require 'yard/spellcheck/checker' module YARD module Spellcheck # # Provides methods for printing the typos found in YARD Documentation. # module Printer # Highlights text HIGHLIGHT = "\e[31m\e[4m" # Unhighlights text UNHIGHLIGHT = "\e[0m" # # Prints typos in a YARD Documentation element. # # @param [YARD::Docstring, YARD::Tags::Tag] element # The element that the typos occurred in. # # @param [Set] typos # The typos that were found in the element. # def print_typos(element,typos) case element when YARD::Docstring line = if element.line_range element.line_range.first else 1 end puts "Typos in #{element.object} (#{element.object.file}:#{line})" print_text line, element, typos when YARD::Tags::Tag puts "Typos in @#{element.tag_name} #{} (#{element.object.file}:#{element.object.line})" print_text element.object.line, element.text, typos end end # # Prints text containing typos. # # @param [Integer] line_number # The line number that the text starts on. # # @param [String] text # The text to print. # # @param [Set] typos # The typos that occurred within the text. # def print_text(line_number,text,typos) # highlight the typos highlighted = text.gsub(Checker::WORD_REGEXP) do |word| if typos.include?(word) "#{HIGHLIGHT}#{word}#{UNHIGHLIGHT}" else word end end puts '' # print the lines highlighted.each_line do |line| puts " #{line_number} #{line}" line_number += 1 end puts '' end # # Prints statistics gathered by the spellchecker. # # @param [Checker] checker # The spellchecker. # def print_stats(checker) stats = checker.misspelled.sort_by { |word,count| -count } stats.each_with_index do |(word,count),index| puts " #{index + 1}. #{word} (#{count})" end end end end end