# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation" # = Active Storage \Attachment # # Attachments associate records with blobs. Usually that's a one record-many blobs relationship, # but it is possible to associate many different records with the same blob. A foreign-key constraint # on the attachments table prevents blobs from being purged if they’re still attached to any records. # # Attachments also have access to all methods from ActiveStorage::Blob. # # If you wish to preload attachments or blobs, you can use these scopes: # # # preloads attachments, their corresponding blobs, and variant records (if using `ActiveStorage.track_variants`) # User.all.with_attached_avatars # # # preloads blobs and variant records (if using `ActiveStorage.track_variants`) # User.first.avatars.with_all_variant_records class ActiveStorage::Attachment < ActiveStorage::Record ## # :method: # # Returns the associated record. belongs_to :record, polymorphic: true, touch: true ## # :method: # # Returns the associated ActiveStorage::Blob. belongs_to :blob, class_name: "ActiveStorage::Blob", autosave: true delegate_missing_to :blob delegate :signed_id, to: :blob after_create_commit :mirror_blob_later, :analyze_blob_later, :transform_variants_later after_destroy_commit :purge_dependent_blob_later ## # :singleton-method: # # Eager load all variant records on an attachment at once. # # User.first.avatars.with_all_variant_records scope :with_all_variant_records, -> { includes(blob: { variant_records: { image_attachment: :blob }, preview_image_attachment: { blob: { variant_records: { image_attachment: :blob } } } }) } # Synchronously deletes the attachment and {purges the blob}[rdoc-ref:ActiveStorage::Blob#purge]. def purge transaction do delete record.touch if record&.persisted? end blob&.purge end # Deletes the attachment and {enqueues a background job}[rdoc-ref:ActiveStorage::Blob#purge_later] to purge the blob. def purge_later transaction do delete record.touch if record&.persisted? end blob&.purge_later end # Returns an ActiveStorage::Variant or ActiveStorage::VariantWithRecord # instance for the attachment with the set of +transformations+ provided. # Example: # # avatar.variant(resize_to_limit: [100, 100]).processed.url # # or if you are using pre-defined variants: # # avatar.variant(:thumb).processed.url # # See ActiveStorage::Blob::Representable#variant for more information. # # Raises an +ArgumentError+ if +transformations+ is a +Symbol+ which is an # unknown pre-defined variant of the attachment. def variant(transformations) transformations = transformations_by_name(transformations) blob.variant(transformations) end # Returns an ActiveStorage::Preview instance for the attachment with the set # of +transformations+ provided. # Example: # # video.preview(resize_to_limit: [100, 100]).processed.url # # or if you are using pre-defined variants: # # video.preview(:thumb).processed.url # # See ActiveStorage::Blob::Representable#preview for more information. # # Raises an +ArgumentError+ if +transformations+ is a +Symbol+ which is an # unknown pre-defined variant of the attachment. def preview(transformations) transformations = transformations_by_name(transformations) blob.preview(transformations) end # Returns an ActiveStorage::Preview or an ActiveStorage::Variant for the # attachment with set of +transformations+ provided. # Example: # # avatar.representation(resize_to_limit: [100, 100]).processed.url # # or if you are using pre-defined variants: # # avatar.representation(:thumb).processed.url # # See ActiveStorage::Blob::Representable#representation for more information. # # Raises an +ArgumentError+ if +transformations+ is a +Symbol+ which is an # unknown pre-defined variant of the attachment. def representation(transformations) transformations = transformations_by_name(transformations) blob.representation(transformations) end private def analyze_blob_later blob.analyze_later unless blob.analyzed? end def mirror_blob_later blob.mirror_later end def transform_variants_later preprocessed_variations = named_variants.filter_map { |_name, named_variant| if named_variant.preprocessed?(record) named_variant.transformations end } if blob.preview_image_needed_before_processing_variants? blob.create_preview_image_later(preprocessed_variations) else preprocessed_variations.each do |transformations| blob.preprocessed(transformations) end end end def purge_dependent_blob_later blob&.purge_later if dependent == :purge_later end def dependent record.attachment_reflections[name]&.options&.fetch(:dependent, nil) end def named_variants record.attachment_reflections[name]&.named_variants end def transformations_by_name(transformations) case transformations when Symbol variant_name = transformations named_variants.fetch(variant_name) do record_model_name = record.to_model.model_name.name raise ArgumentError, "Cannot find variant :#{variant_name} for #{record_model_name}##{name}" end.transformations else transformations end end end ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks :active_storage_attachment, ActiveStorage::Attachment