require 'rails_helper' describe Curupira::RolesController do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create :user } before do login_user(user) end describe "GET index" do let!(:roles) { FactoryGirl.create_list(:role, 2) } before do get :index end it { expect(response).to be_success } it { expect(assigns(:roles).count).to eql 2 } end describe "GET show" do context "when role exists" do let!(:role) { FactoryGirl.create(:role) } it "should get show" do get :show, params: { id: role } expect(response).to be_success end it "returns role" do get :show, params: { id: user } expect(assigns(:role)).to eql role end end context "when user does not exist" do it "renders 404" do expect { get :show, params: { id: "wrong id" } }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end end end describe "GET new" do it "should get new" do get :new expect(response).to be_success end it "returns new role" do get :new expect(assigns(:role)).to be_new_record end end describe "GET edit" do context "when role exists" do let!(:role) { FactoryGirl.create(:role) } it "should get edit" do get :edit, params: { id: role } expect(response).to be_success end it "returns role" do get :edit, params: { id: role } expect(assigns(:role)).to eql role end end context "when user does not exist" do it "renders 404" do expect { get :edit, params: { id: "wrong id" } }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end end end describe "POST create" do context "when role is valid" do let!(:feature) { FactoryGirl.create(:feature, name: "Cadastrar") } let(:params) do { name: "Minha Role", authorizations_attributes: { "0": { feature_id: } } } end it "should redirect to new user" do post :create, params: { role: params } expect(flash[:notice]).to eql "Perfil criado com sucesso" end it "should redirect to new role" do post :create, params: { role: params } expect(response).to redirect_to assigns(:role) end it "creates role" do expect { post :create, params: { role: params } }.to change { Role.count }.by(1) expect(assigns[:role].name).to eql "Minha Role" expect(assigns[:role] eq("Cadastrar") end end context "when role is invalid" do let(:params) {, name: '').attributes } it "does not create user" do expect { post :create, params: { role: params } }.to change { Role.count }.by(0) end it "should render new" do post :create, params: { role: params } expect(response).to render_template :new end end end describe "PUT update" do let!(:role) { FactoryGirl.create(:role, name: 'Minha role') } context "when user is valid" do let(:params) {, name: 'Outra role').attributes } it "sets flash message" do put :update, params: { id: role, role: params } expect(flash[:notice]).to eql "Perfil atualizado com sucesso" end it "redirects to user" do put :update, params: { id: role, role: params } expect(response).to redirect_to assigns(:role) end it "updates role" do put :update, params: { id: role, role: params } expect(assigns(:role).name).to eql "Outra role" end end context "when role is invalid" do let(:params) {, name: '').attributes } it "does not create role" do put :update, params: { id: role, role: params } expect(assigns(:role) eql end it "should render edit" do put :update, params: { id: role, role: params } expect(response).to render_template :edit end end end end