'Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded'],
['CWL', 'Changes_When_Lowercased'],
['CWT', 'Changes_When_Titlecased'],
['CWU', 'Changes_When_Uppercased'],
['Dash', 'Dash'],
['Dep', 'Deprecated'],
['DI', 'Default_Ignorable_Code_Point'],
['Dia', 'Diacritic'],
['Ext', 'Extender'],
['Gr_Base', 'Grapheme_Base'],
['Gr_Ext', 'Grapheme_Extend'],
['Hex', 'Hex_Digit'],
['IDC', 'ID_Continue'],
['Ideo', 'Ideographic'],
['IDS', 'ID_Start'],
['IDSB', 'IDS_Binary_Operator'],
['IDST', 'IDS_Trinary_Operator'],
['Join_C', 'Join_Control'],
['LOE', 'Logical_Order_Exception'],
['Lower', 'Lowercase'],
['Math', 'Math'],
['NChar', 'Noncharacter_Code_Point'],
['Pat_Syn', 'Pattern_Syntax'],
['Pat_WS', 'Pattern_White_Space'],
['QMark', 'Quotation_Mark'],
['Radical', 'Radical'],
['RI', 'Regional_Indicator'],
['SD', 'Soft_Dotted'],
['STerm', 'Sentence_Terminal'],
['Term', 'Terminal_Punctuation'],
['UIdeo', 'Unified_Ideograph'],
['Upper', 'Uppercase'],
['VS', 'Variation_Selector'],
['WSpace', 'White_Space'],
['space', 'White_Space'],
['XIDC', 'XID_Continue'],
['XIDS', 'XID_Start']
var matchProperty = function(property) {
if (unicodeCanonicalPropertyNamesEcmascript.has(property)) {
return property;
if (unicodePropertyAliasesEcmascript.has(property)) {
return unicodePropertyAliasesEcmascript.get(property);
throw new Error(("Unknown property: " + property));
var unicodeMatchPropertyEcmascript = matchProperty;
var mappings = new Map([
['General_Category', new Map([
['C', 'Other'],
['Cc', 'Control'],
['cntrl', 'Control'],
['Cf', 'Format'],
['Cn', 'Unassigned'],
['Co', 'Private_Use'],
['Cs', 'Surrogate'],
['L', 'Letter'],
['LC', 'Cased_Letter'],
['Ll', 'Lowercase_Letter'],
['Lm', 'Modifier_Letter'],
['Lo', 'Other_Letter'],
['Lt', 'Titlecase_Letter'],
['Lu', 'Uppercase_Letter'],
['M', 'Mark'],
['Combining_Mark', 'Mark'],
['Mc', 'Spacing_Mark'],
['Me', 'Enclosing_Mark'],
['Mn', 'Nonspacing_Mark'],
['N', 'Number'],
['Nd', 'Decimal_Number'],
['digit', 'Decimal_Number'],
['Nl', 'Letter_Number'],
['No', 'Other_Number'],
['P', 'Punctuation'],
['punct', 'Punctuation'],
['Pc', 'Connector_Punctuation'],
['Pd', 'Dash_Punctuation'],
['Pe', 'Close_Punctuation'],
['Pf', 'Final_Punctuation'],
['Pi', 'Initial_Punctuation'],
['Po', 'Other_Punctuation'],
['Ps', 'Open_Punctuation'],
['S', 'Symbol'],
['Sc', 'Currency_Symbol'],
['Sk', 'Modifier_Symbol'],
['Sm', 'Math_Symbol'],
['So', 'Other_Symbol'],
['Z', 'Separator'],
['Zl', 'Line_Separator'],
['Zp', 'Paragraph_Separator'],
['Zs', 'Space_Separator'],
['Other', 'Other'],
['Control', 'Control'],
['Format', 'Format'],
['Unassigned', 'Unassigned'],
['Private_Use', 'Private_Use'],
['Surrogate', 'Surrogate'],
['Letter', 'Letter'],
['Cased_Letter', 'Cased_Letter'],
['Lowercase_Letter', 'Lowercase_Letter'],
['Modifier_Letter', 'Modifier_Letter'],
['Other_Letter', 'Other_Letter'],
['Titlecase_Letter', 'Titlecase_Letter'],
['Uppercase_Letter', 'Uppercase_Letter'],
['Mark', 'Mark'],
['Spacing_Mark', 'Spacing_Mark'],
['Enclosing_Mark', 'Enclosing_Mark'],
['Nonspacing_Mark', 'Nonspacing_Mark'],
['Number', 'Number'],
['Decimal_Number', 'Decimal_Number'],
['Letter_Number', 'Letter_Number'],
['Other_Number', 'Other_Number'],
['Punctuation', 'Punctuation'],
['Connector_Punctuation', 'Connector_Punctuation'],
['Dash_Punctuation', 'Dash_Punctuation'],
['Close_Punctuation', 'Close_Punctuation'],
['Final_Punctuation', 'Final_Punctuation'],
['Initial_Punctuation', 'Initial_Punctuation'],
['Other_Punctuation', 'Other_Punctuation'],
['Open_Punctuation', 'Open_Punctuation'],
['Symbol', 'Symbol'],
['Currency_Symbol', 'Currency_Symbol'],
['Modifier_Symbol', 'Modifier_Symbol'],
['Math_Symbol', 'Math_Symbol'],
['Other_Symbol', 'Other_Symbol'],
['Separator', 'Separator'],
['Line_Separator', 'Line_Separator'],
['Paragraph_Separator', 'Paragraph_Separator'],
['Space_Separator', 'Space_Separator']
['Script', new Map([
['Adlm', 'Adlam'],
['Aghb', 'Caucasian_Albanian'],
['Ahom', 'Ahom'],
['Arab', 'Arabic'],
['Armi', 'Imperial_Aramaic'],
['Armn', 'Armenian'],
['Avst', 'Avestan'],
['Bali', 'Balinese'],
['Bamu', 'Bamum'],
['Bass', 'Bassa_Vah'],
['Batk', 'Batak'],
['Beng', 'Bengali'],
['Bhks', 'Bhaiksuki'],
['Bopo', 'Bopomofo'],
['Brah', 'Brahmi'],
['Brai', 'Braille'],
['Bugi', 'Buginese'],
['Buhd', 'Buhid'],
['Cakm', 'Chakma'],
['Cans', 'Canadian_Aboriginal'],
['Cari', 'Carian'],
['Cham', 'Cham'],
['Cher', 'Cherokee'],
['Copt', 'Coptic'],
['Qaac', 'Coptic'],
['Cprt', 'Cypriot'],
['Cyrl', 'Cyrillic'],
['Deva', 'Devanagari'],
['Dsrt', 'Deseret'],
['Dupl', 'Duployan'],
['Egyp', 'Egyptian_Hieroglyphs'],
['Elba', 'Elbasan'],
['Ethi', 'Ethiopic'],
['Geor', 'Georgian'],
['Glag', 'Glagolitic'],
['Gonm', 'Masaram_Gondi'],
['Goth', 'Gothic'],
['Gran', 'Grantha'],
['Grek', 'Greek'],
['Gujr', 'Gujarati'],
['Guru', 'Gurmukhi'],
['Hang', 'Hangul'],
['Hani', 'Han'],
['Hano', 'Hanunoo'],
['Hatr', 'Hatran'],
['Hebr', 'Hebrew'],
['Hira', 'Hiragana'],
['Hluw', 'Anatolian_Hieroglyphs'],
['Hmng', 'Pahawh_Hmong'],
['Hrkt', 'Katakana_Or_Hiragana'],
['Hung', 'Old_Hungarian'],
['Ital', 'Old_Italic'],
['Java', 'Javanese'],
['Kali', 'Kayah_Li'],
['Kana', 'Katakana'],
['Khar', 'Kharoshthi'],
['Khmr', 'Khmer'],
['Khoj', 'Khojki'],
['Knda', 'Kannada'],
['Kthi', 'Kaithi'],
['Lana', 'Tai_Tham'],
['Laoo', 'Lao'],
['Latn', 'Latin'],
['Lepc', 'Lepcha'],
['Limb', 'Limbu'],
['Lina', 'Linear_A'],
['Linb', 'Linear_B'],
['Lisu', 'Lisu'],
['Lyci', 'Lycian'],
['Lydi', 'Lydian'],
['Mahj', 'Mahajani'],
['Mand', 'Mandaic'],
['Mani', 'Manichaean'],
['Marc', 'Marchen'],
['Mend', 'Mende_Kikakui'],
['Merc', 'Meroitic_Cursive'],
['Mero', 'Meroitic_Hieroglyphs'],
['Mlym', 'Malayalam'],
['Modi', 'Modi'],
['Mong', 'Mongolian'],
['Mroo', 'Mro'],
['Mtei', 'Meetei_Mayek'],
['Mult', 'Multani'],
['Mymr', 'Myanmar'],
['Narb', 'Old_North_Arabian'],
['Nbat', 'Nabataean'],
['Newa', 'Newa'],
['Nkoo', 'Nko'],
['Nshu', 'Nushu'],
['Ogam', 'Ogham'],
['Olck', 'Ol_Chiki'],
['Orkh', 'Old_Turkic'],
['Orya', 'Oriya'],
['Osge', 'Osage'],
['Osma', 'Osmanya'],
['Palm', 'Palmyrene'],
['Pauc', 'Pau_Cin_Hau'],
['Perm', 'Old_Permic'],
['Phag', 'Phags_Pa'],
['Phli', 'Inscriptional_Pahlavi'],
['Phlp', 'Psalter_Pahlavi'],
['Phnx', 'Phoenician'],
['Plrd', 'Miao'],
['Prti', 'Inscriptional_Parthian'],
['Rjng', 'Rejang'],
['Runr', 'Runic'],
['Samr', 'Samaritan'],
['Sarb', 'Old_South_Arabian'],
['Saur', 'Saurashtra'],
['Sgnw', 'SignWriting'],
['Shaw', 'Shavian'],
['Shrd', 'Sharada'],
['Sidd', 'Siddham'],
['Sind', 'Khudawadi'],
['Sinh', 'Sinhala'],
['Sora', 'Sora_Sompeng'],
['Soyo', 'Soyombo'],
['Sund', 'Sundanese'],
['Sylo', 'Syloti_Nagri'],
['Syrc', 'Syriac'],
['Tagb', 'Tagbanwa'],
['Takr', 'Takri'],
['Tale', 'Tai_Le'],
['Talu', 'New_Tai_Lue'],
['Taml', 'Tamil'],
['Tang', 'Tangut'],
['Tavt', 'Tai_Viet'],
['Telu', 'Telugu'],
['Tfng', 'Tifinagh'],
['Tglg', 'Tagalog'],
['Thaa', 'Thaana'],
['Thai', 'Thai'],
['Tibt', 'Tibetan'],
['Tirh', 'Tirhuta'],
['Ugar', 'Ugaritic'],
['Vaii', 'Vai'],
['Wara', 'Warang_Citi'],
['Xpeo', 'Old_Persian'],
['Xsux', 'Cuneiform'],
['Yiii', 'Yi'],
['Zanb', 'Zanabazar_Square'],
['Zinh', 'Inherited'],
['Qaai', 'Inherited'],
['Zyyy', 'Common'],
['Zzzz', 'Unknown'],
['Adlam', 'Adlam'],
['Caucasian_Albanian', 'Caucasian_Albanian'],
['Arabic', 'Arabic'],
['Imperial_Aramaic', 'Imperial_Aramaic'],
['Armenian', 'Armenian'],
['Avestan', 'Avestan'],
['Balinese', 'Balinese'],
['Bamum', 'Bamum'],
['Bassa_Vah', 'Bassa_Vah'],
['Batak', 'Batak'],
['Bengali', 'Bengali'],
['Bhaiksuki', 'Bhaiksuki'],
['Bopomofo', 'Bopomofo'],
['Brahmi', 'Brahmi'],
['Braille', 'Braille'],
['Buginese', 'Buginese'],
['Buhid', 'Buhid'],
['Chakma', 'Chakma'],
['Canadian_Aboriginal', 'Canadian_Aboriginal'],
['Carian', 'Carian'],
['Cherokee', 'Cherokee'],
['Coptic', 'Coptic'],
['Cypriot', 'Cypriot'],
['Cyrillic', 'Cyrillic'],
['Devanagari', 'Devanagari'],
['Deseret', 'Deseret'],
['Duployan', 'Duployan'],
['Egyptian_Hieroglyphs', 'Egyptian_Hieroglyphs'],
['Elbasan', 'Elbasan'],
['Ethiopic', 'Ethiopic'],
['Georgian', 'Georgian'],
['Glagolitic', 'Glagolitic'],
['Masaram_Gondi', 'Masaram_Gondi'],
['Gothic', 'Gothic'],
['Grantha', 'Grantha'],
['Greek', 'Greek'],
['Gujarati', 'Gujarati'],
['Gurmukhi', 'Gurmukhi'],
['Hangul', 'Hangul'],
['Han', 'Han'],
['Hanunoo', 'Hanunoo'],
['Hatran', 'Hatran'],
['Hebrew', 'Hebrew'],
['Hiragana', 'Hiragana'],
['Anatolian_Hieroglyphs', 'Anatolian_Hieroglyphs'],
['Pahawh_Hmong', 'Pahawh_Hmong'],
['Katakana_Or_Hiragana', 'Katakana_Or_Hiragana'],
['Old_Hungarian', 'Old_Hungarian'],
['Old_Italic', 'Old_Italic'],
['Javanese', 'Javanese'],
['Kayah_Li', 'Kayah_Li'],
['Katakana', 'Katakana'],
['Kharoshthi', 'Kharoshthi'],
['Khmer', 'Khmer'],
['Khojki', 'Khojki'],
['Kannada', 'Kannada'],
['Kaithi', 'Kaithi'],
['Tai_Tham', 'Tai_Tham'],
['Lao', 'Lao'],
['Latin', 'Latin'],
['Lepcha', 'Lepcha'],
['Limbu', 'Limbu'],
['Linear_A', 'Linear_A'],
['Linear_B', 'Linear_B'],
['Lycian', 'Lycian'],
['Lydian', 'Lydian'],
['Mahajani', 'Mahajani'],
['Mandaic', 'Mandaic'],
['Manichaean', 'Manichaean'],
['Marchen', 'Marchen'],
['Mende_Kikakui', 'Mende_Kikakui'],
['Meroitic_Cursive', 'Meroitic_Cursive'],
['Meroitic_Hieroglyphs', 'Meroitic_Hieroglyphs'],
['Malayalam', 'Malayalam'],
['Mongolian', 'Mongolian'],
['Mro', 'Mro'],
['Meetei_Mayek', 'Meetei_Mayek'],
['Multani', 'Multani'],
['Myanmar', 'Myanmar'],
['Old_North_Arabian', 'Old_North_Arabian'],
['Nabataean', 'Nabataean'],
['Nko', 'Nko'],
['Nushu', 'Nushu'],
['Ogham', 'Ogham'],
['Ol_Chiki', 'Ol_Chiki'],
['Old_Turkic', 'Old_Turkic'],
['Oriya', 'Oriya'],
['Osage', 'Osage'],
['Osmanya', 'Osmanya'],
['Palmyrene', 'Palmyrene'],
['Pau_Cin_Hau', 'Pau_Cin_Hau'],
['Old_Permic', 'Old_Permic'],
['Phags_Pa', 'Phags_Pa'],
['Inscriptional_Pahlavi', 'Inscriptional_Pahlavi'],
['Psalter_Pahlavi', 'Psalter_Pahlavi'],
['Phoenician', 'Phoenician'],
['Miao', 'Miao'],
['Inscriptional_Parthian', 'Inscriptional_Parthian'],
['Rejang', 'Rejang'],
['Runic', 'Runic'],
['Samaritan', 'Samaritan'],
['Old_South_Arabian', 'Old_South_Arabian'],
['Saurashtra', 'Saurashtra'],
['SignWriting', 'SignWriting'],
['Shavian', 'Shavian'],
['Sharada', 'Sharada'],
['Siddham', 'Siddham'],
['Khudawadi', 'Khudawadi'],
['Sinhala', 'Sinhala'],
['Sora_Sompeng', 'Sora_Sompeng'],
['Soyombo', 'Soyombo'],
['Sundanese', 'Sundanese'],
['Syloti_Nagri', 'Syloti_Nagri'],
['Syriac', 'Syriac'],
['Tagbanwa', 'Tagbanwa'],
['Takri', 'Takri'],
['Tai_Le', 'Tai_Le'],
['New_Tai_Lue', 'New_Tai_Lue'],
['Tamil', 'Tamil'],
['Tangut', 'Tangut'],
['Tai_Viet', 'Tai_Viet'],
['Telugu', 'Telugu'],
['Tifinagh', 'Tifinagh'],
['Tagalog', 'Tagalog'],
['Thaana', 'Thaana'],
['Tibetan', 'Tibetan'],
['Tirhuta', 'Tirhuta'],
['Ugaritic', 'Ugaritic'],
['Vai', 'Vai'],
['Warang_Citi', 'Warang_Citi'],
['Old_Persian', 'Old_Persian'],
['Cuneiform', 'Cuneiform'],
['Yi', 'Yi'],
['Zanabazar_Square', 'Zanabazar_Square'],
['Inherited', 'Inherited'],
['Common', 'Common'],
['Unknown', 'Unknown']
['Script_Extensions', new Map([
['Adlm', 'Adlam'],
['Aghb', 'Caucasian_Albanian'],
['Ahom', 'Ahom'],
['Arab', 'Arabic'],
['Armi', 'Imperial_Aramaic'],
['Armn', 'Armenian'],
['Avst', 'Avestan'],
['Bali', 'Balinese'],
['Bamu', 'Bamum'],
['Bass', 'Bassa_Vah'],
['Batk', 'Batak'],
['Beng', 'Bengali'],
['Bhks', 'Bhaiksuki'],
['Bopo', 'Bopomofo'],
['Brah', 'Brahmi'],
['Brai', 'Braille'],
['Bugi', 'Buginese'],
['Buhd', 'Buhid'],
['Cakm', 'Chakma'],
['Cans', 'Canadian_Aboriginal'],
['Cari', 'Carian'],
['Cham', 'Cham'],
['Cher', 'Cherokee'],
['Copt', 'Coptic'],
['Qaac', 'Coptic'],
['Cprt', 'Cypriot'],
['Cyrl', 'Cyrillic'],
['Deva', 'Devanagari'],
['Dsrt', 'Deseret'],
['Dupl', 'Duployan'],
['Egyp', 'Egyptian_Hieroglyphs'],
['Elba', 'Elbasan'],
['Ethi', 'Ethiopic'],
['Geor', 'Georgian'],
['Glag', 'Glagolitic'],
['Gonm', 'Masaram_Gondi'],
['Goth', 'Gothic'],
['Gran', 'Grantha'],
['Grek', 'Greek'],
['Gujr', 'Gujarati'],
['Guru', 'Gurmukhi'],
['Hang', 'Hangul'],
['Hani', 'Han'],
['Hano', 'Hanunoo'],
['Hatr', 'Hatran'],
['Hebr', 'Hebrew'],
['Hira', 'Hiragana'],
['Hluw', 'Anatolian_Hieroglyphs'],
['Hmng', 'Pahawh_Hmong'],
['Hrkt', 'Katakana_Or_Hiragana'],
['Hung', 'Old_Hungarian'],
['Ital', 'Old_Italic'],
['Java', 'Javanese'],
['Kali', 'Kayah_Li'],
['Kana', 'Katakana'],
['Khar', 'Kharoshthi'],
['Khmr', 'Khmer'],
['Khoj', 'Khojki'],
['Knda', 'Kannada'],
['Kthi', 'Kaithi'],
['Lana', 'Tai_Tham'],
['Laoo', 'Lao'],
['Latn', 'Latin'],
['Lepc', 'Lepcha'],
['Limb', 'Limbu'],
['Lina', 'Linear_A'],
['Linb', 'Linear_B'],
['Lisu', 'Lisu'],
['Lyci', 'Lycian'],
['Lydi', 'Lydian'],
['Mahj', 'Mahajani'],
['Mand', 'Mandaic'],
['Mani', 'Manichaean'],
['Marc', 'Marchen'],
['Mend', 'Mende_Kikakui'],
['Merc', 'Meroitic_Cursive'],
['Mero', 'Meroitic_Hieroglyphs'],
['Mlym', 'Malayalam'],
['Modi', 'Modi'],
['Mong', 'Mongolian'],
['Mroo', 'Mro'],
['Mtei', 'Meetei_Mayek'],
['Mult', 'Multani'],
['Mymr', 'Myanmar'],
['Narb', 'Old_North_Arabian'],
['Nbat', 'Nabataean'],
['Newa', 'Newa'],
['Nkoo', 'Nko'],
['Nshu', 'Nushu'],
['Ogam', 'Ogham'],
['Olck', 'Ol_Chiki'],
['Orkh', 'Old_Turkic'],
['Orya', 'Oriya'],
['Osge', 'Osage'],
['Osma', 'Osmanya'],
['Palm', 'Palmyrene'],
['Pauc', 'Pau_Cin_Hau'],
['Perm', 'Old_Permic'],
['Phag', 'Phags_Pa'],
['Phli', 'Inscriptional_Pahlavi'],
['Phlp', 'Psalter_Pahlavi'],
['Phnx', 'Phoenician'],
['Plrd', 'Miao'],
['Prti', 'Inscriptional_Parthian'],
['Rjng', 'Rejang'],
['Runr', 'Runic'],
['Samr', 'Samaritan'],
['Sarb', 'Old_South_Arabian'],
['Saur', 'Saurashtra'],
['Sgnw', 'SignWriting'],
['Shaw', 'Shavian'],
['Shrd', 'Sharada'],
['Sidd', 'Siddham'],
['Sind', 'Khudawadi'],
['Sinh', 'Sinhala'],
['Sora', 'Sora_Sompeng'],
['Soyo', 'Soyombo'],
['Sund', 'Sundanese'],
['Sylo', 'Syloti_Nagri'],
['Syrc', 'Syriac'],
['Tagb', 'Tagbanwa'],
['Takr', 'Takri'],
['Tale', 'Tai_Le'],
['Talu', 'New_Tai_Lue'],
['Taml', 'Tamil'],
['Tang', 'Tangut'],
['Tavt', 'Tai_Viet'],
['Telu', 'Telugu'],
['Tfng', 'Tifinagh'],
['Tglg', 'Tagalog'],
['Thaa', 'Thaana'],
['Thai', 'Thai'],
['Tibt', 'Tibetan'],
['Tirh', 'Tirhuta'],
['Ugar', 'Ugaritic'],
['Vaii', 'Vai'],
['Wara', 'Warang_Citi'],
['Xpeo', 'Old_Persian'],
['Xsux', 'Cuneiform'],
['Yiii', 'Yi'],
['Zanb', 'Zanabazar_Square'],
['Zinh', 'Inherited'],
['Qaai', 'Inherited'],
['Zyyy', 'Common'],
['Zzzz', 'Unknown'],
['Adlam', 'Adlam'],
['Caucasian_Albanian', 'Caucasian_Albanian'],
['Arabic', 'Arabic'],
['Imperial_Aramaic', 'Imperial_Aramaic'],
['Armenian', 'Armenian'],
['Avestan', 'Avestan'],
['Balinese', 'Balinese'],
['Bamum', 'Bamum'],
['Bassa_Vah', 'Bassa_Vah'],
['Batak', 'Batak'],
['Bengali', 'Bengali'],
['Bhaiksuki', 'Bhaiksuki'],
['Bopomofo', 'Bopomofo'],
['Brahmi', 'Brahmi'],
['Braille', 'Braille'],
['Buginese', 'Buginese'],
['Buhid', 'Buhid'],
['Chakma', 'Chakma'],
['Canadian_Aboriginal', 'Canadian_Aboriginal'],
['Carian', 'Carian'],
['Cherokee', 'Cherokee'],
['Coptic', 'Coptic'],
['Cypriot', 'Cypriot'],
['Cyrillic', 'Cyrillic'],
['Devanagari', 'Devanagari'],
['Deseret', 'Deseret'],
['Duployan', 'Duployan'],
['Egyptian_Hieroglyphs', 'Egyptian_Hieroglyphs'],
['Elbasan', 'Elbasan'],
['Ethiopic', 'Ethiopic'],
['Georgian', 'Georgian'],
['Glagolitic', 'Glagolitic'],
['Masaram_Gondi', 'Masaram_Gondi'],
['Gothic', 'Gothic'],
['Grantha', 'Grantha'],
['Greek', 'Greek'],
['Gujarati', 'Gujarati'],
['Gurmukhi', 'Gurmukhi'],
['Hangul', 'Hangul'],
['Han', 'Han'],
['Hanunoo', 'Hanunoo'],
['Hatran', 'Hatran'],
['Hebrew', 'Hebrew'],
['Hiragana', 'Hiragana'],
['Anatolian_Hieroglyphs', 'Anatolian_Hieroglyphs'],
['Pahawh_Hmong', 'Pahawh_Hmong'],
['Katakana_Or_Hiragana', 'Katakana_Or_Hiragana'],
['Old_Hungarian', 'Old_Hungarian'],
['Old_Italic', 'Old_Italic'],
['Javanese', 'Javanese'],
['Kayah_Li', 'Kayah_Li'],
['Katakana', 'Katakana'],
['Kharoshthi', 'Kharoshthi'],
['Khmer', 'Khmer'],
['Khojki', 'Khojki'],
['Kannada', 'Kannada'],
['Kaithi', 'Kaithi'],
['Tai_Tham', 'Tai_Tham'],
['Lao', 'Lao'],
['Latin', 'Latin'],
['Lepcha', 'Lepcha'],
['Limbu', 'Limbu'],
['Linear_A', 'Linear_A'],
['Linear_B', 'Linear_B'],
['Lycian', 'Lycian'],
['Lydian', 'Lydian'],
['Mahajani', 'Mahajani'],
['Mandaic', 'Mandaic'],
['Manichaean', 'Manichaean'],
['Marchen', 'Marchen'],
['Mende_Kikakui', 'Mende_Kikakui'],
['Meroitic_Cursive', 'Meroitic_Cursive'],
['Meroitic_Hieroglyphs', 'Meroitic_Hieroglyphs'],
['Malayalam', 'Malayalam'],
['Mongolian', 'Mongolian'],
['Mro', 'Mro'],
['Meetei_Mayek', 'Meetei_Mayek'],
['Multani', 'Multani'],
['Myanmar', 'Myanmar'],
['Old_North_Arabian', 'Old_North_Arabian'],
['Nabataean', 'Nabataean'],
['Nko', 'Nko'],
['Nushu', 'Nushu'],
['Ogham', 'Ogham'],
['Ol_Chiki', 'Ol_Chiki'],
['Old_Turkic', 'Old_Turkic'],
['Oriya', 'Oriya'],
['Osage', 'Osage'],
['Osmanya', 'Osmanya'],
['Palmyrene', 'Palmyrene'],
['Pau_Cin_Hau', 'Pau_Cin_Hau'],
['Old_Permic', 'Old_Permic'],
['Phags_Pa', 'Phags_Pa'],
['Inscriptional_Pahlavi', 'Inscriptional_Pahlavi'],
['Psalter_Pahlavi', 'Psalter_Pahlavi'],
['Phoenician', 'Phoenician'],
['Miao', 'Miao'],
['Inscriptional_Parthian', 'Inscriptional_Parthian'],
['Rejang', 'Rejang'],
['Runic', 'Runic'],
['Samaritan', 'Samaritan'],
['Old_South_Arabian', 'Old_South_Arabian'],
['Saurashtra', 'Saurashtra'],
['SignWriting', 'SignWriting'],
['Shavian', 'Shavian'],
['Sharada', 'Sharada'],
['Siddham', 'Siddham'],
['Khudawadi', 'Khudawadi'],
['Sinhala', 'Sinhala'],
['Sora_Sompeng', 'Sora_Sompeng'],
['Soyombo', 'Soyombo'],
['Sundanese', 'Sundanese'],
['Syloti_Nagri', 'Syloti_Nagri'],
['Syriac', 'Syriac'],
['Tagbanwa', 'Tagbanwa'],
['Takri', 'Takri'],
['Tai_Le', 'Tai_Le'],
['New_Tai_Lue', 'New_Tai_Lue'],
['Tamil', 'Tamil'],
['Tangut', 'Tangut'],
['Tai_Viet', 'Tai_Viet'],
['Telugu', 'Telugu'],
['Tifinagh', 'Tifinagh'],
['Tagalog', 'Tagalog'],
['Thaana', 'Thaana'],
['Tibetan', 'Tibetan'],
['Tirhuta', 'Tirhuta'],
['Ugaritic', 'Ugaritic'],
['Vai', 'Vai'],
['Warang_Citi', 'Warang_Citi'],
['Old_Persian', 'Old_Persian'],
['Cuneiform', 'Cuneiform'],
['Yi', 'Yi'],
['Zanabazar_Square', 'Zanabazar_Square'],
['Inherited', 'Inherited'],
['Common', 'Common'],
['Unknown', 'Unknown']
var matchPropertyValue = function(property, value) {
var aliasToValue = mappings.get(property);
if (!aliasToValue) {
throw new Error(("Unknown property `" + property + "`."));
var canonicalValue = aliasToValue.get(value);
if (canonicalValue) {
return canonicalValue;
throw new Error(
("Unknown value `" + value + "` for property `" + property + "`.")
var unicodeMatchPropertyValueEcmascript = matchPropertyValue;
var iuMappings = new Map([
[0x4B, 0x212A],
[0x53, 0x17F],
[0x6B, 0x212A],
[0x73, 0x17F],
[0xB5, 0x39C],
[0xC5, 0x212B],
[0xDF, 0x1E9E],
[0xE5, 0x212B],
[0x17F, 0x53],
[0x1C4, 0x1C5],
[0x1C5, 0x1C4],
[0x1C7, 0x1C8],
[0x1C8, 0x1C7],
[0x1CA, 0x1CB],
[0x1CB, 0x1CA],
[0x1F1, 0x1F2],
[0x1F2, 0x1F1],
[0x26A, 0xA7AE],
[0x29D, 0xA7B2],
[0x345, 0x1FBE],
[0x392, 0x3D0],
[0x395, 0x3F5],
[0x398, 0x3F4],
[0x399, 0x1FBE],
[0x39A, 0x3F0],
[0x39C, 0xB5],
[0x3A0, 0x3D6],
[0x3A1, 0x3F1],
[0x3A3, 0x3C2],
[0x3A6, 0x3D5],
[0x3A9, 0x2126],
[0x3B8, 0x3F4],
[0x3C2, 0x3A3],
[0x3C9, 0x2126],
[0x3D0, 0x392],
[0x3D1, 0x3F4],
[0x3D5, 0x3A6],
[0x3D6, 0x3A0],
[0x3F0, 0x39A],
[0x3F1, 0x3A1],
[0x3F4, [
[0x3F5, 0x395],
[0x412, 0x1C80],
[0x414, 0x1C81],
[0x41E, 0x1C82],
[0x421, 0x1C83],
[0x422, 0x1C85],
[0x42A, 0x1C86],
[0x432, 0x1C80],
[0x434, 0x1C81],
[0x43E, 0x1C82],
[0x441, 0x1C83],
[0x442, [
[0x44A, 0x1C86],
[0x462, 0x1C87],
[0x463, 0x1C87],
[0x13A0, 0xAB70],
[0x13A1, 0xAB71],
[0x13A2, 0xAB72],
[0x13A3, 0xAB73],
[0x13A4, 0xAB74],
[0x13A5, 0xAB75],
[0x13A6, 0xAB76],
[0x13A7, 0xAB77],
[0x13A8, 0xAB78],
[0x13A9, 0xAB79],
[0x13AA, 0xAB7A],
[0x13AB, 0xAB7B],
[0x13AC, 0xAB7C],
[0x13AD, 0xAB7D],
[0x13AE, 0xAB7E],
[0x13AF, 0xAB7F],
[0x13B0, 0xAB80],
[0x13B1, 0xAB81],
[0x13B2, 0xAB82],
[0x13B3, 0xAB83],
[0x13B4, 0xAB84],
[0x13B5, 0xAB85],
[0x13B6, 0xAB86],
[0x13B7, 0xAB87],
[0x13B8, 0xAB88],
[0x13B9, 0xAB89],
[0x13BA, 0xAB8A],
[0x13BB, 0xAB8B],
[0x13BC, 0xAB8C],
[0x13BD, 0xAB8D],
[0x13BE, 0xAB8E],
[0x13BF, 0xAB8F],
[0x13C0, 0xAB90],
[0x13C1, 0xAB91],
[0x13C2, 0xAB92],
[0x13C3, 0xAB93],
[0x13C4, 0xAB94],
[0x13C5, 0xAB95],
[0x13C6, 0xAB96],
[0x13C7, 0xAB97],
[0x13C8, 0xAB98],
[0x13C9, 0xAB99],
[0x13CA, 0xAB9A],
[0x13CB, 0xAB9B],
[0x13CC, 0xAB9C],
[0x13CD, 0xAB9D],
[0x13CE, 0xAB9E],
[0x13CF, 0xAB9F],
[0x13D0, 0xABA0],
[0x13D1, 0xABA1],
[0x13D2, 0xABA2],
[0x13D3, 0xABA3],
[0x13D4, 0xABA4],
[0x13D5, 0xABA5],
[0x13D6, 0xABA6],
[0x13D7, 0xABA7],
[0x13D8, 0xABA8],
[0x13D9, 0xABA9],
[0x13DA, 0xABAA],
[0x13DB, 0xABAB],
[0x13DC, 0xABAC],
[0x13DD, 0xABAD],
[0x13DE, 0xABAE],
[0x13DF, 0xABAF],
[0x13E0, 0xABB0],
[0x13E1, 0xABB1],
[0x13E2, 0xABB2],
[0x13E3, 0xABB3],
[0x13E4, 0xABB4],
[0x13E5, 0xABB5],
[0x13E6, 0xABB6],
[0x13E7, 0xABB7],
[0x13E8, 0xABB8],
[0x13E9, 0xABB9],
[0x13EA, 0xABBA],
[0x13EB, 0xABBB],
[0x13EC, 0xABBC],
[0x13ED, 0xABBD],
[0x13EE, 0xABBE],
[0x13EF, 0xABBF],
[0x13F0, 0x13F8],
[0x13F1, 0x13F9],
[0x13F2, 0x13FA],
[0x13F3, 0x13FB],
[0x13F4, 0x13FC],
[0x13F5, 0x13FD],
[0x13F8, 0x13F0],
[0x13F9, 0x13F1],
[0x13FA, 0x13F2],
[0x13FB, 0x13F3],
[0x13FC, 0x13F4],
[0x13FD, 0x13F5],
[0x1C80, [
[0x1C81, [
[0x1C82, [
[0x1C83, [
[0x1C84, [
[0x1C85, [
[0x1C86, [
[0x1C87, [
[0x1C88, [
[0x1E60, 0x1E9B],
[0x1E9B, 0x1E60],
[0x1E9E, 0xDF],
[0x1F80, 0x1F88],
[0x1F81, 0x1F89],
[0x1F82, 0x1F8A],
[0x1F83, 0x1F8B],
[0x1F84, 0x1F8C],
[0x1F85, 0x1F8D],
[0x1F86, 0x1F8E],
[0x1F87, 0x1F8F],
[0x1F88, 0x1F80],
[0x1F89, 0x1F81],
[0x1F8A, 0x1F82],
[0x1F8B, 0x1F83],
[0x1F8C, 0x1F84],
[0x1F8D, 0x1F85],
[0x1F8E, 0x1F86],
[0x1F8F, 0x1F87],
[0x1F90, 0x1F98],
[0x1F91, 0x1F99],
[0x1F92, 0x1F9A],
[0x1F93, 0x1F9B],
[0x1F94, 0x1F9C],
[0x1F95, 0x1F9D],
[0x1F96, 0x1F9E],
[0x1F97, 0x1F9F],
[0x1F98, 0x1F90],
[0x1F99, 0x1F91],
[0x1F9A, 0x1F92],
[0x1F9B, 0x1F93],
[0x1F9C, 0x1F94],
[0x1F9D, 0x1F95],
[0x1F9E, 0x1F96],
[0x1F9F, 0x1F97],
[0x1FA0, 0x1FA8],
[0x1FA1, 0x1FA9],
[0x1FA2, 0x1FAA],
[0x1FA3, 0x1FAB],
[0x1FA4, 0x1FAC],
[0x1FA5, 0x1FAD],
[0x1FA6, 0x1FAE],
[0x1FA7, 0x1FAF],
[0x1FA8, 0x1FA0],
[0x1FA9, 0x1FA1],
[0x1FAA, 0x1FA2],
[0x1FAB, 0x1FA3],
[0x1FAC, 0x1FA4],
[0x1FAD, 0x1FA5],
[0x1FAE, 0x1FA6],
[0x1FAF, 0x1FA7],
[0x1FB3, 0x1FBC],
[0x1FBC, 0x1FB3],
[0x1FBE, [
[0x1FC3, 0x1FCC],
[0x1FCC, 0x1FC3],
[0x1FF3, 0x1FFC],
[0x1FFC, 0x1FF3],
[0x2126, [
[0x212A, 0x4B],
[0x212B, [
[0xA64A, 0x1C88],
[0xA64B, 0x1C88],
[0xA7AE, 0x26A],
[0xA7B2, 0x29D],
[0xA7B3, 0xAB53],
[0xA7B4, 0xA7B5],
[0xA7B5, 0xA7B4],
[0xA7B6, 0xA7B7],
[0xA7B7, 0xA7B6],
[0xAB53, 0xA7B3],
[0xAB70, 0x13A0],
[0xAB71, 0x13A1],
[0xAB72, 0x13A2],
[0xAB73, 0x13A3],
[0xAB74, 0x13A4],
[0xAB75, 0x13A5],
[0xAB76, 0x13A6],
[0xAB77, 0x13A7],
[0xAB78, 0x13A8],
[0xAB79, 0x13A9],
[0xAB7A, 0x13AA],
[0xAB7B, 0x13AB],
[0xAB7C, 0x13AC],
[0xAB7D, 0x13AD],
[0xAB7E, 0x13AE],
[0xAB7F, 0x13AF],
[0xAB80, 0x13B0],
[0xAB81, 0x13B1],
[0xAB82, 0x13B2],
[0xAB83, 0x13B3],
[0xAB84, 0x13B4],
[0xAB85, 0x13B5],
[0xAB86, 0x13B6],
[0xAB87, 0x13B7],
[0xAB88, 0x13B8],
[0xAB89, 0x13B9],
[0xAB8A, 0x13BA],
[0xAB8B, 0x13BB],
[0xAB8C, 0x13BC],
[0xAB8D, 0x13BD],
[0xAB8E, 0x13BE],
[0xAB8F, 0x13BF],
[0xAB90, 0x13C0],
[0xAB91, 0x13C1],
[0xAB92, 0x13C2],
[0xAB93, 0x13C3],
[0xAB94, 0x13C4],
[0xAB95, 0x13C5],
[0xAB96, 0x13C6],
[0xAB97, 0x13C7],
[0xAB98, 0x13C8],
[0xAB99, 0x13C9],
[0xAB9A, 0x13CA],
[0xAB9B, 0x13CB],
[0xAB9C, 0x13CC],
[0xAB9D, 0x13CD],
[0xAB9E, 0x13CE],
[0xAB9F, 0x13CF],
[0xABA0, 0x13D0],
[0xABA1, 0x13D1],
[0xABA2, 0x13D2],
[0xABA3, 0x13D3],
[0xABA4, 0x13D4],
[0xABA5, 0x13D5],
[0xABA6, 0x13D6],
[0xABA7, 0x13D7],
[0xABA8, 0x13D8],
[0xABA9, 0x13D9],
[0xABAA, 0x13DA],
[0xABAB, 0x13DB],
[0xABAC, 0x13DC],
[0xABAD, 0x13DD],
[0xABAE, 0x13DE],
[0xABAF, 0x13DF],
[0xABB0, 0x13E0],
[0xABB1, 0x13E1],
[0xABB2, 0x13E2],
[0xABB3, 0x13E3],
[0xABB4, 0x13E4],
[0xABB5, 0x13E5],
[0xABB6, 0x13E6],
[0xABB7, 0x13E7],
[0xABB8, 0x13E8],
[0xABB9, 0x13E9],
[0xABBA, 0x13EA],
[0xABBB, 0x13EB],
[0xABBC, 0x13EC],
[0xABBD, 0x13ED],
[0xABBE, 0x13EE],
[0xABBF, 0x13EF],
[0x10400, 0x10428],
[0x10401, 0x10429],
[0x10402, 0x1042A],
[0x10403, 0x1042B],
[0x10404, 0x1042C],
[0x10405, 0x1042D],
[0x10406, 0x1042E],
[0x10407, 0x1042F],
[0x10408, 0x10430],
[0x10409, 0x10431],
[0x1040A, 0x10432],
[0x1040B, 0x10433],
[0x1040C, 0x10434],
[0x1040D, 0x10435],
[0x1040E, 0x10436],
[0x1040F, 0x10437],
[0x10410, 0x10438],
[0x10411, 0x10439],
[0x10412, 0x1043A],
[0x10413, 0x1043B],
[0x10414, 0x1043C],
[0x10415, 0x1043D],
[0x10416, 0x1043E],
[0x10417, 0x1043F],
[0x10418, 0x10440],
[0x10419, 0x10441],
[0x1041A, 0x10442],
[0x1041B, 0x10443],
[0x1041C, 0x10444],
[0x1041D, 0x10445],
[0x1041E, 0x10446],
[0x1041F, 0x10447],
[0x10420, 0x10448],
[0x10421, 0x10449],
[0x10422, 0x1044A],
[0x10423, 0x1044B],
[0x10424, 0x1044C],
[0x10425, 0x1044D],
[0x10426, 0x1044E],
[0x10427, 0x1044F],
[0x10428, 0x10400],
[0x10429, 0x10401],
[0x1042A, 0x10402],
[0x1042B, 0x10403],
[0x1042C, 0x10404],
[0x1042D, 0x10405],
[0x1042E, 0x10406],
[0x1042F, 0x10407],
[0x10430, 0x10408],
[0x10431, 0x10409],
[0x10432, 0x1040A],
[0x10433, 0x1040B],
[0x10434, 0x1040C],
[0x10435, 0x1040D],
[0x10436, 0x1040E],
[0x10437, 0x1040F],
[0x10438, 0x10410],
[0x10439, 0x10411],
[0x1043A, 0x10412],
[0x1043B, 0x10413],
[0x1043C, 0x10414],
[0x1043D, 0x10415],
[0x1043E, 0x10416],
[0x1043F, 0x10417],
[0x10440, 0x10418],
[0x10441, 0x10419],
[0x10442, 0x1041A],
[0x10443, 0x1041B],
[0x10444, 0x1041C],
[0x10445, 0x1041D],
[0x10446, 0x1041E],
[0x10447, 0x1041F],
[0x10448, 0x10420],
[0x10449, 0x10421],
[0x1044A, 0x10422],
[0x1044B, 0x10423],
[0x1044C, 0x10424],
[0x1044D, 0x10425],
[0x1044E, 0x10426],
[0x1044F, 0x10427],
[0x104B0, 0x104D8],
[0x104B1, 0x104D9],
[0x104B2, 0x104DA],
[0x104B3, 0x104DB],
[0x104B4, 0x104DC],
[0x104B5, 0x104DD],
[0x104B6, 0x104DE],
[0x104B7, 0x104DF],
[0x104B8, 0x104E0],
[0x104B9, 0x104E1],
[0x104BA, 0x104E2],
[0x104BB, 0x104E3],
[0x104BC, 0x104E4],
[0x104BD, 0x104E5],
[0x104BE, 0x104E6],
[0x104BF, 0x104E7],
[0x104C0, 0x104E8],
[0x104C1, 0x104E9],
[0x104C2, 0x104EA],
[0x104C3, 0x104EB],
[0x104C4, 0x104EC],
[0x104C5, 0x104ED],
[0x104C6, 0x104EE],
[0x104C7, 0x104EF],
[0x104C8, 0x104F0],
[0x104C9, 0x104F1],
[0x104CA, 0x104F2],
[0x104CB, 0x104F3],
[0x104CC, 0x104F4],
[0x104CD, 0x104F5],
[0x104CE, 0x104F6],
[0x104CF, 0x104F7],
[0x104D0, 0x104F8],
[0x104D1, 0x104F9],
[0x104D2, 0x104FA],
[0x104D3, 0x104FB],
[0x104D8, 0x104B0],
[0x104D9, 0x104B1],
[0x104DA, 0x104B2],
[0x104DB, 0x104B3],
[0x104DC, 0x104B4],
[0x104DD, 0x104B5],
[0x104DE, 0x104B6],
[0x104DF, 0x104B7],
[0x104E0, 0x104B8],
[0x104E1, 0x104B9],
[0x104E2, 0x104BA],
[0x104E3, 0x104BB],
[0x104E4, 0x104BC],
[0x104E5, 0x104BD],
[0x104E6, 0x104BE],
[0x104E7, 0x104BF],
[0x104E8, 0x104C0],
[0x104E9, 0x104C1],
[0x104EA, 0x104C2],
[0x104EB, 0x104C3],
[0x104EC, 0x104C4],
[0x104ED, 0x104C5],
[0x104EE, 0x104C6],
[0x104EF, 0x104C7],
[0x104F0, 0x104C8],
[0x104F1, 0x104C9],
[0x104F2, 0x104CA],
[0x104F3, 0x104CB],
[0x104F4, 0x104CC],
[0x104F5, 0x104CD],
[0x104F6, 0x104CE],
[0x104F7, 0x104CF],
[0x104F8, 0x104D0],
[0x104F9, 0x104D1],
[0x104FA, 0x104D2],
[0x104FB, 0x104D3],
[0x10C80, 0x10CC0],
[0x10C81, 0x10CC1],
[0x10C82, 0x10CC2],
[0x10C83, 0x10CC3],
[0x10C84, 0x10CC4],
[0x10C85, 0x10CC5],
[0x10C86, 0x10CC6],
[0x10C87, 0x10CC7],
[0x10C88, 0x10CC8],
[0x10C89, 0x10CC9],
[0x10C8A, 0x10CCA],
[0x10C8B, 0x10CCB],
[0x10C8C, 0x10CCC],
[0x10C8D, 0x10CCD],
[0x10C8E, 0x10CCE],
[0x10C8F, 0x10CCF],
[0x10C90, 0x10CD0],
[0x10C91, 0x10CD1],
[0x10C92, 0x10CD2],
[0x10C93, 0x10CD3],
[0x10C94, 0x10CD4],
[0x10C95, 0x10CD5],
[0x10C96, 0x10CD6],
[0x10C97, 0x10CD7],
[0x10C98, 0x10CD8],
[0x10C99, 0x10CD9],
[0x10C9A, 0x10CDA],
[0x10C9B, 0x10CDB],
[0x10C9C, 0x10CDC],
[0x10C9D, 0x10CDD],
[0x10C9E, 0x10CDE],
[0x10C9F, 0x10CDF],
[0x10CA0, 0x10CE0],
[0x10CA1, 0x10CE1],
[0x10CA2, 0x10CE2],
[0x10CA3, 0x10CE3],
[0x10CA4, 0x10CE4],
[0x10CA5, 0x10CE5],
[0x10CA6, 0x10CE6],
[0x10CA7, 0x10CE7],
[0x10CA8, 0x10CE8],
[0x10CA9, 0x10CE9],
[0x10CAA, 0x10CEA],
[0x10CAB, 0x10CEB],
[0x10CAC, 0x10CEC],
[0x10CAD, 0x10CED],
[0x10CAE, 0x10CEE],
[0x10CAF, 0x10CEF],
[0x10CB0, 0x10CF0],
[0x10CB1, 0x10CF1],
[0x10CB2, 0x10CF2],
[0x10CC0, 0x10C80],
[0x10CC1, 0x10C81],
[0x10CC2, 0x10C82],
[0x10CC3, 0x10C83],
[0x10CC4, 0x10C84],
[0x10CC5, 0x10C85],
[0x10CC6, 0x10C86],
[0x10CC7, 0x10C87],
[0x10CC8, 0x10C88],
[0x10CC9, 0x10C89],
[0x10CCA, 0x10C8A],
[0x10CCB, 0x10C8B],
[0x10CCC, 0x10C8C],
[0x10CCD, 0x10C8D],
[0x10CCE, 0x10C8E],
[0x10CCF, 0x10C8F],
[0x10CD0, 0x10C90],
[0x10CD1, 0x10C91],
[0x10CD2, 0x10C92],
[0x10CD3, 0x10C93],
[0x10CD4, 0x10C94],
[0x10CD5, 0x10C95],
[0x10CD6, 0x10C96],
[0x10CD7, 0x10C97],
[0x10CD8, 0x10C98],
[0x10CD9, 0x10C99],
[0x10CDA, 0x10C9A],
[0x10CDB, 0x10C9B],
[0x10CDC, 0x10C9C],
[0x10CDD, 0x10C9D],
[0x10CDE, 0x10C9E],
[0x10CDF, 0x10C9F],
[0x10CE0, 0x10CA0],
[0x10CE1, 0x10CA1],
[0x10CE2, 0x10CA2],
[0x10CE3, 0x10CA3],
[0x10CE4, 0x10CA4],
[0x10CE5, 0x10CA5],
[0x10CE6, 0x10CA6],
[0x10CE7, 0x10CA7],
[0x10CE8, 0x10CA8],
[0x10CE9, 0x10CA9],
[0x10CEA, 0x10CAA],
[0x10CEB, 0x10CAB],
[0x10CEC, 0x10CAC],
[0x10CED, 0x10CAD],
[0x10CEE, 0x10CAE],
[0x10CEF, 0x10CAF],
[0x10CF0, 0x10CB0],
[0x10CF1, 0x10CB1],
[0x10CF2, 0x10CB2],
[0x118A0, 0x118C0],
[0x118A1, 0x118C1],
[0x118A2, 0x118C2],
[0x118A3, 0x118C3],
[0x118A4, 0x118C4],
[0x118A5, 0x118C5],
[0x118A6, 0x118C6],
[0x118A7, 0x118C7],
[0x118A8, 0x118C8],
[0x118A9, 0x118C9],
[0x118AA, 0x118CA],
[0x118AB, 0x118CB],
[0x118AC, 0x118CC],
[0x118AD, 0x118CD],
[0x118AE, 0x118CE],
[0x118AF, 0x118CF],
[0x118B0, 0x118D0],
[0x118B1, 0x118D1],
[0x118B2, 0x118D2],
[0x118B3, 0x118D3],
[0x118B4, 0x118D4],
[0x118B5, 0x118D5],
[0x118B6, 0x118D6],
[0x118B7, 0x118D7],
[0x118B8, 0x118D8],
[0x118B9, 0x118D9],
[0x118BA, 0x118DA],
[0x118BB, 0x118DB],
[0x118BC, 0x118DC],
[0x118BD, 0x118DD],
[0x118BE, 0x118DE],
[0x118BF, 0x118DF],
[0x118C0, 0x118A0],
[0x118C1, 0x118A1],
[0x118C2, 0x118A2],
[0x118C3, 0x118A3],
[0x118C4, 0x118A4],
[0x118C5, 0x118A5],
[0x118C6, 0x118A6],
[0x118C7, 0x118A7],
[0x118C8, 0x118A8],
[0x118C9, 0x118A9],
[0x118CA, 0x118AA],
[0x118CB, 0x118AB],
[0x118CC, 0x118AC],
[0x118CD, 0x118AD],
[0x118CE, 0x118AE],
[0x118CF, 0x118AF],
[0x118D0, 0x118B0],
[0x118D1, 0x118B1],
[0x118D2, 0x118B2],
[0x118D3, 0x118B3],
[0x118D4, 0x118B4],
[0x118D5, 0x118B5],
[0x118D6, 0x118B6],
[0x118D7, 0x118B7],
[0x118D8, 0x118B8],
[0x118D9, 0x118B9],
[0x118DA, 0x118BA],
[0x118DB, 0x118BB],
[0x118DC, 0x118BC],
[0x118DD, 0x118BD],
[0x118DE, 0x118BE],
[0x118DF, 0x118BF],
[0x1E900, 0x1E922],
[0x1E901, 0x1E923],
[0x1E902, 0x1E924],
[0x1E903, 0x1E925],
[0x1E904, 0x1E926],
[0x1E905, 0x1E927],
[0x1E906, 0x1E928],
[0x1E907, 0x1E929],
[0x1E908, 0x1E92A],
[0x1E909, 0x1E92B],
[0x1E90A, 0x1E92C],
[0x1E90B, 0x1E92D],
[0x1E90C, 0x1E92E],
[0x1E90D, 0x1E92F],
[0x1E90E, 0x1E930],
[0x1E90F, 0x1E931],
[0x1E910, 0x1E932],
[0x1E911, 0x1E933],
[0x1E912, 0x1E934],
[0x1E913, 0x1E935],
[0x1E914, 0x1E936],
[0x1E915, 0x1E937],
[0x1E916, 0x1E938],
[0x1E917, 0x1E939],
[0x1E918, 0x1E93A],
[0x1E919, 0x1E93B],
[0x1E91A, 0x1E93C],
[0x1E91B, 0x1E93D],
[0x1E91C, 0x1E93E],
[0x1E91D, 0x1E93F],
[0x1E91E, 0x1E940],
[0x1E91F, 0x1E941],
[0x1E920, 0x1E942],
[0x1E921, 0x1E943],
[0x1E922, 0x1E900],
[0x1E923, 0x1E901],
[0x1E924, 0x1E902],
[0x1E925, 0x1E903],
[0x1E926, 0x1E904],
[0x1E927, 0x1E905],
[0x1E928, 0x1E906],
[0x1E929, 0x1E907],
[0x1E92A, 0x1E908],
[0x1E92B, 0x1E909],
[0x1E92C, 0x1E90A],
[0x1E92D, 0x1E90B],
[0x1E92E, 0x1E90C],
[0x1E92F, 0x1E90D],
[0x1E930, 0x1E90E],
[0x1E931, 0x1E90F],
[0x1E932, 0x1E910],
[0x1E933, 0x1E911],
[0x1E934, 0x1E912],
[0x1E935, 0x1E913],
[0x1E936, 0x1E914],
[0x1E937, 0x1E915],
[0x1E938, 0x1E916],
[0x1E939, 0x1E917],
[0x1E93A, 0x1E918],
[0x1E93B, 0x1E919],
[0x1E93C, 0x1E91A],
[0x1E93D, 0x1E91B],
[0x1E93E, 0x1E91C],
[0x1E93F, 0x1E91D],
[0x1E940, 0x1E91E],
[0x1E941, 0x1E91F],
[0x1E942, 0x1E920],
[0x1E943, 0x1E921]
var REGULAR = new Map([
['d', regenerate()
.addRange(0x30, 0x39)],
['D', regenerate()
.addRange(0x0, 0x2F)
.addRange(0x3A, 0xFFFF)],
['s', regenerate(0x20, 0xA0, 0x1680, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x3000, 0xFEFF)
.addRange(0x9, 0xD)
.addRange(0x2000, 0x200A)
.addRange(0x2028, 0x2029)],
['S', regenerate()
.addRange(0x0, 0x8)
.addRange(0xE, 0x1F)
.addRange(0x21, 0x9F)
.addRange(0xA1, 0x167F)
.addRange(0x1681, 0x1FFF)
.addRange(0x200B, 0x2027)
.addRange(0x202A, 0x202E)
.addRange(0x2030, 0x205E)
.addRange(0x2060, 0x2FFF)
.addRange(0x3001, 0xFEFE)
.addRange(0xFF00, 0xFFFF)],
['w', regenerate(0x5F)
.addRange(0x30, 0x39)
.addRange(0x41, 0x5A)
.addRange(0x61, 0x7A)],
['W', regenerate(0x60)
.addRange(0x0, 0x2F)
.addRange(0x3A, 0x40)
.addRange(0x5B, 0x5E)
.addRange(0x7B, 0xFFFF)]
var UNICODE = new Map([
['d', regenerate()
.addRange(0x30, 0x39)],
['D', regenerate()
.addRange(0x0, 0x2F)
.addRange(0x3A, 0x10FFFF)],
['s', regenerate(0x20, 0xA0, 0x1680, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x3000, 0xFEFF)
.addRange(0x9, 0xD)
.addRange(0x2000, 0x200A)
.addRange(0x2028, 0x2029)],
['S', regenerate()
.addRange(0x0, 0x8)
.addRange(0xE, 0x1F)
.addRange(0x21, 0x9F)
.addRange(0xA1, 0x167F)
.addRange(0x1681, 0x1FFF)
.addRange(0x200B, 0x2027)
.addRange(0x202A, 0x202E)
.addRange(0x2030, 0x205E)
.addRange(0x2060, 0x2FFF)
.addRange(0x3001, 0xFEFE)
.addRange(0xFF00, 0x10FFFF)],
['w', regenerate(0x5F)
.addRange(0x30, 0x39)
.addRange(0x41, 0x5A)
.addRange(0x61, 0x7A)],
['W', regenerate(0x60)
.addRange(0x0, 0x2F)
.addRange(0x3A, 0x40)
.addRange(0x5B, 0x5E)
.addRange(0x7B, 0x10FFFF)]
['d', regenerate()
.addRange(0x30, 0x39)],
['D', regenerate()
.addRange(0x0, 0x2F)
.addRange(0x3A, 0x10FFFF)],
['s', regenerate(0x20, 0xA0, 0x1680, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x3000, 0xFEFF)
.addRange(0x9, 0xD)
.addRange(0x2000, 0x200A)
.addRange(0x2028, 0x2029)],
['S', regenerate()
.addRange(0x0, 0x8)
.addRange(0xE, 0x1F)
.addRange(0x21, 0x9F)
.addRange(0xA1, 0x167F)
.addRange(0x1681, 0x1FFF)
.addRange(0x200B, 0x2027)
.addRange(0x202A, 0x202E)
.addRange(0x2030, 0x205E)
.addRange(0x2060, 0x2FFF)
.addRange(0x3001, 0xFEFE)
.addRange(0xFF00, 0x10FFFF)],
['w', regenerate(0x5F, 0x17F, 0x212A)
.addRange(0x30, 0x39)
.addRange(0x41, 0x5A)
.addRange(0x61, 0x7A)],
['W', regenerate(0x60)
.addRange(0x0, 0x2F)
.addRange(0x3A, 0x40)
.addRange(0x5B, 0x5E)
.addRange(0x7B, 0x17E)
.addRange(0x180, 0x2129)
.addRange(0x212B, 0x10FFFF)]
var characterClassEscapeSets = {
var rewritePattern_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
var generate = regjsgen.generate;
var parse = parser.parse;
// Prepare a Regenerate set containing all code points, used for negative
// character classes (if any).
var UNICODE_SET = regenerate().addRange(0x0, 0x10FFFF);
// Without the `u` flag, the range stops at 0xFFFF.
var BMP_SET = regenerate().addRange(0x0, 0xFFFF);
// Prepare a Regenerate set containing all code points that are supposed to be
// matched by `/./u`.
var DOT_SET_UNICODE = UNICODE_SET.clone() // all Unicode code points
// minus `LineTerminator`s (
0x000A, // Line Feed
0x000D, // Carriage Return
0x2028, // Line Separator
0x2029 // Paragraph Separator
// Prepare a Regenerate set containing all code points that are supposed to be
// matched by `/./` (only BMP code points).
var getCharacterClassEscapeSet = function (character, unicode, ignoreCase) {
if (unicode) {
if (ignoreCase) {
return characterClassEscapeSets.UNICODE_IGNORE_CASE.get(character);
return characterClassEscapeSets.UNICODE.get(character);
return characterClassEscapeSets.REGULAR.get(character);
var getDotSet = function (unicode, dotAll) {
if (dotAll) {
return unicode ? UNICODE_SET : BMP_SET;
return unicode ? DOT_SET_UNICODE : DOT_SET;
var getUnicodePropertyValueSet = function (property, value) {
var path = value ?
(property + "/" + value) :
("Binary_Property/" + property);
try {
return commonjsRequire(("regenerate-unicode-properties/" + path + ".js"));
} catch (exception) {
throw new Error(
"Failed to recognize value `" + value + "` for property " +
"`" + property + "`."
var handleLoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue = function (value) {
// It could be a `General_Category` value or a binary property.
// Note: `unicodeMatchPropertyValue` throws on invalid values.
try {
var property$1 = 'General_Category';
var category = unicodeMatchPropertyValueEcmascript(property$1, value);
return getUnicodePropertyValueSet(property$1, category);
} catch (exception) {}
// It’s not a `General_Category` value, so check if it’s a binary
// property. Note: `unicodeMatchProperty` throws on invalid properties.
var property = unicodeMatchPropertyEcmascript(value);
return getUnicodePropertyValueSet(property);
var getUnicodePropertyEscapeSet = function (value, isNegative) {
var parts = value.split('=');
var firstPart = parts[0];
var set;
if (parts.length == 1) {
set = handleLoneUnicodePropertyNameOrValue(firstPart);
} else {
// The pattern consists of two parts, i.e. `Property=Value`.
var property = unicodeMatchPropertyEcmascript(firstPart);
var value$1 = unicodeMatchPropertyValueEcmascript(property, parts[1]);
set = getUnicodePropertyValueSet(property, value$1);
if (isNegative) {
return UNICODE_SET.clone().remove(set);
return set.clone();
// Given a range of code points, add any case-folded code points in that range
// to a set.
regenerate.prototype.iuAddRange = function(min, max) {
var $this = this;
do {
var folded = caseFold(min);
if (folded) {
} while (++min <= max);
return $this;
var update = function (item, pattern) {
var tree = parse(pattern, config.useUnicodeFlag ? 'u' : '');
switch (tree.type) {
case 'characterClass':
case 'group':
case 'value':
// No wrapping needed.
// Wrap the pattern in a non-capturing group.
tree = wrap(tree, pattern);
Object.assign(item, tree);
var wrap = function (tree, pattern) {
// Wrap the pattern in a non-capturing group.
return {
'type': 'group',
'behavior': 'ignore',
'body': [tree],
'raw': ("(?:" + pattern + ")")
var caseFold = function (codePoint) {
return iuMappings.get(codePoint) || false;
var processCharacterClass = function (characterClassItem, regenerateOptions) {
var set = regenerate();
for (var i = 0, list = characterClassItem.body; i < list.length; i += 1) {
var item = list[i];
switch (item.type) {
case 'value':
if (config.ignoreCase && config.unicode && !config.useUnicodeFlag) {
var folded = caseFold(item.codePoint);
if (folded) {
case 'characterClassRange':
var min = item.min.codePoint;
var max = item.max.codePoint;
set.addRange(min, max);
if (config.ignoreCase && config.unicode && !config.useUnicodeFlag) {
set.iuAddRange(min, max);
case 'characterClassEscape':
case 'unicodePropertyEscape':
set.add(getUnicodePropertyEscapeSet(item.value, item.negative));
// The `default` clause is only here as a safeguard; it should never be
// reached. Code coverage tools should ignore it.
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error(("Unknown term type: " + (item.type)));
if (characterClassItem.negative) {
set = (config.unicode ? UNICODE_SET : BMP_SET).clone().remove(set);
update(characterClassItem, set.toString(regenerateOptions));
return characterClassItem;
var processTerm = function (item, regenerateOptions) {
switch (item.type) {
case 'dot':
getDotSet(config.unicode, config.dotAll).toString(regenerateOptions)
case 'characterClass':
item = processCharacterClass(item, regenerateOptions);
case 'unicodePropertyEscape':
getUnicodePropertyEscapeSet(item.value, item.negative)
case 'characterClassEscape':
case 'alternative':
case 'disjunction':
case 'group':
case 'quantifier':
item.body = (term) {
return processTerm(term, regenerateOptions);
case 'value':
var codePoint = item.codePoint;
var set = regenerate(codePoint);
if (config.ignoreCase && config.unicode && !config.useUnicodeFlag) {
var folded = caseFold(codePoint);
if (folded) {
update(item, set.toString(regenerateOptions));
case 'anchor':
case 'empty':
case 'group':
case 'reference':
// Nothing to do here.
// The `default` clause is only here as a safeguard; it should never be
// reached. Code coverage tools should ignore it.
/* istanbul ignore next */
throw new Error(("Unknown term type: " + (item.type)));
return item;
var config = {
'ignoreCase': false,
'unicode': false,
'dotAll': false,
'useUnicodeFlag': false
var rewritePattern = function (pattern, flags, options) {
var regjsparserFeatures = {
'unicodePropertyEscape': options && options.unicodePropertyEscape
config.ignoreCase = flags && flags.includes('i');
config.unicode = flags && flags.includes('u');
var supportDotAllFlag = options && options.dotAllFlag;
config.dotAll = supportDotAllFlag && flags && flags.includes('s');
config.useUnicodeFlag = options && options.useUnicodeFlag;
var regenerateOptions = {
'hasUnicodeFlag': config.useUnicodeFlag,
'bmpOnly': !config.unicode
var tree = parse(pattern, flags, regjsparserFeatures);
// Note: `processTerm` mutates `tree`.
processTerm(tree, regenerateOptions);
return generate(tree);
module.exports = rewritePattern;
var Literal = (function (Node$$1) {
function Literal () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) Literal.__proto__ = Node$$1;
Literal.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
Literal.prototype.constructor = Literal;
Literal.prototype.initialise = function initialise () {
if (typeof this.value === 'string') {
Literal.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (transforms.numericLiteral) {
var leading = this.raw.slice(0, 2);
if (leading === '0b' || leading === '0o') {
code.overwrite(this.start, this.end, String(this.value), {
storeName: true,
contentOnly: true
if (this.regex) {
var ref = this.regex;
var pattern = ref.pattern;
var flags = ref.flags;
if (transforms.stickyRegExp && /y/.test(flags))
{ throw new CompileError(
'Regular expression sticky flag is not supported',
); }
if (transforms.unicodeRegExp && /u/.test(flags)) {
("/" + (rewritePattern_1(pattern, flags)) + "/" + (flags.replace('u', ''))),
contentOnly: true
return Literal;
var MemberExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function MemberExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) MemberExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
MemberExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
MemberExpression.prototype.constructor = MemberExpression;
MemberExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (transforms.reservedProperties && reserved[]) {
code.overwrite(this.object.end,, "['");
code.appendLeft(, "']");
Node$$, code, transforms);
return MemberExpression;
var NewExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function NewExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) NewExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
NewExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
NewExpression.prototype.constructor = NewExpression;
NewExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
if (transforms.spreadRest && this.arguments.length) {
var lexicalBoundary = this.findLexicalBoundary();
var i = this.arguments.length;
while (i--) {
var arg = this$1.arguments[i];
if (arg.type === 'SpreadElement' && isArguments(arg.argument)) {
this$1.argumentsArrayAlias = lexicalBoundary.getArgumentsArrayAlias();
Node$$, transforms);
NewExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
Node$$, code, transforms);
if (transforms.spreadRest && this.arguments.length) {
var firstArgument = this.arguments[0];
var isNew = true;
var hasSpreadElements = spread(
if (hasSpreadElements) {
this.start + 'new'.length,
' (Function.prototype.bind.apply('
', [ null ].concat( '
code.appendLeft(this.end, ' ))');
if (this.arguments.length) {
removeTrailingComma(code, this.arguments[this.arguments.length - 1].end);
return NewExpression;
var ObjectExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function ObjectExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ObjectExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ObjectExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ObjectExpression.prototype.constructor = ObjectExpression;
ObjectExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
Node$$, code, transforms);
var firstPropertyStart = this.start + 1;
var regularPropertyCount = 0;
var spreadPropertyCount = 0;
var computedPropertyCount = 0;
var firstSpreadProperty = null;
var firstComputedProperty = null;
for (var i = 0; i <; ++i) {
var prop = this$[i];
if (prop.type === 'SpreadElement') {
spreadPropertyCount += 1;
if (firstSpreadProperty === null) { firstSpreadProperty = i; }
} else if (prop.computed) {
computedPropertyCount += 1;
if (firstComputedProperty === null) { firstComputedProperty = i; }
} else if (prop.type === 'Property') {
regularPropertyCount += 1;
if (spreadPropertyCount) {
if (!this.program.options.objectAssign) {
throw new CompileError(
"Object spread operator requires specified objectAssign option with 'Object.assign' or polyfill helper.",
// enclose run of non-spread properties in curlies
var i$1 =;
if (regularPropertyCount && !computedPropertyCount) {
while (i$1--) {
var prop$1 = this$[i$1];
if (prop$1.type === 'Property' && !prop$1.computed) {
var lastProp = this$[i$1 - 1];
var nextProp = this$[i$1 + 1];
if (
!lastProp ||
lastProp.type !== 'Property' ||
) {
code.prependRight(prop$1.start, '{');
if (
!nextProp ||
nextProp.type !== 'Property' ||
) {
code.appendLeft(prop$1.end, '}');
// wrap the whole thing in Object.assign
firstPropertyStart =[0].start;
if (!computedPropertyCount) {
((this.program.options.objectAssign) + "({}, ")
code.overwrite([ - 1].end,
} else if ([0].type === 'SpreadElement') {
((this.program.options.objectAssign) + "({}, ")
code.remove(this.end - 1, this.end);
code.appendRight(this.end, ')');
} else {
code.prependLeft(this.start, ((this.program.options.objectAssign) + "("));
code.appendRight(this.end, ')');
if (computedPropertyCount && transforms.computedProperty) {
var i0 = this.getIndentation();
var isSimpleAssignment;
var name;
if (
this.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator' &&
this.parent.parent.declarations.length === 1 && === 'Identifier'
) {
isSimpleAssignment = true;
name = ||; // TODO is this right?
} else if (
this.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression' &&
this.parent.parent.type === 'ExpressionStatement' &&
this.parent.left.type === 'Identifier'
) {
isSimpleAssignment = true;
name = this.parent.left.alias ||; // TODO is this right?
} else if (
this.parent.type === 'AssignmentPattern' &&
this.parent.left.type === 'Identifier'
) {
isSimpleAssignment = true;
name = this.parent.left.alias ||; // TODO is this right?
if (spreadPropertyCount) { isSimpleAssignment = false; }
// handle block scoping
name = this.findScope(false).resolveName(name);
var start = firstPropertyStart;
var end = this.end;
if (isSimpleAssignment) {
// ???
} else {
if (
firstSpreadProperty === null ||
firstComputedProperty < firstSpreadProperty
) {
name = this.findScope(true).createDeclaration('obj');
code.prependRight(this.start, ("( " + name + " = "));
} else { name = null; } // We don't actually need this variable
var len =;
var lastComputedProp;
var sawNonComputedProperty = false;
var isFirst = true;
for (var i$2 = 0; i$2 < len; i$2 += 1) {
var prop$2 = this$[i$2];
var moveStart = i$2 > 0 ? this$[i$2 - 1].end : start;
if (
prop$2.type === 'Property' &&
(prop$2.computed || (lastComputedProp && !spreadPropertyCount))
) {
if (i$2 === 0) { moveStart = this$1.start + 1; } // Trim leading whitespace
lastComputedProp = prop$2;
if (!name) {
name = this$1.findScope(true).createDeclaration('obj');
var propId = name + (prop$2.computed ? '' : '.');
code.appendRight(prop$2.start, ("( " + name + " = {}, " + propId));
} else {
var propId$1 =
(isSimpleAssignment ? (";\n" + i0 + name) : (", " + name)) +
(prop$2.key.type === 'Literal' || prop$2.computed ? '' : '.');
if (moveStart < prop$2.start) {
code.overwrite(moveStart, prop$2.start, propId$1);
} else {
code.prependRight(prop$2.start, propId$1);
var c = prop$2.key.end;
if (prop$2.computed) {
while (code.original[c] !== ']') { c += 1; }
c += 1;
if (prop$2.key.type === 'Literal' && !prop$2.computed) {
prop$2.key.end + 1,
'[' + code.slice(prop$2.start, prop$2.key.end) + '] = '
} else if (prop$2.shorthand || (prop$2.method && !prop$2.computed && transforms.conciseMethodProperty)) {
// Replace : with = if Property::transpile inserted the :
code.slice(prop$2.key.start, prop$2.key.end).replace(/:/, ' =')
} else {
if (prop$2.value.start > c) { code.remove(c, prop$2.value.start); }
code.prependLeft(c, ' = ');
// This duplicates behavior from Property::transpile which is disabled
// for computed properties or if conciseMethodProperty is false
if (prop$2.method && (prop$2.computed || !transforms.conciseMethodProperty)) {
if (prop$2.value.generator) { code.remove(prop$2.start, prop$2.key.start); }
code.prependRight(prop$2.value.start, ("function" + (prop$2.value.generator ? '*' : '') + " "));
} else if (prop$2.type === 'SpreadElement') {
if (name && i$2 > 0) {
if (!lastComputedProp) {
lastComputedProp = this$[i$2 - 1];
code.appendLeft(lastComputedProp.end, (", " + name + " )"));
lastComputedProp = null;
name = null;
} else {
if (!isFirst && spreadPropertyCount) {
// We are in an Object.assign context, so we need to wrap regular properties
code.prependRight(prop$2.start, '{');
code.appendLeft(prop$2.end, '}');
sawNonComputedProperty = true;
if (isFirst && (prop$2.type === 'SpreadElement' || prop$2.computed)) {
var beginEnd = sawNonComputedProperty
? this$[this$ - 1].end
: this$1.end - 1;
// Trim trailing comma because it can easily become a leading comma which is illegal
if (code.original[beginEnd] == ',') { ++beginEnd; }
var closing = code.slice(beginEnd, end);
code.prependLeft(moveStart, closing);
code.remove(beginEnd, end);
isFirst = false;
// Clean up some extranous whitespace
var c$1 = prop$2.end;
if (i$2 < len - 1 && !sawNonComputedProperty) {
while (code.original[c$1] !== ',') { c$1 += 1; }
} else if (i$2 == len - 1) { c$1 = this$1.end; }
code.remove(prop$2.end, c$1);
// special case
if (computedPropertyCount === len) {
code.remove([len - 1].end, this.end - 1);
if (!isSimpleAssignment && name) {
code.appendLeft(lastComputedProp.end, (", " + name + " )"));
return ObjectExpression;
var Property = (function (Node$$1) {
function Property () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) Property.__proto__ = Node$$1;
Property.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
Property.prototype.constructor = Property;
Property.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
Node$$, code, transforms);
if (
transforms.conciseMethodProperty &&
!this.computed &&
this.parent.type !== 'ObjectPattern'
) {
if (this.shorthand) {
code.prependRight(this.start, (( + ": "));
} else if (this.method) {
var name = '';
if (this.program.options.namedFunctionExpressions !== false) {
if (
this.key.type === 'Literal' &&
typeof this.key.value === 'number'
) {
name = '';
} else if (this.key.type === 'Identifier') {
if (
reserved[] ||
!/^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/i.test( ||
) {
name = this.findScope(true).createIdentifier(;
} else {
name =;
} else {
name = this.findScope(true).createIdentifier(this.key.value);
name = ' ' + name;
if (this.value.generator) { code.remove(this.start, this.key.start); }
(": function" + (this.value.generator ? '*' : '') + name)
if (transforms.reservedProperties && reserved[]) {
code.prependRight(this.key.start, "'");
code.appendLeft(this.key.end, "'");
return Property;
var ReturnStatement = (function (Node$$1) {
function ReturnStatement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ReturnStatement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ReturnStatement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ReturnStatement.prototype.constructor = ReturnStatement;
ReturnStatement.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
this.loop = this.findNearest(loopStatement);
this.nearestFunction = this.findNearest(/Function/);
if (
this.loop &&
(!this.nearestFunction || this.loop.depth > this.nearestFunction.depth)
) {
this.loop.canReturn = true;
this.shouldWrap = true;
if (this.argument) { this.argument.initialise(transforms); }
ReturnStatement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var shouldWrap =
this.shouldWrap && this.loop && this.loop.shouldRewriteAsFunction;
if (this.argument) {
if (shouldWrap) { code.prependRight(this.argument.start, "{ v: "); }
this.argument.transpile(code, transforms);
if (shouldWrap) { code.appendLeft(this.argument.end, " }"); }
} else if (shouldWrap) {
code.appendLeft(this.start + 6, ' {}');
return ReturnStatement;
var SpreadElement = (function (Node$$1) {
function SpreadElement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) SpreadElement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
SpreadElement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
SpreadElement.prototype.constructor = SpreadElement;
SpreadElement.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (this.parent.type == 'ObjectExpression') {
code.remove(this.start, this.argument.start);
code.remove(this.argument.end, this.end);
Node$$, code, transforms);
return SpreadElement;
var Super = (function (Node$$1) {
function Super () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) Super.__proto__ = Node$$1;
Super.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
Super.prototype.constructor = Super;
Super.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (transforms.classes) {
this.method = this.findNearest('MethodDefinition');
if (!this.method)
{ throw new CompileError('use of super outside class method', this); }
var parentClass = this.findNearest('ClassBody').parent;
this.superClassName =
parentClass.superClass && ( || 'superclass');
if (!this.superClassName)
{ throw new CompileError('super used in base class', this); }
this.isCalled =
this.parent.type === 'CallExpression' && this === this.parent.callee;
if (this.method.kind !== 'constructor' && this.isCalled) {
throw new CompileError(
'super() not allowed outside class constructor',
this.isMember = this.parent.type === 'MemberExpression';
if (!this.isCalled && !this.isMember) {
throw new CompileError(
'Unexpected use of `super` (expected `super(...)` or `super.*`)',
if (transforms.arrow) {
var lexicalBoundary = this.findLexicalBoundary();
var arrowFunction = this.findNearest('ArrowFunctionExpression');
var loop = this.findNearest(loopStatement);
if (arrowFunction && arrowFunction.depth > lexicalBoundary.depth) {
this.thisAlias = lexicalBoundary.getThisAlias();
if (
loop &&
loop.body.contains(this) &&
loop.depth > lexicalBoundary.depth
) {
this.thisAlias = lexicalBoundary.getThisAlias();
Super.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (transforms.classes) {
var expression =
this.isCalled || this.method.static
? this.superClassName
: ((this.superClassName) + ".prototype");
code.overwrite(this.start, this.end, expression, {
storeName: true,
contentOnly: true
var callExpression = this.isCalled ? this.parent : this.parent.parent;
if (callExpression && callExpression.type === 'CallExpression') {
if (!this.noCall) {
// special case – `super( ...args )`
code.appendLeft(callExpression.callee.end, '.call');
var thisAlias = this.thisAlias || 'this';
if (callExpression.arguments.length) {
code.appendLeft(callExpression.arguments[0].start, (thisAlias + ", "));
} else {
code.appendLeft(callExpression.end - 1, ("" + thisAlias));
return Super;
var TaggedTemplateExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function TaggedTemplateExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) TaggedTemplateExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
TaggedTemplateExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
TaggedTemplateExpression.prototype.constructor = TaggedTemplateExpression;
TaggedTemplateExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (
transforms.templateString &&
) {
throw new CompileError(
"Tagged template strings are not supported. Use `transforms: { templateString: false }` to skip transformation and disable this error, or `transforms: { dangerousTaggedTemplateString: true }` if you know what you're doing",
Node$$, transforms);
TaggedTemplateExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (transforms.templateString && transforms.dangerousTaggedTemplateString) {
var ordered = this.quasi.expressions
.sort(function (a, b) { return a.start - b.start; });
var program = this.program;
var rootScope = program.body.scope;
// insert strings at start
var templateStrings = (quasi) { return JSON.stringify(quasi.value.cooked); }
).join(', ');
var templateObject = this.program.templateLiteralQuasis[templateStrings];
if (!templateObject) {
templateObject = rootScope.createIdentifier('templateObject');
code.prependRight(this.program.prependAt, ("var " + templateObject + " = Object.freeze([" + templateStrings + "]);\n"));
this.program.templateLiteralQuasis[templateStrings] = templateObject;
("(" + templateObject)
var lastIndex = ordered[0].start;
ordered.forEach(function (node) {
if (node.type === 'TemplateElement') {
code.remove(lastIndex, node.end);
} else {
code.overwrite(lastIndex, node.start, ', ');
lastIndex = node.end;
code.overwrite(lastIndex, this.end, ')');
Node$$, code, transforms);
return TaggedTemplateExpression;
var TemplateElement = (function (Node$$1) {
function TemplateElement () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) TemplateElement.__proto__ = Node$$1;
TemplateElement.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
TemplateElement.prototype.constructor = TemplateElement;
TemplateElement.prototype.initialise = function initialise () {
return TemplateElement;
var TemplateLiteral = (function (Node$$1) {
function TemplateLiteral () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) TemplateLiteral.__proto__ = Node$$1;
TemplateLiteral.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
TemplateLiteral.prototype.constructor = TemplateLiteral;
TemplateLiteral.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
Node$$, code, transforms);
if (
transforms.templateString &&
this.parent.type !== 'TaggedTemplateExpression'
) {
var ordered = this.expressions
.sort(function (a, b) { return a.start - b.start || a.end - b.end; })
.filter(function (node, i) {
// include all expressions
if (node.type !== 'TemplateElement') { return true; }
// include all non-empty strings
if (node.value.raw) { return true; }
// exclude all empty strings not at the head
return !i;
// special case – we may be able to skip the first element,
// if it's the empty string, but only if the second and
// third elements aren't both expressions (since they maybe
// be numeric, and `1 + 2 + '3' === '33'`)
if (ordered.length >= 3) {
var first = ordered[0];
var third = ordered[2];
if (
first.type === 'TemplateElement' &&
first.value.raw === '' &&
third.type === 'TemplateElement'
) {
var parenthesise =
(this.quasis.length !== 1 || this.expressions.length !== 0) &&
this.parent.type !== 'TemplateLiteral' &&
this.parent.type !== 'AssignmentExpression' &&
this.parent.type !== 'AssignmentPattern' &&
this.parent.type !== 'VariableDeclarator' &&
(this.parent.type !== 'BinaryExpression' ||
this.parent.operator !== '+');
if (parenthesise) { code.appendRight(this.start, '('); }
var lastIndex = this.start;
ordered.forEach(function (node, i) {
var prefix = i === 0 ? (parenthesise ? '(' : '') : ' + ';
if (node.type === 'TemplateElement') {
prefix + JSON.stringify(node.value.cooked)
} else {
var parenthesise$1 = node.type !== 'Identifier'; // TODO other cases where it's safe
if (parenthesise$1) { prefix += '('; }
code.remove(lastIndex, node.start);
if (prefix) { code.prependRight(node.start, prefix); }
if (parenthesise$1) { code.appendLeft(node.end, ')'); }
lastIndex = node.end;
if (parenthesise) { code.appendLeft(lastIndex, ')'); }
code.overwrite(lastIndex, this.end, "", { contentOnly: true } );
return TemplateLiteral;
var ThisExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function ThisExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) ThisExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
ThisExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
ThisExpression.prototype.constructor = ThisExpression;
ThisExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (transforms.arrow) {
var lexicalBoundary = this.findLexicalBoundary();
var arrowFunction = this.findNearest('ArrowFunctionExpression');
var loop = this.findNearest(loopStatement);
if (
(arrowFunction && arrowFunction.depth > lexicalBoundary.depth) ||
(loop &&
loop.body.contains(this) &&
loop.depth > lexicalBoundary.depth) ||
(loop && loop.right && loop.right.contains(this))
) {
this.alias = lexicalBoundary.getThisAlias();
ThisExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code) {
if (this.alias) {
code.overwrite(this.start, this.end, this.alias, {
storeName: true,
contentOnly: true
return ThisExpression;
var UpdateExpression = (function (Node$$1) {
function UpdateExpression () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) UpdateExpression.__proto__ = Node$$1;
UpdateExpression.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
UpdateExpression.prototype.constructor = UpdateExpression;
UpdateExpression.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
if (this.argument.type === 'Identifier') {
var declaration = this.findScope(false).findDeclaration(
// special case –
var statement = declaration && declaration.node.ancestor(3);
if (
statement &&
statement.type === 'ForStatement' &&
) {
statement.reassigned[] = true;
Node$$, transforms);
UpdateExpression.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (this.argument.type === 'Identifier') {
// Do this check after everything has been initialized to find
// shadowing declarations after this expression
checkConst(this.argument, this.findScope(false));
Node$$, code, transforms);
return UpdateExpression;
var VariableDeclaration = (function (Node$$1) {
function VariableDeclaration () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) VariableDeclaration.__proto__ = Node$$1;
VariableDeclaration.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
VariableDeclaration.prototype.constructor = VariableDeclaration;
VariableDeclaration.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
this.scope = this.findScope(this.kind === 'var');
this.declarations.forEach(function (declarator) { return declarator.initialise(transforms); });
VariableDeclaration.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
var this$1 = this;
var i0 = this.getIndentation();
var kind = this.kind;
if (transforms.letConst && kind !== 'var') {
kind = 'var';
code.overwrite(this.start, this.start + this.kind.length, kind, {
storeName: true
if (transforms.destructuring && this.parent.type !== 'ForOfStatement' && this.parent.type !== 'ForInStatement') {
var c = this.start;
var lastDeclaratorIsPattern;
this.declarations.forEach(function (declarator, i) {
declarator.transpile(code, transforms);
if ( === 'Identifier') {
if (i > 0 && this$1.declarations[i - 1].id.type !== 'Identifier') {
code.overwrite(c,, "var ");
} else {
var inline = loopStatement.test(this$1.parent.type);
if (i === 0) {
} else {
code.overwrite(c,, (";\n" + i0));
var simple =
declarator.init.type === 'Identifier' && !declarator.init.rewritten;
var name = simple
? (declarator.init.alias ||
: declarator.findScope(true).createIdentifier('ref');
c = declarator.start;
var statementGenerators = [];
if (simple) {
code.remove(, declarator.end);
} else {
statementGenerators.push(function (start, prefix, suffix) {
code.prependRight(, ("var " + name));
code.appendLeft(declarator.init.end, ("" + suffix));
code.move(, declarator.end, start);
var scope = declarator.findScope(false);
function (id) { return scope.createIdentifier(id); },
function (ref) {
var name =;
return scope.resolveName(name);
var prefix = inline ? 'var ' : '';
var suffix = inline ? ", " : (";\n" + i0);
statementGenerators.forEach(function (fn, j) {
if (
i === this$1.declarations.length - 1 &&
j === statementGenerators.length - 1
) {
suffix = inline ? '' : ';';
fn(declarator.start, j === 0 ? prefix : '', suffix);
c = declarator.end;
lastDeclaratorIsPattern = !== 'Identifier';
if (lastDeclaratorIsPattern && this.end > c) {
code.overwrite(c, this.end, '', { contentOnly: true });
} else {
this.declarations.forEach(function (declarator) {
declarator.transpile(code, transforms);
return VariableDeclaration;
var VariableDeclarator = (function (Node$$1) {
function VariableDeclarator () {
Node$$1.apply(this, arguments);
if ( Node$$1 ) VariableDeclarator.__proto__ = Node$$1;
VariableDeclarator.prototype = Object.create( Node$$1 && Node$$1.prototype );
VariableDeclarator.prototype.constructor = VariableDeclarator;
VariableDeclarator.prototype.initialise = function initialise (transforms) {
var kind = this.parent.kind;
if (kind === 'let' && this.parent.parent.type === 'ForStatement') {
kind = 'for.let'; // special case...
this.parent.scope.addDeclaration(, kind);
Node$$, transforms);
VariableDeclarator.prototype.transpile = function transpile (code, transforms) {
if (!this.init && transforms.letConst && this.parent.kind !== 'var') {
var inLoop = this.findNearest(
if (
inLoop &&
!/Function/.test(inLoop.type) &&
) {
code.appendLeft(, ' = (void 0)');
if ( {, transforms); }
if (this.init) { this.init.transpile(code, transforms); }
VariableDeclarator.prototype.isLeftDeclaratorOfLoop = function isLeftDeclaratorOfLoop () {
return (
this.parent &&
this.parent.type === 'VariableDeclaration' &&
this.parent.parent &&
(this.parent.parent.type === 'ForInStatement' ||
this.parent.parent.type === 'ForOfStatement') &&
this.parent.parent.left &&
this.parent.parent.left.declarations[0] === this
return VariableDeclarator;
var types = {
ArrayExpression: ArrayExpression,
ArrowFunctionExpression: ArrowFunctionExpression,
AssignmentExpression: AssignmentExpression,
BinaryExpression: BinaryExpression,
BreakStatement: BreakStatement,
CallExpression: CallExpression,
ClassBody: ClassBody,
ClassDeclaration: ClassDeclaration,
ClassExpression: ClassExpression,
ContinueStatement: ContinueStatement,
DoWhileStatement: LoopStatement,
ExportNamedDeclaration: ExportNamedDeclaration,
ExportDefaultDeclaration: ExportDefaultDeclaration,
ForStatement: ForStatement,
ForInStatement: ForInStatement,
ForOfStatement: ForOfStatement,
FunctionDeclaration: FunctionDeclaration,
FunctionExpression: FunctionExpression,
Identifier: Identifier,
IfStatement: IfStatement,
ImportDeclaration: ImportDeclaration,
ImportDefaultSpecifier: ImportDefaultSpecifier,
ImportSpecifier: ImportSpecifier,
JSXAttribute: JSXAttribute,
JSXClosingElement: JSXClosingElement,
JSXClosingFragment: JSXClosingFragment,
JSXElement: JSXElement,
JSXExpressionContainer: JSXExpressionContainer,
JSXFragment: JSXFragment,
JSXOpeningElement: JSXOpeningElement,
JSXOpeningFragment: JSXOpeningFragment,
JSXSpreadAttribute: JSXSpreadAttribute,
Literal: Literal,
MemberExpression: MemberExpression,
NewExpression: NewExpression,
ObjectExpression: ObjectExpression,
Property: Property,
ReturnStatement: ReturnStatement,
SpreadElement: SpreadElement,
Super: Super,
TaggedTemplateExpression: TaggedTemplateExpression,
TemplateElement: TemplateElement,
TemplateLiteral: TemplateLiteral,
ThisExpression: ThisExpression,
UpdateExpression: UpdateExpression,
VariableDeclaration: VariableDeclaration,
VariableDeclarator: VariableDeclarator,
WhileStatement: LoopStatement
var keys = {
Program: ['body'],
Literal: []
var statementsWithBlocks = {
IfStatement: 'consequent',
ForStatement: 'body',
ForInStatement: 'body',
ForOfStatement: 'body',
WhileStatement: 'body',
DoWhileStatement: 'body',
ArrowFunctionExpression: 'body'
function wrap(raw, parent) {
if (!raw) { return; }
if ('length' in raw) {
var i = raw.length;
while (i--) { wrap(raw[i], parent); }
// with e.g. shorthand properties, key and value are
// the same node. We don't want to wrap an object twice
if (raw.__wrapped) { return; }
raw.__wrapped = true;
if (!keys[raw.type]) {
keys[raw.type] = Object.keys(raw).filter(
function (key) { return typeof raw[key] === 'object'; }
// special case – body-less if/for/while statements. TODO others?
var bodyType = statementsWithBlocks[raw.type];
if (bodyType && raw[bodyType].type !== 'BlockStatement') {
var expression = raw[bodyType];
// create a synthetic block statement, otherwise all hell
// breaks loose when it comes to block scoping
raw[bodyType] = {
start: expression.start,
end: expression.end,
type: 'BlockStatement',
body: [expression],
synthetic: true
raw.parent = parent;
raw.program = parent.program || parent;
raw.depth = parent.depth + 1;
raw.keys = keys[raw.type];
raw.indentation = undefined;
for (var i$1 = 0, list = keys[raw.type]; i$1 < list.length; i$1 += 1) {
var key = list[i$1];
wrap(raw[key], raw);
var type =
(raw.type === 'BlockStatement' ? BlockStatement : types[raw.type]) || Node;
raw.__proto__ = type.prototype;
function Program(source, ast, transforms, options) {
var this$1 = this;
this.type = 'Root';
// options
this.jsx = options.jsx || 'React.createElement';
this.options = options;
this.source = source;
this.magicString = new MagicString(source);
this.ast = ast;
this.depth = 0;
wrap((this.body = ast), this);
this.body.__proto__ = BlockStatement.prototype;
this.templateLiteralQuasis = Object.create(null);
for (var i = 0; i < this.body.body.length; ++i) {
if (!this$1.body.body[i].directive) {
this$1.prependAt = this$1.body.body[i].start;
this.objectWithoutPropertiesHelper = null;
this.indentExclusionElements = [];
this.indentExclusions = Object.create(null);
for (var i$2 = 0, list = this$1.indentExclusionElements; i$2 < list.length; i$2 += 1) {
var node = list[i$2];
for (var i$1 = node.start; i$1 < node.end; i$1 += 1) {
this$1.indentExclusions[i$1] = true;
this.body.transpile(this.magicString, transforms);
Program.prototype = {
export: function export$1(options) {
if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};
return {
code: this.magicString.toString(),
map: this.magicString.generateMap({
file: options.file,
source: options.source,
includeContent: options.includeContent !== false
findNearest: function findNearest() {
return null;
findScope: function findScope() {
return null;
getObjectWithoutPropertiesHelper: function getObjectWithoutPropertiesHelper(code) {
if (!this.objectWithoutPropertiesHelper) {
this.objectWithoutPropertiesHelper = this.body.scope.createIdentifier('objectWithoutProperties');
code.prependLeft(this.prependAt, "function " + (this.objectWithoutPropertiesHelper) + " (obj, exclude) { " +
"var target = {}; for (var k in obj) " +
"if (, k) && exclude.indexOf(k) === -1) " +
"target[k] = obj[k]; return target; }\n"
return this.objectWithoutPropertiesHelper;
var matrix = {
chrome: {
48: 305357,
49: 326143,
50: 391679,
51: 391679,
52: 522751,
53: 522751,
54: 522751,
55: 522751,
56: 522751,
57: 522751,
58: 1047039,
59: 1047039,
60: 1047039,
61: 1047039,
62: 1047039,
63: 1047039
firefox: {
43: 325853,
44: 326109,
45: 326111,
46: 391647,
47: 391679,
48: 391679,
49: 387583,
50: 387583,
51: 387583,
52: 1047039,
53: 1047039,
54: 1047039,
55: 1047039,
56: 1047039,
57: 1047039,
58: 1047039
safari: {
8: 262148,
9: 301166,
10: 915967,
'10.1': 1047039,
11: 1047039
ie: {
8: 0,
9: 262144,
10: 262144,
11: 262400
edge: {
12: 305485,
13: 387535,
14: 1042943,
15: 1042943,
16: 1042943
node: {
'0.10': 262144,
'0.12': 262208,
4: 297167,
5: 297167,
6: 391679,
8: 1047039,
'8.3': 1047039,
'8.7': 1047039
var features = [
// ES2016
// additional transforms, not from
var version = "0.19.3";
var ref = [inject, acornDynamicImport].reduce(
function (final, plugin) { return plugin(final); },
var parse = ref.parse;
var dangerousTransforms = ['dangerousTaggedTemplateString', 'dangerousForOf'];
function target(target) {
var targets = Object.keys(target);
var bitmask = targets.length
? 1048575
: 262144;
Object.keys(target).forEach(function (environment) {
var versions = matrix[environment];
if (!versions)
{ throw new Error(
("Unknown environment '" + environment + "'. Please raise an issue at")
); }
var targetVersion = target[environment];
if (!(targetVersion in versions))
{ throw new Error(
("Support data exists for the following versions of " + environment + ": " + (Object.keys(
', '
)) + ". Please raise an issue at")
); }
var support = versions[targetVersion];
bitmask &= support;
var transforms = Object.create(null);
features.forEach(function (name, i) {
transforms[name] = !(bitmask & (1 << i));
dangerousTransforms.forEach(function (name) {
transforms[name] = false;
return transforms;
function transform(source, options) {
if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};
var ast;
var jsx = null;
try {
ast = parse(source, {
ecmaVersion: 9,
preserveParens: true,
sourceType: 'module',
onComment: function (block, text) {
if (!jsx) {
var match = /@jsx\s+([^\s]+)/.exec(text);
if (match) { jsx = match[1]; }
plugins: {
jsx: true,
dynamicImport: true
options.jsx = jsx || options.jsx;
} catch (err) {
err.snippet = getSnippet(source, err.loc);
err.toString = function () { return (( + ": " + (err.message) + "\n" + (err.snippet)); };
throw err;
var transforms = target( || {});
Object.keys(options.transforms || {}).forEach(function (name) {
if (name === 'modules') {
if (!('moduleImport' in options.transforms))
{ transforms.moduleImport = options.transforms.modules; }
if (!('moduleExport' in options.transforms))
{ transforms.moduleExport = options.transforms.modules; }
if (!(name in transforms)) { throw new Error(("Unknown transform '" + name + "'")); }
transforms[name] = options.transforms[name];
return new Program(source, ast, transforms, options).export(options);
export { target, transform, version as VERSION };